Man good questions and points ripitup. So true there a million things to do to mix it up. Lats being a big muscle can take a lot of abuse and I also do about 16-18 sets for them. I do think pull ups are one of the best exercises for them also, I like to use a little wider than shoulder width grip for these as I feel it allows more ROM than the really wide grip pull. Offseason my BW is plenty for these but when lighter I will strap 25-45 lbs on. Man there is nothing badder than to see a woman slam out some good pull ups, alright there are things badder but its pretty bad ass
You can vary your training in lots of ways. Switching the sequence of the same exercises is a good way, lets say one time you start with rows the other start with pulls. You could do all rows or mostly rows, all pulls, lighter fast paced pumping, hard heavy longer rest sets, less sets, more sets. one arm-two arms, I usually decide what I'm gonna do as I go and as what equipment is available.
I have said before one of the routines I did for a while when younger was just 6 work sets each of pull ups and BB bent rows. It was a good routine I thought cause it hit the whole back with the 2 best back exercises IMO.
Hand position should also be considered. I always use a thumbless grip (false grip) for back work as it helps get get the biceps out of the exercises some. a pronated grip will less involve your bis, the neutral grip and the supinated (reverse grip) more so but the are all also good ways to vary your training.
I have and still do train back heavy, but am now trying to still keep it heavy but feel the exercise more. Have gone up to 315 on these BB rows but the form was not pretty and it felt like my back was gonna shear off at the spine
225 feels good and I can get a good squeeze at the top, so I'm sticking with that weight for a while, to see how it works. Feels good to hold the pause at the top for a second. The t-bar is also great. I like to pull the weight to my navel for most type rows like this. I like DB rows too and they get you working hard can feel these good if don't go too crazy with the Lbs.
Rip I agree your back looks great! That rear double bicep you posted was absolutely fantastic. You look more like a middle weight in that pose, I haven't seen all your poses... yet
but man that is a very good one for you!! When you reach your goals it will even be more bad ass!!
Lots of people have a hard time feeling their lats working. For this concentrate, pull with your elbows and pose them babies. Get that chest up and squeeze those lats.