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Getbig Female Info Boards => Womens Physique, Bodybuilding, Wellness and Training => Topic started by: Deadpool on December 10, 2006, 03:57:32 PM

Title: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: Deadpool on December 10, 2006, 03:57:32 PM
you know, bulk up to put on size like the guys do
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: az on December 10, 2006, 04:28:29 PM
I am doing a clean bulk right now.
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: Omahagirl on December 10, 2006, 07:30:19 PM
I know I do, but I only do it in the winter because I wear big warm clothes and no can see how fat i get lol.
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: az on December 10, 2006, 07:58:54 PM
omaha how much r u trying to gain? what do you want to shred down to?
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: BuffGoddess on December 10, 2006, 10:01:26 PM
I always do in moderation. My "bulking phase" is no more than 20lbs over my contest weight. Why have to diet so hard for a show? Do you really want to have to lose 40lbs to come in at 6-8% ? I've found that a moderate weight gain is necessary post contest to regain your strength and to help normalize your body. That leads to better lifts and a better physique for the next show.
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: az on December 11, 2006, 02:21:21 PM
I always do in moderation. My "bulking phase" is no more than 20lbs over my contest weight. Why have to diet so hard for a show? Do you really want to have to lose 40lbs to come in at 6-8% ? I've found that a moderate weight gain is necessary post contest to regain your strength and to help normalize your body. That leads to better lifts and a better physique for the next show.

that is exactly why I'm "bulking clean" I was soooo burnt out with cardio for my last comp.!!!
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: Omahagirl on December 11, 2006, 04:14:37 PM
Looking to get up to 185 - 190 from 170 (19% BF) over the winter. When I cut down I want to be 10% bodyfat or so, then 4% for comp.
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: az on December 11, 2006, 05:01:08 PM
Looking to get up to 185 - 190 from 170 (19% BF) over the winter. When I cut down I want to be 10% bodyfat or so, then 4% for comp.

19 is kinda high to work down from, if you want I can pm you my meal plan and what I'm doing. my bf is 9% (173lbs) now and I'm trying to get up to at least 185 also without going over 11-12%
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: The BEAST on December 13, 2006, 12:17:34 PM
Dang you girls are big!

I definitely do a bulking phase and it is nowhere near clean.  The only thing I try to watch is getting in enough protein.  Regardless of what I eat in the off-season I tend to hover around 16-17% bodyfat with no cardio, about 20 pounds over my competition weight of 120 (hopefully 123ish next year and leaner).  Fortunately once I clean up my diet and add in a little cardio I lean up really fast.  If I stayed at 12% or less year round I would hate my life, I love bad food!!!
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: az on December 13, 2006, 07:21:30 PM
Dang you girls are big!

I definitely do a bulking phase and it is nowhere near clean.  The only thing I try to watch is getting in enough protein.  Regardless of what I eat in the off-season I tend to hover around 16-17% bodyfat with no cardio, about 20 pounds over my competition weight of 120 (hopefully 123ish next year and leaner).  Fortunately once I clean up my diet and add in a little cardio I lean up really fast.  If I stayed at 12% or less year round I would hate my life, I love bad food!!!

I've seen some of the off season pics you posted, you don't look like you carry that much bf!!! you look great!
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: Jodi on December 16, 2006, 01:42:12 PM
I personally don't bulk up.  It's about five weeks after Nationals, and I'm sitting around 115 to 116 on most days, which is within ten pounds of my weight on stage.

I have found that I put on muscle much better when I'm leaner.  I actually put more on during contest prep than I do during the off season, as was evidenced this year during my prep for Nationals.  So my trainer and I agreed that I need to stay pretty close to competition weight and eat clean throughout the off season.  I get two cheat meals a week, and I eat six to seven meals a day...every day.  The protein and carb sources vary from meal to meal, and I try to stay away from chicken and red potatoes as much as possible during the off season.  I also get a little more fat into my diet and of course a plethora of veggies and fruits.  My cardio has dropped off considerably, and my weight training is five days a week rather than six, like it was going into the two bodybuilding shows this year.

I've found that my off season for bodybuilding isn't too far off from my in season for figure.  Imagine that...lmao!

It's just that at 4'11", there isn't a lot of room for a lot of weight.  When I hit 118 or more, I just feel so heavy, sluggish, and thick.  It's just not comfortable for me.
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: az on December 16, 2006, 01:51:12 PM
I personally don't bulk up.  It's about five weeks after Nationals, and I'm sitting around 115 to 116 on most days, which is within ten pounds of my weight on stage.

I have found that I put on muscle much better when I'm leaner.  I actually put more on during contest prep than I do during the off season, as was evidenced this year during my prep for Nationals.  So my trainer and I agreed that I need to stay pretty close to competition weight and eat clean throughout the off season.  I get two cheat meals a week, and I eat six to seven meals a day...every day.  The protein and carb sources vary from meal to meal, and I try to stay away from chicken and red potatoes as much as possible during the off season.  I also get a little more fat into my diet and of course a plethora of veggies and fruits.  My cardio has dropped off considerably, and my weight training is five days a week rather than six, like it was going into the two bodybuilding shows this year.

I've found that my off season for bodybuilding isn't too far off from my in season for figure.  Imagine that...lmao!

It's just that at 4'11", there isn't a lot of room for a lot of weight.  When I hit 118 or more, I just feel so heavy, sluggish, and thick.  It's just not comfortable for me.

Hey Jodi,
Why no chicken and red potatoe?
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: Jodi on December 16, 2006, 05:11:22 PM
I eat chicken six times a day when prepping for a show and red potatoes are the main staple for my carb source, so by removing those for the most part from my off season diet, I ensure that my body will react to the diet foods since it has had a break from them.  And I'm just plain sick of!  Unless it's smothered in some yummy sauce or something cheesy.
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: BuffGoddess on December 16, 2006, 05:47:42 PM
I eat chicken six times a day when prepping for a show and red potatoes are the main staple for my carb source, so by removing those for the most part from my off season diet, I ensure that my body will react to the diet foods since it has had a break from them.  And I'm just plain sick of!  Unless it's smothered in some yummy sauce or something cheesy.
I'm with you on that! I can't stand the sight of chicken or fish in off season. I hate potatoes to begin with and have to eat salsa on them to even be able to gag them down during my cutting phase. Isn't off season the best? I ate a 1/2 of a cheese cake on Thanksgiving, felt sick as a dog but that was my cheat meal that week. Maybe we should start a thread about favorite cheat meals. I'll bet we'd see some good stuff!
Title: Re: do you do a bulking phase
Post by: bigguns175 on December 30, 2006, 08:54:35 PM
Chocolate pudding.... mmmmmm....