Author Topic: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade  (Read 3411 times)


  • Getbig I
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45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« on: May 08, 2022, 04:30:08 AM »
    I think it was 2010 the last time I really ran anything.Last real cycle I was running tren/test prop pretty heavy and it threw everything completely out of whack. My BP was 195/105 and my liver levels were thru the roof. My Doc gave me the 3rd degree and my wife was yelling at me. So I just got away from everything.
    Thru the years I maintained rather well. Size didn’t change much, loss some over all strength but mainly became injury prone and just sore all the time. So I started taking TRT about 4 years ago, and take about 200 mg a week. My Doc sucks but it’s thru my insurance and don’t know a better one in my area.
    Then the good Ol’ Corona hit 2 years ago. I work in NYC, and was deemed essential to work and not to do anything of enjoyment in my life. Unfortunately my life has not returned to normal since pre pandemic. I ended a long relationship, put my dog down, and have had fallout with immediate family members. Anxiety/Depression/Anger Issues have plagued me sense. I’m taking meds today to keep me alert , but still know I’m not in a good place.  I’m your average NYC asshole today, by the way I hate this shithole.
    I’m currently living alone outside the City now, and going to try to do start doing the things I did back in my happier days. So I’m getting back into working out and get my mental health on track.I can’t think of  better motivation for working out than my 1st cycle. I put 25lbs of solid muscle and was shoulder pressing sets of 225.
  So I’ll be running EQ mixed with my TRT. I can’t even remember what I ran back then. I remember taking a shot every 3 days and was terrified of sticking a needle in my ass. I lifted eight years prior to taking anything. The feeling of struggling with 3 plates and the unbreakable wall. With EQ I just busted thru like the Kool Aid Guy.
  I’m reaching out for positive motivation right now. I’m basically trying to get healthy. The steroid section of bodybuilding forum isn’t probably the most advised.But, I’m struggling and need to shake this shit. Hopefully getting physically right will have a chain reaction.
   I could use a good meal delivery source? Cooking is not my forte.I’m shooting to lose weight on my cycle, so I guess I’ll keep the dose low. My Doc sucks, so getting Anvar is out of the question, he wouldn’t even give me HCG. Lost hooks thru the years and I can’t get orals. Mind you I never really taken much of them.

  So does 200mg every 3 days for 14 week along with my 200mg week trt make sense.
I’ll try getting a high protein low sugar meal prep delivery and see the Chiropractor every other week for my lower back issues.
    I suffer from A.G.E. also, and it fuckin sucks.


  • Getbig I
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2022, 04:32:52 AM »
By the way, I’ve been a member for 11 years and this was my 1st post. Sleeper Cell


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2022, 04:41:46 AM »
What you are going to do with all the drugs makes no sense at all.

You're already on TRT which is kind of ridiculous as you are only 45.

As far as positive motivation, it's good to hear you are going to get in shape and train.  That is commendable.

You have some understandable serious issues with your mental state because of all the stuff you've recently gone through.

You're at the age now where you should look to keep your health as good as possible and getting on steroids is not wise.

You would be like a middle-aged woman who thinks plastic surgery will make her young again.  They usually come out looking worse.

Do some introspection and try to see what your real problems are in your life and address them.  Maybe get some counseling.

It's not easy.  Good luck,


  • Getbig I
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2022, 06:24:11 AM »
   Not the positive motivation I was looking for, but it’s an opinion.If you haven’t been where I’m at, I guess it’s hard to understand. The enjoyment is gone right now, on all levels. I have reached out and tried SSRI’s, Ambien, Valium and even Adderall. This Avenue hasn’t worked.
  I’m looking for motivation to get out and put a healthy structural routine together to not let my mind not wonder and keep it out of a shit place. I’m only trying to get in the best shape possible and have a more positive outlook.
  When the hell did adding 600mg a week to TRT become a lot of drugs?


  • Getbig I
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2022, 06:50:26 AM »
You could be right, maybe 400-500mg a week would be me suitable for my goals. I’m walking around at close to 225lb these days. I could lean to 205-210 easy with a quality diet.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2022, 09:04:27 AM »
You have suffered from very difficult real life situations. 

Using drugs of any kind is not the answer to solving problems like this.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2022, 06:33:30 AM »
Ironat, just curious why is being on trt at 45 ridiculous? I’m 44 and was just prescribed as my test levels are 257 and I’m tired, miserable and feel like shit most the time. I haven’t started it yet as I’m not sure it’s for me as last time I did juice was 18 years ago.

If you have low test does it matter what age you are? My buddy is 31 and he just started it his level was 185.

Readytworoll, welcome. I feel your pain and get what your saying. If I were you I would up the trt to 400 and take 200 eq or just start with adding 200mgs eq and go from there. I loved test and eq many years ago made me strong as a bull. That is some serious sleeper cell shit waiting 11 years ago post haha. Anyways sorry to hear about the dog and relationship so do what makes you happy and if that’s juicing a bit and enjoying what you used to have I say have at it. Good luck. Remember to Give blood on the eq due to hemocrit levels.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2022, 07:03:52 AM »
Ironat, just curious why is being on trt at 45 ridiculous? I’m 44 and was just prescribed as my test levels are 257 and I’m tired, miserable and feel like shit most the time. I haven’t started it yet as I’m not sure it’s for me as last time I did juice was 18 years ago.

If you have low test does it matter what age you are? My buddy is 31 and he just started it his level was 185.

Readytworoll, welcome. I feel your pain and get what your saying. If I were you I would up the trt to 400 and take 200 eq or just start with adding 200mgs eq and go from there. I loved test and eq many years ago made me strong as a bull. That is some serious sleeper cell shit waiting 11 years ago post haha. Anyways sorry to hear about the dog and relationship so do what makes you happy and if that’s juicing a bit and enjoying what you used to have I say have at it. Good luck. Remember to Give blood on the eq due to hemocrit levels.

It's not ridiculous at all if you really have low T but only a very small % of men really have low T.  Something like 3%.

Ready2roll is 45 but has been on TRT for 4 years which makes him 41 when he started.  How many 41 year olds really need TRT?

Virtually zero and virtually zero at age 45 also.

What are the odds R2R needs to be on TRT?  Virtually zero.

This is not to say he doesn't really need it or that you don't really need it.  You may.

Test levels are difficult to measure.  Multiple measurements over several weeks are really necessary to accurately measure T levels.

T levels naturally fluctuate widely throughout the day.

Before going on TRT I would analyse your lifestyle.  Why do you feel like crap?  You probably have legit reasons to feel like crap.

The world is f*cked up.  We should all feel crappy.  Maybe our job is a grind or our kids are a problem or our wife nags us and looks beat.

Maybe better diet, more sleep, divorcing the wife, proper amount of exercise (not too much, not too little), lowering stress levels somehow (which affect cortisol levels which is catabolic), etc., would make us feel better.

My reply is that R2R has just gone through some very difficult emotional traumas and thinking taking steroids will solve his problems is like thinking drinking booze or getting stoned will solve your problems. 

Drugs can't solve your problems. 

You take steroids and have bigger muscles but still the same problems.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2022, 05:28:49 PM »

You take steroids and have bigger muscles but still the same problems.

I agree with you more or less.

I'd rather the OP focus on managing his life better and getting into a better state of mind.

Adding more AAS to an emotionally chaotic life situation is always a bad idea.

It's not like you can jump on 600mg of Test and everything gets better, based on what we know it will probably get worse.

As far as motivation, he should clean up his diet and just take his TRT until his head space is better IMO.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2022, 09:15:42 PM »
    I think it was 2010 the last time I really ran anything.Last real cycle I was running tren/test prop pretty heavy and it threw everything completely out of whack. My BP was 195/105 and my liver levels were thru the roof. My Doc gave me the 3rd degree and my wife was yelling at me. So I just got away from everything.
    Thru the years I maintained rather well. Size didn’t change much, loss some over all strength but mainly became injury prone and just sore all the time. So I started taking TRT about 4 years ago, and take about 200 mg a week. My Doc sucks but it’s thru my insurance and don’t know a better one in my area.
    Then the good Ol’ Corona hit 2 years ago. I work in NYC, and was deemed essential to work and not to do anything of enjoyment in my life. Unfortunately my life has not returned to normal since pre pandemic. I ended a long relationship, put my dog down, and have had fallout with immediate family members. Anxiety/Depression/Anger Issues have plagued me sense. I’m taking meds today to keep me alert , but still know I’m not in a good place.  I’m your average NYC asshole today, by the way I hate this shithole.
    I’m currently living alone outside the City now, and going to try to do start doing the things I did back in my happier days. So I’m getting back into working out and get my mental health on track.I can’t think of  better motivation for working out than my 1st cycle. I put 25lbs of solid muscle and was shoulder pressing sets of 225.
  So I’ll be running EQ mixed with my TRT. I can’t even remember what I ran back then. I remember taking a shot every 3 days and was terrified of sticking a needle in my ass. I lifted eight years prior to taking anything. The feeling of struggling with 3 plates and the unbreakable wall. With EQ I just busted thru like the Kool Aid Guy.
  I’m reaching out for positive motivation right now. I’m basically trying to get healthy. The steroid section of bodybuilding forum isn’t probably the most advised.But, I’m struggling and need to shake this shit. Hopefully getting physically right will have a chain reaction.
   I could use a good meal delivery source? Cooking is not my forte.I’m shooting to lose weight on my cycle, so I guess I’ll keep the dose low. My Doc sucks, so getting Anvar is out of the question, he wouldn’t even give me HCG. Lost hooks thru the years and I can’t get orals. Mind you I never really taken much of them.

  So does 200mg every 3 days for 14 week along with my 200mg week trt make sense.
I’ll try getting a high protein low sugar meal prep delivery and see the Chiropractor every other week for my lower back issues.
    I suffer from A.G.E. also, and it fuckin sucks.

So you quit roids 12 years ago because they were bad for your health as 195/105 BP would attest. And now you think it's a good idea at 45? Ironat gave you great advices. Don't dismiss it.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2022, 07:27:19 PM »
     First, you should not be working with a "steroids will kill you" doc. You should be able to have an open and honest discussion with your doctor, who preferably should know something about steroids. The great thing about technology is you can see a doc anywhere in the country via video, he can order bloodwork you can get in your area, review your bloodwork, the whole bit. There are actually several doctors who were competitive bodybuilders or powerlifters. I won't list names because I don't want to give medical advice, but you can find them. Avoid gimmicks like "anabolic doc" or any bullshit.  The things you do in person(checking BP, taking blood, etc) are all done by nurses and nurse practitioners anyway. You just need someone to understand your bloodwork, and that can be sent to anyone in seconds. Even things like Creatinine and other kidney markers should be looked at by a doc that knows resistance training and preferably steroids.

You have a right to get proper medical care, regardless of your life choices.

That being said, given some health issues and your age(and only a 14 week cycle now and then). I would consider dbol with your TRT.

I know, the bodybuilding mantra is injectables are "safer", but dbol never fucked anyone in 14 weeks. So 30 mg dbol is 210mg a week. You could even crank it a little higher as long as you monitor your health. Dbol also has an anti-depressant effect and is great for the "motivation" you wanted.

The good thing is if your BP or bloodwork get's scary(especially with EQ that blood can get thick, leading to heart issues) you can IMMEDIATELY cut the dbol and address the issue, but once you have a few weeks of long acting test and EQ built up in your system, you can't just shut it off.

200mg TRT/week and add 30-40mg dbol daily for 14 weeks. Immediately cut the dbol if any health issues arise.  For a middle aged guy just wanting to look good, I just don't see that you need more unless you're planning to compete.

You say you don't have "hooks" so availability is something I can't speak to, I've been out of that game for years.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 45, Baby stepping back in after over a decade
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2022, 06:53:54 PM »
Just choose anavar or primo and just use optimal test no need for high doses past 40 unless you’re looking for problems.