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Getbig Female Info Boards => Open Talk for Girl Discussion => Topic started by: 240 is Back on November 26, 2006, 06:42:47 PM

Title: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on November 26, 2006, 06:42:47 PM
okay, as some of you may know, i became a dad this year.  He is now 7 weeks old.  Starting tomorrow I will be with baby, all day everyday, 7 til 4, 5 days a week while mama works.

I build websites for a living, and used to work all night.  I'm quickly adjusting to getting up every 2 hours to feed him, plus getting up early for baby.  I have a few q's tho.

1. List some activities to do with a 7-week old child all day (so far, it's stroller, read, tv, tummy time, um...)

2. List ideas to do when they're fussy and crying.  (I usually walk him around, but that doesn't always work. Any tricks from the wise people here?)

3. list ideas to make him a smart and healthy baby (lots of fresh air, baby einstein, classical music... ?)

Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: proschic on November 26, 2006, 09:32:34 PM
I don't know that there is really anything "interesting" to do with a 7 week old.   I would assume that when he is awake...just play with him.  You know...the whole making faces at him, holding him, maybe some toy play.  Walks around the neighborhood sound nice too, the fresh air has to help psychologically.

I'm not so sure that the baby einstein, and classical music will work just yet.  I would wait til he is around 6 mos or older to put him in front of the tv.  I think it is more about the physical and emotional bonding right now. 

I worry about the same things, I mean what do you do with this little person ALL DAY?  I know it may sound corny...but I have signed me and Milania up for a mommy and me yoga class at gymboree.  Its an hour of yoga 3 times a week.  Why don't you look into something like that...just on a more masculine "dad" level.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: az on November 26, 2006, 10:57:15 PM
Well first of congratulations!!!!

Not much activity to do with a 7 week old infant. Outside air could be a little too cold depending on where you live, make sure the baby is bundled (but not mummified), most of the time will be spent feeding, changing, burping, napping, changing and on it goes. playtime? I'm sure you have one of those dangling things that goes over the baby when they are in their table chair (that's what I call it, don't know what they call it now, my kid is 15) it has a couple of shapes, a mirror, maybe something that that makes a pleasant sound. NO TV!!!(there are studies showing a link to ADD and television, specifically commercials) music is cool and reading stories is even better. When all else fails take a short ride in the car, it's always good for a nap.

I'm sure you will do just fine, enjoy the time now, it goes sooo fast.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: AVBG on November 27, 2006, 01:48:25 AM
okay, as some of you may know, i became a dad this year.  He is now 7 weeks old.  Starting tomorrow I will be with baby, all day everyday, 7 til 4, 5 days a week while mama works.

I build websites for a living, and used to work all night.  I'm quickly adjusting to getting up every 2 hours to feed him, plus getting up early for baby.  I have a few q's tho.

1. List some activities to do with a 7-week old child all day (so far, it's stroller, read, tv, tummy time, um...)

2. List ideas to do when they're fussy and crying.  (I usually walk him around, but that doesn't always work. Any tricks from the wise people here?)

3. list ideas to make him a smart and healthy baby (lots of fresh air, baby einstein, classical music... ?)


Hey Rob,

For 7 weeks old you cannot do anymore than you have listed. Make sure you have a clean pacifier (for you when you meltdown)... Babies like music so have some handy.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: JasonH on November 27, 2006, 02:17:43 AM
okay, as some of you may know, i became a dad this year.  He is now 7 weeks old.  Starting tomorrow I will be with baby, all day everyday, 7 til 4, 5 days a week while mama works.

I build websites for a living, and used to work all night.  I'm quickly adjusting to getting up every 2 hours to feed him, plus getting up early for baby.  I have a few q's tho.

1. List some activities to do with a 7-week old child all day (so far, it's stroller, read, tv, tummy time, um...)

2. List ideas to do when they're fussy and crying.  (I usually walk him around, but that doesn't always work. Any tricks from the wise people here?)

3. list ideas to make him a smart and healthy baby (lots of fresh air, baby einstein, classical music... ?)


Breastfeed him?
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: muscleforlife on November 27, 2006, 04:52:55 AM
Congrats on becoming a daddy.

At this age, babies still like to be close enough to hear your beating heart(when he was in the womb).
I found lying down with baby on my chest usually calmed her down when she was extremely fussy.

Pacifiers come in handy also. 
at this age it is all about him eating, sleeping and pooping. 

Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Rearden Metal on November 27, 2006, 10:58:42 AM
Congrats Rob!

I have no insight, lol.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Laura Lee on November 27, 2006, 01:18:26 PM
okay, as some of you may know, i became a dad this year.  He is now 7 weeks old.  Starting tomorrow I will be with baby, all day everyday, 7 til 4, 5 days a week while mama works.

I build websites for a living, and used to work all night.  I'm quickly adjusting to getting up every 2 hours to feed him, plus getting up early for baby.  I have a few q's tho.

1. List some activities to do with a 7-week old child all day (so far, it's stroller, read, tv, tummy time, um...)

2. List ideas to do when they're fussy and crying.  (I usually walk him around, but that doesn't always work. Any tricks from the wise people here?)

3. list ideas to make him a smart and healthy baby (lots of fresh air, baby einstein, classical music... ?)

Awwwwwwwww, you two look so cute!   Rob...don't worry, at 7 weeks all you can do is hold him and love him.  He'll be happy with that, a clean diaper, a feeding when hungry and a burping when finished.  :)
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: msbarbelle on November 27, 2006, 01:46:20 PM
congrats dad!

nothing's as strong as gentleness, nothing's as gentle as strength.  :)
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: YoMamaBeenLurking on November 27, 2006, 01:49:07 PM
Rob, for what it's worth, I saw you mentioned the baby einstein vids.  Good stuff.  Feed that to him early and often.  There is nothing wrong with music, colors, stuffed animals etc. to stimulate that brain.

My son is almost 6 now.  By 2 he was already light years ahead of the rest of the toddlers in daycare.  By the time all of them were talking, his vocabulary had the teachers there scratching their heads...Multi syllable words etc. no problem at all. 

Now he practically sounds like an adult with his word choices when speaking and is into learning guitar and the drums on top of doing excellent so far in kindergarden.

Great investment!

Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Lord Humungous on November 27, 2006, 05:00:57 PM
New borns are stupid Rob all they do is drool on themselves and poop their pants all day. Just look in on the little tyke once in a while. ;D
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on November 27, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
Thanks for all the advice!

New borns are stupid Rob all they do is drool on themselves and poop their pants all day. Just look in on the little tyke once in a while. ;D

Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on November 27, 2006, 07:01:17 PM
today was cool. tiring as hell tho.  9 hours of baby talk, a stroller walk, lots of formula, and me sneaking to check my email everytime he fell asleep
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: YoMamaBeenLurking on November 28, 2006, 07:40:36 AM
So if you are doing the day shift, does that mean that wifey is doing the night shift and letting you get some sleep?
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Faust on November 28, 2006, 11:17:15 AM
I read that if you keep them close to your body at all time, they cry less and make less trouble.
African women wrap them on their back with some clothing for this. Not sure this is an option for you, lol.

I saw this method to get them to fall asleep. Keep your hand like 2 cm from their eyes. That way they don't see anything, and there is no visual stimulus anymore. Pretty soon they fall asleep.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Bluto on November 28, 2006, 12:09:52 PM
give him a name and stop refering to him as "baby"
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: GET_BIGGER on November 28, 2006, 12:22:48 PM
Don't run out of wetwipes or diapers.....that will consume half your day.  Feeding him will be the other half.  You will have time to pee when he sleeps.

Play some classical music to him while he sleeps.......
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: ToxicAvenger on November 28, 2006, 01:01:28 PM
should be listening to classical music for an hour / day

will grow up smart

<whoops..getbigger beat me 2 it...>

Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on November 28, 2006, 10:01:58 PM
So if you are doing the day shift, does that mean that wifey is doing the night shift and letting you get some sleep?

sorta.  she has him from 5 til 9 or 10.  then i kinda do night duty too.  me sleepy.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on November 29, 2006, 06:04:41 AM
He LOVES the fisher price glider
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on November 29, 2006, 08:56:17 AM
I'm not a dad lol but I think you should exercise him a little, you know....  Just like move his feet around slowly and lightly and his arms and what not.  I bet he would like that.  My grandmother use to do my legs like a bicycle.  Now I can squat 100000000000000000 Pounds. LOL

You dwarf the little guy by the way. :D

Oh, also.... Get him hooked on only good foods, I wish I had never even tasted stuff like McDonalds.

OK, thats all the 18 year old childless wisdom I can give out for now.  ;D
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on November 29, 2006, 10:13:02 AM
You dwarf the little guy by the way. :D

I pwn him.  Yes,
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Laura Lee on November 29, 2006, 03:18:27 PM
Let's start him early  :D
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Faust on December 01, 2006, 02:21:08 AM
I challenge you not to laugh when you see this:

ps: baby's have no sense of humor
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Laura Lee on December 01, 2006, 03:09:20 AM
I challenge you not to laugh when you see this:

ps: baby's have no sense of humor
omg   that was the cutest thing ever!!!!!
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Butterbean on December 01, 2006, 08:10:10 AM
I challenge you not to laugh when you see this:

ps: baby's have no sense of humor

I'm not a "baby person" but that was adorable!  I was laughing!
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 24KT on December 01, 2006, 11:11:48 AM
Hi Rob,

At his age, there's not much for him to do but eat, sleep & poop.

I would avoid plopping him in front of the TV. Classical music is EXCELLENT for him, especially at his age.
It will soothe him, as well as contribute to his brain development. Mozart is especially good.

As well too you want to stimulate him. Not too much tho, as over stimulation can make him cranky, but plenty of touch. Benfun's advice about the bicycle is good. rotate his muscles, and baby massage is also very good. The more stimulation he receives in the form of human touch is great for his development, emotionally, physically and psychologically.

Talk to him, and let him know he's loved. Baby's his age, can't understand your words, but they do understand your feelings, and are far more psychic than people know. They are very much in touch with feelings... their own as well as the feelings of others, so try to keep your own stress level and feelings of hostility to a minimum so you don't transmit those to baby.

Get him hooked on healthy foods at an early age, ...and avoid the sweets. Alot of the commercial baby food manufacturers include a lot of starches as fillers, so if possible, avoid using bottled baby food and make your own. If there is an organic produce market near you, you can get organic fruits and vegetables, and make your own fruit & vegge juices, and purees just for baby when he's ready.

Most often new parents will use baby's nap time as the time to try to get things done, ...but that just leaves you disorganized and frazzled sometimes. Try to nap when baby naps and you might find yourself more refreshed.

ps - If you go anywhere like X-mas shopping, ...always remember the baby. Don't leave him at the mall.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 24KT on December 01, 2006, 11:13:00 AM
I challenge you not to laugh when you see this:

ps: baby's have no sense of humor

What I find remarkable is that that woman has quadruplets... and she's smiling!  :o
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Laura Lee on December 01, 2006, 02:34:45 PM
What I find remarkable is that that woman has quadruplets... and she's smiling!  :o
Do you have any kids Judi?   :)
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 24KT on December 01, 2006, 06:34:54 PM
Do you have any kids Judi?   :)

I have nieces, ...and goldfish.  :D  But I have lots of friends who have kids, ...and babies seem to flock to me.
It's a real ego boost when parents can't soothe their own babies, and the little tykes just gravitate towards me and I know just what they need.  :D It happens all the time when I'm out in public. Babies just like me.

It used to piss my sister off when I could communicate with Crystal when she was only a few weeks old.
The very first day I met my niece I understood what each one of her cries meant while my poor sister was completely lost for a while.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on December 04, 2006, 06:30:08 PM
i am a few weeks into babysitting everyday all day. whew!  THANKS for the advice, all.  we probably go on 2-3 walks a day, have lots of tummy time, music time, nap time.  sometimes even getbig time!
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Original Sin on December 04, 2006, 07:48:08 PM
i am a few weeks into babysitting everyday all day. whew!  THANKS for the advice, all.  we probably go on 2-3 walks a day, have lots of tummy time, music time, nap time.  sometimes even getbig time!

You got that little blighter a job yet?  ;)
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 240 is Back on December 04, 2006, 08:12:52 PM
he's 8 weeks old.  He punches me in the face about 8 times a day.  Kicks me about 30 times.  He hates the getbig beige. :)   

eats all day.  loves to make faces.  has rolled over a few times when annoyed with tummy time.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 24KT on December 04, 2006, 08:39:28 PM
i am a few weeks into babysitting everyday all day. whew!  THANKS for the advice, all.  we probably go on 2-3 walks a day, have lots of tummy time, music time, nap time.  sometimes even getbig time!


You are NOT babysitting. Babysitting is done by 12 yr old girls for other people's kids.

What YOU are doing is taking care of, and raising your son. (something you're supposed to do)  ::)
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: newmom on December 04, 2006, 08:55:27 PM
Rob what a great picture...

As I'm still a stay at home mom and have been since the day she was just have to wing it and then you will figure it out. To be honest with you, baby einsteins are great. Princess's dad has a dvd burner and with netflix well you figure it out. I think she has them all now. One thing I will tell you is this, pretty soon leave him in his playpen or carseat (make sure safe and secure) but no tv on, and let him learn to independently play byhimself. It will help build independence. I'm sure you are doing a great job with him. Make sure you are reading to him even if he doesnt understand and do sign language with him as well.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: newmom on December 04, 2006, 09:02:35 PM
when he is fussy and crying..for example if he is in his crib give him a few mintues to cry it out. I dont know if its just jackie but she is a self soother, I would say I used this method after 3 months and works like a charm. I was so sleep deprived the first 4 months. The first month was tough for me and her I'm sure, there were times she would cry and she wasnt hungry and a clean diaper, I just had to put her in her crib and leave her room for like 10 mintues and by the time I got back she was fine. Now she is almost 16 months and if she cries I say mommy doesnt understand u when u cry. If she wants something she cant have or sees I give her an option for something she can have and that seems to work. I remember reading on mommy boards like, show the baby respect. For example, when I was changing her diaper, I would say jackie mommy is changing your diaper. I do talk to her all the time and lately her vocabulary is growing. Ut oh is her new words. But since she started walking 4 months ago, anytime I do something she sees I tell her what I'm doing. Today she put her diaper in the diaper champ. I closed the diaper and said jackie put this in trash and she looked at it and walked over and put it in. and she gave me a high five.
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: AVBG on December 04, 2006, 09:05:04 PM

You are NOT babysitting. Babysitting is done by 12 yr old girls for other people's kids.

What YOU are doing is taking care of, and raising your son. (something you're supposed to do)  ::)

Jag 1 , Rob 0
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 24KT on December 04, 2006, 09:36:15 PM
Great point Newmom,

Talking to them is great, ...and not that stupid babytalk that is sooooo tempting to do, but actual talking to them with respect. It does wonders for their vocabulary. My niece is 4, and her kindergarten teacher is just blown away with her. Her vocabulary sometimes even blows me away. She even reads to the rest of the kindergarten class. And it's because she was constantly surrounded by older people, and bonding with her two teenage step sisters, and because when my sister was pregnant, she went all out. Had Crystals library stocked for years so she can progress at her own pace rather than the pace the school boards set for kids. She's in kindergarten but effectively functioning at the 4th grade level.

Treating them with respect and not patronizingly is very important. I remember from day one, when she was crying and my sister couldn't figure out why... my sister would just calmly said to her "I'm sorry honey, I don't understand why you're crying." I could have sworn she was talking to an adult. My sister was so frustrated, but the final straw was when I started bawling too. I understood why Crystal was crying, but my sister wouldn't listen to me. All while we were growing up, my sister could never handle it when I cried. She always felt so helpless not knowing what to do. She kept insisting she couldn't possibly be hungry because she had just fed her, ...but I knew better. Finally I blubbered "For Crying out loud just shove your tit in her mouth." My sister did, and to her surprise, ...there was milk. She couldn't understand how she could be hungry again when she had just fed her. It made both of us stop crying.  :)

What always cracks me up, is how baby will quickly become an appendage. It never ceases to amaze me when I watch new moms & dads going about their business with baby attached to them. They don't even give it a 2nd thought either. Then you'll say something to them like "Ya know, you'd make quicker progress if I held the baby while you do that", ...and they'll be shocked and surprised, and think... ya, you're right, ...but they've become so use to holding the baby while doing things. it's funny.

Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: 24KT on December 04, 2006, 09:50:52 PM
he's 8 weeks old.  He punches me in the face about 8 times a day.  Kicks me about 30 times.  He hates the getbig beige. :) 

Don't take it personally Rob, ...he's just acutely aware of his options and not happy about them.  :)
Title: Re: need some parenting advice
Post by: Butterbean on December 05, 2006, 06:15:50 AM
Rob, please post that pic you emailed me this morning :D

If you don't want his face on getbig, you could photoshop a veil on it ala Michael Jackson  ;D