Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Conspiracy Theories Board
Conspiracy Theories Board
Ozmo is very fair, name one time any of you opposed to him being the only mod where he has let his personal beliefs get in the way of his moderating...
Ive never sen Oz do anything that I would even consider biased in terms of moderating...
If youve never seen him do anything then why do you think he would here?
cool we got a ct board. my internet connection is messed up right now. ... congrats on the new board hope it does well!!
--- Quote from: BerzerkFury on October 27, 2010, 08:07:43 PM ---
Good work not giving more moderator power to Hugo Chavez. Now if you'd be so kind as to take his buttons away on the main politics board, we'd be golden!
--- End quote ---
Looks like someone was a bit ...premature. Don't worry, I hear it happens to all guys every now & then. ;D
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