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False Flag Terror And The Occult Connections
The Showstoppa:
--- Quote from: Hugo Chavez on October 26, 2010, 12:43:19 PM ---I knew that question was coming for Samson ;D I've seen paintings and busts of him in buildings but I don't remember seeing them in government buildings.
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;D Exactly. I actually did a term paper on AC back in the day. Interesting and batshit crazy by the end.
Soul Crusher:
--- Quote from: Hugo Chavez on October 26, 2010, 12:53:28 PM ---I didn't do anything, why are you telling me to leave it alone ::) I just think it would be cool to have a child board for this stuff because many of these threads to get derailed/killed by a string of insults. So all I did was voice my opinion that a child board would be nice which I am allowed to do lol....
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Yes, but there are threads that should get little attention the end up being debated for days on end. It is what it is.
Soul Crusher:
--- Quote from: Hugo Chavez on October 26, 2010, 12:59:10 PM ---and LOL, don't forget 3333, a bunch of you HAVE wanted samson banned for stuff like this. And who knows, now that we're banning for trolling, maybe one of the other mods will ban him ::) I do remember one of the other mods making a case that what Samson is doing is trolling.
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Have I EVER asked for Samson to be banned? YES o NO?
Soul Crusher:
--- Quote from: Hugo Chavez on October 26, 2010, 02:05:29 PM ---sorry, I didn't mean you specifically. You two were actually getting along good for a while. I was thinking of the rightwing conservatives on the board when I said a bunch of you...
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Even throgh we toss jabs at each other all the time, I have no real issue with samnson. Sure he posts some wacky shit, but so do i, its all good.
This is an internet site for bodybuilfing so we need to be cool with each other. Its not like we have hundreds of posters on the political board so the more the better.
where i draw the line is facials on babies and shit liek that.
--- Quote from: The Showstoppa on October 26, 2010, 12:38:23 PM ---List them please.
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I am going to do better than that...I am going to give you documentaries to watch so that you can see just how involved your government is in the occult. Now I should not have to do this AGAIN...Because I have listed these documentaries a THOUSAND TIMES ALREADY...which means you did not watch nor read the information provided. I have talked about the heavymetal/rock groups and their affiliation. I have posted the pics and vids of world leaders doing the El Diablo hand sign. etc etc
This particular documentary I m posting focuses squarely on Washington DC and its SATANIC figures, symbolism, Egyptian and Babylonian worship etc etc ... all of which Aleister Crowley followed and even carried to greater heights of evil and wickedness. The man (Aleister) confesses to killing at least 150 male babies in one year just to appease the satanic gods he worships. This man has a prominent place amongst the politicians of the past even Franklin Roosevelt had fond dealing with this this mans beliefs and ways and an entire wing in the DC Masonic Hall of which presidents and politicians go is dedicated to Aleister. I will post these vids one at a time. One, in order to keep this thread active and more importantly so you don't so as some and skip through the vids and claim to have not seen anything.
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