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Pre & Post Workout carbs from your own kitchen.
big E:
What would be the best Pre & Post Workout Carbs you can get from most people,s Kitchen,s, without spending Money on something special.
Pre workout- I like low glycemic carbs so my body still burns a little fat while I workout EX>Whole wheat bread
Post workout- Get some fast carbs Ex>Bagels, White bread with jam,sometimes fruit
Instant flavoured oatmeal is good aft workout. But why not just go to the nearest bulk food store and buy some dextrose? It is cheap.
Oh and before a workout I simply eat oatmeal.
oatmeal is a complex carb not a simple carb. When use before you go to the gym and have complex carbs in your system you won't be feeling them right away, in fact you might not even feel them until your workout is done. Where as simple carbs hit you with in 30 minutes or less.
--- Quote from: Brolly on October 14, 2005, 10:50:18 AM ---oatmeal is a complex carb not a simple carb. When use before you go to the gym and have complex carbs in your system you won't be feeling them right away, in fact you might not even feel them until your workout is done. Where as simple carbs hit you with in 30 minutes or less.
--- End quote ---
I eat 1.5 hours before I workout, anything less and it slows me down.
Instant oatmeal (flavoured) has a shitload of sugar in it, hence it is a decent aft workout carb source. You get both complex and simple carbs which are necessary aft workout.
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