I don't post a lot, but have been here quite a while.
I give Laura all the credit in the world for getting in shape, good for her.
But where does this "it takes courage" to get onstage idea come from.
You need courage to get in shape? C'mon now. You should be doing it for one person. Who really gives a rat's ass what others think or say about you, how you look, or anything else about you.
I got in shape, without any clen or t3. I got down to about 7 percent bodyfat at one point. Yippee for me. I didn't do it to step on stage (not that I would look any good up there anyway). or for anyone else. I had no real support group, except the folks who I work with.
Mike and Laura seem like good people, but they constantly self promote themselves on here to high heaven. Then, they need props because they got in shape? Because it takes "courage" to do so?
Beats me, I don't get it. TO me, they just need thicker skin.