Author Topic: Filthy one legged whore  (Read 149849 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2007, 01:08:25 PM »
I'm taking full responsibility for driving them off Getbig. You can send payments and/or donations to my paypal,

Captain Equipoise

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Re: New Kimbo fight bitches!!!
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2007, 01:12:01 PM »
Kimbo needs to fight a decent bruiser!  :)

Kimbo already got his ass knocked out by Sean Gannon, the thread is in the MMA/UFC section of getbig.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2007, 01:17:50 PM »
Good to see your transformation being done natural, unlike all the she-males in fitness these days.

actually i believe she admitted early on to minimal use, then changed it to 'i'm not talking about it.'

it did some some virilzation occurred tho.  low bodyfat aside, her face is changing.

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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2007, 01:18:39 PM »
actually i believe she admitted early on to minimal use, then changed it to 'i'm not talking about it.'

it did some some virilzation occurred tho.  low bodyfat aside, her face is changing.

That's gruesome.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2007, 01:19:13 PM »
I'm taking full responsibility for driving them off Getbig. You can send payments and/or donations to my paypal,
hahaha you're gonna have to claim them on your taxes ;D


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2007, 01:21:21 PM »
hahaha you're gonna have to claim them on your taxes ;D

Yeah, it's a good thing that they aren't worth much collectively. I'm thinking of writing them off for being mentally handicapped.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2007, 01:25:06 PM »

I personally prefer fat mike, he was funnier and didn't take everything personal
Absolutely agree, here, SP. He did his show and *bang* he's now all overly-serious, and 'I see things differently' Mike.   


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2007, 01:28:45 PM »
haha, MD member "slowcock" is doing a little melting of his own:

Welcome laura and mike followed your posts over the years and you are both an inspiration...
let the kids play with themsleves goat girl fatcasm true anus buttpluck beserkerfaggy wimp of steel etc...
Nasser called Palumbo an acromegalion


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2007, 01:31:22 PM »
We should have it out with that board.

Old school Soc's vs. Greasers style.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2007, 01:32:12 PM »
I don't post a lot, but have been here quite a while.

I give Laura all the credit in the world for getting in shape, good for her.

But where does this "it takes courage" to get onstage idea come from.

You need courage to get in shape? C'mon now. You should be doing it for one person. Who really gives a rat's ass what others think or say about you, how you look, or anything else about you.

I got in shape, without any clen or t3. I got down to about 7 percent bodyfat at one point. Yippee for me. I didn't do it to step on stage (not that I would look any good up there anyway). or for anyone else. I had no real support group, except the folks who I work with.

Mike and Laura seem like good people, but they constantly self promote themselves on here to high heaven. Then, they need props because they got in shape? Because it takes "courage" to do so?

Beats me, I don't get it. TO me, they just need thicker skin.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2007, 01:33:14 PM »
Didn't you know? She cured cancer!!!!!!! I'm still waiting for Arvilla to come up here and punch my teeth down my throat like he said he was going to.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2007, 01:33:57 PM »
I'm still waiting for Arvilla to come up here and punch my teeth down my throat like he said he was going to.

Unless you live on his bus route, I think you're safe.
Nasser called Palumbo an acromegalion


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2007, 01:35:09 PM »
Didn't you know? She cured cancer!!!!!!! I'm still waiting for Arvilla to come up here and punch my teeth down my throat like he said he was going to.

Do you think he'll show up with his fourth place trophy as a hood ornament on his Geo Metro?


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #63 on: March 18, 2007, 01:36:23 PM »
I don't post a lot, but have been here quite a while.

I give Laura all the credit in the world for getting in shape, good for her.

But where does this "it takes courage" to get onstage idea come from.

You need courage to get in shape? C'mon now. You should be doing it for one person. Who really gives a rat's ass what others think or say about you, how you look, or anything else about you.

I got in shape, without any clen or t3. I got down to about 7 percent bodyfat at one point. Yippee for me. I didn't do it to step on stage (not that I would look any good up there anyway). or for anyone else. I had no real support group, except the folks who I work with.

Mike and Laura seem like good people, but they constantly self promote themselves on here to high heaven. Then, they need props because they got in shape? Because it takes "courage" to do so?

Beats me, I don't get it. TO me, they just need thicker skin.

good analysis.  while they're fun to rag on, it's a little bit sad.  they are super insecure people.  their only non-work friends (who have to be tolerant of them), are on the message boards.  

i'd feel bad for them, except they DEMAND praise then flip out when it doesn't come or when people are honest.  let's me honest - -Laura used steroids to win 5th in an over-40 class, right?  Nothing to be too proud of, unfortunatly...
Nasser called Palumbo an acromegalion


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2007, 01:37:31 PM »
Do you think he'll show up with his fourth place trophy as a hood ornament on his Geo Metro?

hahahaha, I heard she super-glued it to her hand. Like I pointed out to Cheri, I remember the joy I got when I won my first trophy for achieving something. The only difference is that I was 8, not 43.


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2007, 01:44:24 PM »
actually i believe she admitted early on to minimal use, then changed it to 'i'm not talking about it.'

it did some some virilzation occurred tho.  low bodyfat aside, her face is changing.

Cheri Lane claims she's natural:

Wow Goat, you just paid me the highest complement ever.  Thanks!!!  :-*

It may be "damn near impossible" but it is POSSIBLE.  :D

I worked my ass off.  I was in the gym at 5am every day doing cardio.  I weight trained 6 days a week (one body part at a time).  And then did cardio every night.  I dieted to the point that I even now that I can let go a little...I feel guilty eating something other than chicken breast or turkey.  Ya so I took ECA stacks, but if you honestly think I would shoot the shit men do into my are seriously mistaken.

Like I said, you can say anything you want...but you guys can't burst this bubble.  At 43 I look pretty good and I competed against girls in their 20's.  I had the best time Saturday and you can't take that away from me.

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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2007, 01:45:29 PM »
ever since he managed to grace a stage with an incredible lack of quad mass, calf fact any kind of mass at all he has developed an ego. Hell he looked like shit and thought he was the dogs bollocks of amateurs! Get to fuck you whining little bitch, the board is better off without you and your constant havering
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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2007, 01:46:10 PM »
good analysis.  while they're fun to rag on, it's a little bit sad.  they are super insecure people.  their only non-work friends (who have to be tolerant of them), are on the message boards.  

i'd feel bad for them, except they DEMAND praise then flip out when it doesn't come or when people are honest.  let's me honest - -Laura used steroids to win 5th in an over-40 class, right? Nothing to be too proud of, unfortunatly...

Especially when you consider she placed 5th out of 5 total. Hell at least Arvilla beat someone :-\

Marty Champions

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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #68 on: March 18, 2007, 01:48:39 PM »
id bang the hell out of that arvilla girl, i think shes hot

Laura Lee

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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #69 on: March 18, 2007, 01:55:40 PM »
Sorry to disappoint you homo-ass but you didn't push us out.  I said I wasn't posting in that thread anymore.  You need to learn how to read college-boy. pathetic and conceited of you that you think you could actually drive anyone away.   ::)

You guys keep on thinking that your shitty remarks are considered criticism.  Telling someone good job but you really need to work on your backside is criticism.  Telling someone they've been hit by an ugly stick is not. 

We are on this board posting pictures because we do value people opinions, not because we want to hear how fucking awesome we look.  I've said a million times that I still have a long way to go, but you guys make it sound like I came on and said I was the next Adela Garcia.  What the fuck is wrong with you guys?  Why exactly are you here?  You offer nothing to this board but hatred to everyone but the people who stand beside you and bash people with you. I am most surprised with.  At least all the other are consistant with their hate. 

Berkerkfury it doesn't matter if your 90, 50, 30 or 8 years old.  When you receive your first should be proud of it as it's an achievement you worked hard for.  It's not owed to you.

If you guys wanna go on and keep trashing my pictures and my name be my guest.  It only shows the amount of class you have and scruples you lack.  But remember won't be that age forever.  One day you're gonna be older and when you are getting shit on by a bunch of kids...remember this thread and the countless other you have contributed to while hiding behind your computer. 
:D Weee


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #70 on: March 18, 2007, 01:58:13 PM »
When you receive your first should be proud of it as it's an achievement you worked hard for.  It's not owed to you.

actually lady,

doesn't everyone who enters a show get a little plastic trphy, no matter where they place? 
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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #71 on: March 18, 2007, 01:58:36 PM »
Sorry to disappoint you ####-ass but you didn't push us out.  I said I wasn't posting in that thread anymore.  You need to learn how to read college-boy. pathetic and conceited of you that you think you could actually drive anyone away.   ::)

You guys keep on thinking that your shitty remarks are considered criticism.  Telling someone good job but you really need to work on your backside is criticism.  Telling someone they've been hit by an ugly stick is not. 

We are on this board posting pictures because we do value people opinions, not because we want to hear how fucking awesome we look.  I've said a million times that I still have a long way to go, but you guys make it sound like I came on and said I was the next Adela Garcia.  What the fuck is wrong with you guys?  Why exactly are you here?  You offer nothing to this board but hatred to everyone but the people who stand beside you and bash people with you. I am most surprised with.  At least all the other are consistant with their hate. 

Berkerkfury it doesn't matter if your 90, 50, 30 or 8 years old.  When you receive your first should be proud of it as it's an achievement you worked hard for.  It's not owed to you.

If you guys wanna go on and keep trashing my pictures and my name be my guest.  It only shows the amount of class you have and scruples you lack.  But remember won't be that age forever.  One day you're gonna be older and when you are getting shit on by a bunch of kids...remember this thread and the countless other you have contributed to while hiding behind your computer. 

MELTDOWN!!!!!!! Oh and don't worry, I'm going to continue to make comments about both of your god awful physiques. It's ok though, hopefully when Arvilla collects the Olympia money he's bound to win you can afford some plastic surgery to fix that mug of yours.

Oh, and I know I did push you off this site. Look how furious you are. You can't take the fact you look like shit.  ;D

The Fury > The Arvillas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2007, 01:58:57 PM » I am most surprised with.  At least all the other are consistant with their hate. 

Elaborate. I don't recall any inconsistancies?

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Laura Lee

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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #73 on: March 18, 2007, 02:03:35 PM »
Limewire:  No

Berkerkfury: If you pushed me off this site...I wouldn't be posting now...would I?  Are you sure you go to college?

Hedge:  Jimmy has been regarding posting with me.
:D Weee


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Re: Ha ha ha! Meltdown of all meldowns...ROTFLMAO!!!
« Reply #74 on: March 18, 2007, 02:05:13 PM »
Limewire:  No

Berkerkfury: If you pushed me off this site...I wouldn't be posting now...would I?  Are you sure you go to college?

Hedge:  Jimmy has been regarding posting with me.

It's only a matter of time until I drive both of you to suicide. I'm guessing 6 months.