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Vegan documentary “The Game Changers”
6 Reps:
Has anyone seen the new documentary about athletes (including bodybuilders) who are on a solely plant-based diet, The Game Changers?. This thesis of the documentary is that a vegan diet provides more energy than a traditional meat diet. If you have seen the documentary, what did you think?
Garbage Man:
Just went vegan myself after having kidney surgery. Really looking forward to this movie, as well as any replies on this thread.
It's marketing BS.
The producers of the movie own a vegan supplements company.
Don't fall for the hype.
--- Quote from: IroNat on November 13, 2019, 03:31:22 AM ---It's marketing BS.
The producers of the movie own a vegan supplements company.
Don't fall for the hype.
--- End quote ---
Did you know that one PB sandwich has more protein than 3 eggs?
A lot of crazy claims. Joe Rogan has a good podcast on it.
Protein is not protein. Here's why
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