Author Topic: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".  (Read 26625 times)

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Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« on: January 22, 2012, 07:10:43 AM »

Wow!  I have to get this book.    Obama cries like Boehner does!!!  

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The Cry-Baby in Chief
Posted By Ben Shapiro On January 17, 2012 @ 12:28 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 43 Comments


This week, Matt Drudge turned The Obamas, by New York Times columnist Jodi Kantor, into an instant bestseller by linking to a story that cited an anecdote from the book.  It claimed that the Obamas held a spare-no-expense Halloween party at the White House.  “For the Obamas’ first celebration in the White House, Desiree Rogers and her team turned the building into a spooky wonderland, with orange spotlights, thousand-pound pumpkins, and musicians dressed like skeletons,” Kantor reports.  Inside the White House, at the VIP party, kids could play with George Lucas’ actual Wookies.  More prominently, the State Dining Room was “decorated by the movie director Tim Burton in his signature creepy-comic style,” based on his new movie Alice in Wonderland.  Johnny Depp showed up dressed as the Mad Hatter.

The White House hid the party from public view.  They didn’t want the rest of the nation to know how they were spending our hard-earned tax dollars on an episode of MTV’s My Sweet Sixteen.  Thus, neither Burton nor Depp showed up on White House visitor logs.

While this revelation in Kantor’s book is dismaying, it’s her portrayal of our Commander-In-Chief that is truly shocking.  Barack Obama comes off as a man with deep personal issues, manifested in a supreme self-centeredness and tremendous insecurity.  He is emotionally fragile, unable to stand criticism, and bewildered by dissent.

Take, for example, Obama’s tendency to cry.  In Kantor’s book, Obama is repeatedly on the verge of tears.  “During the campaign,” writes Kantor, “Obama told friends he couldn’t look at [Valerie] Jarrett during speeches lest he become too emotional and start to cry.”  (That was because  Jarrett played both sister and mother to Obama, as Kantor relates.)  At the launch party for his poorly-written second autobiography, The Audacity of Hope, Kantor says, “he stood alone at the front of the tent, overcome with tears.”  Just a few pages later, Obama is at it again, “tears in his eyes” while watching his daughter “practice dance moves,” since he sees her so seldom.  Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, the Obamas “felt better understood than they did in Washington” – and once again, Obama was “fighting back tears” during his speech.

Sensitivity is fine and dandy, but all too often, it comes along with serious insecurities of narcissism.  That’s clearly the case with Obama, who apparently surrounds himself with women who overpower him (Michelle, Valerie Jarrett), then bullies everyone else.  That self-centeredness translates into an obsession with power, even when it is exercised in absolute trivialities.  A particularly illuminating example comes from early in Obama’s tenure in office.  “Even amid the confounding crises of his first months in office,” Kantor writes,

“Barack Obama took satisfaction in a simple, glorious new truth: he was the president of the United States.  One day he walked out of a meeting in his chief of staff’s office and began to flip through a stack of magazines on the desk of a young assistant to [Rahm] Emanuel.  ‘Whose are these?’ he asked the assistant.  Well, they just got sent here, addressed to the chief of staff, she replied.  Then she paused and rethought her answer.  ‘But everything in the White House is yours … so technically they’re yours,’ she said.  The president shot her a satisfied look.  The following day, he passed her desk and he magazines again.  ‘Whose magazines are these?’ he asked.  She had the answer ready this time.  ‘They’re your magazines, Mr. President,” she said.  Obama grinned and continued on his way.”

Everything is yours, Mr. President.  Those are the words Obama longs to hear – and those are the words he’s longed to hear his entire career.  Kantor briefly traces his political rise – carefully avoiding mention of his dubious relationships with Jeremiah Wright or Tony Rezko or Bill Ayers – portraying him as an idealist among idealists, a naïve Mr. Smith Goes to Washington type who wanted to be a non-politician politician.

But, of course, the truth is somewhat less noble.  Obama comes across in the book as profoundly power-hungry – he couldn’t get anything done as a State Senator, so he moved on to the Senate; he couldn’t get anything done in the Senate, so he moved on to the presidency.

He’s frustrated with the presidency, too.  “When Obama reflected privately on the presidency that fall, he often spoke about the limitations of the office,” Kantor reports about Obama’s first autumn in the White House.  He was suffering from a “dawning sense of political powerlessness.”  This is the highest form of egotism known to man.  The president of the United States is the most powerful individual on earth.  He does not get to complain about his lack of power.  No wonder Obama has publicly mused about the beauties of the Chinese system – the only step up from the presidency is monarchy or dictatorship.

In China, the dictators need brook no criticism.  And Obama can’t stand criticism.  In another fascinating tidbit, Obama’s friend Christopher Edley, dean of UC Berkeley Law School, recommended via email that Obama not pick Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff the day after the election.  “Soon after he sent the note,” says Kantor, “the phone rang.  It was Jarrett, warning Edley of a very angry phone call to come.  ‘Why would you do this today, of all days?’ Obama demanded of Edley.  He wanted to savor his moment of victory free of all criticism, Edley concluded; he did not have much tolerance for seeing his judgment doubted.  The old friends never spoke again.”

Obama has carried that petulant attitude forward.  We have now seen it on the public stage, day after day — a man exorcising his personal demons by bullying and whining his way through his presidency, blaming his political enemies and the American public for all his woes.  It is not pretty.  And looking behind the scenes with Jodi Kantor is even uglier still.

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I would love to be a fly on the wall looking in on this crazy house. 

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 08:02:01 PM »
BUMP for 240 and those attacking Boehner for crying.

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 08:04:08 PM »
do you have video of obama crying?  or just some dude hocking a book, talking about what some people said they heard about?  Did he cry after punching out jesse ventura?

there's lots of video of boehnner crying.  Obama has a video camera on him 24/7.  Where's the obama crying video, 33?

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 04:34:51 PM »

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2012, 04:50:04 PM »
sad to see her resort to such immature behavior.  disrespectful to the office.

she desperately needs support from her base $.  sad effort here.


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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2012, 05:03:28 PM »
do you have video of obama crying?  or just some dude hocking a book, talking about what some people said they heard about?  Did he cry after punching out jesse ventura?

there's lots of video of boehnner crying.  Obama has a video camera on him 24/7.  Where's the obama crying video, 33?

it's on the internet,it must be true  :D :D :D

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2012, 05:28:16 PM »
it's on the internet,it must be true  :D :D :D

You bought into every 911 CT.   STFU.

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2012, 05:31:28 PM »

You bought into every 911 CT.   STFU.

hi birther!   youre part of this ct club too :)

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2012, 05:35:02 PM »
hi birther!   youre part of this ct club too :)

There is more evidence of birtherism than 911 ct's.

BTW I only wish Brewer would have recorded the conversation and then exposed Barry for the thin skinned punk he is.

being a Muslim, he can't take criticism from women.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2012, 06:14:18 PM »

Do you expect Obama to go and slap her or yell back at her or something???.... ::)  Seems to me like Gov Brewer needs to calm down and act a little more professional

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2012, 06:15:15 PM »

Do you expect Obama to go and slap her or yell back at her or something???.... ::)  Seems to me like Gov Brewer needs to calm down and act a little more professional

Obama should do his job and not sue states that deal w problems his failed admn refuse to.

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2012, 06:25:39 PM »
Obama should do his job and not sue states that deal w problems his failed admn refuse to.

He is doing his job.  Immigration Law is set on a federal level...not state.  Gov Brewer is violating Latino's rights with the law.  Some of them are in the country legally and now they are pulled over on the side of the street on a regular basis.

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2012, 06:37:29 PM »
He is doing his job.  Immigration Law is set on a federal level...not state.  Gov Brewer is violating Latino's rights with the law.  Some of them are in the country legally and now they are pulled over on the side of the street on a regular basis.

Oh please.   More scaremongering.  Remember.  That thug Obama ran fast n furious out of AZ wo telling anyone.   She should have kicked him in the nuts over that alone.


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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2012, 07:46:40 AM »
So no photos of Obama crying?

Plenty of posts from you crying on here every day.

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2012, 07:55:49 AM »
There is more evidence of birtherism than 911 ct's.

hahahhahaha clueless

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2012, 10:19:02 AM »
So no photos of Obama crying?

Plenty of posts from you crying on here every day.

Number boy doesn't give a shit about civil rights.  The best thing to do about immigration law is to amnesty to the illegals, make them pay back taxes, and issue SS numbers to pay taxes.  Its inexpensive to do and it will allow the proper revenue to balance the budget.

Otherwise we can waste money shipping each one back (25,000 dollars a head) and still deal with many more that are using our service and NOT PAYING TAXES FOR THEM.  They

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2012, 06:44:00 AM »
Dear God!


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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2012, 06:47:29 AM »
holy fu#k he did an interview  :o :o ::) and he wasn't born in the u.s.  :D :D :D :D keep running with it nutjobs  :D

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2012, 06:49:49 AM »
holy fu#k he did an interview  :o :o ::) and he wasn't born in the u.s.  :D :D :D :D keep running with it nutjobs  :D

He admits to being a whipped bitch.   I'll bet mobacca wears a strap on. 

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2012, 07:12:11 AM »

He admits to being a whipped bitch.   I'll bet mobacca wears a strap on. 

IMO, the men who brag about "i gots the bitch like THIS" are usually the most insecure douches.

the ones who laugh about their woman cracking the whip usually have a healthy relationship.  Maybe a little soft, but who cares.

there are lots of reasons to hate on the kenyan illegal destroying our economy, but this is kinda a stupid reason to do so.


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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2012, 07:40:04 AM »
Does Obama really come off as a man...really. He looks like a pansy better suited to sucking dick in a San Fran bathhouse then leading the free world. Chewbacca beats his ass. But don't take my word for it....the friggen planet is tearing itself apart, nobody is scared or respects Barry.

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2012, 07:42:51 AM »
Does Obama really come off as a man...really. He looks like a pansy better suited to sucking dick in a San Fran bathhouse then leading the free world. Chewbacca beats his ass. But don't take my word for it....the friggen planet is tearing itself apart, nobody is scared or respects Barry.

Obama w his paki boyfriend - Hassan Chandoo

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Re: Obama: "Always on the verge of tears." "Dominated by women".
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2012, 07:51:29 AM »
nobody is scared or respects Barry.

without obama giving the order for NFZ, kadaffi would still be alive.
without obama giving the risky order "go INTO pakistan and KILL OBL", bin laden would still be alive.

And the G20 hasn't gone to a single currency.  to me, that alone is a huge win.  any prez who can put that off is doing okay, IMHO.