Author Topic: My Report on the NY Pro  (Read 34905 times)


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My Report on the NY Pro
« on: May 11, 2008, 02:57:52 PM »
Ron graciously asked me to submit a report and some photos chronicalling my time at the NY Pro last night...(Pics to come later)

My party and I arrived at the Tribecca Performing Arts Center (Think that is what its called :)) at 5:45...this after being told by the kid who answered the phone at bev's gym that the show was slated to start at 6 p.m.

Well we learned it wasn't to start till 7 p.m.....but no biggie...this gave us time to hang around in the lobby and people watch.

We go to this show each year, and the plan is usually to enjoy the top physiques in the world, and then saunter over to one or two of the nearby, top-tier restaurants and enjoy a fine meal with friends, chat with Bob Chic, etc...

Each year it works out well...we take the Merritt parkway from Connecticut, hit the Hudson Parkway, take a left and two rights, go to the same parking garage, walk to the Tribecca, and there it is.

Not a big to do, as for me, usually going to NYC for any reason is a colossal hassle.

We ended up with good seats.... as, from seemingly most vantage points at the Tribecca, you can enjoy great seating and views of the event (I still must call Monday and see what happened to my check!).

Myself and my four friends, including Ct bb stalwart, Ralph Remy, ended up spending an hour munching on the sample MetRx offerings and other sundry supps offered by the various sponsor tables.

I don't know what kind of marketing this involves in some cases.

I asked for a MetRx bar from the buff girl at their table (politely, I may add) and she disinterestingly fumbled one into my hand, without a word or even a glance in my direction(and she was loudly snapping gum with her mouth open...VERY attractive).

Yes...I got a free bar...but what the Hell kind of marketing is this? Oh well, not my business...

Talked to NPC up-and-comer Joe Petreycik for a while.

Joe's come a great distance in the past few years...nearly annexing the NPC CT state championship...losing top honors by one point. Can't think of a nicer and more respectful guy....look for him soon on the national scene.

Espied in the crowd Jim Manion...walking quickly and with purpose, with the intent of a man who was bent on facilitating the judging tasks at hand.

Charles Glass whisked by us accompanied by a muscular woman( no surprise there), as I was told he'd trained several pros who were to grace the stage this evening. Still sporting the long, flowing dreads.

Of course, Dave Palumbo was fellow within earshot admonished anyone who'd listen to , "Look at Palumbo's shoes...he's got FRIGGIN SIZED 14 feet..!"

...I didn't wanna stare for obvious reasons, so I don't know if his pleadings rang true.

Evan Centopani approached and engaged in conversation with Ralph Remy and Charles Moorer, Connecticut attorney, all around nice guy and overall winner of last week's Jay Cutler Classic in Massachusetts.

Think about it: Evan is, essentially, the world's top amateur, and a newly crowned IFBB pro.

He has reached his sport's pinnacle.

Many assuming his mantle would, as you know, behave like a jackass and adopt the obligatory 'chip on the shoulder' attitude.

Not Evan.

Could not speak of a nicer, grounded, smart, eloquent guy.

Really, talking to Evan is like talking to your neighbor over the backyard fence.

Remember, Evan, to take me up on the compolimentary chiropractic treatments I offered...I have a new adjustment that will put an inch on your arm in a week !(JOKING).

"Evan, " I offered..."When you win the Arnold...start practicing what you are going to say to him onstage when he is giving you the trophy and BIG FAT CHECK..."(well, this is what I'D do if I were him...)

"Don't be like the most recent winner, who infamously went on to stupidly insult Arnold, stating that he "Hardly ever practiced posing..."

Talk about being disingenuous.

Evan was most humble at my suggestion.

"But, you gotta admit that it CAN happen," I said. "Frankly, you have all the qualities that speak 'Future Mr. Olympia'..."Isn't that amazing that we can legitimately consider that as a possibility for you?"

The guy wouldn't budge. Too nice and too humble.

I hope he goes to the tippy top.

Figure, if he hasn't become a bore after winning the Nationals...he probably never will be one.

Our savior! :)

We continued to chat with the semi-famous and the mere hoi-polloi in the crowd.

As Ron wanted some pics...I figured it'd be great getting Charles Moorer, Ralph remy, Joe Petrycik and Evan in a photo...being that they are all CT products and such.

I saw Evan in light conversation with what turned out to be Ben White.

I inched over to the two, and waited for a slight opening in their conversation to request that Evan step into the path of my photog's lens. Seemed that Ben hadda get backstage anyhow.

I did lightly place my hand on Ben's tricep, and very graciously stated that I was very sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to borrow Evan for one tiny sec, so on and so forth...

Well, BW shot me a 'death look', and did one of those things with your voice which I am unsure of how to spell (kinda like if you were spitting air know, to tell someone that you are a piece of shit...pssshhhaw...?) know what I mean.

Guess what they say about this guy is true.

I do know that Evan has defeated White on at least two occasions, so I'd say  that takes care of that.

We finally began to make our way into the theater, and, on the way in, a beautiful girl who really did look a lot like Halle Berry gave me a protein drink that looked like an Orange Julius.

It didn't taste too good, and I couldn't even tell her how she looked like a movie star...not with the giant, forbidding gorilla of a man who was standing at her side!

We took our seats in the mezzanine, and had quite a good view of the stage despite our elevation. I did have plopped next to me two 'galoots' who made it very hard to sit comnfortably with the cumbersome sling and orthotic pillow I currently have fit to my thorax due to recent surgery...

Guess this made it more excusable for me to sit a row behind my group which was empty...especially when galoot #1 incessantly began to blab into his cell Lord knows who 'play by play' of the shows proceedings...and galoot #2...who, I tell you, took out a tupperware container of food to consume that smelled so Godawful it may as well been prepared with the main ingredient being syrup of Ipecac :-[.

Ken Cassell came out to open the show, and he introduced a woman who inspired all with a tremendously spirited voacal rendition of our national anthem.

She was a fine American.

First emcee was Sean Ray...he presided over the NY Pro under 202 class.

I did not count...but there seemed to be perhaps 12-15 entrants in this division, and the top three were awarded honors.

Annexing third place was Jason Arntz.

I have always like Arntz's physique, and he did not disappoint here. His is balanced head-to-toe, with no bodypart overpowering another. He incorporates many lcassic poses into his routine, and his music choice was well-choreographed and matched well with his presentation, unlike more then 50% of the other entrants, who posed to rap/ballad/indecipherable 'songs' that made no rhyme or reason with their physiques.

Arntz also had great coloring, and may have been a bit off conditioning wise.

Second place was occupied by David Henry, and this announcement was greeted by understandable boos here and there in the audience...and by surprising aplomb by Henry.

I thought he looked fantastic...particularly displaying outstanding cuts and thickness in front hands-on-hips shots. Someone mentioned 'watery hamstrings'...but I did not see that.

A fine choice for victor of the 202 pound class was Kevin English. Talk about streamlining and finish...this guy was like a panther. Displaying no real weak points, I can see how he was the judge's choice, and I was happy to hear what I thought was graciousness and sincerity from him when he was asked to say a few words to the audience.

Winner of the Women's NY Pro was Kathy LeFrancois. I was happy to see that she was not a 'blown up gargantuan', and didn't realize that she spoke with an accent until she gave a short victory speech.

Bob Chicorillo was emcee for the Open NY Pro, and, I must say, other than Arnold himself, there is no better bodybuilding emcee in the biz. Despite several production flaws during the show, including one point where a competitor could not be found (kinda like when Thurman Thomas of the Bills could not find his helmet to go out on the field in the Super Bowl), Bob kept things rolling and uninterrupted with precision and comedic banter.

Before I get to the top 5, here are some observations:

Don Long: Well...he looks very sad and tired in the face to me. He works hard, and maybe there is some nobility in what he is doing. I don't know where he is going with his current stage endeavors, but, wherever it is, I guess he is on his way.

Guy Ducasse: I thought he looked great. Very well balanced from head to toe, deeply cut and clearly defined, and I do believe he is about 45 years old (he's been around for years)-Guy was not up to breaking into the top 5 this day.

Paco Batista: This guys arms have really gotta be seen to be believed. He looks like he is carved out of granite, and his legs and glutes are also something special to behold.

Joel Stubbs: As he was posing, I asked the person sitting next to me:"Why do you think this competitor will not place?", she replied, "Because its fixed?" :)..."No, because he has a tremendous upper body, but is almost tragically devoid of leg development." I am sure Stubbs must have suffered some severe knee injuries in the past to so hinder his leg training.

Ben White: To me, it looked like Mr. White was sorely lacking in detail between and within the various muscle groups. I also think any appreciation of an otherwise fine physique is muted by his insufferable and continuous bombast. His posing was mediocre at best, and, as many of you have no doubt heard, gasps were heard around the area in which I was seated when he turned around and did a back lat spread-when he did so...nothing happened.

Ken Jones: (Under 202)-I know he is ripped on consistently-but Jones did not embarass looks like the promise of glory for the smaller fellows in this class renewed Ken's training vigor, and, as a result, his physique was replete with rips I had not seen in him in years.

Richard 'Tricky' Jackson: This former Team U winner always comes to shows to dod damage. I have seen him in better shape, but he has had a 20+ year career and is in his 40's. Known for superb posing, he did not disappoint. However, I'd like to see less of the dancing or rap jazz. Dunno what stroies these guys are trying to tell doing this stuff...

The crowd: Maybe its just me, but why can't these folks shut up and sit the Hell down? Along with the various and sundry booths out in the lobby, maybe Merck Pharmaceuticals should prop up a Ritalin stand next show. Hell, even I am doing this report without any notes...ya gotta show some respect and attention to the boys on stage who have laid it on the line for the fans....

Fifth place, NY Pro, Frank Richardson: Here's a guy with very few flaws. A couple of guys in my group thought Frank lost it to place higher when he turned around for back shots, but I didn't see it that way. He had one of the few entertaining posing routines of the evening.

4th Place, David Henry

Thrid Place, Ronny Rockell: I kind of have the same review for Rockell as I did for Jason Arntz-he is well developed and balanced from head to toe, and exudes joy and happiness while onstage-he does not look like a denizen of the Bataan Death March (with all due respect to our service men) while doing his thing on stage. He was off conditioning wise, and could have perhaps showed more lines. Otherwise, I don't know why we will not see him in the winner's circle soon.

Second Place-Kevin English

Winner-Kai Greene. I saw Kai compete in this show one year ago on the same stage, and, if memory serves me, he got 6th (It seemed unpopular that Branch defeated Wolfe that evening, but that is another story). The guy does not have many flaws. Maybe he's a bit light in the chest, and this may be only so because his other bodyparts are so well developed. He is of very small joints and big muscle bellies, so his illusion presented on stage is all the more impactful. You will see few bb's pose with more purpose on stage today. I have said in the past that I don't care for the bun of hair on his head, but maybe that helps him do that funky headstand-pose he performs in his routine. He was a worthy winner, and the crowd thought so, too.

In closing, I don't know how well the 202 and under class is gonna float. Some guys were outstanding, and more than  a few looked as though they were not ready for the IFBB stage. Either way, its good the guys of less heft have a chance to shine.

Met up with Bob Chic at the great restaurant that we go to every year and I still don't know what it is called. Promised him that I'd dig up that old Teen America pic of him and me from way back in 1981... 8)

Folks can rag on the NY Pro, the IFBB, or whatever rings their bell. However, we always have a good time at the show, and look forward to next year.

I will have the photos we took up in a couple of days. Feel free to cast your thoughts and aspersions about this report at your liberty.


Mike Dusa       

Matt C

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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 03:05:32 PM »
A paparazzi picture of Moosejay at the show:


  • Getbig V
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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2008, 03:07:25 PM »
Nice report - I've decided to do a similar one on my trip to Vegas this year for the Olympia.


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2008, 03:09:33 PM »
A paparazzi picture of Moosejay at the show:

Why, its 'Mr. High IQ' ::)


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2008, 03:10:26 PM »
Nice report - I've decided to do a similar one on my trip to Vegas this year for the Olympia.

Thanks J and cool...doing so provides you with a different relevance at the event of choice


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2008, 03:13:41 PM »
Thank you for the interesting report sir


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2008, 03:14:51 PM »
with how widely read this board is you probably just got that stupid met rx girl fired. LOL


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2008, 03:27:53 PM »
Thank you for the interesting report sir

Thank you for your thanks. Are you in the military?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2008, 03:29:20 PM »
with how widely read this board is you probably just got that stupid met rx girl fired. LOL

I'd fire her.

remember the tenets of my "Are you impervious to the powers of the puss..." thread.

And yes, she was stupid, and behaving as millions of mediocres have done before her.


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2008, 03:33:06 PM »
Thank you for your thanks. Are you in the military?

Nope just using proper etiquette

Matt C

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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2008, 03:33:15 PM »
Nice report - I've decided to do a similar one on my trip to Vegas this year for the Olympia.

I did that here:

Why, its 'Mr. High IQ' ::)

No disrespect to you.  I actually did read your entire report and it was very well written (good use of words that go above and beyond the expectations of a normal review).  I'm just making a joke about the turnout for the show, lol.


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2008, 03:34:47 PM »
No, its cool. I laughed. What is that flag 'I' am holding?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2008, 04:06:26 PM »

Nope just using proper etiquette

Thank God someone does these days, Jeff

New Hank Wood

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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2008, 04:15:50 PM »
Read the whole article Moose.  I found it entertaining.

Moose, did someone seriously make a derogatory comment about the size of Polumbo's feet?

Oh yeah, how many do you estimate were in attendance?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2008, 04:16:17 PM »
I have size 14 feet too, what's so special about it?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2008, 04:17:36 PM »
Read the whole article Moose.  I found it entertaining.

Moose, did someone seriously make a derogatory comment about the size of Polumbo's feet?

Oh yeah, how many do you estimate were in attendance?

Yes Hank, thanks.

Yeah, they were going on and on about Palumbo's feet...guess they are inordinately large.

I'd say 900 paying spectators...very few seats left.


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2008, 04:18:11 PM »
I have size 14 feet too, what's so special about it?

Don't ask me...but Palumbo is only what...5'9"?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2008, 04:18:57 PM »
No, its cool. I laughed. What is that flag 'I' am holding?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2008, 04:20:01 PM »

Oh, thanks. I never do devote any thought to Urugway...


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2008, 04:24:02 PM »
Thank God someone does these days, Jeff

Yes I agree with you MJ.

Being that he is about 5"9 it would probably look quite awkward to have size 14 feet.  I have size 14s at 6"2 and my feet look like clowns shoes.


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2008, 04:26:18 PM »
Yes I agree with you MJ.

Being that he is about 5"9 it would probably look quite awkward to have size 14 feet.  I have size 14s at 6"2 and my feet look like clowns shoes.

haha! Just get as big as you can and yo feets will even demselves out!


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2008, 04:29:38 PM »
Yes I agree with you MJ.

Being that he is about 5"9 it would probably look quite awkward to have size 14 feet.  I have size 14s at 6"2 and my feet look like clowns shoes.


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2008, 04:30:12 PM »
 ;D  Yea thats the plan


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2008, 04:31:11 PM »
get as big as you can and yo feets will even demselves out!

Since when are you typing like a black man?


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Re: My Report on the NY Pro
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2008, 04:31:24 PM »