Author Topic: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie  (Read 473222 times)


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3000 on: November 30, 2012, 01:47:02 PM »
your boy daron e just did the same

what say you on his beta male postings
Oh no no no bigmc, when dickrod_e does it it's an owning, anyone else and their melting down. ::)


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3001 on: December 01, 2012, 01:34:01 AM »
lol, talking about multiple meltdown, WW has quoted my post 3 times and gave 3 answers and NONE are to what I asked

WW wants us to believe that if someone buys 25kits if HGH he MUST be a seller: 'because of storage problems'. lol, 25 kits fit inbetween the veggies at the bottom tray

And THEN he doesnt answer accoirding to his own logic and accusations how HE can post a pic of HUNDREDS of vials and he then says he is NOT a seller.

logic fail and thats why he avoided giving answers

logic on dumbass = dumbass is done

I answered your question . Walgreens does not even stock 5 Kits of HGH! sometimes they do not even stock it! why? because barely any physicians prescribe it! they will happily order it for you from their wolesaler! so yes someone with 25 kits is either a dealer or stupid! why the fuck would you keep your HGH in a refrigerator you store your food in? another retarded thing to do! Buy a mini fridge just for your HGH. Another reason I mention it was a dealer amount is because pellius admitted to me he was dealing it,or went in on a order with friends but pellius would get busted for dealing because he delivered the kits to everybody.

alot of people only buy maybe 2-4 kits because they want to sample the batch! some batches vary and who wants to get stuck with 25 kits of shitty HGH? pellius made this mistake and paid a big price! he had to issue refunds because he was cheap and did not buy the kigs from who GH15 approved wich was DL not Kami! Pellius just went for the cheaper option so he could make more money!Pellius admits GH15 never did approve Kamis Kigs. so why did pellius order them? He is a cheap fuck that is why!

Is it wrong I had thousands of amps of various steroids. Yes! Never said I was a angel! but I bought those with my own money and didn't need spike to remail them to me! I also did not have to pretend to be somebody else when I order unlie pellius who says he is somebody else when he orders! he also uses people to get his packs because he cannot import shit! he has been arrested! he has had everything seized! even adequen! I have his tracking# for those 25 kits I will post it lets see who signed for those 25 kits!-lol why not! he has put up my PM's. Now it is my turn! I will show you how weak this pussy is! using people to get packs! dealing! using spike as a remailer not even letting spike know it is pellius he used his friends handle!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3002 on: December 01, 2012, 02:43:12 AM »
So let me see. WW a real dealer who by his OWN admission sells, is calling somebody else a seller.

you must be the GOOD kind of seller then.

Wasnt it you who also said if a seller is selling little boldenone he MIGHT AS WELL sell heroin? You know, its ALL the same... ::)

What kind of a person are you that you can say this? do you even workout?

Pls, after posting pics of thousands of illegal vials, stacks of cash and appartments, pls post a pic to see how you all look after this. We have seen your nails, now its time to see the who person.

You wont do that, and I know why. If you are normal and have done nothing wrong you would post it, like I have and pellius has and all our members have. Keep teh face private offcourse but show the rest.

Batty boys like most here would love that just as they loved my and pellius pics  :-*

Its cool talking where nobody can see you and you can claim a lot and not back it up. Not all board have lost their balls like this one

#1 I did say I do not believe steroids should be illegal or even certain recs but they are! I admitted my wrong doings but that is all in the past so I don't give a fuck! You know as well as I do Bodybuilders sell more then just steroids! like I said watch the wrestler with mickey Rourke!That shit is real when he is buying those steroids! that is exactly what big dealers to the pros sell!

 watch the scene when he is in the locker room buying sustanon. the other bigger wrestler/drug dealer was selling EVERYTHING! he offered him steroids HGH both chinese and serostim, X, weed,Nubain,blow,oxycontin. That is how it is with big steroid dealers they sell whatever they can! Jay Cuttlers dealer sells more then just steroids! cuttler usually gets his Test legally but he buys Tren and EQ/Masteron from a big vegas dealer! the guy sells everything!Not just steroids and HGH.

All I am saying is if you are risking your ass selling a scheduled 3 drug like all steroids are most go the extra mile and sell whatever they can to make money! alot of them need money because they are amateur bodybuilders who use alot of drugs! amateur bodybuilders do not work 9-5's they need all their time free to train and shoot HGH and steroids. Why profit on just steroids when they can also make money selling oxycontin and other painillers,weed,Nubain,Xanax,blow,heroin. It happens! most big steroid dealers don't just sell gear and HGH! They profit however they can because trying to go pro is expensive and they need all the money they can get for drugs/food/and their bills!

The diffrence between pellius and I is I paid with my own money for all those amps and vials! Those are all mine! Pellius used other peoples money!even though they might of went in on a order pellius would be the one who would get charged with distribution as he distributed the its once they came in! he delivered them to their front doors! I have the PM to prove it! Hell pellius does not dispute this! I will post my picture once GH15 posts his picture! why can't he post a picture?

Even If I did post a picture all you guys would just say "That is not you". does not matter if GH15 will not post his picture I will not post mine! plus the guy is a narc and is turning all his members into narcs with the arrangment that he will ship them USA grade HGH in return!
No reason to post a picture nobody woud believe it was me anyway so why do it?

I could give a fuck what you guys think I look like I know the truth! and the truth is I simply have more money to invest in myself and have been training for years! Like I said I think it is stupid steroids are scheduled drugs but I cannot change the law! Hell I think alot of things that are illegal should be legal but just because it is my belief the DEA does not agree! Sorry Pellius is a HGH dealer!

My situation was diffrent because I bought the roids with the intent to use them! pellius went in with people with the plan to distribute! he has been raided before! so Yes he is a dealer! you do not get your doors kicked in for nothing! plus he has had all his packs seized even adequan wich is not scheduled at all! pellius is flagged and cannot get shit in! he uses multiple people! spike as a remailer and his buddy in hawaii to receive the pack! so that is why I am calling him a dealer! he even admits it! I admit I am not 100% clean either but that is in the past I do not fuck around like that anymore.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3003 on: December 01, 2012, 02:46:23 AM »
You guys should get your manuscripts published.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3004 on: December 01, 2012, 03:53:22 AM »
bustinhisloadinass writing 500 words of meaningless drivel in this thread


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3005 on: December 01, 2012, 04:52:07 AM »
Ok here comes pellius's PM's

 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: whats the good word
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 15, 2011, 12:08:44 AM »

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Quote from: whitewidow on December 14, 2011, 09:12:23 PM

Any good news? tell me something good.

I couldn't sleep a wink last night. Turns out the 20+ kits were sitting in my UPS box since Monday. How they can ship something from NC to Hawaii in a couple of days is amazing. Mother fucker was probably just having fun with me imagining me climbing the walls and pulling out my hair. He did keep the packaging very nice and intact. And bubble wrapped everything real good. Kind of surprised me how much care he put into it. I figure he'd just rip his 2 kits out and send it as is. I guess gh15 is right and bodybuilders treat their gh better than their wives or girl friends. They handle it like it was their first born.

I just got home about 30 minutes ago. I was just sitting here admiring the kigs. So beautiful! I was just about to rub one out when the phone rang and broke the spell.

Hey, thanks for all your help and putting up with my whining. I had my doubts about you but you're a good guy. Others are seeing it too. Even gh15 had to give you props for your mod skills.

If someone is a good sincere person and a man of honor it will eventually shine through and others will see it. It sometimes takes time but as long as it isn't forced or rushed the time will come. I know you can't help being a bug on gh15 ass but you keep him on his toes.

Thanks again.



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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3006 on: December 01, 2012, 04:55:47 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 02, 2011, 04:12:41 AM »

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Quote from: whitewidow on December 01, 2011, 06:14:07 PM

I dont know why they told me. I sent a thousand dollars to china and before I sent the source the mtcn# I checked it on the westtern union website and it said more info needed from sender then had a western union number. they said I got that message because the guy I sent to is on a government watch list. I think they might think the guy is running a scam they do not know what he does so maybe they just warn people who send a large amount that the person is on a government watch list. they didnt ask what I was sending for and they llifted the hold right away. jusst something they had to warn me about before they made the money availablle for pickup. I checked soon as I got off the phone and it said money is ready for pickup money in minutes. wasn't a huge deal but I dont think my name goes on any list. maybe but I doubt it.but I am sure they are investigating. its not nordic or any HGH hookup. its a ugl who had me send to china I assume for powders. he makes everybody send to china. he builds up credit with his powder supplier this way so he dosnt have to send 20-30K via western union as i am sure he has before and had trouble doing it. other sources do this too but I have never had western union put a hold on my money and tell me the guy i am sending to is on a government watch list. Like I said they probably do not know what all the transactions are for yet and for all they know the guy could be scamming thats probably why they warn people. and it probably depends on how much you are sending. the nigerians really fucked things up. lots of nigerian scams probably made the rules strict when alot of transactions are going to somebody in huge amounts and they are on government watch list. they jst want to warn you before they release the money. but eventually the governement will find out what is going on. might take some time but they will eventually find out.

Thanks for the input. Seems like nobody is safe anymore. I got together with some friends here to take advantage of Kamikaze's bulk discounts on his kigs. We ordered about 25 kits. I already got tracking numbers the next day and it's out of the sorting center and presumably on it's way. I'm a bit nervous about it because I'm responsible for other people's money and don't know Kami. Everybody decided to go with him because of people here on the board we know that received and posted pics showing it fits the description of real kigs. We got ours for 113/kit shipping included which is cheaper than the Novos because of shipping. DL won't go lower than $145/kit. It was about an $800 difference for the amount we were ordering. Just hope it gets here and it's real.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3007 on: December 01, 2012, 04:59:22 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc?
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 05, 2011, 02:33:04 AM »

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Quote from: whitewidow on December 04, 2011, 07:14:16 PM

did you ever get your parcel? I thought you had a few control deliverys? did you use a friends address. you mentioned being on probation because of it. how did those control deliverys happpen again. I know you said once their was like a flashing red tracking gps thing in one of the packs. and the packs were small. were these shipped domestic from the states or from europe. I hope you got everything ok.

I actually sent funds on Tuesday and got tracking number on Wednesday. Acceptance/Processed Through Sort Facility was on 12/1 and status is now Origin Post is Preparing Shipment. Its Sunday so I didn't expect any updates. It's sent express to a friend on the mainland back East who then remails to me. I give him a kit for his troubles.

Thats what I do when I order from Nordic as I don't trust any domestic remailers especially with hgh.

I read something that seemed to suggest you are moving stuff form euroman. I thought you retired from that? The way things are that's risky biz on US soil. But either way you're a vet and know what you're doing. I'd trust a remailer if I knew it was you. I just wouldn't trust some stranger who is probably a dirt poor  bodybuilder. 


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3008 on: December 01, 2012, 05:02:22 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc?
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 06, 2011, 08:43:27 PM »

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Have bad feelings about the kigs. It was sent expressed and so far status (Origin Post is Preparing Shipment) hasn't changed since the first. This is the first time I'm ordering with a bunch of friends to split shipping cost and get better deal. Everyone was leery of Kami because they never heard of him and wanted to stick to nordic. Never a problem with nordic. I really wanted the kigs because of all the hype and convince them.

Shit comes in all the time every minute of every day. No reports of seizures from Kami. One guy ordered 50 kiits and got it in less than a week. My little 20 kit order is sitting somewhere degrading.

BTW, for now, keep this between us. I don't want it known that Kami might have had a seizure. I contacted him and he did admit that it's been sitting way to long and he will check into it. He told me to contact him tomorrow. I'll probably contact him on Thursday because I'll be so busy tomorrow.

Kami seems like a good guy but I don't know how much experience he has in the game. He's no nordic or homer.   


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3009 on: December 01, 2012, 05:05:18 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc?
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 06, 2011, 11:07:51 PM »


Quote from: whitewidow on December 06, 2011, 10:56:18 PM

are you sure it was sent express? that would be EMS or is it sent registered? DL has kigs domestic but they are 200$

You tell me. You're the expert. You can track it on or on

From ems tracking:

Timing    Site   Status
    2011-12-01  18:26:00   SHENZHEN    Posting 
      19:32:00   SHENZHEN    Despatch from Sorting Center 
      20:16:30   SHENZHEN    Arrival at Sorting Center 
    2011-12-01  20:47:59   SHENZHEN    Despatch from Sorting Center


Express Mail International®
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
Processed Through Sort Facility   
 December 01, 2011, 8:47 pm   
 December 01, 2011, 6:26 pm   


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3010 on: December 01, 2012, 05:08:24 AM »

 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011

 Re: misc?
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 06, 2011, 11:25:14 PM »

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I thought track # was on the copy/paste




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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3011 on: December 01, 2012, 05:17:46 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc?
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 06, 2011, 11:44:07 PM »

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Gear is one thing. But I don't want hgh that's been sitting somewhere for 45 days. Just sucks because it's not just me. I have four guys who I convinced to go with Kami instead of nordic (who always comes through) asking me the one question sources probably most hate to hear: "Where's my shit?"


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3012 on: December 01, 2012, 05:23:22 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 07, 2011, 03:15:53 AM »


If it's not even at customs does that mean it's still in China? Also, Kami only ships 15 kits/pack so mine is in two packs. They were processed about 45 minutes apart.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3013 on: December 01, 2012, 05:25:35 AM »
I notice your packs are sent registered mail. Do you sign for it? The reason I'm asking is that one of the packs was attempted delivery and the msg on the site was: Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available)

The pack is sent to a real addy but a fake name. If he picks it up at the post office how will he be able to claim it? I'm always asked for an ID when I pick up a pack that needs to be signed at the PO?



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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3014 on: December 01, 2012, 05:28:42 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 10, 2011, 03:02:50 AM »

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Quote from: whitewidow on December 09, 2011, 07:56:52 PM

fuck even if the guy worked it would be worth taking the day off since he is getting a free kit. They usually try to re-deliver anyway without calling I think 3 times then you have to pick it up.especially with express mail that is whhy if you get express mail it's great to have a PMB box because they will sign in your place and you can just go pick up the pack whenever you have time.I try to tell international express is not that risky as long as you have a PMB box. it's not you signing for the pack. Your HGH should be fine. Its probably tightly vaccum sealed. I know it must be frustrating. especially since you went in on it with others.But the most important thing is they made it in the states. are you close enough to this guy where you can call him or text him? I have met some suppliers I have gotten so close with that I actually talk to these guys on the phone. what do you use for AAS? you have that area covered? or do you just run HGH?

I just text. Don't like to call people just like I don't like to be called. People are too busy these days and you never know when is the right time to call. I rarely answer my phone because they always call at the wrong time.

He picked up both packs so the hard part is over. It's just that I was under the impression that express is not the safest way to go and my guy orders a lot of shit so he's having stuff from China coming to the same address all the time.

When they can seize 30 amps from me whereas you can get shit coming in all the time in such a hot area zip code is a mystery to me. I pretty much have gone through all the UPS boxes on this island using different names (I'd hire some college kid looking to make an easy $40.00 to open a box for me) and always use a business name and have never gotten anything through. Four vials from Naps, 20 amps from OurUnknowSecrets, amps from Oscaro and Z... all seized. They even seized my Alflutops from Romania that I used for joints. After five kits from Nordic got seized I just gave up on itnl.

Thanks for all your help and advice. And quit picking fights with gh15. I'm a pupil and apostle, you know. Actually, I take that back. You keep him on his toes. And I think he's developed a soft spot for you -- LOL!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3015 on: December 01, 2012, 05:31:10 AM »

Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 08, 2011, 08:58:21 PM »

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Quote from: whitewidow on December 08, 2011, 08:38:35 PM

with registered you do not have to sign for it. even if I did the people at the box store would sign for me but with registered no signature required.  They usually try to re-deliver the pack the next day. if they do not call them and ask them to re-deliver the pack. with express you have to sign, but if he has some ID with that address and the form they left you could probably pick it up without ID. but I would have them re-deliver and tell the guy to be home. show me both tracking I want to the the sequence of scans


Just not sure if he uses a box. It just looks like a home address to me but this guy I'm having it sent to is a long time vet. Was a mod on Nordics old board and has been using this receiving addy for a while (certainly longer than I've been having shit sent to him). I'm sure he knows what he is doing its just that I never have sent anything to him that he's had to sign and I always thought one of the rules was to never sign for anything. I'm just concern that he might not want to sign and not accept pack.

Report To Admin


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3016 on: December 01, 2012, 05:36:51 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc.
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 12, 2011, 01:50:03 PM »

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God, if it isn't one thing it's another. My remailer said that he sent the pack out Sat but doesn't have the DC#. His girl friend threw out some receipts and must have tossed the DC# out as well. That seems pretty far fetched to me. Who throws out receipts right after Christmas shopping? And when you mail a pack and they give you the DC receipt don't you just put it right back in your wallet or purse.

I really don't know what to make of this. I've been using him for a couple of years now without a hitch. I don't think he's dishonest (plus he liked getting free kits and I gave him two this time as a xmas present and hopefully engender some loyalty) but have a feeling he's taking his sweet time sending them out. He seems like a busy guy and does work full time and once he got his share of the kits there isn't any sense of urgency on his part. Meanwhile I promise my guys that I'd have the DC# today since that's what my remailer told me. It's almost 11 am here in Hawaii so it's got to be about 4 or 5 pm on the East coast.

I'm going to see if I can find another remailer that I can depend on to be a little bit quicker.


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3017 on: December 01, 2012, 05:38:46 AM »

 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc.
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 12, 2011, 04:00:55 PM »

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Quote from: whitewidow on December 12, 2011, 03:15:16 PM

maybe he has a drug problem. never know with people

LOL! He's a bodybuilder trying to go pro. Of course he does! And I don't mean steroids. But was a mod on Nordics old board and is fairly well know on the boards. He's certainly very well known here on GetBig and gh15 also knows him very well and he knows gh15 well too. Plus, I have two addresses that are residences with names and one of them he has use for years to receive internationally. I also know his name in real life so it wouldn't be in his best interest to scam me. Plus, I am a gh15 elf and one of the original hand picked 11 apostles -- lol!

It's just that everyone was leery going with a new source, the delays didn't help and no one is buying the "lost DC#" bit. Today marks 3 full weeks waiting. If it went out Sat, which I'm doubting, then I should get it some time this week. If not, now we are into next week because of the weekend. And no one wants to get gh that's been in transit for over a month. If only I had the DC number then they would get off my back but I can't blame them. I'd feel the same way.   


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3018 on: December 01, 2012, 05:41:28 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: misc.
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 13, 2011, 11:30:53 PM »


So far no DC # despite him telling me he will get it to me yesterday. And now no response to my texts. This has me very worried. I am responsible for 23 kits. I find it hard to believe he would scam me. He is very well known on this board. Was a mod on Nordic's old board. Has been scammed before and has expressed his hatred for crooks. I have his cell number, his picture, the name and address that he uses to receive. He uses two addresses and both are residences so if he himself doesn't live there someone very close to him does. Nordic knows him very well and I'm sure he realizes Nordic wouldn't look kindly on a thief. gh15  knows who he is and is on a mission to get rid of "scambags."

Maybe (I hoping) that he did send it out and doesn't have the DC# and there's not much he can do about it but when I receive in a few days he figures I'll forget about it. I would be very relieve but this is the last time I'm using him. It's always been smooth sailing because things always went smooth. The test of a person's character is when things aren't going so great. You keep your word. If you say trk # on Monday it better be there on Monday or you better have a good excuse. You don't ignore someone especially when you know the position he's in. And believe me, my guys here are very suspicious. Who loses the tracking number on an over two thousand dollar order?

If he does rip me off, considering the info I have on him, and I'm sure others have even more detailed info, what can I do to make him pay?


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3019 on: December 01, 2012, 05:44:57 AM »
 Getbig V

 Posts: 8656

 RIP Keith Jones aka OnlyMe/NoWorries. 1/10/2011


Re: Use your trained ears
« Sent to: whitewidow on: December 14, 2011, 02:55:38 AM »

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No one ships with water anymore so no chance of leakage. The packs did reach him intact as he told via text and email that he got the kits and remember that he commented that they were "nice" so nothing was caught at customs.

The main thing that concerns me were that previous orders were maybe for around 6-8 kits. That he's not responding to text/email. He's got to know that that means I'm not going to use him again (I'm not) which makes me think that this is his time to cash in. He's a bodybuilder and always chasing gh. He's currently running 15 units Nordic red tops so it's always a challenge affording it. He's near thirty and has been back and forth moving in and out with his parents depending on funds. Only within the last year has he found a steady job which seems to keep him very busy.

If he sent priority mail it shouldn't "eventually arrive" but should be here by the end of this week at the latest. By Monday I'm going to PM gh15. He knows who he is.

Losing 23 kits its really going to put me in a major, major bind with some people here. I'm the one the convinced everybody to go with Kami and the Kigs. The were worried about Kami because they were so use to Nordic. Never did I consider I'd have a problem with my remailer. Also, last Thursday when both packs arrived and he picked them up I told him he could have two kits instead of one and he replied in a txt (exact words):

"Damn that's awsome...anytime u need remail...I'll.  Take care of u...thnx again"

Also, last Saturday I got this txt message (before I received the
email Sunday about lost DC#):

"just shipped both packs. I combined them into big flat rate box...
I'll email DC # when I get to computer."

That message was 7:15AM my time (Hawaii) so that would make it 1:15PM his time. He said he got there just as they were about to close. Checking the post office hours in his area most are closed
on Sat and Sun but those that stay open on Sat stay open until 12
noon so the time checks out if he did mail them.

As a source you know how important communication is. It's probably the biggest pain in your biz with all the "where's my shit?" emails but when communication is cut off that's when everybody goes into panic mode. I'm just one guy. If he just said, "Bro, I'm a moron. I should (or my girl should) have kept the receipts but I didn't. You have my word that it was shipped on Sat and your kits will come."

This is actually the first time I myself am dealing with him. He's been dealing with another guy from Hawaii on this board who doesn't post much who I buddy with. He doesn't know it's me,
Pellius, but rather a fellas named luvvsunot on this board.
This guy goes on other boards like Outlaw, PM, anabolicboard,
Ironden, ironbrotherhood. getbig is a bit much for him as he's
more of a source board guy.

I can think of two guys back east right on this board that I know and trust
much better than this guy. I don't trust upcoming bodybuilders
because they are so desperate for money and just can't help
but become thieves. It was this remailer that convinced my
friend (luvvsunot) not to trust source remailers even nordic's remailers.
The temptation is too great to slip in 2 or 3 of HCG vials with
every kit so you get a free kit for every 3-5 you move. And no one will no the difference as most go through a vial in at most
2 days. Also, who knows if they are storing it right. It could just
be sitting out for who knows how long.

I just need to know what I can do to this guy if he rips me off
considering all the info I have on him. He doesn't post much
on this board as he use to and probably doesn't care what people think of him here. He joined in 2006 and has almost 4,000 posts.
You've even posted on some of his threads.

LOL! Fuck I don't know why I'm being so secretive. I've giving you tracking, order info, where and when stuff is arriving. The guy I'm talking about is Spike. Here's one of the threads I came across when searching him and in which you posted.

I know I don't have to say, but this is between us. I'm not saying
anything unless I have to out him for ripping me off. As you can
tell by the tracking he lives in N.C.


  • Guest
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3020 on: December 01, 2012, 05:56:43 AM »
Curious to see with Bigmc will say about this 'little' meltdown by WW...

WW is really being a playa here, by showing private messages a person sent to him in confidence.

Seems WW was planning this all along for last 2 years at least. Means he was lying for at least 2 years and pretending to be a friend and confidant to a person.

I can imagine in the future a lot of dissapointed people will come out of this place, people that TRUST WW now and only to be given up later for the private amusement and gain of WW.

Atta friend WW!

Nope just pellius! he reveiled my PM's so I am doing the same! read the one right before you posted! this is proof alot of people were in on this HGH transaction. pellius outs Spike as the remailer! says where he lives! I have the tracking #'s! do you wanna see what the DEA bought off GH15's board? I will show you! you wanna push it bustitinmyass?
I new GH15 would pull some turn in rec dealer shit so I talked to some of my connected friends and with ties to the DEA and offered the same deal! You should see what they bought! I have the pics for proof! GH15 is FUCKED! Not just GH15 but all his hidden sources he has on his board! we got some guys who built status and made buys! we hold all the cards! Gh15 keeps thinking this shit is checkers it is chess! check Mate Bitch!


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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3021 on: December 01, 2012, 06:04:22 AM »
Way more PM's from pellius to come! and if you want a nice pic of the control buy! DEA is gonna fuck GH15 and his sources! Then we will all get a glimpse of the real GH15 when they take his mugshot! It will not be Dennis James or any Pro BB! I can promise you that! you all are getting duped by a sociopath!such a sociopath he might believe he is a Pro BB that is how sociopathic GH15 is! He also will be responsible for the indictment of some of your guys's favorite sources-LOL BWAHAHAHAHA


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  • Getbig V
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  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3022 on: December 01, 2012, 06:08:28 AM »
Hey little sister who's your superman...
Hey little sister who's the one you want...
Hey little sister shotgun...


  • Getbig V
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3023 on: December 01, 2012, 06:47:34 AM »
Curious to see with Bigmc will say about this 'little' meltdown by WW...

WW is really being a playa here, by showing private messages a person sent to him in confidence.

Seems WW was planning this all along for last 2 years at least. Means he was lying for at least 2 years and pretending to be a friend and confidant to a person.

I can imagine in the future a lot of dissapointed people will come out of this place, people that TRUST WW now and only to be given up later for the private amusement and gain of WW.

Atta friend WW!

i never read any of that shit

pellius and whitewidow need to learn how to post concisely

i always call it how i see it kid

you however dont -  i dont see you commenting on the pathetic shit reindeer boy throws up

or csnut not managing to make a gimmick last more than two posts without giving it away


  • Getbig III
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Re: The great kigs scam - everything was a lie
« Reply #3024 on: December 01, 2012, 07:23:21 AM »
Hey little sister who's your superman...
Hey little sister who's the one you want...
Hey little sister shotgun...

There is nothin' fair in this world
There is nothin' safe in this world
And there's nothin' sure in this world
And there's nothin' pure in this world