Author Topic: why cry about trump, were not brexit rant  (Read 8559 times)

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why cry about trump, were not brexit rant
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:09:44 AM »
Why on earth are people so upset about trump winning, I've seen Brits on tv in tears over it... On question time the whole audience were screaming and booing at the slightest praise afforded on him. Also, how come Hillary was painted as the obvious candidate when it was pretty clear from our American friends in here that they all hated the cun.t, even the ones who supported her party...

Regarding brexit, I wasn't bothered either way at the time, but now some mp's have took it upon them selves to try and block article 50, calling for a 2nd referendum in the deal we make to leave the union, makes my blood fucking boil, keep voting until they get the result they want...