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Gossip & Opinions / E-BAY fraud disasters.
« Last post by funk51 on Today at 06:53:23 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: I bet half of you didn't even lift today
« Last post by Lartinos on Today at 06:52:40 AM »
Brian doesn't understand genetics.

Scale of 1 - 1000, He's a .5 and Soul Crusher is a 1000+. There are freaks out there, SC is one of them.
That goes for career (hard work) and training.  If Brian cant do it, no one can, right?

Brian has piss poor genetics. Gear for 25 yrs, not a pound of muscle gained, while arteries are clogging up.
The shaking, the heart rate = drugs (Clen, Tren & nude men).

Brian wasted many years playing around in Maui, and pissing thru a few million his dad left him.
No career at this age is laughable. Zero work ethic.

Plays around with selfies every day (like a 14 yr old broad) posts them here for a 99.999% male population.
(even when asked not to).

It's his life to do as he pleases, but to criticize SC and call him a "liar" is also hysterical.
Hanks has been caught lying here non-stop since he popped in 4 years ago looking for "dick root fans".

Very strange individual...

Epic take down here, lol.

Have more respect though Brian was undefeated as a wrestler in college, hurt Clegg so bad he can barely speak now, and just to clarify he was not kicked out of the military—he was asked to leave.
Big difference..
Gossip & Opinions / Re: I bet half of you didn't even lift today
« Last post by wes on Today at 06:50:01 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: I bet half of you didn't even lift today
« Last post by webstar on Today at 06:47:00 AM »
I have pressed heavier weights and curled heavier weights than SC, my all-time numbers are better, I will press and curl heavier weights than him again.


Gossip & Opinions / Re: Bianca Bhanks Fight
« Last post by illuminati on Today at 06:37:39 AM »

It’s disgusting to see a grown man be such a frightened girl. 38 gave you a phone number and you were too terrified to speak to him when the cat is 4,000 miles away and then you CONTACTED the feds to try and keep Josh out of the country.
Fckn Josh is suffering with Parkinson’s and was STILL WILLING to come settle this like a MAN.
Fck off with any replies - you are a weak twat who’s would t do a goddamn thing if 38 grabbed your wife and skull fckd her right in your house.

Spot on - Bianca is so Pathetic in everything he does.

By far the stupidest & least intimidating hard man ever on Getbig.
Yet on he continues - Faggott Boy - Stolen valor - Liar
It’s disgusting to see a grown man be such a frightened girl. 38 gave you a phone number and you were too terrified to speak to him when the cat is 4,000 miles away and then you CONTACTED the feds to try and keep Josh out of the country.
Fckn Josh is suffering with Parkinson’s and was STILL WILLING to come settle this like a MAN.
Fck off with any replies - you are a weak twat who’s would t do a goddamn thing if 38 grabbed your wife and skull fckd her right in your house.

Spot on - Bianca is so Pathetic in everything he does.

By far the stupidest & least intimidating hard man ever on Getbig.
Yet on he continues - Faggott Boy - Stolen valor - Liar
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Donald Von Shitzhizpantz the legend continues.
« Last post by funk51 on Today at 06:19:08 AM »
^^^^^ The TDS is strong with the funk   :D

By May 11, 2022, many more people in the US had died of COVID-19 under Biden and Kamala than under Trump:

"Most of those deaths, some 600,000, happened after Biden took office in January 2021 at the peak of a major wave of the disease."

"Politically, Biden now owns the pandemic. He ran against Trump on a promise to take it more seriously, and he came into office with a plan to get Americans vaccinated and an attempt to show leadership on mask-wearing and mitigation efforts."
   This chart is fake news made up by orange turd  enablers. It was trumps mishandling in the beginning to let it grow to such epic proportions. when are you going to get it through your head trump and musk are for themselves and screw the common man. I guess you are a billionaire loco and will benefit from all this.
Close grip bench - 3x10
Alternate db curls - 3x10

Bent over tricep extensions - 3x10
Incline db curls - 3x10

Bench to neck - 3x10
Wide horizontal lat pulls - 3x10

Weighted dips - 3x10
Triangle bar close grip lat pulls - 3x10

Squats - 3x10
Behind neck press - 3x10
Leg extensions - 3x10
Db side laterals - 3x10
1 leg calf raise - 3x10
Seated cal raise - 3x10
Wrist roller - 6x both ways

Guys - I couldn’t give two shits but if you really want to fck ole stick arms pencil neck all you have to do is contact as many law schools as possible AND the NC Bar Association. Stress that Brian DID NOT get an HONORABLE DISCHARGE- and then simply send them some of the ridiculously immature posts he’s made here.

Brian - I FCKN tried and tried to avoid this shit. But JUST like I had to do with Blaha you forced me to do the same. (If you watch Blaha posts before he came out and admitted he was “trolling” he says in one of his videos “fck you kid” - that was toward me) the retard thought I was younger than him because my username had OCS1993 and I guess he thought I was BORN in 93 rather than that being the year I graduated)

It’s disgusting to see a grown man be such a frightened girl. 38 gave you a phone number and you were too terrified to speak to him when the cat is 4,000 miles away and then you CONTACTED the feds to try and keep Josh out of the country.
Fckn Josh is suffering with Parkinson’s and was STILL WILLING to come settle this like a MAN.
Fck off with any replies - you are a weak twat who’s would t do a goddamn thing if 38 grabbed your wife and skull fckd her right in your house
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