Author Topic: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA  (Read 39153 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2013, 03:14:54 AM »
Retards assemble!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2013, 04:17:49 AM »
Is the Senate rejecting stricter background checks part of the plan?

Their false flag operations do not have any real effect at all, only dead children's and shit like that. No new laws, no gun control, so why all this? Like Sandy Hook, bunch of dead children's for what? For the gun control act, which now is gone, and Obama is very disappointed. They must improve their false flag operations, kill more, more often etc. What I would do, is mass murder in some foil hat seminar or conference. By doing so they get maximum effect with minimum loss. Thousands of deaths and nobody fucking cares.


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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2013, 08:24:58 AM »
bro theres martial law in boston, you dont think its affecting people


  • Getbig V
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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2013, 08:39:24 AM »
He is out to fuck the white race for sure. He is for the minority people. Of course Obama is a puppet and he is following the directions of his handlers.

With CISPA in place they can check your emails without a warrant and without warning you that they are. They can do the same with cell phones. The issue is much bigger than illegal movie downloading which the Movie industry is taking on.

Were you aware that Bohama is against CISPA?  He already vowed to veto it if it passed.


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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2013, 09:56:54 AM »
Their false flag operations do not have any real effect at all, only dead children's and shit like that. No new laws, no gun control, so why all this? Like Sandy Hook, bunch of dead children's for what? For the gun control act, which now is gone, and Obama is very disappointed. They must improve their false flag operations, kill more, more often etc. What I would do, is mass murder in some foil hat seminar or conference. By doing so they get maximum effect with minimum loss. Thousands of deaths and nobody fucking cares.
Now you show your true colors. Everything you say after this can be ignored. You are losing it. Get a grip on yourself.


  • Getbig IV
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Now you show your true colors. Everything you say after this can be ignored. You are losing it. Get a grip on yourself.

Show my colours? I just tell you the truth, because you are a foil hat imbecile, without any kind of brain functions what so ever. My left testicle has higher IQ than you have, so go and suck yourself. In these days man has to be really incompetent even as an idiot drooling on his shoes to believe that false flag bullshit, WHICH HAS NO EVIDENCE WHAT SO EVER. Those theories are just utterly bullshit and crap from the brain dead bunch of foil hat morons, nothing more. 


  • Getbig V
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I'm finding that lately the various authorities are going to an awful lot of trouble to censor and hide all attempts to show evidence of false flags.



  • Getbig IV
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I'm finding that lately the various authorities are going to an awful lot of trouble to censor and hide all attempts to show evidence of false flags.

What evidence? There isn't anything you guys can call evidense, just childish claims and crap. For example, how about this boston bombing? Where is the evidence? Foil hats point out two security guys with back bags, and foil hat theory is ready. No matter that there is at least 15 000 back bags in the area, two of them on some russian motherfuckers, and two on the security guys. So, with probably cause, who we blame? Security guys, of course, not Chezenian terrorists. What kind of logic you imbeciles use while you try to comprehend this world, with head full of shit?


  • Getbig V
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What evidence? There isn't anything you guys can call evidense, just childish claims and crap. For example, how about this boston bombing? Where is the evidence? Foil hats point out two security guys with back bags, and foil hat theory is ready. No matter that there is at least 15 000 back bags in the area, two of them on some russian motherfuckers, and two on the security guys. So, with probably cause, who we blame? Security guys, of course, not Chezenian terrorists. What kind of logic you imbeciles use while you try to comprehend this world, with head full of shit?

The kind of logic that tells me backpacks aren't chameleons. They don't automatically go from grey to black.

Something you fail to take into consideration Ropo, is that many people who post their thoughts, don't do so in the attempt to convince others or change their minds. They post in order to let other people who may perhaps share the same thoughts, or who may perhaps have the same questions, know that they are not alone.

Have a lovely Week.  :)



  • Getbig IV
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The kind of logic that tells me backpacks aren't chameleons. They don't automatically go from grey to black.

Something you fail to take into consideration Ropo, is that many people who post their thoughts, don't do so in the attempt to convince others or change their minds. They post in order to let other people who may perhaps share the same thoughts, or who may perhaps have the same questions, know that they are not alone.

Have a lovely Week.  :)

And where you fail, is when you suppose that they all have some kind of brain functions, but that is a lie. You can make speculations about the back packs as much as you want, but still you don't have any evidence, and that's why it is just foolish. You should also understand that those "defenders of truth" as these morons see themselves, are the biggest liars what you will ever see. What I have seen about the matter, they want you to believe, that those muslim wankers are innocent like new born child, and all evil has been the work of the security, FBI, CIA etc. organisations, based on the pictures what they have find from the net. Is it really so simple? You find some picture from the net, point out some anonymous security personel, and that's prove he is a terrorist? He must be, he has a back pack. I mean that police etc. forces uses countless man hours to find out the evidence, the truth about the matter, and you guys need only a finger to point out who is to blame? How fucking childish you have to be to believe that? There isn't any evidence to be found in the internet. There has been some in the crime scene, but you can't reach it trough the internet sitting in your home, so how exactly foil hat morons are able to believe, that they know something worth sharing? They don't know, they imagine, and that's why it is all crap.


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  • Getbig V
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What evidence? There isn't anything you guys can call evidense, just childish claims and crap. For example, how about this boston bombing? Where is the evidence? Foil hats point out two security guys with back bags, and foil hat theory is ready. No matter that there is at least 15 000 back bags in the area, two of them on some russian motherfuckers, and two on the security guys. So, with probably cause, who we blame? Security guys, of course, not Chezenian terrorists. What kind of logic you imbeciles use while you try to comprehend this world, with head full of shit?

Ropo, I don't think you understand what evidence is.

Photos of the crime scene, and photos of the suspect are ALL evidence.

There are 3 kinds of evidence that is collected and examined.

1) Incriminating evidence

2) Exculpatory evidence

3) Inconclusive evidence

Regardless of whatever category the evidence is eventually determined to fall into, it is all collected, and examined for whatever further clues or insights it may reveal.


  • Getbig IV
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Ropo, I don't think you understand what evidence is.

Photos of the crime scene, and photos of the suspect are ALL evidence.

There are 3 kinds of evidence that is collected and examined.

1) Incriminating evidence

2) Exculpatory evidence

3) Inconclusive evidence

Regardless of whatever category the evidence is eventually determined to fall into, it is all collected, and examined for whatever further clues or insights it may reveal.

So, after saying all that, please show me the evidence which shows that boston bombing was a false flag operation. I dare you, show it to me? You shouldn't have any difficulties to do that, so where it is? Reveal your evidence, or shut the fuck up..


  • Getbig V
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So, after saying all that, please show me the evidence which shows that boston bombing was a false flag operation. I dare you, show it to me? You shouldn't have any difficulties to do that, so where it is? Reveal your evidence, or shut the fuck up..

I haven't classified the evidence, ...just looked at it.   :P


  • Getbig IV
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I haven't any fuckin evidence what so ever,  :P

Fixed that for you..


  • Getbig V
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Fixed that for you..

In your dreams.  :-*

Roger Bacon

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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2013, 02:00:54 PM »
Despite local concern, judge orders Newtown 911 tapes released

"But Prescott, who listened to the tapes in private on Monday, said that while "callers describe, in a harrowing and disturbing manner, an emergent criminal event ... the callers do not describe any particular acts of child abuse."

"Indeed, the only injury that is described relates to an educator who had been shot in the foot," Prescott added.",0,3062601.story#ixzz2lszErn00


  • Getbig III
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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2015, 10:34:31 PM »
Please, get a job, girlfriend, hobby, something.  You really need to disconnect from the internet for a little while.  Get out and see the countryside or something.

Have you noticed how all your email address and all your EVERYTHING have been condensed into a FEW things?

Remember when we could puke (troll) all over the internet as anything and anybody?

Not any more.  (we must register with a few things)


The gun control agenda is a NO BRAIN-ER.

Actually YOU need  to disconnect from the media and look around at Life and see the INSANITY staring you right in your face.

(the get out in nature part is cool)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: False Flag Motives: Sandy Hook = Gun Control. Boston Marathon = CISPA
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2015, 11:35:29 PM »
There you have it. Two main motives for the recent false flags.

Perhaps the two brothers were patsies or duped into committing the terror acts. Perhaps they were told they would be given millions of dollars if they committed the crime. Then afterwards they just hunted them down like they would any other criminal. Who would believe their stories anyways? The one guy is dead and the other can barely communicate. How do we know he is admitting to all these things anyways? It's all done behind closed doors.

I expect more false flags coming soon. Keep a close eye as the economy tanks further. They will distract you with everything they have. Also watch as more liberties are signed away with the sweep of a pen right after these future false flags.

To all the deniers - I am sorry to break it to you but you are in denial and very foolish / stupid.

As I said in the another thread, false flags are excuse for the stupid people, when they see something which their tiny little brains cannot handle. Just like any other foil hat bullshit theory, lets talk about the evidence. What do you have which will prove that either of these two happenings really are false flag operations? Let me guess...nothing. Not a single thing, not even a tiniest piece of evidence. Just pile of crap what you have found from the internet, videos where they will dictate word by word what they want you to see in the video. All that is complete bullshit, and it doesn't prove anything, so would it be better if you take a moment to think about it? Sorry, I forget that you aren't able to think. Your thoughts are something what you have copy from the foil hat site, and there isn't even a  word about the real evidences.