Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Conspiracy Theories Board
Mr. Magoo:
there were 11 bullet holes found, 13 shots recorded by sound
the gunman's gun only held 8 shots
Silly man, ...haven't you never heard of the magic bullet theory?
It worked so well with JFK, ...they trotted it out again for his brother. :)
Mr. Magoo:
--- Quote from: 24KT on October 27, 2010, 02:34:10 PM ---Silly man, ...haven't you never heard of the magic bullet theory?
It worked so well with JFK, ...they trotted it out again for his brother. :)
--- End quote ---
haha. I think that's why nobody knows how big a conspiracy the RFK killing is, because of the long shadow of the JFK assassination.
I think theres clearly more evidence for a conspiracy regarding RFK than JFK
I watched a program about the JFK assassination that debunked the magic bullet bullshit very nicely.
I have a letter dated December 18, 1963 signed by Robert F. Kennedy to my wife's grandfather. It hangs on the wall of our house, also with a picture of Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, together in a cool pic, from around the same time.
Conspiracy theories of RFK - heard them all...
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