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Why can the crackhead Micheal Irvin Make racial comments and get away with it?
He doesn't look like he's that type of an athlete," Irvin said of Romo. "But he is. He is, man. I don't know if some brother down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the 'hood or something went down."
Irvin was referring to the fact Romo cannot be such a good athlete unless he has some African lineage in him. Basically saying he is to good of an athlete to be white. Duh Payton manning, Tom Brady, Troy Aikmen and most all of the other hall of fame qbs are white men ::) I am against racism but this shit is frustrating!
Hmm seems to be a double standerd to me. That and Micheal Irvin smokes crack and gets off all his legal problems trouble free. Seems to me a certain announcer was fired for joking with Lou Pannela about race.Wonder why Irving still has his job?Pure bullshit, I hope that cracked out shitbag loses his job when the media gets ahold of this nationally. Irvin has always been a moron but this seals the deal.
well, that's a pretty benign joke that i as a white white white boy find amusing.
--- Quote from: MisterMagoo on November 27, 2006, 03:21:04 PM ---well, that's a pretty benign joke that i as a white white white boy find amusing.
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If the roles where reversed and that was jaws or a white commenter he would be fired. There would be outrage. Jesse jackson would be crying in public etc etc.
I am for equal rights for all. but people cannot act this way and have a double standard.
--- Quote from: body88 on November 27, 2006, 03:17:00 PM ---He doesn't look like he's that type of an athlete," Irvin said of Romo. "But he is. He is, man. I don't know if some brother down in that line somewhere, I don't know who saw what or where, his great-great-great-great-grandma ran over in the 'hood or something went down."
Irvin was referring to the fact Romo cannot be such a good athlete unless he has some African lineage in him. Basically saying he is to good of an athlete to be white. Duh Payton manning, Tom Brady, Troy Aikmen and most all of the other hall of fame qbs are white men ::) I am against racism but this shit is frustrating!
Hmm seems to be a double standers to me. That and Micheal Irvin smokes crack and gets off all his legal problems scot free. Seems to me a certain announcer was fired for joking with Lou Pannela about race. Wonder why Irving still has his job. Pure bullshit i hope that cracked out shitbag loses his job when the media gets ahold of this nationally.
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because we have all been programed to feel sorry that the black man was a slave
at one time and they were opressed yea it sucked and im in no way saying it was right but fuck let it go.........blacks now get a free pass to say what they want.
I mean shit no one had it worse than the jews and instead of crying they took over the world well at least hollywood...
It is because the liberal media thinks we 'owe' negores in this country something when the truth is we don't owe their black a$$es a got-damn THANG!
It is perfectly fine for negroes to commit 'hate' crimes against whites and say whatever they want against 'whiteys'. It's fine. No...really we 'owe' them. They were slaves so...
I watched 'Original Kings of Comedy' last night. I love funny. Lots and lots of cracks and digs against 'white people'.
Put 'the blue collar comedy tour' on stage and let Ron White say something like...'Yea, my bulldog don't like negores...he barks at them...'
Or let Jeff Foxworthy have a skit where he says...'If you have 2LiveCrew playing at your reception and 'Big Mama' gets up to pump her ass...yooooou might be a negroe...
If you call Cherry flavor Koolaid as RED...yooooou might be a negroe!'
Watch how that will fly.
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