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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: Old_Rooster on November 29, 2006, 11:15:38 AM

Title: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Old_Rooster on November 29, 2006, 11:15:38 AM
hahaha, they are typical scums anyway.  Hey, kramer insulted me so I want some money!

If thats what they are demanding because of what former Kramer says, then i agree with everything Kramer said about them when he was on stage.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Diesel1 on November 29, 2006, 11:17:25 AM
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 29, 2006, 11:40:49 AM
It’s a nuisance suite, they have no legal basis for remuneration. The idea is that them announcing they will sue drags out the media shit storm and Kramer pays them to shut up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, black people who don’t shut the f**k up at movies or live shows are guys. Kramer was 100% spot on with what he said.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Old_Rooster on November 29, 2006, 11:42:05 AM
It’s a nuisance suite, they have no legal basis for remuneration. The idea is that them announcing they will sue drags out the media shit storm and Kramer pays them to shut up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, black people who don’t shut the f**k up at movies or live shows are guys. Kramer was 100% spot on with what he said.

what are white guys that don't shut up at movies or live shows?
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 29, 2006, 11:50:58 AM
If I wasnt white, they would be white trash, peckerwoods, crackers, or more specifically limeys, micks, krauts, wops, etc.... Seeing as I am white and me hurling slurs at another white person would likely be met with laughter, I would find something more offenseive to say ;)

It just so happens that usually its not white people who do that shit...
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on November 29, 2006, 02:10:01 PM

It just so happens that usually its not white people who do that shit...

You obviously have not been to the movies lately have you? I've seen black people, white people, Asian people, Hispanic people do it. And the white folk are not trailer trash. I know some, and they are upper middle class "kids", that drive around in Mercedes and Bimmers, far from the trailer ideal.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Camel Jockey on November 29, 2006, 05:57:32 PM
People who talk in the movies are always the ones into the whole hip-hop culture. Doesn't matter what race they are, you always see these fucking idiots with their nextel phones saying stupid shit like "YO WHERE YOU AT SON?!?" and disturbing everyone in the process.  >:(
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Sljck-NjnjaRjder on November 29, 2006, 06:41:59 PM
People who talk in the movies are always the ones into the whole hip-hop culture. Doesn't matter what race they are, you always see these fucking idiots with their nextel phones saying stupid shit like "YO WHERE YOU AT SON?!?" and disturbing everyone in the process.  >:(

Well I give those people some repect for caring where their children are at that hour!

Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 29, 2006, 07:40:16 PM
You obviously have not been to the movies lately have you? I've seen black people, white people, Asian people, Hispanic people do it. And the white folk are not trailer trash. I know some, and they are upper middle class "kids", that drive around in Mercedes and Bimmers, far from the trailer ideal.

Actually I havent been to the movies lately, cause every time I went some dumbe nigger was screaming at the screen :)
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: G o a t b o y on November 29, 2006, 07:56:18 PM
Jimmy Simon is a guy.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: legbreaker on November 29, 2006, 08:13:14 PM
And the white folk are not trailer trash. I know some, and they are upper middle class "kids", that drive around in Mercedes and Bimmers, far from the trailer ideal.

Those upper middle class kids you speak of are wiggers.  Sad state when white kids from good families want to emulate rap artist and their ways...real sad.  Also, these white middle class kids are mostly spoiled and very very soft, even the black kids in the high schools call them "soft".  Anyone that disrupts a show or movie with their big mouths need a lesson in respect.  The guys that are suing Kramer shouldn't get a thing, hopefully Kramer don't cave in.  It's basically legal extortion and people get arrested for the same thing, but done without a lawyer.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 29, 2006, 08:16:25 PM
Of course they are soft, they act like poor black kids cause they think it makes them look tough.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: legbreaker on November 29, 2006, 08:17:34 PM
Of course they are soft, they act like poor black kids cause they think it makes them look tough.

Very true.  My wife teaches and that's exactly how the kids refer to these kids, lol.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on November 30, 2006, 02:47:10 PM
Actually I havent been to the movies lately, cause every time I went some dumbe nigger was screaming at the screen :)

They were probalby telling you to stop using your teeth ;)

Those upper middle class kids you speak of are wiggers. 

Nope there from the Ambercrome&Finch crowd. You have alot of them in the Annapolis area. And they can be worse than wiggers, because they think they say what they want, when they want, because mommy and daddy didn't teach them any manners, and they just got a M5... 
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: ToxicAvenger on November 30, 2006, 02:51:41 PM
You obviously have not been to the movies lately have you? I've seen black people, white people, Asian people, Hispanic people do it. And the white folk are not trailer trash. I know some, and they are upper middle class "kids", that drive around in Mercedes and Bimmers, far from the trailer ideal.

usually it IS the black people..usually....which has its positives and negatives...

watching a scary movie in a totally black th eather...hilarious...soo much fucking fun mate...

however i HAVE noticed..around MD its mostly not the blacks that talk behind ya at the people here are conscious about how people think and mostly keep their yaps shut at the movies..its usually the snotty chinky or white kid behind ya that wont shut up...

i recently had to tell a few to shut up while watching that movie slither.....ok relatively recently..
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on November 30, 2006, 03:40:10 PM

usually it IS the black people..usually....which has its positives and negatives...

watching a scary movie in a totally black th eather...hilarious...soo much fucking fun mate...

however i HAVE noticed..around MD its mostly not the blacks that talk behind ya at the people here are conscious about how people think and mostly keep their yaps shut at the movies..its usually the snotty chinky or white kid behind ya that wont shut up...

i recently had to tell a few to shut up while watching that movie slither.....ok relatively recently..

In college in Baltimore I used to go to the movie theater near the Inner Harbor (it has been closed down), there was a fight in front of me ( yes they were black), but The fight was more interesting than the movie. One time there was no air conditioning and the place was packed (Rush Hour 2 was playing) someone farted real loud (a fat white guy) and some dude said , "who farted, man you need to scrub whatever you had in your ass out, dirty ass guy!"
It is inner city more black folks

In Annapolis, the spoiled white kids act the worse, because they are taught thae only the black kids are bad, so their behavior doesn't matter.
And don't let in be a Navy game. Just because your drive a Porsche Cayenne doesn't mean you can park on someone's lawn....

Hey, it was probably Sandycoosworth, giving brain to some 15 yr old black kid in the backseat
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: OneBigMan on November 30, 2006, 03:42:16 PM
It’s a nuisance suite, they have no legal basis for remuneration. The idea is that them announcing they will sue drags out the media shit storm and Kramer pays them to shut up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, black people who don’t shut the f**k up at movies or live shows are guys. Kramer was 100% spot on with what he said.

The n-i-g-g-e-r word was a little strong because so many people spontaneously took the N word and ran with it for their own reasons.

There are some people who are actually being real loco negros and they are the robber rappers and hip-hop hustlers who have many imitators such as the ones that Kramer called out in that comedy club.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 30, 2006, 03:46:45 PM
Of course its a strong word, you use it as the ultimate fuck you. Kramer was really pissed that those monkeys fuct with his act and he put them in their place :)
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on November 30, 2006, 03:54:52 PM
Of course its a strong word, you use it as the ultimate f**k you. Kramer was really pissed that those monkeys fuct with his act and he put them in their place :)

And that is what you are, love...(a n......). It can be used for any race of people, it means "ignorant"
Your place is on your hands and knees  :-*
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 30, 2006, 03:59:15 PM
Id rather be a white chick on my hands and knees than a black person, and especially a black person whose a guy :)[/color]
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on November 30, 2006, 04:09:58 PM
Id rather be a white chick on my hands and knees than a black person, and especially a black person whose a guy :)[/color]

You know I like you...this is only foreplay ;)
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: brianX on November 30, 2006, 07:20:20 PM
Blacks are ALWAYS causing disruptions at movie theaters. They're a race of baboons.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on November 30, 2006, 08:01:26 PM
Actually I havent been to the movies lately, cause every time I went some dumbe nigger was screaming at the screen :)

I'm sorry but.... L....O.....L!
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on November 30, 2006, 08:09:24 PM
Sandy's post is pretty funny.  The last time I had to deal with that, I told the guys to shut up and they tried to act "hard" but never did anything after the movie.

HAHA, Yes, those hip hop punks (white or black) are good at acting tuff, but when it comes down to it they punk out.  :P
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Earl1972 on November 30, 2006, 08:30:11 PM
word is the new seinfeld season 7 dvd is selling much better than season 6 did when it came out this time last year

Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: JimmyTheFish on November 30, 2006, 09:06:41 PM
word is the new seinfeld season 7 dvd is selling much better than season 6 did when it came out this time last year


MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahhahahahahahhaha hqahahhahhahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hhhhahhahahhahahahahhhah ahahhahahahahahhahahqaha hhahhahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahhahahhhha hhahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahhahahqahahhah hahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhah ahahhahahahhahahhhhahhah ahhahahahahhhahahhahahah ahahhahahqahahhahhahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahhahahhhhahhahahhahah ahahahahhhahahhahahahaha hhahahqahahhahhahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hhahahhhhahhahahhahahaha hahahqhahahhahahahahahha hahqahahhahhahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahhahahahh ahahahahhahahahhahahahha hahhhhahhahahhahahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahhah ahqahahhahhahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahahhahahahhahahahhah ahhhhahhahahhahahahahhha hahahhahahahahahhahahqah ahhahhahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahhahahhhh ahhahahhahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahhahahqahahha hhahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahhahahhhhahha hahhahahahahhhahahhahaha hahahhahahqahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahahhhahahhahahahah ahhahahqahahhahhahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahhahahhhhahhahahhahahah ahahahqhahahhahahahahahh ahahhahahahahhahahahahah hahahqahahhahhahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah hahahhhhahhahahhahahahah hhahahahhahahahahahhahah qahahhahhahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahhahah hhhahhahahhahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahhahahqaha hhahhahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahhahahhhha hhahahhahahahahhhahahhah ahahahahhahahqahahhahhah ahahahahhahahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahhahahhhhahhahahh ahahahahahahhhahahhahaha hahahhahahqahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahahqhahahhahahahah ahhahahqahahhahhahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahhahahhhhahhahahhahahah ahahahhahhahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hhhhahhahahhahahahahqaha hhahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahhahahqahahhahha hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahhahahhhhahhahah hahahahahhhahahahhahahah ahahhahahqahahhahhahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahhahahhhhahhahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahah hahahqahahhahhahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah hahahhhhahhahahhahahahah hhahahhahahahahahhahahqa hahhahhahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hahhahahahhahahahhahahhh hahhahahhahahahahahahhha hahhahahahahahhahahqahah hahhahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahhahahahhahahahah hahahahhahahahhahahhhhah hahahhahahahahahahqhahah hahahahahahhahahqahahhah hahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhah ahahhahahahhahahhhhahhah ahhahahahahahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahhahahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahahhahahah hahahahhahahhhhahhahahha hahahahahahhahhahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hhahahhhhahhahahhahahaha hhhahhahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahhahahhhh ahhahahhahahahah
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: ToxicAvenger on November 30, 2006, 10:20:38 PM
In college in Baltimore I used to go to the movie theater near the Inner Harbor (it has been closed down), there was a fight in front of me ( yes they were black), but The fight was more interesting than the movie. One time there was no air conditioning and the place was packed (Rush Hour 2 was playing) someone farted real loud (a fat white guy) and some dude said , "who farted, man you need to scrub whatever you had in your ass out, dirty ass f**cker!"
It is inner city more black folks

In Annapolis, the spoiled white kids act the worse, because they are taught thae only the black kids are bad, so their behavior doesn't matter.
And don't let in be a Navy game. Just because your drive a Porsche Cayenne doesn't mean you can park on someone's lawn....

Hey, it was probably Sandycoosworth, giving brain to some 15 yr old black kid in the backseat

actually i've never seen black people fighting....

its usually the white metal heads i get into it folks will talk smack but usually it goes back n forth and then nothing happens...
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on November 30, 2006, 10:32:42 PM
Suicide Bombings > drive by's
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: ToxicAvenger on November 30, 2006, 11:30:19 PM
Suicide Bombings > drive by's

sandy..plez post a pic of your v-agina ...
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Earl1972 on December 01, 2006, 06:26:34 AM
MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahhahahahahahhaha hqahahhahhahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hhhhahhahahhahahahahhhah ahahhahahahahahhahahqaha hhahhahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahhahahhhha hhahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahhahahqahahhah hahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhah ahahhahahahhahahhhhahhah ahhahahahahhhahahhahahah ahahhahahqahahhahhahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahhahahhhhahhahahhahah ahahahahhhahahhahahahaha hhahahqahahhahhahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hhahahhhhahhahahhahahaha hahahqhahahhahahahahahha hahqahahhahhahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahhahahahh ahahahahhahahahhahahahha hahhhhahhahahhahahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahhah ahqahahhahhahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahahhahahahhahahahhah ahhhhahhahahhahahahahhha hahahhahahahahahhahahqah ahhahhahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahhahahhhh ahhahahhahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahhahahqahahha hhahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahhahahhhhahha hahhahahahahhhahahhahaha hahahhahahqahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahahhhahahhahahahah ahhahahqahahhahhahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahhahahhhhahhahahhahahah ahahahqhahahhahahahahahh ahahhahahahahhahahahahah hahahqahahhahhahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah hahahhhhahhahahhahahahah hhahahahhahahahahahhahah qahahhahhahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahhahah hhhahhahahhahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahhahahqaha hhahhahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahhahahhhha hhahahhahahahahhhahahhah ahahahahhahahqahahhahhah ahahahahhahahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahhahahhhhahhahahh ahahahahahahhhahahhahaha hahahhahahqahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahahqhahahhahahahah ahhahahqahahhahhahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahhahahhhhahhahahhahahah ahahahhahhahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hhhhahhahahhahahahahqaha hhahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahhahahqahahhahha hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahhahahhhhahhahah hahahahahhhahahahhahahah ahahhahahqahahhahhahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahhahahhhhahhahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahah hahahqahahhahhahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah hahahhhhahhahahhahahahah hhahahhahahahahahhahahqa hahhahhahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hahhahahahhahahahhahahhh hahhahahhahahahahahahhha hahhahahahahahhahahqahah hahhahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahhahahahhahahahah hahahahhahahahhahahhhhah hahahhahahahahahahqhahah hahahahahahhahahqahahhah hahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhah ahahhahahahhahahhhhahhah ahhahahahahahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahhahahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahahhahahah hahahahhahahhhhahhahahha hahahahahahhahhahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hhahahhhhahhahahhahahaha hhhahhahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahhahahhhh ahhahahhahahahah

ok "jimmy the fish"  ::)

Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 01, 2006, 07:35:26 AM

actually i've never seen black people fighting....

its usually the white metal heads i get into it folks will talk smack but usually it goes back n forth and then nothing happens...

I've seen two fat black girls fight. The events leading up to the fight were teh funny. One was like "OH BITCH NOOO YOU DIDNT!" The fight itself was alright.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: OneBigMan on December 01, 2006, 02:35:32 PM
Of course its a strong word, you use it as the ultimate f**k you. Kramer was really pissed that those monkeys fuct with his act and he put them in their place :)

I'd go off and use the BIG N word if I ever recognized a rapper or one of their imitators who prove what being a self described n.i.g.g.a on their b.e.t. and what a "black being" is always about >:(
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: 24KT on December 01, 2006, 02:37:20 PM
I'd go off and use the BIG N word if I ever recognized a rapper or one of their imitators who prove what being a self described n.i.g.g.a on their b.e.t. and what a "black being" is always about >:(

BET is white owned.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on December 01, 2006, 03:10:16 PM
The man always keeping them down... ::)

Mr. Johnson (Billionaire) sold BET to I believe to the the owners of VH1 and MTV.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: body88 on December 01, 2006, 03:13:26 PM
BET is white owned.

Are you saying BET was white owned since day one Jag?
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on December 01, 2006, 03:15:10 PM

Are you saying BET was white owned since day one Jag?

No never was, the one that started Ebony Magazine (and Jet) started BET, then he sold it. I Think his name is Bob Johnson.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: 24KT on December 01, 2006, 11:41:16 PM

Are you saying BET was white owned since day one Jag?

nope... just since the ratings started to go down, ...and the stereotypes started to go up
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 02, 2006, 07:50:52 AM

sandy..plez post a pic of your v-agina ...

I was sticking up for you asshole >:(
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: body88 on December 02, 2006, 08:08:32 AM
nope... just since the ratings started to go down, ...and the stereotypes started to go up

Bullshit. In your original post you made it seem BET was white owned the whole time. It was recently sold for a billion? That is why i asked the question. BET was African owned for 98 percent of the time it was on the air.

How would the public react to a WET?  White entertainment channel?
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 02, 2006, 08:15:45 AM
How would the public react to a WET?  White entertainment channel?

Thats effectively every other TV station ;)
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: body88 on December 02, 2006, 08:20:33 AM
Thats effectively every other TV station ;)

Not really. Upn has a lot of black actors. As well as Wb. If there was a station that was called the WET. Blatantly excluded all other races and made no bones about it. It would be touted as racist and people would be enraged.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 02, 2006, 08:35:26 AM
Thats effectively every other TV station ;)

White owned, white news, white advertising. Though you are right the dynamic is changing, especially the advent of Mexitising ;D
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on December 02, 2006, 08:52:53 AM

Not really. Upn has a lot of black actors. As well as Wb.

This is done to gain momentum in the Urban market, because it is deemed hip and is a growing demographic. There fore they develop a fan base. Once they have built a base, they usually dump those "urban shows". Like Fox did, "True Colors", "Living Color", South Central". And what UPN and CW (WB) are doing. You know, 7th Heaven, Smallville, Supernatural, Gilmore Girls, Reba.

WET, doesn't need to be stated, as it is NBC, CBS, ABC.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: legbreaker on December 02, 2006, 09:43:37 AM
Thats effectively every other TV station ;)

yeah, but they dont call it, WET...that's the obvious difference.  Even if a celebrity went on a tv talk show and said they were making a donation to the "low income white college fund" a hypothetically legit organization, they would be labelled a racist.  No doubt there are clear double standards and alot of reverse discrimination in this country.  Without family alumni, try getting into a great college if your white with good grades.  they'll accept a minority, no alumni, average grades way before you in alot of instances.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 02, 2006, 05:05:01 PM
yeah, but they dont call it, WET...that's the obvious difference.  Even if a celebrity went on a tv talk show and said they were making a donation to the "low income white college fund" a hypothetically legit organization, they would be labelled a racist.  No doubt there are clear double standards and alot of reverse discrimination in this country.  Without family alumni, try getting into a great college if your white with good grades.  they'll accept a minority, no alumni, average grades way before you in alot of instances.

Also, minorities are defined as blacks, hispanics and native americans. Try working your ass off as a asian or indian kid and you'll be cut no slack. This is bullshit because often times these true minorities are one's who struggle a lot harder than hispanics or blacks. Yet they still get into good schools despite not having affirmitive action.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: body88 on December 02, 2006, 05:17:01 PM
I went to BU. You would think you where in Asia at times. Huge Asian population at that school.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: Parker on December 02, 2006, 05:27:27 PM
"low income white college fund" a hypothetically legit organization

That's called "The Military" ;)
I went to BU. You would think you where in Asia at times. Huge Asian population at that school.

As well as UMBC (University of Maryland at Baltimore County) a Honors University that Arnold S. is on the board of...I also think it has the highest percentage of BMW M3's on any College campus. Well in and around Maryland, that is.

The majority of the graduating population is female also.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 03, 2006, 01:12:30 AM
yeah, but they dont call it, WET...that's the obvious difference. 

They don't have to, its implied :)
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: 24KT on December 03, 2006, 06:23:01 AM

Bullshit. In your original post you made it seem BET was white owned the whole time. It was recently sold for a billion? That is why i asked the question. BET was African owned for 98 percent of the time it was on the air.

I made it seem...? How very eloquent & articulate of me, ...considering I said only 4 words.  :-\

And the sale was not so recent.

How would the public react to a WET?  White entertainment channel?

The public would react like it always has. So would the suits behind the programming, ...until they discovered there were ad revenues to be garnered by portraying additional images previously left out.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: civello_06 on December 03, 2006, 10:36:51 AM
Jimmy Simon is a guy.
Ron will probbly cry to you about this one.
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: civello_06 on December 03, 2006, 10:39:39 AM
Once again, are we forgeting the fact that these two morons called him a honckey and cracker origionally?While I admit black carries much more magnitude, those are still racist comments.They drew first blood.No because Kramer shot back, these guys are no longer racists?
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 03, 2006, 10:44:38 AM
They're not racists; they're niggers ;D
Title: Re: Kramer is a racist but the black guys he insulted....
Post by: civello_06 on December 03, 2006, 12:36:00 PM
They're not racistsm they're niggers ;D
Good point.However you probably just made Ron cry.