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Anybody watch the Gospel Of Judas on Sat?

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Johnny Apollo:

--- Quote from: Colossus_500 on April 24, 2006, 07:12:11 AM ---those books were thrown out by the catholic church and deemed as inaccurate. the books that make up the Bible as we know it today were put together by the catholic church.  the 66 books that we know of are the only ones that are believed to be authenticated.

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The ancient churches choose to throw them out not because they were thought to be "inaccurate"(None of the gospels are "accurate" historically speaking). They were thrown out because they disagreed with common church doctrine.
There are hundreds of apocryphal books that could of easily been included in the new testament as we know it today. The canonization of the new testament took a long time and the books included were only included because they were common for worship by the christians at the time and relevant to the historical situations in which they lived.
The "catholic church" isn't the one who constructed the modern biblical canon. It was constructed by many lower level christian churches. The church did make it a real thin but this wasn't until much later.

In reality for the first few centuries A.D. there was no "new testament" and only a few letters and manuscripts considered authorative by the christians.

To claim that the modern canon of the new testament is real and the other apocryphal books aren't because the early christians didn't consider them authentic is no real argument at all. There is no reason to say for instance Relevation is "authentic" and the Gospel of Peter or the Gospel of Thomas isn't authentic. You've also got the Apocalypse of Peter and the Gospel of Judas as mentioned in this thread.

Saying the Gospel of John is real but the Gospel of Judas isn't is just absurd.

The modern new testament's books are in the new testament canon by pure chance.

Johnny Apollo:

--- Quote from: ~flower~ on April 24, 2006, 07:46:56 AM ---It said, they really don't know how they chose the ones they did.    And it had some interesting stuff on the Nostics (sp)   

  It was on the National Geographic Channel.   I see that don't have another run date scheduled.   Maybe in the future. 

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Gnostic gospels. In the Nag Hammadi libary. There are of various books that could of easily been included in the modern new testament including Gospel of Truth, Apocryphon of John, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of the Egyptians, The Sophia of Jesus Christ, Apocalypse of Paul.

Looks like Sir Douchebag is back again.  ::)

Mr. Intenseone:

--- Quote from: michaelsmith on April 24, 2006, 08:56:58 AM ---I would like to be banned from getbig

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Does you mother know your on here? Shouldn't you be in school finger painting or something?


--- Quote from: michaelsmith on April 24, 2006, 08:56:58 AM ---I would like to be banned from getbig

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If you're serious, I'll see what I can do. ;)


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