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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Nicrah on December 11, 2006, 08:07:06 PM

Title: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Nicrah on December 11, 2006, 08:07:06 PM
Hey guys I'm going to a a big military competition this spring and will be having a magazine interveiw with pics. I need help figuring out a cycle to help me get cut and hard, but also thats good for stamina and strength for the competition. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Rimbaud on December 11, 2006, 08:09:31 PM
Any cycle history? If so what?

Age? Stats?
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: SPRINKFSU on December 11, 2006, 08:31:24 PM
i take it your not in the milatary?
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Nicrah on December 11, 2006, 08:38:19 PM
I am currently on a test and Dbol cycle. I want this to be my next cycle for this spring. So this would be my second cycle. I am 27, 205lbs, 8% BF. As far as my status in the military I don't want to divulge that kind of information.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: barnabas on December 12, 2006, 07:48:21 AM
I'm assuming this will be more of an endurance comp. than strength, right?  You have come to the right place, I don't feel comfortable giving you advice on a cycle because I simply don't know enough and what would be best for your situation.  But I'm sure there will be a few guys chiming in here than can give some great advice.  Also the army doesn't test for aas.  At least they didn't 3 years ago.  I hope everything works out and good luck.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Nicrah on December 12, 2006, 09:48:21 AM
No they geneally don't test, also they have even been known to put certain units on AAS, but thats another story. I hope someone can help me out here, I have a couple ideas but would rather listen to someone with more expierence in the matter. The competition is highly endurance oriented as usual, but also strength plays a big key as well.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: littlechris on December 12, 2006, 01:13:18 PM

for strength and endurance,  i am thinking anavar  along with test propionate and halotestin.  ill let the others chime in on dosages and schedules. im also only mentioning fda approved drugs. if you wanted you could add trenbolone, but that is not fda approved, so i dont have much experience with it.

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Overload on December 12, 2006, 01:31:03 PM

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Nicrah on December 12, 2006, 05:03:51 PM
Has anyone run a cycle with this kind of goal before, if so what did you run?
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: wes mantooth on December 12, 2006, 08:36:26 PM
Has anyone run a cycle with this kind of goal before, if so what did you run?

hmmm...probably not too many.

endurance is not really drug related in my opinion. keep cardio up, then maybe some winny or var (with a little test) to keep muscle mass while burning cals from the training. the only problem with alot of drugs is that many increase hypertension and cholesteral levels....not the best thing for an indurance athlete.

i guess i would stay to faster acting compounds close to the comp date....test prop with the var or winny.....maybe a short 6 week cycle?
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: BuffGoddess on December 12, 2006, 11:25:07 PM
As a personal trainer with experience training all manner of athletes including national level bodybuilders, I would suggest Equipoise and some Prop. That is a good inexpensive combo. If money is no object then go for the hGH with IGF-1  In any case eat a clean diet consisting of as much natural foods as possible. That means fresh fruit, fresh veggies, go easy on the dairy, and eat good quality proteins such as egg whites, chicken breast, turkey breast, and buffalo. (its usually only about 3% fat!) Your carbs should be primarily low glycemic index such as oatmeal, brown rice etc. Hope this helps you out!
Good luck with your endeavors
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: bigguns175 on December 13, 2006, 01:48:35 AM
How hypocritical is that of our government.  Going around demonizing the use of steroids and banning any supplement that remotely is similar and then goes and gives our military troops, AAS.  I wish you could get some names of these officials in charge of dispersing these drugs.  I would really like to bring that to the publics attention, on how ridiculous and fascist our government has become.  Let's throw people in jail for using a drug that doesn't impair mental abilities because you know roids kill so many people but alcohol and smoking is fine.  Yea let people drink and drive and run people over and Let people smoke and kill their lungs and the people around them, but roids which only affects the individual taking them and all the side effects have no long term studies or documentation to back up any of these ideas that they are bad especially when the dosage is in reasonable amounts.  It's Ludicrous!!!!  Fucking capitalism, fucking bush, fucking rich greedy idiots in power......
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Overload on December 13, 2006, 05:59:02 AM
Don't get too worked's been happening for a LONG time and isn't going to change.

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: wes mantooth on December 13, 2006, 08:39:57 AM
How hypocritical is that of our government.  Going around demonizing the use of steroids and banning any supplement that remotely is similar and then goes and gives our military troops, AAS.  I wish you could get some names of these officials in charge of dispersing these drugs.  I would really like to bring that to the publics attention, on how ridiculous and fascist our government has become.  Let's throw people in jail for using a drug that doesn't impair mental abilities because you know roids kill so many people but alcohol and smoking is fine.  Yea let people drink and drive and run people over and Let people smoke and kill their lungs and the people around them, but roids which only affects the individual taking them and all the side effects have no long term studies or documentation to back up any of these ideas that they are bad especially when the dosage is in reasonable amounts.  It's Ludicrous!!!!  Fucking capitalism, fucking bush, fucking rich greedy idiots in power......

big guns.....for years the govt  has tested "drugs" and their effects on troops. start looking shit up....there are documented AND FILMED cases of troops given LSD and PCP. Some of these tests are to see what effects it will have on the enemy....some i have no clue what they are trying to do.

agent orange was a good one....
gulf war syndrome has been allegedly caused by chemicals given to our troops....

dude, when you join the military your rights are gone. they take your DNA, blood, give you pills...shots....who knows whats going on....
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Nicrah on December 13, 2006, 10:03:46 AM
Thanks BuffGoddess I was thinking Equipoise was probably a good way to go. I will definatly incorporate that in. As far as the government, you have no rights in the military, they use us for guinea pigs all the time. I can't tell you how many guys got testicular cancer after taking the Anthrax Vaccine. As far as them administering AAS, I have no problem with that considering they do it in a safe, scientific, controlled way. Keeps people from hurting themselves or fucking themselves up. They just want to get the most out of us, not break us...They put way to much money into the guys in JSOC and SOCOM units. All I can say is, Everyone in those combat units are professional athletes, but not all of them can get there or stay that way for that many years without help.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: DIVISION on December 14, 2006, 09:21:07 PM
Hey guys I'm going to a a big military competition this spring and will be having a magazine interveiw with pics. I need help figuring out a cycle to help me get cut and hard, but also thats good for stamina and strength for the competition. Any ideas?

They can test you at their discretion in the military.

I know because I was Army....

You'd better understand that before you start taking anything.

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Nicrah on December 16, 2006, 11:24:57 AM
I do understand that, and I'm not worried about it.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on December 16, 2006, 11:45:42 AM
They can test you at their discretion in the military.

I know because I was Army....

You'd better understand that before you start taking anything.


And then they can put you in jail and throw away the key.  Not fun to be under the UCMJ especially at this time in history.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: DIVISION on December 16, 2006, 01:28:01 PM
And then they can put you in jail and throw away the key.  Not fun to be under the UCMJ especially at this time in history.

The only thing that kept me from using AAS in the military was fear of reprisal from my chain of command.

Getting popped for AAS is something you never live down in a military unit.......similar to getting caught for weed or other drugs.

I've seen people who have made that mistake, and it followed them until they left that duty station.

It's just not worth it.

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Yorkie T on December 23, 2006, 09:26:53 AM
Tests are easy to get around, very easy, i cheated on random drug tests many times when i was in the army, ive also got quite a few friends in the marines, army and air force all using gear and have never been caught, theres ways round it. As soon as you see the drug test officers shutting the gates, take your precautions.

I was on a drug free wing also when i left the army and did a spell of prison because i didnt want to mix with all the smackheads and i got tested twice a week on there, passed every time, once i even used drops of tea in hot water stored in the finger of a plastic glove i kept in the waistband of my boxer shorts and even that passed, the only people who get caught on drug tests are the ones volunterily handing in there own drugged up body fluids.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: leonp1981 on December 23, 2006, 09:42:07 AM
... i even used drops of tea in hot water stored in the finger of a plastic glove i kept in the waistband of my boxer shorts and even that passed...

So they did all those tests on your 'sample' but didn't notice that it smelled like f**king Earl Grey!!!

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Yorkie T on December 23, 2006, 09:54:41 AM
So they did all those tests on your 'sample' but didn't notice that it smelled like f**king Earl Grey!!!


Lol once i was sat there with my arms folded in front of him and he said "its not looking good here john", and i said, unless you lot have been spiking the teabags with something ill be fine, lol he had no idea what i was talking about  :)
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: leonp1981 on December 23, 2006, 09:59:01 AM
Lol once i was sat there with my arms folded in front of him and he said "its not looking good here john", and i said, unless you lot have been spiking the teabags with something ill be fine, lol he had no idea what i was talking about  :)

I'll have to tell some of my squaddie mates that one.  Although it worries me slightly that our troops are sent all over the world by these muppets.
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: Yorkie T on December 23, 2006, 10:09:01 AM
I'll have to tell some of my squaddie mates that one.  Although it worries me slightly that our troops are sent all over the world by these muppets.

I used the teabag method in jail, it probably wouldnt work with the military tests because they get sent off for lab analysis, although when they test a whole base they send all the samples off and only test around 15% of the samples anyway, you should still take precautions though in case yours is one of the ones being tested, if you weigh 250 pound they probably would single you out for testing too.  :)
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: udeluz on December 23, 2006, 10:12:31 AM

I know because I was Army....


Div, What is/was your MOS?
Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: DIVISION on December 24, 2006, 06:01:36 PM
Div, What is/was your MOS?

This is off-topic.........ask me offline.

Title: Re: Help with a goal specific cycle.
Post by: udeluz on December 26, 2006, 07:46:09 AM
Na, I was only interested for a brief second and that has passed.