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Getbig Female Info Boards => Open Talk for Girl Discussion => Topic started by: az on December 09, 2006, 05:54:18 PM

Title: worst hangover...
Post by: az on December 09, 2006, 05:54:18 PM
21st birthday in Germany.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 09, 2006, 11:08:58 PM
22 yrs old
No special day, just a normal saturday night with friends
crown royal and coke doodaa shots ( i didn't count, but drank the entire bottle)
plus 4 liquid cocaine shots, after we got to the club

woke up 2 days later in the hospital with the horrible after-taste of charcoal.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: freespirit on December 10, 2006, 01:52:39 AM
17 years old. Somewhere in Berlin.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Lord Humungous on December 10, 2006, 05:48:09 AM
about 26ish 6 shots of Jagermeister, 1 of crown and about 7 or8 beers
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: GET_BIGGER on December 10, 2006, 09:45:21 AM
16, Adelaide, Austrailia.  Southern Comfort and Sprite, still gag at the smell of that s**t to this day.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Deedee on December 10, 2006, 10:45:50 AM
My worst was in Germany too.  Don't know what it is about that place...  :-\.  I was 17 and drank every beer they gave me, then topped it off with the jaggermeister they made me swill down. Sick like a dog for two days.  Took me years to not wretch at the smell of beer, and even the sight of a jaggermeister bottle to this day makes me queasy.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: diamond on December 10, 2006, 11:17:59 AM
18th birthday...

No idea what I drank...anything anyone gave me. Along with mixtures of things....VERY bad idea....
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: az on December 10, 2006, 02:45:36 PM
My worst was in Germany too.  Don't know what it is about that place...  :-\.  I was 17 and drank every beer they gave me, then topped it off with the jaggermeister they made me swill down. Sick like a dog for two days.  Took me years to not wretch at the smell of beer, and even the sight of a jaggermeister bottle to this day makes me queasy.

yes I think it is the place too! The town I was in was very small, if it was your birthday and you could show proof, they let you drink for free but it was the bartender wanted you to drink. I went to too many bars that night. I asked God to kill me, my brain hurt soooo bad. I was layed up for about 2 days, took a minute before I could hold anything down.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 03:14:12 PM
i don't do hangovers.

(ie: I've never had one, or a headache either...
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: 24KT on December 10, 2006, 03:20:58 PM
When I was 15, and drank a 12 oz glass of pure Jamaican overproof rum ...STRAIGHT!  :o

It tasted smooth like water going down, ...then I breathed and my throat was on fire.

I didn't know it was only supposed to be 1 oz of rum, 11 oz of chaser. {shrug}

I OD'd on alcohol, stayed drunk the entire weekend, and had a jackhammer going off in my head on Monday.

I guess that's why I never became a big drinker, ...that and the fact that I developed an allergy to alcohol.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: az on December 10, 2006, 03:30:09 PM
When I was 15, and drank a 12 oz glass of pure Jamaican overproof rum ...STRAIGHT!  :o

It tasted smooth like water going down, ...then I breathed and my throat was on fire.

I didn't know it was only supposed to be 1 oz of rum, 11 oz of chaser. {shrug}

I OD'd on alcohol, stayed drunk the entire weekend, and had a jackhammer going off in my head on Monday.

I guess that's why I never became a big drinker, ...that and the fact that I developed an allergy to alcohol.

ouch! ???
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: 24KT on December 10, 2006, 03:39:48 PM
You don't know the half of it, I went to tickle, ...and as I stood up, before I could get my jeans back up,
...I felt myself starting to pass out.  :o These weren't just any ol jeans either, they were Sasson jeans, ...the kind you need to lie on your bed with your feet up on the dresser with a coat hanger tugging on the zipper, holding your breath in, painted on jeans.  :-\ I just kept saying "Please Lord, let me get my pants back up before I pass out." I was so out of it, no one would believe all I had was alcohol. They were certain I dropped a few tabs of acid or something, ...but it was just the rum. Wray & Nephew. Powerful stuff.

Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 03:40:27 PM
When I was 15, and drank a 12 oz glass of pure Jamaican overproof rum ...STRAIGHT!  :o

either noone should have given that to you when you were 15 or you shoulda had the sense to say no, thankyou

sorry, perhaps the other option is yours and you live to tell the story?

someone gave me a massive hunk of hash to bite when I was 14...
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Deedee on December 10, 2006, 03:44:54 PM
I'm starting to get a little queasy just reading all of this back...  :-X
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 03:46:36 PM
go on one?

(I've got some ibuprofen
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: 24KT on December 10, 2006, 03:50:35 PM

either noone should have given that to you when you were 15 or you shoulda had the sense to say no, thankyou

ummm... I did it to myself.  :-[  I had read in a Judy Blume book ("Are you There God, It's Me Margaret") how Margaret's Grandmother used to give her maraschino cherries soaked in liquor to take the edge off her menstrual cramps. We didn't have any maraschino cherries in the house because of the red dye, and I was smart enough to figure out the important part of that 'prescription' was the liquor, ...but didn't exactly know that 12 oz of Wray & Nephew over proof rum was too much to be drinking.  :-[

I just wanted to take the edge off my Aunt Flo, cause there was a school dance, and I didn't want her messing with my plans. I wasn't trying to get drunk, I was just self-prescribing something I shouldn't have messed with.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: 24KT on December 10, 2006, 03:54:01 PM
I'm starting to get a little queasy just reading all of this back...  :-X

Oh c'mon Deedee, are you saying you never had to lie on your bed with your feet up on the dresser with a coat hanger in the zipper to get your jeans on?  :P
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 04:01:41 PM
Take the hair of....

have a blooody mary.

only kidding, I got sober this weekend, I spent it with fab sane people.  Ought I make a post about that?  Perhaps I ought to, it's worth posting about....

Only josh(t)_ing.  tell us about your work party?  did you kiss the ugiest bloke and make his year?  Did you mess about with the xeroxphotocopier?  Was there any misletoe?

I used to always get a cold sore.  They have the drugs to fix that nowadays.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 04:06:57 PM
Oh c'mon Deedee, are you saying you never had to lie on your bed with your feet up on the dresser with a coat hanger in the zipper to get your jeans on?  :P

Of course not.  Nor have I ever woken up in the gutter.

But the working man's Christmas Party (OH f**k, you're not allowed to say Christ or mass anymore, it's just holidays), usually ends up with someone drunk fuckin the boss.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Deedee on December 10, 2006, 04:13:48 PM
Oh c'mon Deedee, are you saying you never had to lie on your bed with your feet up on the dresser with a coat hanger in the zipper to get your jeans on?  :P

Lol, I meant the alcohol mishaps... that horror.  :-X

Mine happened on a Rhine river cruise... have no idea how I made it down that narrow plank back to solid ground.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 04:18:11 PM
people h-elp us?

yo Santa.  I have a kinda good joke.  It's about this single child.  She wanted a brother or even a sister.  Santa said:  I'll have to meet your mother.

Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: ToxicAvenger on December 10, 2006, 06:51:22 PM
21st birthday in Germany.

8 ball plus about a gallon of jonnie walker during a friggin 95 degree day in Ocean city maryland last summer..
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 10, 2006, 07:21:55 PM
Do you drink any of those types of alcohol today?

I can't even look at a bottle of Crown without feeling like I'm gonna hurl.  Which really sucks cause its some good liquor!

My "hard-core" drinking days are over ( i was a bartender all thru college), so the thought of ME downing liquid cocaine shots now is pretty far fetched.  I cant even get down jeger bombs without my eyes watering. 

And to think...I used to blow fire with Bacardi 151!! days were great!
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 10, 2006, 09:32:55 PM
is this a boozy thread?  It takes more than that for me, I haven't found the worst hangover and I doubt I will.

Hope you are ok

Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 10, 2006, 09:47:48 PM
Yea, that's how I feel about 100 proof Smirnoff.

yikes!!  i dont blame you!!!

i've grown a hatred toward petron as well.  the smell makes my mouth water...but not in a good way.  i blame that on spring breaks in cancun, and cozumel.

i think i'll stick to bacardi and diet cokes.  they give me a good buzz, and i never have a headache in the am.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Playboy on December 11, 2006, 06:07:35 AM
20 years old...I drank a bottle of bailey's and passed out on a long chair in my backyard. Next day....I was puking and sleeping myself to death till about 6:00pm. Never again.

Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Lord Humungous on December 11, 2006, 07:16:47 AM
Oh c'mon Deedee, are you saying you never had to lie on your bed with your feet up on the dresser with a coat hanger in the zipper to get your jeans on?  :P

Those were great day!!!! ;D nothing made a girls ass look as good as some painted on designer jeans  ;D
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 11, 2006, 08:58:34 AM
Daytona, Bike Week '91.   Last night there, drunk as a skunk and had to check out of hotel at noon, flight was about 4pm I believe.  Me and my gf went to a Friendly's parking lot and slept in the car til time to go to the airport.  Then had to fly back.  We were in the last row, the seats that don't recline so I flew back with my head on the tray table the whole way.   >:(



I've tackled a few Daytona Bike weeks myself!  Thats one hell of a party!  I was a bit luckier though, it was only a few hours drive from my house.  I could easily nurse my hangover's by pulling over, or sleeping in the back seat.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Cap on December 11, 2006, 09:39:41 AM
Bullhead city.  Warmup with Coronas.  Two friends and I set up 6 glasses of half and half rum and cokes but unbeknownst to me one of my friends added dry gin to each one of mine.  I pounded two of the glasses one after the other and my throat killed.  We finished all our glasses and then played indian poker.  It got out of hand and one friend (the owner of the house we were staying at) started hiding alcohol and my other friend and I kept drinking our tall cups of rum and coke.  The next day was hell, literally and figuratively.  120 degree heat and a hangover.

My high school story I previously still ranks higher because my gf at the time never let me hear the end of it and that pretty much ended that relationship because I got outta hand.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 11, 2006, 09:39:41 AM

I've tackled a few Daytona Bike weeks myself!  Thats one hell of a party!  I was a bit luckier though, it was only a few hours drive from my house.  I could easily nurse my hangover's by pulling over, or sleeping in the back seat.

I can't remember which year I did it, but I will.
I was actually fairly sober as I was running the motel, but I went to amazing parties and rode (on the back of) the best bikes.  I remember I was young and could take it.


I do remember that they gave me $100 tips, with their 'phone numbers written on.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 11, 2006, 09:46:55 AM
21st birthday in Germany.

Don't ya just hate waking up and being 21?
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 11, 2006, 11:06:56 AM
  My friend got arrested for indecent exposure, lol!!   Cost $50 to get her out of the portable trailer jails they had set up.

  She didn't think it was funny, I couldn't stop laughing!

  Did you got to BootHill?    I danced on the bar there! 

   That was probably the best vacation ever.   :)


I went to boothill a few times...we saw david allan coe (southerners know who he is) and watched a crotch rocket get blasted by a hog in the burn-out pit.  the funny thing was...this stupid guy (on the jap bike) thought he was tough shit in the pit...he burns his tire to shreds...then can't find a new tire to replace on his bike.  we actually saw him trailoring the bike (sans back tire) when we were on the way home.

do you remember the name of the bar that was near the beach?  it was more "in town".  it was pretty popular as well.  I got kicked out of that bar because i was underage...but while i was there...i had a great time!

did you ever visit the "japanese gardens"
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: xxxLinda on December 11, 2006, 02:54:17 PM
a bottle of bailey's

that's just a girly drink, no wonder you got laid out.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 11, 2006, 06:05:44 PM

 I burned my calve on a tail pipe!!!    ;D     

  We hung out at "The Pit Stop" I think it was.  Right on the beach. 

  I had a bunch of pics from them but I threw some of them away a couple years ago so there wouldn't be any "evidence".    8)   I had one pic of us in the bar with about 6 other women all flashing at the same time.   It's like mardi gras!

  Never went to the japanese gardens.   Well maybe if it was a bar I was there, I don't remember.   ::)!  sounds like we would have partied together if we knew each other!!

the japanese gardens is an old cemetary where the harley guys (the kind you don't want to mess with) have hung crotch rocket (jap manufactured) bikes from the trees.  They don't feel as though they are worthy of bike week.  My ex used to drive a gsxr 750 (jap bike)...he had tears in his eyes when we went. 

These big biker guys actually steal these bikes...or win them in bets...or kick the guys ass thats driving it and take it.  They are ruthless!  But fun to party with!
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Laura Lee on December 11, 2006, 06:53:23 PM
22 yrs old
No special day, just a normal saturday night with friends
crown royal and coke doodaa shots ( i didn't count, but drank the entire bottle)
plus 4 liquid cocaine shots, after we got to the club

woke up 2 days later in the hospital with the horrible after-taste of charcoal.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Forbidden on December 11, 2006, 07:03:50 PM

Ok I went out for my birthday on 10th December this year (my birthday is 11th) and I drank too much red wine and spent all day on my actual birthday throwing up and in bed as sick as I can imagine.  Today I am still sick but I think I actual have some type of virus as I feel really unwell.
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 11, 2006, 08:45:26 PM

hahaha...i'm from georgia cheri...alcohol runs in our veins. 

i love the pics of rocky with his shoes/boxing gloves.  he is so yummy!
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: Forbidden on December 11, 2006, 08:50:36 PM
hahaha...i'm from georgia cheri...alcohol runs in our veins. 

i love the pics of rocky with his shoes/boxing gloves.  he is so yummy!

where is the pic of Rocky ---???  I think he is sooooooo yumbo!!!!
Title: Re: worst hangover...
Post by: proschic on December 11, 2006, 09:45:30 PM
where is the pic of Rocky ---???  I think he is sooooooo yumbo!!!!

on the dress up thread, he is just the cutest!!!