Author Topic: Former GH15 Mod  (Read 232371 times)


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #175 on: September 21, 2012, 08:25:42 AM »
Adorable puppy. 


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #176 on: September 21, 2012, 08:50:57 AM »
Brutal 1KG dumbells


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #177 on: September 21, 2012, 08:52:01 AM »
Brutal 1KG dumbells
You've got good eyes. 


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #178 on: September 21, 2012, 09:00:22 AM »
Brutal 1KG dumbells

they are 20lb dumbells. I just use them when I do burn sets. I actually do not own many weights. I have a gym membership. Free Weights are expensive! A pair of 50's would cost me 100$. They run 1$ a pound in my town. I have two sets of free weights the set of 20's and 30's and a straight curl bar with 30 pounds on each side. that is all! But you can do drop sets and get a decent workout. There is no way I would ever invest in a home gym. way to spendy. I pay 160$ a year at bally fitness since I fullfilled a 3 year member ship.

Then they give you a year for 100$ and after that they add on 20$ a year. kind of shadey they go down then they go back up.great gym though. They just bought 3 million dollars worth of new equipment


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #179 on: September 21, 2012, 09:01:59 AM »
Adorable puppy. 

Thanks. I love my dog!

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #180 on: September 21, 2012, 09:07:29 AM »
they are 20lb dumbells. I just use them when I do burn sets. I actually do not own many weights. I have a gym membership. Free Weights are expensive! A pair of 50's would cost me 100$. They run 1$ a pound in my town. I have two sets of free weights the set of 20's and 30's and a straight curl bar with 30 pounds on each side. that is all! But you can do drop sets and get a decent workout. There is no way I would ever invest in a home gym. way to spendy. I pay 160$ a year at bally fitness since I fullfilled a 3 year member ship.

Then they give you a year for 100$ and after that they add on 20$ a year. kind of shadey they go down then they go back up.great gym though. They just bought 3 million dollars worth of new equipment

it's called craigslist.  Get weights for pennies on the dollar.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #181 on: September 21, 2012, 09:12:29 AM »
here are some pics from my high-rise condo.


This pure comedy.  A pic of a window and a dog. 


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #182 on: September 21, 2012, 09:30:22 AM »

This pure comedy.  A pic of a window and a dog. 
Would you prefer pics of his watch and 80's BMW interior?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #183 on: September 21, 2012, 09:34:09 AM »
Would you prefer pics of his watch and 80's BMW interior?


As long as I don't have to look at that cone head and those cankels. 


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #184 on: September 21, 2012, 10:02:08 AM »
I asked you a simple and direct yes or no question. By not answering the question and trying to raise some moral equivalence to child porn only raises more questions.

Yes, real people got hurt and real money got stolen. I've provided very compelling evidence that it was -b- behind the operation. gh15 had no direct contact with the operational business with either Kami or Prosource.  -b- was intimately involved and even claimed to have his own personnel in China supervising the operation.

gh15 conditionally approved Prosource by actual testing by him and other experienced gh users, trusting -b- to maintain consistency. Like the loonateek madman he is, gh15 examined very single vial from every batch giving up to the minute painfully detailed reports. Any discrepancies or inconsistencies were immediately reported. Eventually the scam was in full swing and gh15 halted all orders and banned Prosource. Does that sound like someone in on the gig? Whereas -b- went off to start his own board taking on Prosource as his first sponsor. You know all this and condemned -b-.  

You know that along with you, I was the only one who backed bboy. You two go back to your ProMus days so you were just standing up for a friend. I have no history with bboy. We're not friends. I just felt at the time it was the right thing to do and I caught a lot of flack for that. Same with -b-, whom you joined immediately in the witch hunt, I wanted more evidence and the whole story before I lynched a fellow Mod. I was called a traitor.

I didn't know bboy was pimping Kami for years. Has Kami even been around for years? Are you sure about this? bboy himself said that he didn't have any business with Kami and only was introduced to the kigs by a client who gave him some as payment. The was in the middle or the latter part of last year. bboy pimping Kami for years? You better check on that.

CG, I don't want to fight with you in public. I am upset about all this and wish I was there during the fray and maybe could have calmed things down. It's a sad and horrible day for us at gh 15 org and for you when a mod has been dismissed.  

You can't go from praising us as saints one day and then condemning us as devils the next just because of a mod disagreement. As far as I can tell you wanted something done about the rat that goes on our board and reports back to GetBig. Some felt you were accusing other Mods. That has nothing to do with gh15 and what his board is trying to accomplish. Now here you are on the board you were condemning where the rat resides that you wanted outed looking for support. You are not helping your cause.  

You should speak of this no more.

When a mod has been dismissed?  You fucking idiot!

I can't wait for this shit to happen to you. I fucking told you all to drop dead. I then told ghmoron to fucking pay back the two kits he stoll from me. You have one of two things going on. They took down the post in the mod room and are telling you this pure shit. Or you are part of it and supporting this bullshit.
I willn't address a vial question like that. If you have an once of brain you will see this for the pure shit it is.

BTW: I'm not going to play this stupid fucking chess game with the posts. YOU WIN, OK? Now go away guy of gh15 dick.Don't you really know this is as against the law as selling drugs to kids? Why in the world would you lower yourself to support such an acusation like this? Are you really trash?



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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #185 on: September 21, 2012, 11:14:31 AM »
I go by the internet name Concreteguy. I quit the mod thing at GH15 this morning. I thought about how I would handle leaving GH15s site most of the day at work.
 I think what is most appropriate is to just say I'm sorry. I had no idea he was posting pics of peoples families and making death threats. I did see him offering cash for info leading to people, but had little idea what for. I tried so hard to fly above all the shit there.
This internet coward stands for everything I don't respect in people.

I don't now if any of you ever saw the movie TwilightZone. If you did you would have seen a four part movie. Each part had it's own story. One of the stories was about a little boy that lived in a house with a bunch of adults. The adults were afraid of the child because the child was really a monster, it just looked like a child. This is about as spot on as it could ever be when you try to imagine what being a mod there is like.
 He has some idiot called apply85 that makes no bones about never lifting a weight or doing gear. Yet he is HG15s right hand man. This kid has the back bone of an earthworm and has no respect for anyone. If I could get my has on his neck!LOL
 Another pure piece of shit goes by the name of bustinass. GH15 has made this idiot a GH15 approved coach. These poor members are told to pay him money to be coached by him. For you who may not know bustinass, he is a kid built like a swimmer and all he suscribes to is doing tren and masteron. He also "has no use for PCT"........LOL He has posted litterally over 60 dif pics of himself. Some nude. YES NUDE! Sad to say but I'm the ONLY mod there that has any State or City BBing show wins. He has JEDI mods that are REALLY smart.LOL<-------(JEDI= SUCKS GH15 COCK). Me not a JEDI.LOL

 I don't believe the person who posts as GH15 is the same person or persons who did about a year ago. This guy ONLY posts about KIGS and how wonderful it is. PERIOD! The GH15 that is running the show now has little to no money. He even scammed me for two HGH kits during my stay there. B-Boy/Brad knows of this. I spoke on the phone with him at length before doing this. I know for an absolute fact he has done this to many, Many more as well. He promises you he will make you a sponsored athlete at his site with a $500 a month deal on gear every month for free. All you have to do is send the kits. Then he e-mails you and says" the kits were all balonie/bunk and he owes you nothing. His admin and BIGHER also know of this. I mailed the kits to BIGHER and emailed the admin when good old GH15 didn't return my email.

This could go on for ever. Just wanted to say I'm sorry. I made a big mistake being a mod there and helping him in any way.
I will live with what I did and move on.

Please don't believe anything he says unless he tells you he wants to sell you Kigs. It will be a lie.

Thanks for your time.



i feel this gh15 site is finished very soon

the gh15 character lost all his entertaining talent
i doubt he s the person that posted here

just going nuts on kigs, thats all

i doubt a former pro would post such boring shit and go crazy about kigs all day long

ans way to many many misinformed and gh15 asslicking members there


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #186 on: September 21, 2012, 11:41:26 AM »
As you know we've always been on good terms and I do, and have told you via our PMs, that I felt some Mods were a bit harsh on you. Even if they had good points or were even in the right I did not approved of the way they addressed you publicly in the Mod forum.

You have had a falling out with gh15. I can see that. You're not the first one and certainly won't be the last. I still need to investigate this more as it is still new to me. But remember why you became a Mod and why you supported gh15. Remember all the complimentary things you use to say about him. How you would rave about him always referring him to as "boss".

As far as I can tell, your beef is not with gh15 as such but with a couple of other mods you've been regularly feuding with. gh15 decided to side with them and not with you. This has made you angry and that's understandable. But it does not reflect well on you to one day praise a man lavishly and the next day bash him. It shows that you are just reacting out of emotion and calls into question your credibility.

Just leave it be. Walk away and continue to do your own thing and march to your own drummer. I know you believe in what we are trying to do though you may disagree on some of our methods. I share some of the same feelings. Most of the Mods do. But we take the good with the bad and believe the bad far outweighs the good. If I ever have a falling out with gh15 it will be because of a personal conflict and not anything about what he is trying to do. He is trying, and is, doing good things. Boards like this one and ProMus are just a small very vocal minority. There's a reason he has become so famous. I will alway wish him success because we both believe in the same things regardless of any personality conflicts that may and has arise.

ConcreteGuy, I've recently caught wind of something presented as facts though I presently consider them rumors. We've always talked plainly and openly and don't mince words so I will simply ask you straight out: Do you have any involvement, being it buying, selling, using or anything else, with narcotics?

haha,  confession of freudian slip?  (we believe the bad outweighs the good)


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #187 on: September 21, 2012, 11:44:02 AM »

haha,  confession of freudian slip?  (we believe the bad outweighs the good)
Well, pellius has always had a sliding scale of 'honour.'    :-\         ;D


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #188 on: September 21, 2012, 11:54:20 AM »
You have the same happening here, since.... forever.

Alex, where are ya buddy?


"outing" people is frowned upon here, and immediately deleted by mods, to the best of their ability.

your site condones and promotes it, from the administrative side.

you people are scumbags, just deal with it


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #189 on: September 21, 2012, 11:57:18 AM »
All these guys trashing getbig and saying its a ghost town, void of any humor or interesting conversation blah blah blah will eventually come back with their tail between their legs and dragging their asses along the ground like wormy dogs and I will post this very quote the day it all goes down. Mark my words. I can just imagine the daily "knee slappers" being churned out over there on a daily basis. ::)


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #190 on: September 21, 2012, 12:30:56 PM »
one by one the bricks come tumbling down


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #191 on: September 21, 2012, 01:02:32 PM »
Shut the piehole son.

Do you even workout? do you have ANY muscles or do you come here like most now for some gay bodybuilding porn and few sluts here and there?

WHAT can you possibly learn from this site? If you can you are a NOOB beyond redemption.

Get your ass to the gym and leave the talking to real men.

Other way round. What can you learn from a hardcore bodybuilding site? Fuck all is the answer, all the info is out there already.

This isn't a hardcore bodybuilding site, this is a free speech off center fairground. Zero comparison.

You are confusing things, probably not willfully judging from your other posts.
Trans Milkshake.

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #192 on: September 21, 2012, 01:04:48 PM »
All these guys trashing getbig and saying its a ghost town, void of any humor or interesting conversation blah blah blah will eventually come back with their tail between their legs and dragging their asses along the ground like wormy dogs and I will post this very quote the day it all goes down. Mark my words. I can just imagine the daily "knee slappers" being churned out over there on a daily basis. ::)

Yes! Lol @ EVERYONE coming BACK to GetBig to remind us how "irrelevant" we are. Last I checked, no one was asking their opinion? Just proves how relevant of a board the G&O is


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #193 on: September 21, 2012, 01:05:59 PM »
Yes! Lol @ EVERYONE coming BACK to GetBig to remind us how "irrelevant" we are. Last I checked, no one was asking their opinion? Just proves how relevant of a board the G&O is

FYI - you aren't one of "us" yet  ;)


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #194 on: September 21, 2012, 01:06:23 PM »
I agree!

GetBig has never attained the level it has before when it was a real site with real and interesting people.

I used to come here for fun and knowledge, now all that is gone.

So YES, the bricks on this site are all but spent and fallen  ;)

i see what you did there

is there any chance you could have the baby pics removed from your site

if anyone still wants to harm me i will meet them at a location in the uk near me of your choice to discuss  :)

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #195 on: September 21, 2012, 01:08:28 PM »
FYI - you aren't one of "us" yet  ;)
Do you receive the ceremonial membership approval BJ or is that chaos?  :-*


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #196 on: September 21, 2012, 01:11:22 PM »
Do you receive the ceremonial membership approval BJ or is that chaos?  :-*

Your mom hands them out. Could be awkward for you.

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #197 on: September 21, 2012, 01:14:22 PM »
Your mom hands them out. Could be awkward for you.
I have 2 dads. Jokes on you, pal.  ;)


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #198 on: September 21, 2012, 01:16:06 PM »
I have 2 dads. Jokes on you, pal.  ;)

skiing holidays then  :-X


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #199 on: September 21, 2012, 01:26:50 PM »
Shut the piehole son.

Do you even workout? do you have ANY muscles or do you come here like most now for some gay bodybuilding porn and few sluts here and there?

WHAT can you possibly learn from this site? If you can you are a NOOB beyond redemption.

Get your ass to the gym and leave the talking to real men.

Hey pussy, you posted you just started training those chicken legs this year. Remember pussy? Did you think you had to post that after all the rediculous pics.........heheheheh  
There is nothing to learn at ghidiots site. Your suppose to be a coach there, but noone will part with a buck after reading your stupid thoughts and seeing those pics....WOW! Don't you understand idiot, you know nothing about the sport. There is nothing to back your stupid words. GET IT? Your an idiot man. YOUR THE JOKE! But your to stupid to even see it.
Tell all my buddies how much I mis owning them in the mod room. PUNKASS!
The forum is filled with greenhorn kids asking about there first cycle. Over and over and you still can't get that one down. Idiot!

Why don't they re-bann you retard?