Author Topic: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution  (Read 105646 times)


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2010, 09:08:14 AM »
I suspect that if he’d thought it would benefit him financially (and, had he the ability), Blair would have had a wider distribution.

There are stories that he once visited a “fortune teller” who advised him to take on a name consisting of letters that had a strong astrological association with money.
Hard to believe that a man of science would buy into that, but…
Assuming the story is true, many folks claim that as the reason Irv Johnson changed his name.

I doubt that Blair wanted his product to remain a secret - in fact, I believe quite the opposite.
Blair wanted to make money - the goal of any business.

You didn’t find many “supplements” on general retail store shelves at that time because not only was bodybuilding a miniscule, niche market, but there weren’t many supplements being produced.

Even that first soy powder that the Weider machine produced was sold - I believe - primarily through his magazines.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2010, 09:11:57 AM »
By the way, Stuntmovie, pretty good stories you have on the Las Vegas thread.  I know its about five years old at this point but it was cool reading through them.  I lived in Vegas from 2000-2008 and worked on the strip for much of that time.  I'm sure it was a very different place now compared to the stories you were telling.  

You would always hear people that have lived there for years talk about how much the place had changed over the years.  Always interesting to hear cool stories like that and how this industry/subculture has so many ties into Vegas!


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2010, 09:23:14 AM »
I suspect that if he’d thought it would benefit him financially (and, had he the ability), Blair would have had a wider distribution.

There are stories that he once visited a “fortune teller” who advised him to take on a name consisting of letters that had a strong astrological association with money.
Hard to believe that a man of science would buy into that, but…
Assuming the story is true, many folks claim that as the reason Irv Johnson changed his name.

I doubt that Blair wanted his product to remain a secret - in fact, I believe quite the opposite.
Blair wanted to make money - the goal of any business.

You didn’t find many “supplements” on general retail store shelves at that time because not only was bodybuilding a miniscule, niche market, but there weren’t many supplements being produced.

Even that first soy powder that the Weider machine produced was sold - I believe - primarily through his magazines.

Yes I read the same story about the forutne teller.  Was it true?  We can only speculate but its part of his legend now I guess. 

And ya your probably right about the retail maket being much smaller back then.  You probably couldn't buy this stuff at Walmart and Sams club the way you can today.

Was Weider stuff even available at your local GNC or health food store back then?  Anyone using this supplements way back in the day...where did you get your supplements from?


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2010, 11:34:10 AM »
Isn't this the same protein powder that Larry Scott supposedly spent 20 years trying to replicate?


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2010, 11:36:44 AM »
Isn't this the same protein powder that Larry Scott supposedly spent 20 years trying to replicate?

larry along with don howorth used to appear in blair's ads.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2010, 11:57:43 AM »
Somebody on here claimed to have tried Scott’s protein powder years ago and said it tasted great, but was loaded with sugar.
Blair’s original formula contained only naturally occurring milk sugars.

I respect Larry’s accomplishments, but that does not indicate anything about his “accuracy” in advertising.
His Hyper-Growth formula does not reference Blair or Gironda, but it does contain the following claim:
These Peptides Are A Thousand Times
More Powerful Than Steroids.
Can you believe it?... It takes just a trace of these things to give the same punch as steroids!

I know, but before you jump all over this…
It’s really not much more ridiculous a claim than a lot of other companies use - unless their creatine truly is 1,916,248.02% better than monohydrate.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2010, 12:41:32 PM »
Somebody on here claimed to have tried Scott’s protein powder years ago and said it tasted great, but was loaded with sugar.
Blair’s original formula contained only naturally occurring milk sugars.

I respect Larry’s accomplishments, but that does not indicate anything about his “accuracy” in advertising.
His Hyper-Growth formula does not reference Blair or Gironda, but it does contain the following claim:

I know, but before you jump all over this…
It’s really not much more ridiculous a claim than a lot of other companies use - unless their creatine truly is 1,916,248.02% better than monohydrate.

I just dug up one of my old magazines from 15 years ago, with Scott's ads, chronicling his LOOONG search for this secret formula. Ah, the good old days. ;D


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2010, 12:58:09 PM »
Yeah, the old Bio-Phase ads...

Which protein was that that he claimed to be the Blair repro?


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2010, 09:39:39 AM »
Yeah, the old Bio-Phase ads...

Which protein was that that he claimed to be the Blair repro?

I believe it was called "Hyper Growth Factor" or "Hyper Growth Formula".

the anabolic mon

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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2010, 06:30:09 PM »
I've believed since the 70s that Gironda and that crowd were way ahead of their time. That includes training, nutrition and everything else within the BB spectrum. Gironda, Blair, Scott and others. Even by today's standards there's not a whole lot they didn't cover IMO.

They were using Blair's supplements, desicated liver pills, amino acids, etc. plus top notch training.

Ron Kosloff maintains all the info from this era, and can be contacted. Nice guy to.

Bump for good info. Gironda's info is becoming more popular as people get tired of the drugged out freaks. Moderate weights, frequent training, up the fat and cut the carbs year round. I wish I'd learned this stuff years ago.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2010, 03:49:28 PM »
 I can tell some pretty good stories about bodybuilding and old time Las Vegas but I have been 'warned off' on more than a couple of occasions about telling too damn much about them good old days.

One of you guys asked about supplements back then and I can tell you as much as I can remember and maybe some of you other old timers can fill in the blanks.

In the 50's and 60's you could find an occasional health food store in the major cities which sold wheat germ oil, yogurt, cod liver oil and similar sit like that,  but I don't recall any protein products until Gypsie Boots offered 'protein wafers' that were somewhat similar to the way Lifesavers are packaged.

Weider offered a liquid wt gaining product that tasted like a weak Geritol product ahd Hoffman eventually offer powered protein in a round cardboard container.

Then came beef liver protein that tasted like shit and that was followed by Rheo H.Blair and his milk and egg protein that Scott swore by back them

And then there was Mus-L-On up in Northern  California and the beginnings of a whole new line of work out equipment which today we take for granted.

And from that point on this game grew into a major industry which I can only discuss after I prove to certain individuals that I am dead.

But the inside shit is what makes it interesting.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2010, 04:06:19 PM »
Gironda was a radical thinker in more ways than one and he hated bullshit.

Most of the serious bodybuilders listened to him and took his advice but only a relative few followed his leg training workouts.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2010, 04:31:36 PM »
You always have the best & most insightful stories.
Blair & Gironda are both gone, and Ron Kosloff seems like a nice enough guy…
Spill the beans, man! (lol)

I still sometimes wonder if the effectiveness of Blair’s mix was that you mixed it with raw eggs & cream.
It seems to me that those ingredients alone would make one grow, and Vince even claimed in one of his MuscleMag articles that the powder was primarily for taste.

Scott claims he grew like a weed once he started adding cream to the shakes, but I don’t know if that means he first tried Blair’s product without it for comparison.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2010, 05:10:28 AM »
in a fairly recent mmi profile it was reported that irving johnson aka rheo h blair had mr america jim park on over 2000 protein pills a day, that's what jim said in the interview shortly before he died... of kidney failure?


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2010, 05:56:52 PM »
I can tell some pretty good stories about bodybuilding and old time Las Vegas but I have been 'warned off' on more than a couple of occasions about telling too damn much about them good old days.

One of you guys asked about supplements back then and I can tell you as much as I can remember and maybe some of you other old timers can fill in the blanks.

In the 50's and 60's you could find an occasional health food store in the major cities which sold wheat germ oil, yogurt, cod liver oil and similar sit like that,  but I don't recall any protein products until Gypsie Boots offered 'protein wafers' that were somewhat similar to the way Lifesavers are packaged.

Weider offered a liquid wt gaining product that tasted like a weak Geritol product ahd Hoffman eventually offer powered protein in a round cardboard container.

Then came beef liver protein that tasted like shit and that was followed by Rheo H.Blair and his milk and egg protein that Scott swore by back them

And then there was Mus-L-On up in Northern  California and the beginnings of a whole new line of work out equipment which today we take for granted.

And from that point on this game grew into a major industry which I can only discuss after I prove to certain individuals that I am dead.

But the inside shit is what makes it interesting.

Good stuff but I’m with Montage…spill the beans bro.

When you say the inside shit is what makes it interesting…ill use that to segway into this point:

It’s been a year and a half since I started this thread.  One of my earlier posts I mentioned that I ran/owned a sports nutrition store.  I have since closed it earlier in the year due to poor sales. It was one year and done for me.

I took away a few things from the experience regarding the industry.  I had previous experience working for some bigger retail chains in vitamins, sports nutrition, ect before I decided to go off on my own.  When you work for the bigger corporate places you get “shielded” from a lot of “stuff”…you just don’t see the behind the scenes stuff that goes on.

Gotta be honest, a lot of the stuff I learned about people and some of the inner workings, turned me off to a degree and I’m not sure I’d do another round in this business even though I really do have a passion for it.  

Example: I guess I was naïve to it at first but I really came to a conclusion that there are a lot of people I simply don’t want to be associated with in this biz.  When you think about it, it’s a bit shocking how many people have done jail/prison time that are in this business.  Companies that have the balls to flat out put illegal drugs in products with no listing on the labels (obviously) or warning.  The flat out ridiculous ads that some companies use as a marketing strategy…when people outside the business see an add with a guy obviously on steroids promoting a product that says will make 6000% stronger…they simply don’t take your business seriously…you get thrown in the same category as a 2am infomercial.  To see the feds raiding for prohormones...ehhh def mad me question whether this is all worth it.

That being said, I also met a lot of really cool people…good people that you do want to be associated with.  People that share a common passion.  Plus we have better looking/fitter girls than you see in many industries or professions…lol.  I guess the good and the bad comes in any business/industry and my experience lead me to learn a lot and I know I’ll always have an interest even if it’s not what I “do for a living”.

So ya StuntMovie…do tell!!!

the anabolic mon

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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2010, 04:31:58 PM »

If you’re really interested in the whole “Mother’s Milk” concept, you ought to investigate to find the amino & fat composition of actual breast milk. Find as much specific info as you can, and then compare it to other brands, particularly Muscle Milk’s formula, as they like to tout their protein as being closest to boob juice.

Then report your findings to your good buddy Monty so he doesn't have to do the research.

I like to add a half cup of cream to a bottle of Muscle Milk. Tastes great, and will stick with you for hours.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2010, 11:59:13 PM »
Pac-Man, I really enjoyed reading your latest post dated Oct 12 about the supplement industry and the good and the bad folks you met within it.

In fact it was an experience somewhat like deja-vous (spelling?) while reading it.

While I was going through high school I met two brothers whose father forced them to drink ox-blood frequently .... or so the entire student body believed.

These brothers were big and mean and great athletes but kept to themselves and were respected by all.

And I wanted to  be just like them.

But I didn't want to drink ox-blood!

So one day I passed a small aand strange looking store in downtown San Francisco  and looked through the window and saw strange looking stuff that I had never seen in a grocery store and built up enough nerve to go inside and ask the person behind the counter, "What can I buy in here that will make me big and stronger?"

And this old geezer got off his rocker and took me to the refrigerator and handed me a glass jar of something called "Yogurt" and on our way  back to the cash register he also placed a dark brown bottle of something called "wheat germ oil" in my empty hand.

And I gave him a five dollar bill and he gave me change and said, "When you're done with that, come back for more and you'll get bigger and stronger in no time at all!"

So for the next year or so I was a regular customer, always searching the shelves for something new to make me bigger and stronger, but only leaving that little store with my monthly supply of unflavored yogurt   and my brown bottle of wheat germ oil,

And back then that was the only stuff on what is now  called the Health Food Store shelves that coild make you bigger and stronger without mentioning it even once on the label.

In fact there was not one product in that store that displayed the word 'Muscle" or made any mention of strength increases.

The snake oil salesmen had been run out of town many years earlier and apparently .... no one wanted them to return. (But .... how soon we forget!)

That little health food store was mainly interested in selling cures for diarreha and constipation, flat feet, migrane headaches, and Pepto Bismo -like stuff for hangovers and upset stomachs.

And as dumb as it may seem, that was the beginning of health food stores west of the Mississippi.

And if you wanted ox-blood you'd have to look elsewhere.

Things were so much different then.

A gym was something that had basketballs in it.

And any gym with weights inside had a pile of untouched plates and bars in the far-off, unlit corner.

But there were a few eccentrics who enjoyed the company of other men in an attempt to determine who was stronger, and even greater eccentrics  who wanted to prove that they were bigger.

Sothe local Y was full of eccentrics each night after working hours putting plates on bars and waiting patiently for the guys who got there earlier to get off that damn robbily bench so that they could do their four sets and get home for dinner to brag about how big and strong they were getting.

And over a short period of time .... an industry was created. And a very few eccentrics saw an opportunity and took advantage.

Ed Yarick opened a small gym in Oakland, and Jack Lalanne opened a small gym on  the 5th floor of a very ancient high rise office building on the then less desirable end of Downtown's Market Street, while Walt Baptiste openeda Yoga studio with weights in the  corner on Van Ness Avenue.

And a couple of brothers on the east coast were getting magaziines started while competing against a guy named Dan Louri and a strong guy who lifted heavy barbells in a town called York by the name of Bob Hoffman.

And I sort of forget how and when they fit into this picture  but Perry and Mable Raider were also pioneers in the big-guy, strong-guy editorial business with a little but impressive magazine  called "IronMan".

So now things start taking shape and a new and unrecognized industry is developing and the magazines start selling ad space.

But they soon realize that diarreah and constipation remedies have little interest in there ad offerings, so they start 'inventing' stuff to advertise in the hope ehat it will generate enough income to keep the presses rolling.

And one day one of those editorial type guys notices a full page ad in his favorite comic book in which a skinny kid gets sand kicked in his face while the big guy walks away with his girlfriend .... and an immediate "Trainer of Champions" idea is born which causes a great amount of jealousy and animosity within this new publishing industry and among the real living experts within the "Get big, Get strong" world which the vast majority of the world's population knows nothing about.

And the snake oil guys return in droves. But not all snake oils are bad!

More to follow if there is any interest


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2010, 04:20:21 AM »
Pac-Man, I really enjoyed reading your latest post dated Oct 12 about the supplement industry and the good and the bad folks you met within it.

In fact it was an experience somewhat like deja-vous (spelling?) while reading it.

While I was going through high school I met two brothers whose father forced them to drink ox-blood frequently .... or so the entire student body believed.

These brothers were big and mean and great athletes but kept to themselves and were respected by all.

And I wanted to  be just like them.

But I didn't want to drink ox-blood!

So one day I passed a small aand strange looking store in downtown San Francisco  and looked through the window and saw strange looking stuff that I had never seen in a grocery store and built up enough nerve to go inside and ask the person behind the counter, "What can I buy in here that will make me big and stronger?"

And this old geezer got off his rocker and took me to the refrigerator and handed me a glass jar of something called "Yogurt" and on our way  back to the cash register he also placed a dark brown bottle of something called "wheat germ oil" in my empty hand.

And I gave him a five dollar bill and he gave me change and said, "When you're done with that, come back for more and you'll get bigger and stronger in no time at all!"

So for the next year or so I was a regular customer, always searching the shelves for something new to make me bigger and stronger, but only leaving that little store with my monthly supply of unflavored yogurt   and my brown bottle of wheat germ oil,

And back then that was the only stuff on what is now  called the Health Food Store shelves that coild make you bigger and stronger without mentioning it even once on the label.

In fact there was not one product in that store that displayed the word 'Muscle" or made any mention of strength increases.

The snake oil salesmen had been run out of town many years earlier and apparently .... no one wanted them to return. (But .... how soon we forget!)

That little health food store was mainly interested in selling cures for diarreha and constipation, flat feet, migrane headaches, and Pepto Bismo -like stuff for hangovers and upset stomachs.

And as dumb as it may seem, that was the beginning of health food stores west of the Mississippi.

And if you wanted ox-blood you'd have to look elsewhere.

Things were so much different then.

A gym was something that had basketballs in it.

And any gym with weights inside had a pile of untouched plates and bars in the far-off, unlit corner.

But there were a few eccentrics who enjoyed the company of other men in an attempt to determine who was stronger, and even greater eccentrics  who wanted to prove that they were bigger.

Sothe local Y was full of eccentrics each night after working hours putting plates on bars and waiting patiently for the guys who got there earlier to get off that damn robbily bench so that they could do their four sets and get home for dinner to brag about how big and strong they were getting.

And over a short period of time .... an industry was created. And a very few eccentrics saw an opportunity and took advantage.

Ed Yarick opened a small gym in Oakland, and Jack Lalanne opened a small gym on  the 5th floor of a very ancient high rise office building on the then less desirable end of Downtown's Market Street, while Walt Baptiste openeda Yoga studio with weights in the  corner on Van Ness Avenue.

And a couple of brothers on the east coast were getting magaziines started while competing against a guy named Dan Louri and a strong guy who lifted heavy barbells in a town called York by the name of Bob Hoffman.

And I sort of forget how and when they fit into this picture  but Perry and Mable Raider were also pioneers in the big-guy, strong-guy editorial business with a little but impressive magazine  called "IronMan".

So now things start taking shape and a new and unrecognized industry is developing and the magazines start selling ad space.

But they soon realize that diarreah and constipation remedies have little interest in there ad offerings, so they start 'inventing' stuff to advertise in the hope ehat it will generate enough income to keep the presses rolling.

And one day one of those editorial type guys notices a full page ad in his favorite comic book in which a skinny kid gets sand kicked in his face while the big guy walks away with his girlfriend .... and an immediate "Trainer of Champions" idea is born which causes a great amount of jealousy and animosity within this new publishing industry and among the real living experts within the "Get big, Get strong" world which the vast majority of the world's population knows nothing about.

And the snake oil guys return in droves. But not all snake oils are bad!

More to follow if there is any interest

^^ Good stuff.

And yes, when you have time, please share more!
I'm sure that pac-man (and others) will share my sentiments.



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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2010, 04:22:25 AM »
I like to add a half cup of cream to a bottle of Muscle Milk. Tastes great, and will stick with you for hours.

It'll stick to your carotids for longer than that!



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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2010, 10:20:21 AM »
OK, thanks, Montague! I'll do my best to recall this stuff, but you gotta realize that I simply write what I consider 'history' from my point of view and the way I personally witnessed it.

So there may be other witnesses out there who saw this history differently and it would be interesting to here it from their point of view. I'm always open to objections and corrections.

OK, so now we got magazines and the start of an industry that would possibly be interested in placing ads within those magazines, but the owners of those magazines did not want to run advertisements that were in competition with their very own products.

And no matter how respectable a couple of these 'muscle' magazines were, all of them  were always located on the very top shelf of the smuttiest magazine stores in town.

As I mentioned earlier ... the world was a different place back then and anything that showed too much 'skin' was considered 'smut. And magazines with photos of semi 'naked' muscle guys  were among the 'smuttiest'.

And this 'smutti-est-ness' continued on through the years until Hefner published Playboy and changed a bit of 'smutty history'.

But back east in the New York area, 'men's smuttiness' magazine photos were taking the form of fine art photography.

But none the less those magazines were still somewhat hidden on the top racks of magazine stands up and down Broadway.

But even hidden in such a way. bodybuilders were getting exposure and publicity, but not the kind of publicity you'd take home to mother.

But competition within the 'Big guy, Strong guy" publishing business forced an in-house cleaning operation .... and these magazines over time became somewhat more respectable.

But not respectable enough for everyone. And even today that appears to be the norm.

So now we have three big guy publishers who despise each other. There was Joe and his brother and Bob and Dan. And each of them felt that he was more important than the others.

And they'd start and encourage rumors about what bad guys the others were.

One well traveled RUMOR was that one of the magazines had to use a different printing company with every monthly issue for its failure to pay the previous printing company and eventually had to leave the state because there were no more printing companies to refuse to pay.

to be continued


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2010, 10:21:28 AM »
OK, thanks, Montague! I'll do my best to recall this stuff, but you gotta realize that I simply write what I consider 'history' from my point of view and the way I personally witnessed it.

So there may be other witnesses out there who saw this history differently and it would be interesting to here it from their point of view. I'm always open to objections and corrections.

OK, so now we got magazines and the start of an industry that would possibly be interested in placing ads within those magazines, but the owners of those magazines did not want to run advertisements that were in competition with their very own products.

And no matter how respectable a couple of these 'muscle' magazines were, all of them  were always located on the very top shelf of the smuttiest magazine stores in town.

As I mentioned earlier ... the world was a different place back then and anything that showed too much 'skin' was considered 'smut. And magazines with photos of semi 'naked' muscle guys  were among the 'smuttiest'.

And this 'smutti-est-ness' continued on through the years until Hefner published Playboy and changed a bit of 'smutty history'.

But back east in the New York area, 'men's smuttiness' magazine photos were taking the form of fine art photography.

But none the less those magazines were still somewhat hidden on the top racks of magazine stands up and down Broadway.

But even hidden in such a way. bodybuilders were getting exposure and publicity, but not the kind of publicity you'd take home to mother.

But competition within the 'Big guy, Strong guy" publishing business forced an in-house cleaning operation .... and these magazines over time became somewhat more respectable.

But not respectable enough for everyone. And even today that appears to be the norm.

So now we have three big guy publishers who despise each other. There was Joe and his brother and Bob and Dan. And each of them felt that he was more important than the others.

And they'd start and encourage rumors about what bad guys the others were.

One well traveled RUMOR was that one of the magazines had to use a different printing company with every monthly issue for its failure to pay the previous printing company and eventually had to leave the state because there were no more printing companies to refuse to pay.

to be continued

great stuff stuntmovie , i guess the history section isn't dead. keep it coming. i think you are right on in your views and perceptions of the time. in a similar vein i myself almost bought a gym in the late 70's but was put off when believe it or not the realtor actually told me a good portion of the money generated by the gym was through the sale of steroids, the realtor actually said that. i changed my mind when hearing this.


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2010, 11:18:08 AM »
Thanks, Funk. I'll have more to say re your comments later, but right now I gotta thank ya if you're the GetBigger who posted all those bodybuilding photos  of years gone by. I took a fast look at those 15 pages to see who I knew or met personally and who was still among the living and had a quick kick in the stomach when I read that a few had reached the happy hunting ground.

I have a bad habit of remembering people as they used to be ln their prime and usually put my foot in my mouth by saying something like' 'What happend to you!?" after a 20 - 30 absence/regathering!

But the one guy who actually looks younger after a span of many years is Tony Pierson. He actually looks like he grew 20 years younger.

OK, back to the history lesson.

The big thing I want to stress in this post is that "Things were so much different  back in the 40's and the 50's" and somr Getbiggers who seem to present themselves as experts stand here in the present age and mis-analyze the 'actions' of those involved in this thing called bodybuilding so many, many years ago.

It seems that these young, so called "experts" are trying to analyze an earth molecule while standing on the moon.

The following will be difficult to explain because most of you all lack the daily experiences we lived with back then .... "Back then"  when the world and all its occupants were completely and totally different.

And don't worry because this will be completely body building related. I just gotta set the stage a bit.

10 min break


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2010, 11:50:18 AM »
Just got orders to head on downtown, so i'll do my best to continue this upon my return. Next post will most likely be a recap and what type of guys were bodybuilding back then and why they really didn't look too good except for guys like Reeves and a few others who had genetics.

I personally believe Gadja turned the conditioning in another direction. Up till his appearence on the scene, it appeared to b e mainly a question of genetics among the best.  More on this historical moment and personal observation to follow.

Hi, BOB ! Now here's the man who can argue or agree with or add to  a lot of points I'll be discussing.
I hope you stay with us, Bob! I'd like to get you involved in a  future discussion about today's NPC competitions to be called HISTORY REPEATS REPEATS ITSELF. I'LL SEND you a message first when I get some time. I HOPE YOU READ THIS AS I ADDED IT AFTER YOUR POST BELOW.

Bob Bonham

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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2010, 11:50:59 AM »
I use to use the product.. Have also been to his office. I never heard about heavey cream = to mothers milk. I was told the fats were esental to complete the desacated podwer form. A more natural way to complete the effectivness of Blairs


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Re: Rheo Blair Protein/Supplement Evolution
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2010, 12:13:40 PM »
Bob, I thought I was also in his office back in the early 60'S BUT NOW I'm not positive it was his office - maybe his distriibution/sales center.

I recall it being in a central part of LA in a semi wooded area with a small lake in the back.

Does that make any sense to you? That's when Scott was training McArdle for the Cal but Corvello beat him for the title which was a major upset. Those were the Embassy Hotel Auditorium days of yore when you could have gotten yanked off the stage if you appeared in bad shape or get hit with a rotten tomato.

Those were rough but fun times in this crazy world ot bodybuilding.

What year did you enter the picture?

Head'n off.