The original slaves were white. FACT!
So what !!! And who fucking gives a shit... besides you?!?!?!
Think about something else brotha...I bet you can't go 48 hours without talking about multi-cultural issues and or slavery...
I bet your head would just melt if you did...LOL
If you're concentrating on being a good friend, father, American, Christian you would have no time to think about every negative aspect of being black.
I could easily print out a grocery list of every negative thing in my life and use that as an excuse as to why I'm not a zillionair, but I choose to think about the good in my life and the blessings I have in my life.
And, here is a little secret for ya. Whatever your mind focuses on during the day, is the reality you will experience in life. If you think about how the white man is the cause for every problem you every had then that's the experience you will have every day of your life...FACT !!!!!
Would I own a slave if it were still legal...sure, but I wouldn't own any black slaves....shit wouldn't get done...LOL