Author Topic: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.  (Read 4646 times)


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Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« on: October 22, 2006, 01:58:49 PM »
  Over the past few years, I've realized that many aspects of the denomination may not be the most upright, whether it be praying to the Virgin Mary, or the symbolism (many of which I feel violates Exodus 20:4) and dogma. I don't, for instance, feel as though the Pope is infallible, or that birth control is wrong. I've been eyeing the Presbyterian faith as of late. Anyone have any feedback concerning that branch?


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 02:21:02 PM »
i suggest opus dei which is doing good things in your life as god would have you do, basically. the kabala is the real source of the bible and it is misconstrued. i suggest you dont take a faith but find your own path and make rational judgements if there is a god.


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 04:13:46 PM »
i suggest opus dei which is doing good things in your life as god would have you do, basically. the kabala is the real source of the bible and it is misconstrued. i suggest you dont take a faith but find your own path and make rational judgements if there is a god.

  I do not for a second doubt the existence of God. I just wanna be part of a church that I feel best suits the faith.


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2006, 04:29:36 PM »
Not to offend anyone but Purge I think it's a good move to leave the Catholic Church especially if yours teaches what the ones around here teach.

Praying to Mary is not scriptural, in fact since she is a dead human, it is forbidden to try to make contact w/her. 

Same deal w/all the dead "saints" who received the title "saint" from the Catholic Church.  They are dead people.  Also, the bible refers to anyone who believes in Christ as Savior a "saint."

There are a lot of other things that bother me about Catholicism, such as how the papacy teaches that Mary is a co-redeemer w/Christ, and also that the Council of Trent can decide what is right and wrong, even though they change their minds about stuff.

I also don't believe birth control is wrong. 

I've got more but Purge, I'd be interested in hearing more about what bothers you about Catholicism.

As far as Presbyterian faith, I don't really have an opinion other than it probably teaches more closely out of the bible than the Catholic Church (at least that's how it is around where I live). 

I attend a non-denominational bible-believing church that I have never heard anything non-scriptural taught from any of our pastors.


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2006, 05:07:52 PM »
  The words "non-denominational" sound rather refreshing. I'm also not a huge fan of those hellfire-and-brimstone churches where the pastor preaches as if he were the singer for Slipknot. I prefer a teacher with a "small, still voice".


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 05:31:09 PM »
seriously opus dei is your ticket, it is functional and teaches compassion towards others and living what jesus taught in your life, that is being a good person. i dont need anyone to tell me god exsists although i couldn't accept it on blind faith. if god does exsist then he would want what is right for you and others, we have free will, he does not interfere, so make choices in life that reflect what you beleive.  just google opus dei, islam seems a little more logical to me also.

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2006, 07:06:16 PM »
i left the catholic church when the sex scandals broke out. i was very insulted to have spent years as an eligible alter boy with nothing to show for it ;D


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2006, 08:30:44 AM »

I was raised catholic.  After spending some time going ot a non-denominational church and doing research on the origins of the Bible and Christianity I realized the Catholic church doesn't follow the bible very well.   Here are some some general points of why i don't think too much of the catholic church:

-  It was born of political agreement at the council of nicea (s?)
-  The pope is supposed to speak for god
-  It adopted many pagan rituals
-  It is a overly wealthy church with loads of riches, gold, diamonds, land, buildings....  soooo much excess
-  It doesn't follow the bible with "hail Mary repetative verses
-  It makes you call priests "father"  when in the bible it says not to.
-  It created it's own parts of the afterlife:  Pergatory
-  It created new sins:  Eating meat on good Friday
-  It allows idol worship
-  It allows praying to a spirit other than god

All these things made me rethink being a catholic.

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2006, 09:14:02 AM »

I was raised catholic.  After spending some time going ot a non-denominational church and doing research on the origins of the Bible and Christianity I realized the Catholic church doesn't follow the bible very well.   Here are some some general points of why i don't think too much of the catholic church:

-  It was born of political agreement at the council of nicea (s?)
-  The pope is supposed to speak for god
-  It adopted many pagan rituals
-  It is a overly wealthy church with loads of riches, gold, diamonds, land, buildings....  soooo much excess
-  It doesn't follow the bible with "hail Mary repetative verses
-  It makes you call priests "father"  when in the bible it says not to.
-  It created it's own parts of the afterlife:  Pergatory
-  It created new sins:  Eating meat on good Friday
-  It allows idol worship
-  It allows praying to a spirit other than god

All these things made me rethink being a catholic.

But are you a Christian? Or just a believer in an higher power? Is there only one God?
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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2006, 09:23:28 AM »
But are you a Christian? Or just a believer in an higher power? Is there only one God?

Haven't i answered those questions for you before?   ;)

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2006, 09:28:03 AM »
Haven't i answered those questions for you before?   ;)

I think I remember you saying you're not a follower of a religion?

Never heard you say anything on the concept of their being only 1 God.
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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2006, 10:08:31 AM »

-  It created new sins:  Eating meat on good Friday

Not that this is definitively referring to the Catholic Church, I've always wondered if this scripure could be:

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demonsSuch teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.  They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received w/thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."  1Timothy 4:1-3.


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2006, 11:24:55 AM »
  More good points, Oz. I think it's time for me to find a new denomination.

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2006, 11:28:43 AM »
  I just wanna be part of a church that I feel best suits the faith.

i think everyone needs to think like that. too many sheep...


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2006, 11:38:13 AM »
whats funny is people think good is all good and knowing and we think he cares what religion we choose or if we go to chruch on sunday. my god doesnt care about wether you worship him or not but wether you have compassion and love for your fellow man. he needs no worship, live your life like you beleive he exsists is all that i can imagine he wants, words are cheap, actions speak volumes. saying forgive me and then your forgiven ahah if we were created there is a purpose for us and i have a hard time imagining that worshiping him is that purpose or free will would not have been instituted. free will is the only way his creation could truly love him, for control would defeat that purpose.


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2006, 12:08:27 PM »
Purge, if I could offer a suggestion, please don't look for a new church by denomination.  In my opinion, I think it's a better idea to find a church that fosters building a closer relationship with God.  Though I realize you need consider denominations in the sense that you don't go to some "whacked" out church, but I wouldn't let the denominations (a la Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.) be the determining factor behind why you attend a church.  It should be that you feel like the church functions as God intended it to be.  


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2006, 04:22:40 PM »
I think I remember you saying you're not a follower of a religion?

Never heard you say anything on the concept of their being only 1 God.

I believe in GOD, I don't believe in organized religion.

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2006, 01:05:58 AM »
Purge, if I could offer a suggestion, please don't look for a new church by denomination.  In my opinion, I think it's a better idea to find a church that fosters building a closer relationship with God.  Though I realize you need consider denominations in the sense that you don't go to some "whacked" out church, but I wouldn't let the denominations (a la Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.) be the determining factor behind why you attend a church.  It should be that you feel like the church functions as God intended it to be.  

I agree.

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2006, 01:07:06 AM »
I believe in GOD, I don't believe in organized religion.

That's too bad.  Organized religion has a lot to offer you and your family.  You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. 


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2006, 06:11:37 AM »
I believe in GOD, I don't believe in organized religion.
Well said, OzmO!!! 

That's too bad.  Organized religion has a lot to offer you and your family.  You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. 
True as well, but I think it's more about finding a church that is all about enabling and enriching a relationship with Christ.  And I guess like you say, Beach, you do still have to be a part of a church.


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2006, 10:51:48 AM »
That's too bad.  Organized religion has a lot to offer you and your family.  You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. 

I agree with you there.  Over the years i've been invloved with  churches.   All of which are excellent places that provide a great atmosphere to expose my family too.  For the some time i did expose my children to 2 of these churches when they were younger. 

I don't think churches are bad, I just don't think there is any church that is worthy or legit enough to represent GOD. 

-  After studying the history of the catholic church (which i was raise with)  and comparing it to the teaching of the bible it's easy to see it's no way a good representation of GOD and in no way can indentify GOD wishes.   I remember going to church in Hawaii (wiapahu) a few years back with my parents and after the mass they set up a statue of the Virgin Mary in the middle of the church and had another mass all centered around this statue!

-  I remember sitting in a BIBle study (baptist) when i was 15 and the pastor told me, in so many words, i was going hell becuase i was catholic.  Who is he   to tell me this?  Does he determine who goes?  Does he know the will of GOD?  Hell no!

-  I remember about 8 years ago sitting often for about a year (twice a week) in a church in Sacramento, (non-denominational centered around the teaching of a pastor named "William Brannon" not sure about the name, got some of his books somewhere)  and the pastor, in his fire and brimstone would spend a few minutes it seemed like in everymass explaining why other religions where wrong.  Then one day a husband and wife who were catholic, who were having problems in their lives came to the Pastor Ector, and asked for help.  He gave testimony, and made a huge example in the mass about how these poor folks would have never got this kind of help from catholism and now they have truely found GOD and look at their faces and you can see the hope GOd has given them.   What a bunch of BUll shit.  Anyone looking for help that recieves some guidence or attention, validation and is provided with an answers will feel and look like that. But to incease the faith of the flock this guy, made a BS example and in the process cruified another church to strengthen loyalty in his chruch.

This is a lot of the reasons why i feel  churches are mostly about control and they use and twist the bible around to fit and promote their dogma.

All you ever need from GOD you can find inside you.  Faith begins from the heart and you don't need someone to tell you what's right or wrong quoting the BIble and it's multitude of listed sins at their convenience or at their bidding.

Who is a pastor, or a priest to tell the will of GOD?  They are only ordaned by an organization who believes they have the answers and are true church.  There is no true chruch.

The true church is inside you.

Sorry for the Big rant.  One of my toilets overflowed last night and i'm waiting for this stupid rug doctor to cool down and reset so i can continue sucking water out of my carpet!   ;D

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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2006, 11:46:35 AM »
I agree with you there.  Over the years i've been invloved with  churches.   All of which are excellent places that provide a great atmosphere to expose my family too.  For the some time i did expose my children to 2 of these churches when they were younger. 

I don't think churches are bad, I just don't think there is any church that is worthy or legit enough to represent GOD. 

-  After studying the history of the catholic church (which i was raise with)  and comparing it to the teaching of the bible it's easy to see it's no way a good representation of GOD and in no way can indentify GOD wishes.   I remember going to church in Hawaii (wiapahu) a few years back with my parents and after the mass they set up a statue of the Virgin Mary in the middle of the church and had another mass all centered around this statue!

-  I remember sitting in a BIBle study (baptist) when i was 15 and the pastor told me, in so many words, i was going hell becuase i was catholic.  Who is he   to tell me this?  Does he determine who goes?  Does he know the will of GOD?  Hell no!

-  I remember about 8 years ago sitting often for about a year (twice a week) in a church in Sacramento, (non-denominational centered around the teaching of a pastor named "William Brannon" not sure about the name, got some of his books somewhere)  and the pastor, in his fire and brimstone would spend a few minutes it seemed like in everymass explaining why other religions where wrong.  Then one day a husband and wife who were catholic, who were having problems in their lives came to the Pastor Ector, and asked for help.  He gave testimony, and made a huge example in the mass about how these poor folks would have never got this kind of help from catholism and now they have truely found GOD and look at their faces and you can see the hope GOd has given them.   What a bunch of BUll shit.  Anyone looking for help that recieves some guidence or attention, validation and is provided with an answers will feel and look like that. But to incease the faith of the flock this guy, made a BS example and in the process cruified another church to strengthen loyalty in his chruch.

This is a lot of the reasons why i feel  churches are mostly about control and they use and twist the bible around to fit and promote their dogma.

All you ever need from GOD you can find inside you.  Faith begins from the heart and you don't need someone to tell you what's right or wrong quoting the BIble and it's multitude of listed sins at their convenience or at their bidding.

Who is a pastor, or a priest to tell the will of GOD?  They are only ordaned by an organization who believes they have the answers and are true church.  There is no true chruch.

The true church is inside you.

Sorry for the Big rant.  One of my toilets overflowed last night and i'm waiting for this stupid rug doctor to cool down and reset so i can continue sucking water out of my carpet!   ;D

I have issues with my church too.  My pastor and his wife are ultra conservative.  Ridiculously conservative.  Very judgmental too.  But I don't go to church because of them or because of any man.  I go because it is good for my family and it helps keep me out of trouble.  It's a great environment and only takes up a few hours a week.  I'll always go, even when my kids are grown, because it helps keep me grounded.   


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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2006, 11:47:36 AM »
try few, see what you works for you

at the same time, jsut because the Church's view (on birth control, etc) is one you don't agree with doesn't make it any less right
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Re: Thinking of leaving Catholicism.
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2006, 02:12:53 AM »
whats funny is people think good is all good and knowing and we think he cares what religion we choose or if we go to chruch on sunday. my god doesnt care about wether you worship him or not but wether you have compassion and love for your fellow man. he needs no worship, live your life like you beleive he exsists is all that i can imagine he wants, words are cheap, actions speak volumes. saying forgive me and then your forgiven ahah if we were created there is a purpose for us and i have a hard time imagining that worshiping him is that purpose or free will would not have been instituted. free will is the only way his creation could truly love him, for control would defeat that purpose.

very good words...I personally want nothing to do with a god who doesn't really care how you live your life as long as you let him know that he exists...imagine worshipping a god who wants you to follow and chant with a child molestor who is running a church...I also want nothing to do with a god who allows his "boys" to take so much money from the people doing the worshipping....The god i believe in, would crush this so called god...