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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 08:44:27 AM

Title: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 08:44:27 AM
Issa went on the public airwaves last week and said  that IRS agents “were directly being ordered from Washington,”

yet this lying piece of shit won't actually release the testimony from last week which refutes Issa's claim and make him look like a liar

hmm, doesn't the public have a right to know the full truth of the nefarious dealings of the IRS

Could it really be that Issa's is just on a political witch hunt and when testimony that contradicts his beliefs is made that he simply refuses to release it.  

Issa is willing to tell us what his "gut" is telling him but won't actually release testimony that proves his "gut" is lying to him

Eventually this will come out and Issa can add another political failure to his long list

But in the interview excerpts released by Cummings, the charge of political motivation is refuted by the Cincinnati manager, who described himself to investigators as a “conservative Republican.”

“I do not believe that the screening of these cases had anything to do other than consistency and identifying issues that needed to have further development,” the manager said, according to the document released by the Democratic staff of the Oversight Committee.

The excerpts indicate the manager was later asked whether he had “any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decision to screen Tea Party cases.”

The manager replied “I have no reason to believe that.”

My gut tells me that too many people knew this wrongdoing was going on before the election, and at least by some sort of convenient, benign neglect, allowed it to go on through the election,” Issa said. “I’m not making any allegations as to motive, that they set out to do it, but certainly people knew it was happening.”

But in the interview excerpts released by Cummings, the charge of political motivation is refuted by the Cincinnati manager, who described himself to investigators as a “conservative Republican.”

“I do not believe that the screening of these cases had anything to do other than consistency and identifying issues that needed to have further development,” the manager said, according to the document released by the Democratic staff of the Oversight Committee.

The excerpts indicate the manager was later asked whether he had “any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decision to screen Tea Party cases.”

The manager replied “I have no reason to believe that.”
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: 240 is Back on June 11, 2013, 09:39:51 AM
Issa was inneffective on F&F.

The thought of letting him waste another 2 years for no results?   Why no impeachment?
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 10:13:04 AM
Issa was inneffective on F&F.

The thought of letting him waste another 2 years for no results?   Why no impeachment?

because they haven't figured out a way to impeach him for being black
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2013, 10:17:16 AM
The people in the field office said they wer directed from DC what to do and many tea party groups got letters from DC, not Ohio
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 10:21:17 AM
The people in the field office said they wer directed from DC what to do and many tea party groups got letters from DC, not Ohio


post a link to that testimony

why do you think Issa won't release all the testimony

what is he trying to hide?
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 11, 2013, 10:41:38 AM
because they haven't figured out a way to impeach him for being black

Dumbest fucking thing I've heard all week on any part of this board. How about impeach him for being a treasonous anti-american, terrorist sympathizing POS that he is. His ability to run ANYTHING is inept. He proved it with his own district in Illinois and he's proving it here. Fucker should be brought up on charges.

Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2013, 10:42:27 AM

post a link to that testimony

why do you think Issa won't release all the testimony

what is he trying to hide?

uuummmmm - ive posted it many times
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 10:44:34 AM

uuummmmm - ive posted it many times

I didn't see it so post it again

I assume this was testimony in front of a congressional committee just like the testimony last week that Issa won't release
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 10:46:28 AM
Dumbest fucking thing I've heard all week on any part of this board. How about impeach him for being a treasonous anti-american, terrorist sympathizing POS that he is. His ability to run ANYTHING is inept. He proved it with his own district in Illinois and he's proving it here. Fucker should be brought up on charges.

settle down moron - it was a joke (though I 'm sure there are some in your party who think that is a valid reason)

it must suck for you to be so dumbfounded all the time and not able to understand why all the shit you believe is "evidence" is actually NOTHING

Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: 240 is Back on June 11, 2013, 12:36:28 PM
Ineffective.  It's been 5 year of obama pulling this shit now...

People shoudl have been in PRISON for fast & furious... issa just used his time to brag on FOX news and wine about shit.

Special prosecutor Cruz... that is what america needs.
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Soul Crusher on June 11, 2013, 12:38:23 PM
Ineffective.  It's been 5 year of obama pulling this shit now...

People shoudl have been in PRISON for fast & furious... issa just used his time to brag on FOX news and wine about shit.

Special prosecutor Cruz... that is what america needs.

Yup - Issa is all talk no action
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: 240 is Back on June 11, 2013, 12:43:13 PM
Yup - Issa is all talk no action

Props for agreeing there. 

He let F&F slip away.  All this shit obama is doing now, it seems like the same thing.  Issa should spend more time appointing prosecutors and building formal investigations - and less time on FOX news dissing obama with one-liners.  People that watch FOX already hate obama.  He's just pandering for donor dollars and his own Q rating by doing that.
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Straw Man on June 11, 2013, 12:48:18 PM
Yup - Issa is all talk no action

there is a reason for that

see if you can figure out what it is counselor

he's definitely a partisan hack for talking about what his "gut" is telling him and then refusing to release testimony when it directly refutes his gut
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Necrosis on June 11, 2013, 01:18:44 PM
there is a reason for that

see if you can figure out what it is counselor

he's definitely a partisan hack for talking about what his "gut" is telling him and then refusing to release testimony when it directly refutes his gut

Let me guess, this convict is lying?
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Archer77 on June 11, 2013, 01:43:47 PM
Props for agreeing there.  

He let F&F slip away.  All this shit obama is doing now, it seems like the same thing.  Issa should spend more time appointing prosecutors and building formal investigations - and less time on FOX news dissing obama with one-liners.  People that watch FOX already hate obama.  He's just pandering for donor dollars and his own Q rating by doing that.

They are rallying the base and idependents, who are basically libertarian...ish, for the midterms.  Obamas voter block is less likely to vote in midterm elections to begin with but by capitalizing on the scandal republicans might be able to peel off a few independents who voted for Obama in the last election.

Issa is a clown who is looking for publicity.  He doesn't care about any of this except as a way to get his name in the media.
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Dos Equis on June 11, 2013, 02:13:46 PM
Let me guess, this convict is lying?

What has he been convicted of?
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Necrosis on June 11, 2013, 02:17:30 PM
What has he been convicted of?

stealing money, chooming, smoking crack in the white house, being an illegal alien, umm fast and furious any of these sticking?
Title: Re: Why won't Darrell Issa release the FULL TRANSCRIPTS of the IRS testimony ?
Post by: Dos Equis on June 11, 2013, 02:19:18 PM
stealing money, chooming, smoking crack in the white house, being an illegal alien, umm fast and furious any of these sticking?

You called Issa a convict.  What has he been convicted of?