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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: 240 is Back on November 29, 2006, 03:56:42 PM

Title: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: 240 is Back on November 29, 2006, 03:56:42 PM
That's right, my friends. 

As you will soon see (or are), my predictions on election day oil pushing to affect gas prices and DOW will come true.
Early next year, you will see 240's dollar recession prediction, sadly, as other nations are all saying it now.
And 9/11 truth will come out in early 2009, as Bush agreed to let all the 911 evidence come out the day he leaves office.

My latest thought is that neoconservatism is dying.  Wolfy, Rummy, and their gang are leaving DC.  The desperation on the puppet generals to get on CNN and trumpet the "we need more war spending" is becoing clear.  McCain has tried to fill the void left on the pro-war boat, but it's getting empty.  Bush's new staff are bush1 transplants who hated the neocons.

The men who got us into these wars did 2 things.  They put a US footprint into the area- much like vietnam or korea, we didn't win shit and we didn't lose shit.  But we set up bases.  Which means we'll never leave.  The US presence in that region is now permanent.  They also got RICH.  Military spending was in the billions, and the neos are all going to wall street or pvt sector mil. contractors now. Cheney is going to be welcomed back to haliburton with open arms, and he'll be more involved with iraq AFTER he leaves office, with less accountability.  And bush and his fam are building a compound in paraguay where they will retire to.  bush will never be the brilliant consultant the others are, but he's rich from the favorable saudi oil deals he giftwrapped for poppy.

They didn't do two things- they didn't get their Iran=Iraq-Afghan hat trick.  The people got wise to it and voted them out.  War in Iran is not going to happen, barring a fake terror attack.  but i don't think these men would be relinquishing power if they planned to hit iran next.  They'll have to wait another 30 years and let their children take a shot at WW5.  not on our dimes.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Dos Equis on November 29, 2006, 03:58:00 PM
240 should not quit his day job.   :)
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: OzmO on November 29, 2006, 04:12:53 PM
Just like many other things,   this is just another cycle.  The days of the neo-con in the USA may go away, but not forever.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Camel Jockey on November 29, 2006, 05:50:17 PM
They may be gone, but their ideals and brainwashing will linger on.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: MKD on November 29, 2006, 06:11:34 PM
Good riddance to the neocons.  Our country MAY be safer in the short term, but it has been at the expense of long term security-- less global political legitimacy and less economic clout.  I work with a fair amount of people from around the world and they are looking forward to 2009.  Ask any foreigner and they will tell you that the best thing America did was vote deomocrat earlier this month.  It at least showed the rest of the world that the American people are fed up with the last few years.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: chris_ca on November 29, 2006, 06:13:30 PM
the downside?

They might be replaced by something even worse:
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: MKD on November 29, 2006, 06:23:36 PM
Your right, it could get worse.  One of the issues with the neocons, neolibs, etc is that politics has become too polarized.  I am voting for a moderate middle of the road candidate, assuming there will be one.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 29, 2006, 06:43:39 PM
Prediction is running a bit late... ;)
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: JimmyTheFish on November 30, 2006, 09:09:57 PM
Prediction is running a bit late... ;)

hahahahahhahahahahahhaha hqahahhahhahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hhhhahhahahhahahahahhhah ahahhahahahahahhahahqaha hhahhahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahhahahhhha hhahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahahhahahqahahhah hahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhah ahahhahahahhahahhhhahhah ahhahahahahhhahahhahahah ahahhahahqahahhahhahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahhahahhhhahhahahhahah ahahahahhhahahhahahahaha hhahahqahahhahhahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hhahahhhhahhahahhahahaha hahahqhahahhahahahahahha hahqahahhahhahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahhahahahh ahahahahhahahahhahahahha hahhhhahhahahhahahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahhah ahqahahhahhahahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahahhahahahhahahahhah ahhhhahhahahhahahahahhha hahahhahahahahahhahahqah ahhahhahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahhahahhhh ahhahahhahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahahhahahqahahha hhahahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahhahahhhhahha hahhahahahahhhahahhahaha hahahhahahqahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahahhhahahhahahahah ahhahahqahahhahhahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahhahahhhhahhahahhahahah ahahahqhahahhahahahahahh ahahhahahahahhahahahahah hahahqahahhahhahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah hahahhhhahhahahhahahahah hhahahahhahahahahahhahah qahahhahhahahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahhahah hhhahhahahhahahahahhahah ahahhahahahahahhahahqaha hhahhahahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahhahahhhha hhahahhahahahahhhahahhah ahahahahhahahqahahhahhah ahahahahhahahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahhahahhhhahhahahh ahahahahahahhhahahhahaha hahahhahahqahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahahqhahahhahahahah ahhahahqahahhahhahahahah ahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahhahah ahhahahhhhahhahahhahahah ahahahhahhahahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahahhahahahhahahahhaha hhhhahhahahhahahahahqaha hhahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahahahhahahqahahhahha hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahhahahhhhahhahah hahahahahhhahahahhahahah ahahhahahqahahhahhahahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhah ahahhahahhhhahhahahhahah ahahhahahahahhahahahahah hahahqahahhahhahahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah hahahhhhahhahahhahahahah hhahahhahahahahahhahahqa hahhahhahahahahahhahahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hahhahahahhahahahhahahhh hahhahahhahahahahahahhha hahhahahahahahhahahqahah hahhahahahahahhahahahahh ahahahahhahahahhahahahah hahahahhahahahhahahhhhah hahahhahahahahahahqhahah hahahahahahhahahqahahhah hahahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahhahahahahhah ahahhahahahhahahhhhahhah ahhahahahahahahhahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahahhahahahha hahahhahahhhhahhahahhaha hahahahhahahahahhahahaha hhahahahhahahahahhahahah hahahahhahahhhhahhahahha hahahahahahhahhahahahaha hhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahhahaha hhahahhhhahhahahhahahaha hhhahhahahahahahhahahaha hhahahahahhahahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahahhahahhhh ahhahahhahahahah
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Cavalier22 on November 30, 2006, 09:20:24 PM
what led you to your predictions, was it the elections of a month ago? or the news that came out a few days ago about the slipping dollar?

man you are good
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: 24KT on December 01, 2006, 12:55:40 AM
It might also have a lot to do with many people waking up to the irony of Newt Gingrich (

Keith Olbermann special commentary on Newt Gingrich grandstanding exploitation of the 1st Amendment: (
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: bigdumbbell on December 01, 2006, 02:55:01 AM
where is Wolfy going?
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: 240 is Back on December 01, 2006, 02:59:48 AM
where is Wolfy going?

Hell? :)

Private sector.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: amc1980 on December 01, 2006, 03:13:23 AM
Considering that there has been numerous books and articles on this subject recently; how exactly did you come to formulate such a groundbreaking prediction, 240?

Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: 240 is Back on December 01, 2006, 03:15:46 AM
well, from the way Bush is talking, he doesn't care what anyone says about iraq, that nothing will change.  with him losing his support team, we will have to see if he has the ability to carry on the torch/message without the full team of handlers.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: headhuntersix on December 01, 2006, 03:25:21 AM
They are all gone back to making money. 240 has been beating the dollar loosing value thing for about  month or so. Good for him i guess. It would depend on where ur cash is.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 01, 2006, 07:13:15 AM
That's right, my friends. 

As you will soon see (or are), my predictions on election day oil pushing to affect gas prices and DOW will come true.
Early next year, you will see 240's dollar recession prediction, sadly, as other nations are all saying it now.
And 9/11 truth will come out in early 2009, as Bush agreed to let all the 911 evidence come out the day he leaves office.

My latest thought is that neoconservatism is dying.  Wolfy, Rummy, and their gang are leaving DC.  The desperation on the puppet generals to get on CNN and trumpet the "we need more war spending" is becoing clear.  McCain has tried to fill the void left on the pro-war boat, but it's getting empty.  Bush's new staff are bush1 transplants who hated the neocons.

The men who got us into these wars did 2 things.  They put a US footprint into the area- much like vietnam or korea, we didn't win shit and we didn't lose shit.  But we set up bases.  Which means we'll never leave.  The US presence in that region is now permanent.  They also got RICH.  Military spending was in the billions, and the neos are all going to wall street or pvt sector mil. contractors now. Cheney is going to be welcomed back to haliburton with open arms, and he'll be more involved with iraq AFTER he leaves office, with less accountability.  And bush and his fam are building a compound in paraguay where they will retire to.  bush will never be the brilliant consultant the others are, but he's rich from the favorable saudi oil deals he giftwrapped for poppy.

They didn't do two things- they didn't get their Iran=Iraq-Afghan hat trick.  The people got wise to it and voted them out.  War in Iran is not going to happen, barring a fake terror attack.  but i don't think these men would be relinquishing power if they planned to hit iran next.  They'll have to wait another 30 years and let their children take a shot at WW5.  not on our dimes.

The world will never go back to the way it was before 911 Rob. American imperialism will become more pronounced, nobody whose not brown will see any jail time for 911, government surveliance will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. It sounds to me like you imagine 911 as 5 or 6 dudes pulling strings with everyone else mindlessly following along. I dont think thats accurate: I think 5 or 6 guys set up a situation where by 1000's became indirect participants through neglect of their duties. (For example, youre an FBI agent who knows Atta is going to fly a plane into the towers and you are told not to investigate any further, are you really dumb enough not to suspect something underhanded is going on?) Its kind of like Usual Suspects where everyone is working for Kaizer Soze doing illicit shit, but very few people actually know it, they just know they are doing something wrong but they are still getting paid so they dont care ;)
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Purge_WTF on December 01, 2006, 07:17:56 AM
  The end of Neoconservatism? Let's hope.
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 01, 2006, 07:22:18 AM
where is Wolfy going?
wolfowitz,... where do you go from being head of the world bank, jackass errand boy for the Illuminati???....
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 01, 2006, 07:39:16 AM
The day neoconservatives found their time had come to an end was the day their opinion no longer wielded any political power... They spend months on the TV circuit trying to make the case for war against Iran before the end of the year.  When the people failed to buy the same line of bullshit that they made up for Iraq, they found themselves out of power.  This is why you have some of them making this last gasp attempt to retain some political influence by saying they are against the way the Iraq war was fought and had they known this before they would have never pushed for it... like richard pearl did recently.... See them run like little POS rats... This is why I said 240's prediction is a little late here. 

Notice how they stayed away from the words, "Iraq Think Tank" and called it a "Study Group" yea, that's not by accident... That's because this is in general what the public thinks about the "Think Tanks" that keep getting us into fucking bullshit wars:...

New Rule, in two parts: A) You can’t call yourself a think tank if all your ideas are stupid. And B), if you’re someone from one of the think tanks that dreamed up the Iraq War, and who predicted that we’d be greeted as liberators, and that we wouldn't’t need a lot of troops, and that Iraqi oil would pay for the war, that the WMD’s would be found, that the looting wasn’t problematic, and the mission was accomplished, that the insurgency was in its last throes, that things would get better after the people voted, after the government was formed, after we got Saddam, after we got his kids, after we got Zarqawi, and that the whole bloody mess wouldn’t turn into a civil war…you have to stop making predictions!

You know, there’s a name for people who are always wrong about everything all the time: husbands. You know, it’s a shame what happened to think tanks. They used to produce valuable, apolitical analysis. But partisanship crept into many of them. And the Bush Administration doesn’t just come up with something as stupid as “If we leave now, they’ll follow us home.” No, they have someone from a think tank say it first. It’s a way to lend respectability. The same reason a titty bar has food. I hear.

The think tanks that incubated the Iraq war have lofty names like the Heritage Foundation and the Project for a New American Century. Whatever. They’ve been wrong so often, I’m surprised they’re not my broker. Richard Perle thought we could win Iraq with 40,000 troops. Paul Wolfowitz predicted, in 2003, that within a year, the grateful people of Baghdad would name some grand square in their fine city after President Bush. And he was right when he said they’d be waving American flags. They were on fire.

William Kristol pooh-poohed the fears that Sunnis and Shiites would be at each others’ throats, as “the stuff of pop psychology.” Right. And having your head chopped off is just a quick way to drop 11 pounds. Kristol, of course, is revered by much of the right because he was Dan Quayle’s chief of staff, and was known as “Quayle’s Brain.” You know that. Which sounded impressive until I remembered Dan Quayle didn’t have a brain.

And now, Mr. Kristol proposes immediate military action against Iran, predicting the Iranians will thank us for it. Hey, you know what, Nostrodamus? Why don’t you sit this one out?

We’ll get by using the Magic Eight Ball for a while. Because you guys have been so wrong about so much for so long, people are actually turning to the Democrats. So, we can say Iraq was a noble experiment, if that helps you. Our intention was good: to penetrate Iraq and bring it to a glorious, euphoric climax.  But it’s clear now that’s just not going to happen. And yet we’re still pounding away.

Causing the whole area to become painfully inflamed. And in that situation, the kindest thing you can do is…just pull out.

now the neocons have made a comeback before, that's what this latest bullshit reign was, a comback from the 90's even though they didn't hold top power back then, they lost all their power in the 90's and cameback to the top under Bush.  Watch out for these dirty rotten scoundrels... they'll try to comeback again....
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: 240 is Back on December 01, 2006, 07:44:31 AM
And now, Mr. Kristol proposes immediate military action against Iran, predicting the Iranians will thank us for it. Hey, you know what, Nostrodamus? Why don’t you sit this one out?

hahahahahahahahahahahaha haha
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 01, 2006, 08:04:02 AM
And now, Mr. Kristol proposes immediate military action against Iran, predicting the Iranians will thank us for it. Hey, you know what, Nostrodamus? Why don’t you sit this one out?

hahahahahahahahahahahaha haha
LOL, I know, that's why I called this the best new rules ever.... I busted a gut on this one ;D
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 01, 2006, 08:06:55 AM
How about that video where Kristol had the balls to show up in the hometown of Alex Jones.... ahahhahhhahah.... big fucking mistake ;D
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 01, 2006, 08:07:47 AM
How about that video where Kristol had the balls to show up in the hometown of Alex Jones.... ahahhahhhahah.... big fucking mistake ;D
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: MKD on December 01, 2006, 09:06:03 PM
where is Wolfy going?

Paul Wolfowitz has been President of the World Bank for awhile.  Ironically, that is the same position Robert McNamara hale after he resigned/was fired.

Now he is in charge of providing money to the third world...
Title: Re: 240 predicts: The Age of the NeoCon is coming to and end
Post by: 240 is Back on December 01, 2006, 11:49:52 PM
Pentagon intelligence chief resigns

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Stephen A. Cambone, the Pentagon's top intelligence official and a close ally of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, will step down at the end of the year, becoming the first key department member to leave in the wake of Rumsfeld's resignation.

It had been widely speculated that Cambone, the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, would resign as the Pentagon prepares for the expected Senate confirmation of a new defense chief -- former CIA Director Robert Gates.

The Pentagon's intelligence-gathering has come under fire during Cambone's tenure, with critics accusing the Defense Department of trying to take expanded control over the nation's intelligence activities.

Cambone was in charge of intelligence when it was disclosed a year ago that a Pentagon database of suspicious activities contained the names of anti-war groups that had been found not be security risks. Cambone ordered a review of the program.


Cambone was known in the Pentagon as Donald Rumsfeld's "chief henchman". [5] The orders to soften up Iraqi prisoners for intelligence interrogators (both military and private contractors) are said to have come directly from Cambone's office. [6] In a 2006 Counterpunch article, Jeffrey St. Clair reported that Cambone is responsible for intelligence operations like Gray Fox, a kind of sabotage and assassination squad. [7] Several sources report that Cambone has become so hated and feared inside the Pentagon as Rumsfeld's hatchetman that one general joked: 'If I had one round left in my revolver, I would take out Stephen Cambone.' " [5][7]

[edit] War crimes prosecution
On 10 November 2006, the German Federal Government announced that it had decided to permit the war crimes prosecution of Stephen A. Cambone for his alleged role in condoning the abuse of prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison during his tenure from 2001 to 2003 as U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General, under the legal framework of universal jurisdiction. [8]