Author Topic: What's the point????  (Read 4441 times)


  • Getbig IV
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What's the point????
« on: June 12, 2007, 10:57:39 AM »
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Every time I pass this one house on the way to mine, I always see this poor black lab chained up on to an igloo doghouse.  It pisses me off to no end!!!!  Rain, sleet, snow, or just blazin' hot, that poor pup is out there changed up, just sitting there.  >:(  I mean, what's the point of getting a stinkin' dog if you're not going to treat it right?  What's the point of even having a dog if all you're gonna do is leave it chained up to a fence.  The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. 

So, I'm wondering, can I report this?  What would the authorities do?  I'm not sure what to do, but I've had it with seeing that poor pup just stuck on that chain. 

I thought about getting my friend who is totally dog crazy to come "kidnap" the pup, give him a better life. 


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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 11:00:18 AM »
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Every time I pass this one house on the way to mine, I always see this poor black lab chained up on to an igloo doghouse.  It pisses me off to no end!!!!  Rain, sleet, snow, or just blazin' hot, that poor pup is out there changed up, just sitting there.  >:(  I mean, what's the point of getting a stinkin' dog if you're not going to treat it right?  What's the point of even having a dog if all you're gonna do is leave it chained up to a fence.  The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. 

So, I'm wondering, can I report this?  What would the authorities do?  I'm not sure what to do, but I've had it with seeing that poor pup just stuck on that chain. 

I thought about getting my friend who is totally dog crazy to come "kidnap" the pup, give him a better life. 

kidnap him. I've done it before. Can't get in trouble really... unless they red handed catch you...

Depends where your live but SPCA patrol won't do anything unless there's apparent abuse signs.


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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2007, 11:07:38 AM »
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Every time I pass this one house on the way to mine, I always see this poor black lab chained up on to an igloo doghouse.  It pisses me off to no end!!!!  Rain, sleet, snow, or just blazin' hot, that poor pup is out there changed up, just sitting there.  >:(  I mean, what's the point of getting a stinkin' dog if you're not going to treat it right?  What's the point of even having a dog if all you're gonna do is leave it chained up to a fence.  The more I think about it, the more it bothers me. 

So, I'm wondering, can I report this?  What would the authorities do?  I'm not sure what to do, but I've had it with seeing that poor pup just stuck on that chain. 

I thought about getting my friend who is totally dog crazy to come "kidnap" the pup, give him a better life. 
This reminds me of that pig-dog I told you about.  I sometimes avoid going past there because I don't want to see him sitting there because I assume he is bored etc.  I do think he's treated better than I thought though thank God.

They just bought a pup that they are going to breed him with.  The pup is staying inside though.  He said the pup cost $1800.00. :o

I have a friend who stole a dog that was being neglected/abused.  She lives on a horse's had a great life since she stole it.  Not that I usually advocate stealing but....... :-\

Maybe you could call the Humane Society and they could check it out? 

What Would Flower Do?


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2007, 11:11:11 AM »
kidnap him. I've done it before. Can't get in trouble really... unless they red handed catch you...

Depends where your live but SPCA patrol won't do anything unless there's apparent abuse signs.

i agree take him


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2007, 11:55:36 AM »
Animal Control will not do anything unless it doesn't have food, water or shelter, or needs medical attention.   There is a dog 2 doors down from me in a kennel, 24/7 365.   When I first moved in he used to bark constantly, from boredom probably.  He barked so much someone tried to poison him.  He survived. Eventually he stopped, gave up.  I guess he is "too rowdy" for the house.  She had an older German Shepard as a house dog, and when he died she got a puppy.  She has an in-law apartment on her house that she rents out and the guy who was renting it pretty much took care of the dog and would let it out in the rest of the fenced yard and give it some attention.  He told me one time he was out of town for the weekend and he could swear she did not feed the dog, the bag hadn't gone down. After I got Briona and then switched her to raw I had an almost full bag of Nutro.  I went down and gave it to him for the dog.  She was there when I gave it to him, but I made sure it was known it was for the dog in the back.  Buddy I think his name is. He is missing part of one ear that his momma chewed off when he was a pup. 

  I am not sure if he is still back there.  With my wood fence up I can't see to that yard.  I will have to get on something and take a look.  I have often thought the dog would be better of euthanized than to live that life of constant boredom.   :-\     

  You can call A/C, at least they will stop in and make sure he is ok.  People did that for the barking of this dog, but they couldn't remove him legally. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2007, 11:58:53 AM »
As an afterthought, didn't they enact (not sure if it is in every state) a chain law?
That a dog can only be chained or tied out for so many hours of the day?

Ok, quick search, it did go into affect some places at least:

   'You won't be able to leave your dogs chained up, come October. The Austin City Council passed a new ordinance that will prohibit people from tethering dogs. Council members believe cooped-up canines will become aggressive, and by doing away with chains, neighborhoods will in turn be safer.'

'New dog law is off the chain
Oakland Tribune,  Dec 30, 2006  by Cheryl Winkelman

Come Monday, dog owners will need to change the way they chain up their best friends.

A new state law will prohibit people from "tethering, fastening, chaining, tying or restraining a dog to a dog house, tree, fence or other stationary object."

They can only tie up dogs "to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained" for no more than three hours in a 24-hour period of time.

Exceptions include tethering a dog for the purposes of farming, camping or walking iton a hand-held leash. A dog can be tied up to a running line, pulley or trolley system if a choke or pinch collar is not used.'

 If your city/town has that law they could do something.


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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2007, 12:05:22 PM »
personally....if it were me....i would walk up, knock on the door & inquire about the dog.

I wouldn't make it obvious what my intentions were, but I would say "I just wanted to say you have a nice dog there".  Strike up a conversation & see what the owners intent is.  I may even offer if they didn't have time for him is to take him for walks a couple times of the week.

But thats the type of person I am.  I walk around the neighbor hood with the dog & when I see other dogs behind a fence or whatever, I talk to them & say Hi.  They seem pretty excited to have a stranger say hello.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2007, 05:01:42 PM »
Call the animals resque or the Police, don't do anything by yourself that animal is the propery of somebody else and you can get into trouble.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2007, 02:07:19 PM »
I'm going to check to see if there's the same type of "chain" laws where I live.  But it might not be to good based on how easily it was for me to get a dog from the pound here.   :-\  When we got my first dog in Austin, it took like a month before we actually could bring him home.  They did all kinds of background checks, made a couple of home visits, the whole nine.  We were impressed!   :D 

When we got my shepherd-mix where I live now, we took her home that day.   :o  So, with that, I'm not too encouraged about the chain law. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2007, 03:06:26 PM »
i would break into the house and chain the son of the bitch that owns the dog for a week and see how he likes it..
carpe` vaginum!


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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2007, 03:16:15 PM »
Hey Colossus I think knny has a good idea....

Maybe you should go talk to them about their dog :)



  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2007, 05:07:06 PM »
kidnap him. I've done it before. Can't get in trouble really... unless they red handed catch you...

Depends where your live but SPCA patrol won't do anything unless there's apparent abuse signs.

No, don't kidnap it.  thats the worst thing you can do because it will open yourself up for legal action and it may take any evidence you have for animal control away. 

I used to do cruelty investigations for these type of cases with animal control.   Here's the best advice I can give you:

1) contact your local animal control and check on city ordinances on chaining, hot days (it is illegal to have dogs tied up outside on a hot summer or a cold winter day without appropriate shelter (shade or warmth) and water.   These are all very specific to communities, but they do give you something

2) monitor the dog and keep a log of when the owner has contact with it.   I have successfully prosecuted an abuse case where the owner only had contact with the dog once per day for a couple of minutes when the fed the dog.   You have to keep careful records of this---and tell animal control what you are doing as you are doing it. 

3) monitor the dogs time out in bad weather conditions.  If the dog is chained during pouring rain, the owners can be prosecuted for neglect as a result of lack of shelter if the dog isnt' using the igloo house. 

I hope this helps. 


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  • Getbig V
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2007, 05:16:17 PM »

1) contact your local animal control and check on city ordinances on chaining, hot days (it is illegal to have dogs tied up outside on a hot summer or a cold winter day without appropriate shelter (shade or warmth) and water.   These are all very specific to communities, but they do give you something's specific alright.

Last week a neighbor contacted animal control about some stray kittens that we had recovered & wanted them to pick them up.

They were like "so"


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What's the point????
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2007, 11:01:20 AM »
Hey Colossus I think knny has a good idea....

Maybe you should go talk to them about their dog :)


Stella, you're crazy.  hahahahaha   The owner probably wouldn't even open the door if they saw me through the peep hole.  lol   :D

No, don't kidnap it.  thats the worst thing you can do because it will open yourself up for legal action and it may take any evidence you have for animal control away. 

I used to do cruelty investigations for these type of cases with animal control.   Here's the best advice I can give you:

1) contact your local animal control and check on city ordinances on chaining, hot days (it is illegal to have dogs tied up outside on a hot summer or a cold winter day without appropriate shelter (shade or warmth) and water.   These are all very specific to communities, but they do give you something

2) monitor the dog and keep a log of when the owner has contact with it.   I have successfully prosecuted an abuse case where the owner only had contact with the dog once per day for a couple of minutes when the fed the dog.   You have to keep careful records of this---and tell animal control what you are doing as you are doing it. 

3) monitor the dogs time out in bad weather conditions.  If the dog is chained during pouring rain, the owners can be prosecuted for neglect as a result of lack of shelter if the dog isnt' using the igloo house. 

I hope this helps. 
This is great advice, Vet.  I actually did look into some of the ordinances.  I just need to follow up.  Thank you!