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Ronny Jackson, former White House doctor, predicts Biden will resign

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Dos Equis:
All jokes and partisanship aside, do you agree or disagree with him?  And why?

Ronny Jackson, former White House doctor, predicts Biden will resign

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), the controversial former White House physician, said on Thursday that he believed President Biden would resign because of his limited cognitive abilities.

During an episode of Fox’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity criticized responses Biden gave during a CNN town hall the day before, calling some “completely incomprehensible.”

In an interview with Jackson, Hannity said that Biden would not perform well on a cognitive test, repeating a claim circulated among Republicans that the president's health is in decline.

“Donald Trump took a cognitive test. He got 30 out of 30 right. I hear it's a very difficult test. I do not think Joe Biden would do well on that test. Is that a fair assessment based on what I'm observing?” Hannity asked Jackson.

“Absolutely, Sean, and I've been saying this from the very beginning. I've been saying that something's going on here. I was saying this when he was candidate Joe Biden, and I've been saying that it's only going to get worse, and guess what. We're watching that happen right before our eyes right now,” Jackson said.

“There's something seriously going on with this man right now, and, you know, I think that he's either going to resign, they're going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues or they're going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now,” Jackson later added.

Jackson also tweeted a video of Biden answering a reporter’s question, saying, “He’s completely LOST it! Needs a cognitive exam NOW!”

Jackson, who was the White House physician for former Presidents Trump and Obama, circulated a letter in June calling on Biden to take a cognitive test to prove he was mentally fit to perform his duties as president, which was signed by more than a dozen Republicans.

However, Jackson has been steeped in controversy over comments he has made regarding Trump’s health. During a White House briefing in 2018, he called Trump’s diet “excellent” even though Trump regularly ate fast food and did not exercise.

White House officials said in May that Biden was scheduled to take an annual physical exam “later this year” and said they would make the results publicly available.

Straw Man:
Was Ronnie Jackson drunk or high when he made this idiotic claim

Is this the same Ronnie Jackson and who drank booze and popped pills WHILE ON DUTY and also harassed a female subordinate

That Ronnie Jackson ?

Coach is Back!:

--- Quote from: Straw Man on July 26, 2021, 06:37:41 PM ---Was Ronnie Jackson drunk or high when he made this idiotic claim

Is this the same Ronnie Jackson and who drank booze and popped pills WHILE ON DUTY and also harassed a female subordinate

That Ronnie Jackson ?

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Is this the same CNN that has an over 70% drop in viewership?


--- Quote from: Coach is Back! on July 26, 2021, 06:41:35 PM ---Is this the same CNN that has an over 70% drop in viewership?

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Some of that drop is because the gay clubs reopened.

Coach is Back!:

--- Quote from: SOMEPARTS on July 26, 2021, 07:34:41 PM ---
Some of that drop is because the gay clubs reopened.

--- End quote ---



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