Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Mixed Martial Arts (MMA/UFC)

Aiki Budo

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This man saw both worlds...

The Roots of Budo is in the Mentality. The Hardships but overcoming them.

look at his kokyu
nage... Aiki Budo...

A very Diffrent view of Aikido was from Koichi Tohei Sensei  a firm believer in KI. Ki was a central root of Daito Ryu and Aikido but he split from the Aiki kai to form his own School.


--- Quote from: Donny on February 12, 2015, 08:19:13 AM ---A very Diffrent view of Aikido was from Koichi Tohei Sensei  a firm believer in KI. Ki was a central root of Daito Ryu and Aikido but he split from the Aiki kai to form his own School.

--- End quote ---

Makes it look so effort less & easy.
Some staging in the multiple attack.
Otherwise good video.


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