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Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Believe all Women
« Last post by Skeletor on Today at 06:49:26 PM »
Crystal Mangum confesses to lying about being raped by Duke lacrosse players in 2006
Mangum says she lied because she wanted 'validation' from people
By Jackson Thompson Fox News
Published December 12, 2024

So she still pretends to be the victim. She is only "confessing" in hopes of a parole.
Wow. I randomly watched that film not realising its basically a bloke going through a breakdown in a car.... I was shocked how good a film it was. Same as Boiling Point with... what's his face? Anyway..
 GRAHAM SYEVEN GRAHAM... sometimes you flick something on and it really bites into you. Thanks for the flashback hope you enjoyed it too
Thanks for the tip brother .I’ll check it out that Boiling Point has  99% approval ratings on Rotten Tomatoes .
Speaking of UK movies hopefully Guy Ritchie’s  In The Gray movie will be good.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Porn question
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 06:43:43 PM »
Some rasta types say BUMBACLAART for ass leaking and RAAS CLAART for fanny leaking. Or at least, that's what I was told. Imagine having a word specifically for filth like that and using it as if it's normal dialogue.

I read bombaclaat means "ass cloth" or sanitary napkin  ;D
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Porn question
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 06:40:20 PM »
Of course they do some procedure to make the ass and colon clean, but of course. it must be standard, if not for scat lovers. I seem to remember the term porn star shower but I never checked it out but I've wondered about it many times. Always thinking pharmacologically, enema at night, after evacuating take an opiate. But they always pump their asses full of water and do as many cleanouts as necessary before a scene  ;D

I wouldn't go there unless after a thorough scrubbing. The porn where the male licks protracted assholes, think Mike Adriano, is quite disgusting. There is something wrong with people who are into scat I think. Definitely  ;D
Sports Discussion Boards / Re: Niners
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 06:38:56 PM »
Well they are done.  Some big decisions to make this offseason.  I think they will pay Purdy, but much less than he would have made had he won the Super Bowl and not regressed a bit this year. 

I think Deebo is probably out. 
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump Cabinet Appointments
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 06:37:18 PM »
This is the only way Kari Lake will get a job in politics.  She lost two elections to some leftist duds. 

Trump announces more nominations, including Kari Lake as director of Voice of America broadcast
Trump also nominated Dr. Peter Lamelas as ambassador to Argentina and law enforcement veteran Daniel Newlin as ambassador to Colombia
By Sarah Rumpf-Whitten , Elizabeth Pritchett Fox News
Published December 11, 2024
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Believe all Women
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 06:35:57 PM »
Crystal Mangum confesses to lying about being raped by Duke lacrosse players in 2006
Mangum says she lied because she wanted 'validation' from people
By Jackson Thompson Fox News
Published December 12, 2024
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Anti-American
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 06:34:19 PM »
They are like little kids.

DC food workers vow Trump officials won't feel welcomed when dining out in nation's capital
'You expect the masses to just ignore RFK eating at Le Diplomate on a Sunday morning after a few mimosas and not to throw a drink in his face?' one DC restaurant veteran said
By Kristine Parks Fox News
Published December 12, 2024
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Video Condition check 5 days pre pec surgery
« Last post by Dalnet on Today at 06:33:45 PM »
If it was a priority I would do something about it. It is not a priority. All I am concerned about is my left pec tendon being attached and when I can train again. I dont care if I am soft or fat or wrinkled old and bald that shit does not matter right now the tendon being connected not stretching out and the sutures holding that is what matters my hair never fucking matters.

The next thing after that is the left shoulder I am going to add back a tendon there as well function and strength are goals fuck looking pretty cover me in gnarly scars make me ugly and strong. I am going to get so many cadavar parts and bionic joints they will call me cyborg frankenstein. Shoulder spurs loose body and left bicep tendon this summer.

Spend your money on hair for the ladies I am buying tendons for the iron

I don't know about you, but I need to rewatch an old episode of House where he does some craziness with a patient who has CIPA and can't feel pain. Anyway, isn't Van Builderberger on here a doc? Or Krankenstein? Is it possible to grab someone with a disease that stops you feeling pain and inject yourself with their gene or whatever to make yourself immune to knee pain? I asked my pain consultant and he was like, "what's CIPA?" Seriously: aren't these pain specialists supposed to know everything relating to that stuff?

Get yourself that pain block thing. Can't remember the episode but willing to binge watch it just to find out
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Anti-American
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 06:33:43 PM »
They always call us what they really are.

Truth.  All about projection. 
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