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The wonderful part about making up stuff is you can make up anything you want.

Have a ball, dinkus.
I don't understand what you are saying
I am going to disagree and let me explain why. I do a warmup set to "failure" at the beginning of every workout. Pretty much just a lactic acid burn for example I managed 39 reps on leg extensions as my warmup set yesterday. I then banged out heavier sets of around 15-20 reps. Was I hitting absolute failure no I could have gotten another rep or 2 if I had wanted. However I do feel a couple heavy working sets is better than one light set to failure.

I mean just think about it what is better one light set to absolute failure or 5 heavy sets close to failure? The idea is to get a pump and blood and nutrients into the muscle not just to hit failure. If you hit complete failure warming up you don't have neough to hit working sets hard. Those hard working sets are better than just one set to failure.

I'm not sure which part of my post you disagree with exactly. Leg extensions is one exercise where many do go to failure because it's safe to do so as well as not as taxing as presses/squats. Doing high rep warmups is something I have done as well if I have an achy or injured part, 50-100 reps. Yeah, doing such high reps on leg ext is probably not the best growth stimulus.
I wonder if some men have done it successfully before: one day tell their wife "hey, I think you are too old, I don't want you anymore"

How would that go down ???
Yes….. always go 10 years ( or more) younger!
It took me nearly 5 years before this reality is really hitting me hard now. Now I don't really know how to get out of this. There is probably no easy way out, only very messy traumatic ways.
Yes….. always go 10 years ( or more) younger!
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Is marrying a woman your age a huge mistake?
« Last post by Grape Ape on Today at 11:17:54 AM »
The wonderful part about making up stuff is you can make up anything you want.

Have a ball, dinkus.
He doesn't look bad at all. I appreciate the amount of work he put into this.

I wonder how big it is?

you think it is a man?
He doesn't look bad at all. I appreciate the amount of work he put into this.

He wants money because he was 'forced' to watch Megan have 'sex' with another woman in a SUV

I wonder how big it is?


He would fuck him up and down.

Literally, beat the crap out of him.


I’m guessing this is code for homo talk.

In that case yes, def.

Brian, will be Willy wonka in this wrestling match.
It's me bro

One of my gym buds came up to me unsolicited of course and said... Yo man you looking more handsome with that goat brings out your facial features much better looking good bro and another told me I'm looking better like this unsolicited as well

So your gym bud not only thinks you are handsome already - he just goes right ahead and tells you you are even more handsome...?

Literally no straight man ever - EVER - told another straight man he's 'even more handsome'

Option 1 - you made this up
Option 2 - your gaydar is FUCKED

Your choice stud
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