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How long to take ECA?
240 or bust:
Should you only take ECA during a cutting phase? Or year-round? How long on it until it becomes less effective?
Cutting phase, start it around 2-4 weeks into your diet and cycle it for 2-4 weeks. Otherwise, for me atleast, it loses its touch.
--- Quote from: absent on June 25, 2005, 08:36:04 AM ---Cutting phase, start it around 2-4 weeks into your diet and cycle it for 2-4 weeks. Otherwise, for me atleast, it loses its touch.
--- End quote ---
True. If you don't cycle it, it won't be as effective and you'll need to up the dose, not a good idea. Also it gives your receptors a chance to open back up so you wont become to tolerant and loose the effectiveness of it.
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