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Why can the crackhead Micheal Irvin Make racial comments and get away with it?
irvin is an idiot.
jimmy the greek got fired for telling it like it is a couple decades back.
--- Quote from: body88 on November 27, 2006, 03:24:10 PM ---
If the roles where reversed and that was jaws or a white commenter he would be fired. There would be outrage. Jesse jackson would be crying in public etc etc.
I am for equal rights for all. but people cannot act this way and have a double standard.
--- End quote ---
Yep, you are right.
Huge double standard.
Irvin is a jackass anyways. Don't know how he manages to keep that job...........
This thread and Jesse Jackass makes me want to drop the 'NBomb'.
Remember when that mess came out about Jesse Jackhole having a daughter and a secret mistress outside his marriage? Back in 2000.
This radio station had this 'shockjock'. Mancow Muller. He had his crew go to Jesse jacksons' crib...park right out in front and play the song 'Jesses's Girl!' over the loud speakers on top of the van...really loud.
Cops were called was great!
hi im micheal richards and i approve of micheal irvin
Considering this country's history, a little double-standard won't kill anyone as long as it eventually gets old and goes away.
As far as Irvin's persona, you can be sure that just like Steven A. Smith, he creates controvery in the same way Howard Cosell did. Makes it more interesting than just listening to the same politically correct "analysts" all the time.
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