Author Topic: imagine being born rich and never having to work  (Read 10779 times)


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2012, 02:05:41 PM »
driving significan distance to work is bad too

you lose money on the fuel

and time on the road

a certain pointlessness to it all

King Shizzo

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #51 on: December 21, 2012, 02:15:12 PM »
Noone would work if they could "afford" it.

I do what I like to do and get money for that so I basically haven't worked a day in my life too.
So you suck cock for a living?


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #52 on: December 21, 2012, 05:20:27 PM »
So you suck cock for a living?

Your mom does.

King Shizzo

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The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #54 on: December 21, 2012, 06:02:05 PM »
What some people call work is actually just living life. If you're not passionate about what you do to make a living, you'll probably find yourself daydreaming about being rich and quitting your job etc. The best thing imop a born rich person can do with their life is either create a business and put people to work, or do charity work. Charity work in itself can be like a full time job.

Natural Man

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #55 on: December 21, 2012, 06:17:34 PM »
we re designed to be relieved only after we produced an effort, no effort, no relief. You lazy immature asshole.


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #56 on: December 21, 2012, 06:26:05 PM »
Imagine being born in USA and taught to belive that you can't rise above being poor by working hard and learning.

What a load of shit.

Learn to program

learn database

learn unix lnux bsd


get bachelors in history and then get law degree

manage a freakin mcdonalds

unlimited wants and unlimited work to be done


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #57 on: December 21, 2012, 06:34:18 PM »
They are millionaires because they did something that drove them/motivated a lot, NOT because they were striving to become millionaires, at least not directly, in most cases. That's why most of you will never be ones, because you think that these people "work even when they are millionaires", well they does not work, they just have fun (in "leveling" at the millionaire club, or acquiring more power/respect/etc.. in some circles and so on..). ANd some are simply workaholics, they'll burn-out and crash one day..

good post, for once!

"Famous" quotes are not always right or having a "deeper meaning".

but then, the quote was correct in this case...

anyway, i think we need syntax to get in here so we can clear up the meanings we've all attached to the sign "work"


Radical Plato

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2012, 06:39:33 PM »
"Famous" quotes are not always right or having a "deeper meaning".
just saw a job vacancy in china with english translation next to it (just came across this accidentally)

underneath it all was this quote

Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle .wigh.

Agreed, one of my favourite quotes that highlights this is "All generalisations are dangerous, including this one." - Alexandre Dumas
The quote "Cease to struggle and you cease to live." is bullshit, if your life is nothing but struggle, you are very far from living!  Living is in the middle, in between ease and struggle.  If you are struggling a lot, it means you haven't developed the strength to find the middle ground.  When a child learns to walk, it is a struggle, once mastered it is easy.  Same with life, when you first start out if is very difficult, once mastered it is easy!


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #59 on: December 21, 2012, 08:04:06 PM »
we re designed to be relieved only after we produced an effort, no effort, no relief. You lazy immature asshole.

No wonder you're cranky. You're constipated.


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2012, 09:28:40 PM »
They are millionaires because they did something that drove them/motivated a lot, NOT because they were striving to become millionaires, at least not directly, in most cases. That's why most of you will never be ones, because you think that these people "work even when they are millionaires", well they does not work, they just have fun (in "leveling" at the millionaire club, or acquiring more power/respect/etc.. in some circles and so on..). ANd some are simply workaholics, they'll burn-out and crash one day..

Agreed 100%  everything I've read About self made millionaires says that they were not in it for The money, they were in it out of passion, as I said they genuinely love that they so and want to take it further.... as far as they possibly can

Radical Plato

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #61 on: December 21, 2012, 09:38:55 PM »

99 Bananas

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #62 on: December 21, 2012, 09:58:35 PM »
The only question you need to answer right now is... are you getting enough? If not you'll continue thinking and acting until you get enough. What it is that you want I don't know. People seek knowledge, drugs, food, and shelter in some form. It's the game of life and people buy and sell it many different ways.
Some people know that they want and don't want things and act very strategically in the game of life. This is as free as we can be as long as we're in control and think of the human as an instrument.(or whatever your means of harnessing this things is) This human instrument has no values or cares in the world. It just wishes to maintain the life cycle as the cut on your arm healing without your volition shows. It just requires food and shelter to move on. Now as conscious beings we can go from there and look at the game of life and choose what we wish to work for. Mindfully attain what you desire after we've attained what is necessary. Do what you do without an attachment to whether or not it gets done. You do your best regardless of the results.
On the other hand we have people who are blown about by the winds of desire. Mindlessly pushed around by their senses. A house here and a car there. Some kids and a wife. Or multiple wives if you're especially off your rocker. They don't adhere to strict principles. They get angry and act accordingly. Get happy and act accordingly. People driven by things that they imagine will instill a certain feeling in others. They think that if they get that nice car people will look at them the way they'd like. Few people have mastered the self enough to act the same way they would in one circumstance as they would in any. Real truth.

The body is a perfect servant and a lousy master.


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2012, 12:20:56 AM »
great products at god prices

that ssecert of success


  • Getbig V
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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2012, 12:30:20 AM »
What are you talking about, welfare is easy to get where I live and there's little stigma to getting it.

People work because they want to.

If that's the case, please give up the idea of moving to the U.S. we sure as heck don't need more folks on the dole. Did I mention that mental healthcare sucks in the U.S. You'll be stuck living in a cardboard box in some alley. If welfare is so easy where you are, you'd be an idiot to leave there for here. Not sure you'd get visa anyway.

Where I come from, people work because that's how they make money. Some folks like their work and some just like the paycheck which pays the rent and provides a smattering of little pleasures.


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #65 on: December 22, 2012, 12:33:00 AM »
prime what have u produced?


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #66 on: December 22, 2012, 12:35:11 AM »
prime what have u produced?

Two beautiful and intelligent children who have grown up to be successful adults with beautiful and intelligent children of their own. You?

Radical Plato

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #67 on: December 22, 2012, 12:37:13 AM »
Two beautiful and intelligent children who have grown up to be successful adults with beautiful and intelligent children of their own. You?
Being a Sperm Donor doesn't count!


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #68 on: December 22, 2012, 12:45:34 AM »
Being a Sperm Donor doesn't count!

Depends on ones perspective. During my lifetime, I've experience material wealth and in my opinion, it doesn't compare to to good loving relationships. Maybe having ones material needs met when they are young gives one more appreciation for the things money cannot buy. You cannot buy a loving family or good friends. I am fortunate to have both.

I think you should have added  ::) to your reply because it has to be more of your sarcasm or I will lose faith in you and your replies.

Radical Plato

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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #69 on: December 22, 2012, 12:48:13 AM »
Depends on ones perspective. During my lifetime, I've experience material wealth and in my opinion, it doesn't compare to to good loving relationships. Maybe having ones material needs met when they are young gives one more appreciation for the things money cannot buy. You cannot buy a loving family or good friends. I am fortunate to have both.

I think you should have added  ::) to your reply because it has to be more of your sarcasm or I will lose faith in you and your replies.
I was only stirring you! I agree, Money actually tripped me up, and forced me to re-evaluate my life, having good relationships definitely does contribute to ones health, well being and happiness!


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #70 on: December 22, 2012, 12:54:43 AM »
In the book they suggest that you start writing down every penny you spend. After just the first month your like holy shit. I began to realize that work was causing me to spend more then I need. It makes you realize that most of our purchases are ego based. 75% of Americans live pay check to pay check. Almost 90% of Americans die in debt. We work all of our lives and have nothing to show for it. We buy things to show others we
made it' or to keep up with our friends and society. Always paying off credit cards, car loans, mortgage payments. Why was I spending insane amounts of money on the 2 vacations I take every year? to get away from work. When I was bored or had a day off why was I going out and buying things to make me feel better that I didn't really need? work. Why was I not cooking food and going out to eat all day? work. Why was I driving an expensive car? work. Why was I spending a fortune on suits and cloths? for work. I could go on forever. Then you look at the fact that if your work 8 hrs your really working like 10. Commute to work, time getting ready, things you have to take care of at home, 'decompression' after work,sleeping extra after a long day..etc.

I looked at my life and realized what I was doing. Ya I got that job I wanted, then that promotion. Went out and bought a new car and a big house. Then I realized wtf is the point? Now I'm giving up my free time and cant do the things I love. Plus I realized the things I love to do don't require a lot of money. Buddhism talks about desire being the source of suffering. This has been true in my experience. The mind desires and lives in a perpetual state of lack. Being at peace with life as is, is the key. What you call boring (living without desire) I call liberation. Yes, on a biological level we do need to survive. It's programmed into us via evolution. However a house, car, electronics, etc. has been conditioned into us by society,media,tv. You really don't need that stuff and you shouldn't waste your life pursuing them.

Excellent post.


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #71 on: December 22, 2012, 01:16:03 AM »
I was only stirring you! I agree, Money actually tripped me up, and forced me to re-evaluate my life, having good relationships definitely does contribute to ones health, well being and happiness!

One of the best times of my wife's and my married life was when we were pretty young and dumb and moved to Canada to homestead with friends. We didn't plan for my not working in the winter and we barely had any money to get by. Even though money was definitely an issue, our relationship grew stronger....perhaps because we didn't have enough money for distractions, who knows. We only stayed in Williams Lake, B.C. for about 9 months before we tucked tail and moved home, thanks to my aunt's  kind generosity (we didn't have enough money of our own left to get back).

Somewhere in a suitcase in the attic is a photo of me at 4 years old in a Sailor suit, standing on the deck of the SS ile de France in New York harbor as my grandmother and I were about to "sail" to France. I was looking down at my mother standing on the dock and crying my eyes out because I didn't want to leave her. I didn't see my mother again for almost two years, but I lived like a little prince attending a French nursery school in the mornings and a German school in the afternoons. In the evenings, I ate dinner with the help because my aunt and uncle, a diplomat, were almost always entertaining dignitaries. When I returned to the U.S. I no longer spoke English, just French and German.

Happiness is a matter of perspective.


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #72 on: December 22, 2012, 03:03:17 AM »
Few people have mastered the self enough to act the same way they would in one circumstance as they would in any. Real truth.

The body is a perfect servant and a lousy master.

About 4 months ago I left my girlfriend. Could not stand living with her anymore. I decided to be as happy as I could be, by myself. I then now met a new girl, who is attractive, intelligent and nice. The first couple of dates she did not know if I was interested in her or not, since I now enjoy all the freedoms I have as a single man: Getting home late from the gym, eating late .. going to parties just to have fun.. etc.

My advice for all Getbiggers: Don't wait impatiently for wife and kids, a promotion or something else.. get the best out of every single day. This way you will be happy.  :)


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #73 on: December 22, 2012, 03:05:59 AM »
About 4 months ago I left my girlfriend. Could not stand living with her anymore. I decided to be as happy as I could be, by myself. I then now met a new girl, who is attractive, intelligent and nice. The first couple of dates she did not know if I was interested in her or not, since I now enjoy all the freedoms I have as a single man: Getting home late from the gym, eating late .. going to parties just to have fun.. etc.

My advice for all Getbiggers: Don't wait impatiently for wife and kids, a promotion or something else.. get the best out of every single day. This way you will be happy.  :)

any pics of these 2 danish hotties :P


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Re: imagine being born rich and never having to work
« Reply #74 on: December 22, 2012, 02:09:15 PM »
About 4 months ago I left my girlfriend. Could not stand living with her anymore. I decided to be as happy as I could be, by myself. I then now met a new girl, who is attractive, intelligent and nice. The first couple of dates she did not know if I was interested in her or not, since I now enjoy all the freedoms I have as a single man: Getting home late from the gym, eating late .. going to parties just to have fun.. etc.

My advice for all Getbiggers: Don't wait impatiently for wife and kids, a promotion or something else.. get the best out of every single day. This way you will be happy.  :)

People often change their behavior when they meet someone they are romantically interested in. I think this is a mistake. Be yourself and insist they do the same. Most everyone can put on an act for a little while, but in the end the must be true to themselves to be happy.

I speak from some experience, having been with the same woman for 50 years, 48 of them in marriage. We are each still very independent.