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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: TrapsMcLats on December 18, 2006, 09:19:42 PM

Title: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: TrapsMcLats on December 18, 2006, 09:19:42 PM


This pitbull/mix puppy was brought into the SPCA, where my woman works, right before closing today.  A couple guys said they saw some ghetto kids (its oakland, need i say more) beating this puppy and throwing rocks and sticks at it.  Its 5 weeks old.  It was covered in blood, fleas and motor oil.  We picked off over 70 fleas as we were bathing it and there are still more that we couldn't get to because the dog is in so much pain.  its dew claw is almost ripped off on one leg, one leg might be broken and it seems that its ribs are extremely sensitive and maybe broken.  Yes the dog will live, but what the f**k is wrong with poor, ghetto kids.  Do their parents instill them with no sense of morality???  Anyway, the dog woulda stayed overnight in a cold kennel, so my girlfriend volunteered to take it home and tend to it.  Our extremely dog aggressive APBT is upset about staying in his room, but its not a real inconvenience.  People make me sick. 
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: onlyme on December 18, 2006, 09:30:15 PM
this is
the worse case in history

and by the wat nothing pisses me off more than when any human mistreats any animal
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: headhuntersix on December 18, 2006, 09:35:31 PM
These kids could u abuse an animal.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: TrapsMcLats on December 18, 2006, 09:36:48 PM
this is
the worse case in history

and by the wat nothing pisses me off more than when any human mistreats any animal

Its funny to have that statement followed up by that pic of goodrum. Great pic  ;D  I do appreciate the sentiments and agree with you 100%
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Fury on December 18, 2006, 10:25:31 PM
Cute dog.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on December 18, 2006, 11:49:35 PM
Build walls around these Ghettos just like Nazi Germany and starve these bastards.  ???

OK... Maybe thats overkill but damn this kind of thing pisses me off.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: smaul on December 19, 2006, 12:02:16 AM


This pitbull/mix puppy was brought into the SPCA, where my woman works, right before closing today.  A couple guys said they saw some ghetto kids (its oakland, need i say more) beating this puppy and throwing rocks and sticks at it.  Its 5 weeks old.  It was covered in blood, fleas and motor oil.  We picked off over 70 fleas as we were bathing it and there are still more that we couldn't get to because the dog is in so much pain.  its dew claw is almost ripped off on one leg, one leg might be broken and it seems that its ribs are extremely sensitive and maybe broken.  Yes the dog will live, but what the f**k is wrong with poor, ghetto kids.  Do their parents instill them with no sense of morality???  Anyway, the dog woulda stayed overnight in a cold kennel, so my girlfriend volunteered to take it home and tend to it.  Our extremely dog aggressive APBT is upset about staying in his room, but its not a real inconvenience.  People make me sick. 

 >:( Send it to me in Belgium and I will look after it
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: JasonH on December 19, 2006, 01:04:55 AM
Cool dog.  :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Parker on December 19, 2006, 04:28:52 AM
Beautiful dog...Sorry it happened. But, kids in the ghetto are no meaner or worse than the ones in the suburbs. I knew one guy who like to take cats and put them in the mailbox with M80's. Lock the mailbox, and see it go Boom. Now that is sick, and he got off on it. All because he didn't like cats
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: body88 on December 19, 2006, 04:45:18 AM
wtf!!!!!!!! Why do people do this shit?
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: JasonH on December 19, 2006, 06:55:40 AM
People who do this should get exactly the same prison sentence as if it were a human they did it to.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 07:03:45 AM
cry me a fucking river...

put a bullet in the dogs head and put the $$ you would have wasted on reviving it towards helping the millions of starving assholes around the world or something more pressing
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Tombo on December 19, 2006, 07:04:07 AM
i still live by the rule of

if i see an animal being put through pain it doesnt deserve, then ill go out of my way to fulfill karma tenfold on that person
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: body88 on December 19, 2006, 07:25:15 AM
cry me a fucking river...

put a bullet in the dogs head and put the $$ you would have wasted on reviving it towards helping the millions of starving assholes around the world or something more pressing

There is no reason to beat and kill defensless animals.  You would have a point if people where on here giving food to stray dogs over starving humans. But, there is no excuse for abusing a tiny puppy that cannot defend itself.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 07:32:44 AM
if a dog bit me i would kill it slowly, other than that i would agree its pointless to torture an animal...

thats really beside the point; if youre gonna bitch about stuff, take care of the problems with humans before you worry about animals .... doesnt that make sense?
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: body88 on December 19, 2006, 07:33:14 AM
if a dog bit me i would kill it slowly, other than that i would agree its pointless to torture an animal...

thats really beside the point; if youre gonna bitch about stuff, take care of the problems with humans before you worry about animals .... doesnt that make sense?

Makes sense
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 07:34:21 AM
i believe you still owe me some office titties >:(
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: body88 on December 19, 2006, 07:38:01 AM
i believe you still owe me some office titties >:(

In the works dood!
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Diesel1 on December 19, 2006, 08:12:16 AM
remember this?

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 08:17:13 AM
cue "gone fishing sign"

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 19, 2006, 08:49:55 AM
cry me a fucking river...

put a bullet in the dogs head and put the $$ you would have wasted on reviving it towards helping the millions of starving assholes around the world or something more pressing

That's an interesting way of thinking... but comparing apples to oranges isn't it?  Animals of all kinds are part of the delicate balance of nature that ensures our own survival. Following your train of thought, all the funds also reserved for wildlife study, preserving habitat, fighting air/water pollution should also be diverted to feeding people who normally wouldn't survive without human intervention due to the harsh conditions of their environment.

It's also been said, that you can judge the level of civilization of a society by the way it treats its animals.

Here's a quote from the girl board... excellent book.

What terrifying powers we possess. but what a sorry lot of gods some men are. And the worst of it is not the cruelty but the arrogance, the sheer hubris, of those who carry only violence and fear into the animal world, as if it needed any more of either.  Their lives entail enough frights and tribulations with the modern fire-makers, now armed with perfected, inescapable weapons, traipsing along for more fun and thrills at their expense, even as so many of them die away.  It is our fellow creatures' lot in the universe, the place assigned them in creation, to be completely at our mercy, the fiercest wolf or tiger defenseless against the most cowardly man.  And to me it has always seemed not only ungenerous and shabby but a kind of supreme snobbery to deal cavalierly with them, as if their little share of the earth's happiness and grief were inconsequential, meaningless beneath a man's attention, trumped by any and all designs he might have on them, however base, irrational, or wicked.

Matthew Scully -  Dominion, the Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy,

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 09:29:22 AM
That's an interesting way of thinking... but comparing apples to oranges isn't it?  Animals of all kinds are part of the delicate balance of nature that ensures our own survival. Following your train of thought, all the funds also reserved for wildlife study, preserving habitat, fighting air/water pollution should also be diverted to feeding people who normally wouldn't survive without human intervention due to the harsh conditions of their environment.

actually i think its you who is comparing apples and oranges my dear:

you could argue that there would be more benefit to diverting these environmentally pegged funds to directly buying food and whatnot for the poor, however money put towards wildlife preservation etc... presumably benefits the health of every human on this planet

money wasted on one dying dog benefits ... one dying dog

It's also been said, that you can judge the level of civilization of a society by the way it treats its animals.

i have heard many times that one can judge a society by how it treats its weakest members (ie old, poor, unborn, sick) but i think the animal interpretation is, um, a stretch ::)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 19, 2006, 09:33:57 AM
I'll answer the rest later when I get back from my shallow, consumerist purchasing of useless gifts but in the meantime...

You can judge the morality of a nation by the way the society treats its animals.
     -Mahatma Gandhi
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 09:38:42 AM
he was speaking of the lower casts ;D
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: a_joker10 on December 19, 2006, 09:50:59 AM
I agree with Sandy on this.

Animals are animals.
I don't like that people try to humanize them.
It means that your pet is of more value then lives in Africa and Asia.
I think that is crazy.

Those kids did a bad thing and should be punished, but there are much bigger issues.

The $1500 dollar vet bill, would have created an opportunity at life in Africa. It is around 3X the average per person GDP of any of 10 poorest nations.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 19, 2006, 09:54:18 AM
If you care so much about animals then only worry about the endangered ones, and not fucking cats and dogs..  ::)

While animal cruelty is wrong and stupid, you cannot start treating it as a serious issue.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 19, 2006, 10:31:43 AM
the average human is a douche

the average dog is loyal and loving

dog > human :)

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: TrapsMcLats on December 19, 2006, 10:44:53 AM

The $1500 dollar vet bill, would have created an opportunity at life in Africa. It is around 3X the average per person GDP of any of 10 poorest nations.

ok, i see your point but... africans choose to have unprotected sex with vaginas stuffed with dirt and twigs to make it dry, they also choose to believe that having sex(raping) with a virgin gets rid of HIV.  this dog did not choose to be beaten.  I am a bono fan, i believe in saving africa, but i am also smart enough to see how situations weigh against each other.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 10:54:34 AM
africans = humans

dogs = animals

hope this helps
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 19, 2006, 11:06:15 AM
africans = humans

dogs = animals

hope this helps

oh really ;)

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 11:14:51 AM


This pitbull/mix puppy was brought into the SPCA, where my woman works, right before closing today.  A couple guys said they saw some ghetto kids (its oakland, need i say more) beating this puppy and throwing rocks and sticks at it.  Its 5 weeks old.  It was covered in blood, fleas and motor oil.  We picked off over 70 fleas as we were bathing it and there are still more that we couldn't get to because the dog is in so much pain.  its dew claw is almost ripped off on one leg, one leg might be broken and it seems that its ribs are extremely sensitive and maybe broken.  Yes the dog will live, but what the f**k is wrong with poor, ghetto kids.  Do their parents instill them with no sense of morality???  Anyway, the dog woulda stayed overnight in a cold kennel, so my girlfriend volunteered to take it home and tend to it.  Our extremely dog aggressive APBT is upset about staying in his room, but its not a real inconvenience.  People make me sick. 

f**k, this makes me sick. Anybody that does that to an animal should be shot dead on site, bottom line. If I were ever to witness somebody harming an animal in public I would rip their fucking arm off and beat them to death with it. People like this are the worst kind of spineless, bottom feeding, gutless pieces of shit ever.  >:(

Traps.....I admire the thought you put into helping this animal or any animal for that matter. There should be more people like you, bro. Thank you for doing what you could to help this little guy. Wish there was more people like you. :)

Barring exceptions like you and others like you, people fucking suck!
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: TrapsMcLats on December 19, 2006, 11:17:46 AM

africans = humans

dogs = animals

hope this helps

are you sure about that?  i've seen some footage that would lead me to believe that many africans are subhuman.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 19, 2006, 11:23:31 AM
africans = humans

dogs = animals

hope this helps

 so it is safe to assume that you support people financially in Africa then? and by this i mean not just duming change into a plastic container at the 7-11. if not then helping the puppy is more than you have ever done in regards to campasion.
 *yes the puppy is not a human, kudos to you for figuring that one out though.
 however if ones passion to help an animal that is regarded as part of a family by billions of people is not your cup of tea then so be it.

 but who are you to tell this person where he/she should use their money? did he borrow the money from you? does he owe you money or something? if not then again its his money to do with what he wants. sorry
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 11:40:12 AM
so it is safe to assume that you support people financially in Africa then? and by this i mean not just duming change into a plastic container at the 7-11. if not then helping the puppy is more than you have ever done in regards to campasion.
 *yes the puppy is not a human, kudos to you for figuring that one out though.
 however if ones passion to help an animal that is regarded as part of a family by billions of people is not your cup of tea then so be it.

 but who are you to tell this person where he/she should use their money? did he borrow the money from you? does he owe you money or something? if not then again its his money to do with what he wants. sorry

im not a bleeding heart and frankly dont give a flying fuck about africa, india, china, amreeka  or dying people anywhere else

my point is if you are going to be a bleeding and cry about animal cruelty, you should do so only after solving all the "human cruelty" problems

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 11:41:40 AM
cry me a fucking river...

put a bullet in the dogs head and put the $$ you would have wasted on reviving it towards helping the millions of starving assholes around the world or something more pressing

Fuck you.

You limey prick.

Hope this helps........
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 11:43:57 AM
f**k you.

You limey prick.

Hope this helps........

im gonna kick my neighbours dog for that asshole :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 11:45:47 AM
If you care so much about animals then only worry about the endangered ones, and not fucking cats and dogs..  ::)

While animal cruelty is wrong and stupid, you cannot start treating it as a serious issue.

Wrong. Why can't it be treated as a serious issue?

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 11:54:53 AM
im not a bleeding heart and frankly dont give a flying f**k about africa, india, china, amreeka  or dying people anywhere else

my point is if you are going to be a bleeding and cry about animal cruelty, you should do so only after solving all the "human cruelty" problems

You can't treat every culture the same when it comes to aiding them. Some of these people don't want or need help. Chances are, they commit these acts of cruelty amongst themselves within the framework of their own culture. For example, why live in a desert and starve in Africa? Last I checked there are coastal countries on that continent that are more likely to support a civilization than a fucking desert would.

Reminds me of the late, great Sam Kinison........"Hey little fellow, you know why you're starving? BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT!!!!"
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 11:57:06 AM
im gonna kick my neighbours dog for that asshole :)

It's okay buddy. Your father can't hurt you anymore. He's gone now. You're safe again. No need for anger.......
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 12:00:50 PM
You can't treat every culture the same when it comes to aiding them. Some of these people don't want or need help. Chances are, they commit these acts of cruelty amongst themselves within the framework of their own culture. For example, why live in a desert and starve in Africa? Last I checked there are coastal countries on that continent that are more likely to support a civilization than a fucking desert would.

Reminds me of the late, great Sam Kinison........"Hey little fellow, you know why you're starving? BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT!!!!"

how stupid can one be ...

africans are violent people so its ok when violence gets done to them .... by your "logic" dogs are violent creatures so its ok when violence is done to them


Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 19, 2006, 12:05:43 PM
im not a bleeding heart and frankly dont give a flying f**k about africa, india, china, amreeka  or dying people anywhere else

my point is if you are going to be a bleeding and cry about animal cruelty, you should do so only after solving all the "human cruelty" problems

  again i ask, says who? if you admit to not helping anything or anyone, who are you to tell someone that he shouldnt help the puppy? why should he have to solve all "human cruelty" before helping the puppy? just answer one of these questions please. it will help solidify your opinion and help you not look so much like an ignorant fool.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 19, 2006, 12:08:50 PM

how stupid can one be ...

africans are violent people so its ok when violence gets done to them .... by your "logic" dogs are violent creatures so its ok when violence is done to them


  yes how stupid can one be...try re-reading his post you idiot, or have your father read it to you.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 12:17:42 PM

how stupid can one be ...

africans are violent people so its ok when violence gets done to them .... by your "logic" dogs are violent creatures so its ok when violence is done to them


Where did you read that that was my logic? I'm not insinuating that dogs are violent creatures and that they deserve harm with any kind of logic. What the f**k are you talking about? I was countering your argument about placing higher emphasis on third world countries where cultures butcher each other as a standard practice.

I got your "dumbass" right over here, Sandy ;)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 01:07:35 PM
Where did you read that that was my logic? I'm not insinuating that dogs are violent creatures and that they deserve harm with any kind of logic. What the f**k are you talking about? I was countering your argument about placing higher emphasis on third world countries where cultures butcher each other as a standard practice.

I got your "dumbass" right over here, Sandy ;)

"Chances are, they commit these acts of cruelty amongst themselves within the framework of their own culture. "

which is essentially saying "africans are violent people so its ok when violence gets done to them"

and it logically follows "dogs are violent creatures so its ok when violence is done to them"

now please do smarten up :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 19, 2006, 01:42:09 PM
"Chances are, they commit these acts of cruelty amongst themselves within the framework of their own culture. "

which is essentially saying "africans are violent people so its ok when violence gets done to them"

and it logically follows "dogs are violent creatures so its ok when violence is done to them"

now please do smarten up :)
   you still dont grasp what is geing said, i guess you read the post yourself instead of having your father read it to you... try and comprehend.. and you still haven answered my questions, im not surprised.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 01:48:22 PM
i fully grasped what was "geing"said, and in fact  i turned it around and showed him how stupid it was to say by applying his relativistic logic to the very animals he is crying over

in the future ill be sure to spell out every little detail, no matter how obvious, so people like you do not get confused ::)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 19, 2006, 02:15:34 PM
"Chances are, they commit these acts of cruelty amongst themselves within the framework of their own culture. "

which is essentially saying "africans are violent people so its ok when violence gets done to them"

and it logically follows "dogs are violent creatures so its ok when violence is done to them"

now please do smarten up :)

No. Please pull your head out of your ass. I don't condone violence, period(you're fast becoming the exception, however.)

No one said it was OK for people in their respective cultures to commit acts of violence amongst their own, least of all me. I never pinpointed Africans as a violent race. I was countering your argument which implied that that the focus should be on helping other races and countries and their problems whether it's violence against themselves, poverty or whatever, instead of helping or caring for animals. What I'm trying to tell you, sir, is that a lot of these countries don't want your(my) help. Their cultural views do not match ours. Their standard of violence is different. Their cultural perceptions of crime against humanity as a standard of living are different. And a lot of these countries could give two shits about who you are and where you're from when it comes to offering help. You (and I) live in a country so powerful, and so egotistical, that we feel as a whole that our responsibility is to help the less fortunate all over the world.

To each his own, dude. I love animals. I don't abuse animals and I don't treat it as a joke like you do. I'm not the one trying to save the world. I take care of the things that I can control, like kicking the shit out of you if you were stupid enough to kick a dog around in my presence. (and caring for a animal that needs a caring home)

Fair enough?
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 02:32:50 PM
i said nothing about helping other races, i said help humans before animals

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Bast175 on December 19, 2006, 02:35:30 PM
im not a bleeding heart and frankly dont give a flying f**k about africa, india, china, amreeka  or dying people anywhere else

my point is if you are going to be a bleeding and cry about animal cruelty, you should do so only after solving all the "human cruelty" problems

why can't you do both?

So if you see an injured dog you're gonna walk past and say "can't help, there are people in the world suffering, not that I'm gonna do anything about that now anyway".   ::)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Bast175 on December 19, 2006, 02:36:23 PM
africans = humans

dogs = animals

hope this helps

i thought africans = animals and dogs = humans. haha
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 02:39:42 PM
i wouldnt help either

but if i was to help, it would be humans (even "subhuman" black ones) before animals
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Bast175 on December 19, 2006, 02:42:54 PM
i wouldnt help either

but if i was to help, it would be humans (even "subhuman" black ones) before animals

i agree that humans are more important.  no one should be injuring either in the first place.  those afro-children need a dose of their own medicine.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 19, 2006, 02:49:39 PM
you want the dog to throw rocks at them?
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Bast175 on December 19, 2006, 02:51:48 PM
you want the dog to throw rocks at them?

no i could just slap them around myself.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Diesel1 on December 19, 2006, 02:55:11 PM


Mind you, he is a seriously cute puppy, and it does make you wonder how anyone can do this just for a laugh. Animal cruelty doesn't bother me that much to be honest. Not that I enjoy seeing it or owt like that. To me, it just seems rather pointless to waste your time being cruel to beasties

I do love 'net forums though when topics like this crop up, and the wind up merchant who always knows which buttons to press to get everyone going.... lovely.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 19, 2006, 03:13:28 PM
i fully grasped what was "geing"said, and in fact  i turned it around and showed him how stupid it was to say by applying his relativistic logic to the very animals he is crying over

in the future ill be sure to spell out every little detail, no matter how obvious, so people like you do not get confused ::)

 IF you fully grasp what was being said (which you didnt )  you would have realised your replys didint make sense in reference to the posts. you needed it to be explained to you a few times and still you dont get whats being said. and still havent answered my original questions..
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: kh300 on December 19, 2006, 08:28:38 PM
the thing about dogs are is that they cant survive on their own. a wild animal can,, but not a puppy. the only reason why that dog was beaten, was because of hate. not for laughs or anything else.. just pure hate. why do some people go on killing sprees? killing people they dont even know? its because of hate, they hate themselves, so they hate everything around them. that dog was a perfect target for someone to release their hate.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 20, 2006, 09:13:09 AM
he was speaking of the lower casts  ;D

Lol, good comeback.  I just don't see why acts of kindness have to be mutually exclusive. Or that only certain kinds of "helping the weak" are worthy. Perhaps someone might prefer to volunteer at the Toronto Sick Kids, whereas someone else might spend their time with the Urban Animal Activists  ;)... or give their tax-deductable donations to help find a cure for cancer, or spina bifida, or any number of diseases. Which is the correct, worthy cause to champion? Once you start to label acts of kindness according to some sort of scale... I think you're going to find many arguments as to which are worthy and which aren't. Fortunately, people do have such diverse areas of interest, that most of the needy or abused, are covered in some way. If the SPCA and volunteers didn't take these animals in, there'd be feral cats and dogs all over every major city. And I reiterate the words of Mahatma Gandi... you really can measure the morality of a society by the way it treats its animals. They are the weakest of all and completely at the mercy of human kindness.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: a_joker10 on December 20, 2006, 09:39:35 AM
Lol, good comeback.  I just don't see why acts of kindness have to be mutually exclusive. Or that only certain kinds of "helping the weak" are worthy. Perhaps someone might prefer to volunteer at the Toronto Sick Kids, whereas someone else might spend their time with the Urban Animal Activists  ;)... or give their tax-deductable donations to help find a cure for cancer, or spina bifida, or any number of diseases. Which is the correct, worthy cause to champion? Once you start to label acts of kindness according to some sort of scale... I think you're going to find many arguments as to which are worthy and which aren't. Fortunately, people do have such diverse areas of interest, that most of the needy or abused, are covered in some way. If the SPCA and volunteers didn't take these animals in, there'd be feral cats and dogs all over every major city. And I reiterate the words of Mahatma Gandi... you really can measure the morality of a society by the way it treats its animals. They are the weakest of all and completely at the mercy of human kindness.
ummm no they are not helpless.
You said it yourself. They would become feral.
Animals can take care of themselves.

Animal is sick and a criminal offense, but is in no way comparable to human suffering.

I judge society on how it deals with its elderly, sick and young. These are truly the most venerable. Don't compare the suffering animals to these members of society.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 20, 2006, 09:47:23 AM
ummm no they are not helpless.
You said it yourself. They would become feral.
Animals can take care of themselves.

Animal is sick and a criminal offense, but is in no way comparable to human suffering.

I judge society on how it deals with its elderly, sick and young. These are truly the most venerable. Don't compare the suffering animals to these members of society.

couldnt have said it better myself

well i could have but you get the idea ;D
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 20, 2006, 10:06:06 AM
ummm no they are not helpless.
You said it yourself. They would become feral.
Animals can take care of themselves.

Animal is sick and a criminal offense, but is in no way comparable to human suffering.

I judge society on how it deals with its elderly, sick and young. These are truly the most venerable. Don't compare the suffering animals to these members of society.

Not sure what all of this means as there are missing words, etc... but I think I get the picture.  When a feral, diseased animal holes up in your backyard, who do you call. More than likely the SPCA.

That's your value system... who's to say it's "right" or "the only acceptable" one. You're perfectly free to give your money and time to the causes of the sick, the elderly and the young. Why would you care if someone gave their time or money to some cause involving animals.  Sorry, but I think the statement "tortured dogs should be left to die in the street because there are starving children in Africa" is silly.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 20, 2006, 11:17:22 AM

 puppies/dogs are not ferel animals.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: a_joker10 on December 20, 2006, 11:31:28 AM
Not sure what all of this means as there are missing words, etc... but I think I get the picture.  When a feral, diseased animal holes up in your backyard, who do you call. More than likely the SPCA.

That's your value system... who's to say it's "right" or "the only acceptable" one. You're perfectly free to give your money and time to the causes of the sick, the elderly and the young. Why would you care if someone gave their time or money to some cause involving animals.  Sorry, but I think the statement "tortured dogs should be left to die in the street because there are starving children in Africa" is silly.

You said that animals are the best judge of society because
they are the weakest of all and completely at the mercy of human kindness.
This is not true. Most animals get along better without human interference. That is the whole point of national parks. Only pets are at our mercy for care.
The SPCA kills many of the animals that it takes in. Especially the old and mangy ones that no one wants.

Give money to whomever you want, but be sure people deserve help before pets.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: ATHEIST on December 20, 2006, 11:49:25 AM

You said that animals are the best judge of society because This is not true. Most animals get along better without human interference. That is the whole point of national parks. Only pets are at our mercy for care.
The SPCA kills many of the animals that it takes in. Especially the old and mangy ones that no one wants.
Give money to whomever you want, but be sure people deserve help before pets.

They are the weakest of all and completely at the mercy of human kindness.

    The fact that animals are better off without human interference doesnt not mean they are not at the mercy of human kindness.
  animals are completely at our mercy,
 and who are you people to decide where someone donates their time and money? if someone wants to pay for an injured puppy instead of donating that money to someone in Africa who are you to tell him to help  people first?
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: a_joker10 on December 20, 2006, 11:56:51 AM
I am not telling her where to give money, I don't care.
But equating animals to people is not correct. People are more deserving. It makes me sick that people will spend $20,000 to give their dog a new hip, but won't give the homeless $1.

    The fact that animals are better off without human interference doesnt not mean they are not at the mercy of human kindness.
  animals are completely at our mercy,

Here is a partial list of animals that thrive without any help or mercy, and many times with direct intervention.
Rats, Mice, Voles, Gophers, Cockroaches, Raccoons, Swallows, etc.

But they aren't pretty or nice so they are ignored.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Stark on December 20, 2006, 01:02:49 PM
Puppy has a pink nose... not a good sign breeding wise, so I say the kids were right.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 20, 2006, 01:05:42 PM
this debate is getting somewhat circular, with 2 main themes:

1) it is better to help humans than animals

2) it is better to help animals than nothing

with regards to point number 2; if you are talking about helping a dying dog in your backyard because you cannot help african kids at the moment its a good point ...

unfortunately africa is not the only place with problems: domestically you could help the elderly, homeless, mentally ill, diseased/dying ... you have thousands of people willing to take in a stray dog, how many would take in a homeless person ::)

id also like to point out that if y'all grew up in china you wouldnt give a shit about animal abuse; your sensitivity to animal abuse is societal and arbitrary
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Slin1 on December 20, 2006, 01:29:01 PM
if a dog bit me i would kill it slowly, other than that i would agree its pointless to torture an animal...

thats really beside the point; if youre gonna bitch about stuff, take care of the problems with humans before you worry about animals .... doesnt that make sense?

f**k off  i hate humans
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 20, 2006, 02:04:07 PM
id rather fuck your mother ;D
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Slin1 on December 20, 2006, 02:40:46 PM
id rather f**k your mother ;D

Then you got some digging to do human

I'm better than you .. ppl like could not even afford to bye 1 of me sperm to drink
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 20, 2006, 02:51:36 PM
wheres the bitch burried *zip*

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 20, 2006, 08:35:55 PM
why all the sympathy for homeless people?

take in a homeless dog and it will love you until the day it dies

take in a homeless person and they could possibly kill, rape, or steal from you

the homeless are mentally deranged

they aren't homeless because they are very kind people that just had bad luck ::)

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 21, 2006, 06:20:47 AM
this debate is getting somewhat circular, with 2 main themes:

1) it is better to help humans than animals

2) it is better to help animals than nothing

with regards to point number 2; if you are talking about helping a dying dog in your backyard because you cannot help african kids at the moment its a good point ...

unfortunately africa is not the only place with problems: domestically you could help the elderly, homeless, mentally ill, diseased/dying ... you have thousands of people willing to take in a stray dog, how many would take in a homeless person ::)

id also like to point out that if y'all grew up in china you wouldnt give a shit about animal abuse; your sensitivity to animal abuse is societal and arbitrary

Again, helping the elderly, the disease/dying and saving a half dead dog off the street are not mutually exclusive.  A decent person would be willing to do both.

China is not reknowned for its elevated human rights philosophy either.  So perhaps the Ghandi quote is relevant.  Societies that are civilized enough to show mercy to the lowliest of creatures, are more apt to treat their needy, weak, sick, mentally ill etc., better than those that don't.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 21, 2006, 06:59:42 AM
Again, helping the elderly, the disease/dying and saving a half dead dog off the street are not mutually exclusive. 

i never said they were; i said if you want to help you should assist humans before animals

the hindus and especially jainists in india treat animals with great respect (because they could be ones reincarnated relatives), yet they practice infanticide and to this day treat their darker members like subhumans + they dont have the best track record for womans rights

amreeka makes it a crime to harm an eagles egg or abuse a pet, yet they abort tens of thousands of babies every year ...

as i said, its arbitrary

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 21, 2006, 08:18:25 AM
I had a feeling you'd bring up India... but I think you can see the connection between the world's more civilized countries and protective laws governing animals.

Once an animal/creature makes it onto the endangered list, yes, it is a crime to interfere with that particular species in any way.  Animal abuse laws were put into effect in US/Canada after many studies found the correlation between that and escalating violence toward humans... domestic violence, antisocial behavior, etc.  Most serial killers get their start torturing animals, etc. I believe it's the attempt to "nip it in the bud" thinking.

You can also be sure that if humans ever make it onto the endangered species list, abortions will be deemed illegal overnight.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 21, 2006, 08:47:39 AM
I had a feeling you'd bring up India... but I think you can see the connection between the world's more civilized countries and protective laws governing animals.

Once an animal/creature makes it onto the endangered list, yes, it is a crime to interfere with that particular species in any way.  Animal abuse laws were put into effect in US/Canada after many studies found the correlation between that and escalating violence toward humans... domestic violence, antisocial behavior, etc.  Most serial killers get their start torturing animals, etc. I believe it's the attempt to "nip it in the bud" thinking.

You can also be sure that if humans ever make it onto the endangered species list, abortions will be deemed illegal overnight.

i see a more of a connection between certain cultures taking animals into their homes and suddenly overinflating their importance ... how many people are up in arms over the slaughter of tens of thousands of rattle snakes in huge southern country fairs every year? how many people stick up for vermin? are exterminators more likely to be serial killers too?

all thing being equal, abusing an animal is not a normal thing to do, and i agree its a slippery slope towards hurting people... but seeing as the animals we chose to protect tend to be dear to us and we really dont give a shit while in fact going out of our way to destroy any animals that are viewed as inconvenient, our sensivity to animal abuse is therefore capricious :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 21, 2006, 10:30:03 AM
when I go back and visit my home country I'm gonna borrow an ak-47 or a .22 long rifle so I could go around shooting stray dogs. i'll make sure to take pictures and post them here to piss all you hippies off.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 10:30:28 AM

amreeka makes it a crime to harm an eagles egg or abuse a pet, yet they abort tens of thousands of babies every year ...

living dog > seed

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 10:35:46 AM
i see a more of a connection between certain cultures taking animals into their homes and suddenly overinflating their importance ... how many people are up in arms over the slaughter of tens of thousands of rattle snakes in huge southern country fairs every year? how many people stick up for vermin? are exterminators more likely to be serial killers too?

your argument just keeps getting dumber and dumber just admit already that you're one of those sick twisted fucks that gets a kick out of torturing dogs ::)

rattle snakes and vermin lol I hope you aren't serious such great loving pets they would make ::)

as for who is more likly to be a serial killer, a common trait that serial killers had at a young age was TORTURING DOMESTICATED ANIMALS

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 10:37:28 AM
when I go back and visit my home country I'm gonna borrow an ak-47 or a .22 long rifle so I could go around shooting stray dogs. i'll make sure to take pictures and post them here to piss all you hippies off.

"kid you aint got the sack to shoot a woodchuck"

Kiefer Sutherland - "Stand By Me" 1986

I love that movie ;D

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 21, 2006, 10:41:27 AM
"kid you aint got the sack to shoot a woodchuck"

Kiefer Sutherland - "Stand By Me" 1986

I love that movie ;D


Go jerk off to Levrone's most muscular, fag.

When someday I post those pictures you wont be laughing. I'm dead serious, it's just a matter of one year when I go for my vacation.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 21, 2006, 10:47:24 AM
your argument just keeps getting dumber and dumber just admit already that you're one of those sick twisted fucks that gets a kick out of torturing dogs ::)

rattle snakes and vermin lol I hope you aren't serious such great loving pets they would make ::)

you are one stupid muscle worshipping fag ...

if animal abuse is wrong it should be wrong across the board; so torturing a dog and squishing a bug should be equally appalling: it is not because we live in a society where dogs are mans best friend and bugs are pests ... ergo (y)our sensibilities towards animal cruelty are meaningless :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 10:58:06 AM

Go jerk off to Levrone's most muscular, fag.

When someday I post those pictures you wont be laughing. I'm dead serious, it's just a matter of one year when I go for my vacation.

ouch i've never heard this before ::)

get out of my country and go back to that shithole you came from ;D

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 21, 2006, 10:59:00 AM
My friends and family help birds such as golden eagles to migrate, and help the local tiger population. They also round up stray dogs in mass numbers so they can be slaughtered.  ;D
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 21, 2006, 11:02:27 AM
ouch i've never heard this before ::)

get out of my country and go back to that shithole you came from ;D


I should leave because I'm fucking sane and I don't believe in placing the same value in a dog's life as a humans? Go fuck yourself, stupidass hippie.

btw, what if Levrone objected? Would you be torn apart?  ;D
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 11:03:52 AM
you are one stupid muscle worshipping fag ...

if animal abuse is wrong it should be wrong across the board; so torturing a dog and squishing a bug should be equally appalling: it is not because we live in a society where dogs are mans best friend and bugs are pests ... ergo (y)our sensibilities towards animal cruelty are meaningless :)

you're ugly

according to you i'm gay so wouldn't I know ;D

now you bring bugs into the argument ::)

if bugs can be compared to dogs than dogs can be compared to humans

bugs hahaha you dog killers just try all you can to rationalize your sick twisted behavior

such great pets a bug would make so loyal and loving ::)


Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: amc1980 on December 21, 2006, 11:05:21 AM
My friends and family help birds such as golden eagles to migrate, and help the local tiger population. They also round up stray dogs in mass numbers so they can be slaughtered.  ;D

Your Grandad shooting one is not classed as "help".
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 11:07:11 AM

I should leave because I'm fucking sane and I don't believe in placing the same value in a dog's life as a humans? Go f**k yourself, stupidass hippie.

btw, what if Levrone objected? Would you be torn apart?  ;D

what about bugs are they just as valuable?

i hope you aren't as stupid as vp :-\

what's with the hippie insult ???

go back to your toilet bowl country or move to that shithole up north canada

vp has a couch in his basement you can sleep on ;D


Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 11:09:07 AM
another thing about bugs they don't have the brain cells to feel pain

which makes your argument even dumber ;)

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 21, 2006, 11:13:22 AM
what about bugs are they just as valuable?

i hope you aren't as stupid as vp :-\

what's with the hippie insult ???

go back to your toilet bowl country or move to that shithole up north canada

vp has a couch in his basement you can sleep on ;D


I know you don't mean that...  :-\
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 11:16:51 AM
I know you don't mean that...  :-\



Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 21, 2006, 11:25:51 AM
what about bugs are they just as valuable?

i hope you aren't as stupid as vp :-\


If the bugs are endangered.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 11:29:38 AM
haha I don't think vp was talking about any endangered bug

the standard house ant in his mind is on the same level as a dog ::)


Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 21, 2006, 11:31:52 AM
you are one stupid muscle worshipping fag ...

if animal abuse is wrong it should be wrong across the board; so torturing a dog and squishing a bug should be equally appalling: it is not because we live in a society where dogs are mans best friend and bugs are pests ... ergo (y)our sensibilities towards animal cruelty are meaningless :)

I think originally the argument was that humans should be helped before animals.  This is of course an impossible task because there will always be human suffering of some kind in the world. However, fortunately there are those people who give of their time and money to whatever cause interests them, and so in turn, many diverse needs are taken care of.  That includes the protection of animals from abuse, protection of their habitat, etc...

There are those who are appalled at the various injustices perpetrated upon perhaps less loveable creatures, including reptiles and vermin, and give generously to charities like Nature Conservancy, Peta, SPCA, Urban Animal Activists, etc... No one's going to run out and lobby for bugs per se, however being Canadian, you must know that the Nature Conservancy (among other orgs) does its best to preserve northern marshes and boglands which are home to all manner of disgusting bugs, which in turn provide the food source for many species of birds.  So in essence, many people do care about bugs.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 21, 2006, 12:17:54 PM
when was the last time you saw an outraged getbigger posting pictures swatted mosquitoes...
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: KingCol on December 21, 2006, 02:51:58 PM
i wouldnt help either

but if i was to help, it would be humans (even "subhuman" black ones) before animals

The only "subhuman" I see here is you. There is no color dumb ass, just stupidity. And you my friend are Fu**ing stupid. Who gives a flying FU*K what other cultures or coutries do. If you don't agree with it, ignore it then. You have no right to talk shit unless the individuals are here to defend themselves. SO, that being said, SHUT THE FU*K UP> leave the mother fu**er alone that wants to rescue the dog, and keep your "subhuman" talk to yourself you racial a**hole.

OH and by the way, happy Kwanzaa!
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 21, 2006, 03:27:46 PM
so let me get this straight

im subhuman

because im imagining that white black chinese indian people all look like they are different colors

because im stupid

because im fucking stupid

because other cultures dont matter

because not agreeing with something means it should automatically be ignored

because the animals cannot defend themselves on here



im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you are a stupid fucking guy[/color] ... and trust me, thats much worse pr for black people than me quoting someones elses assertation that blackes are "subhuman"

are you sure about that?  i've seen some footage that would lead me to believe that many africans are subhuman.

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: KingCol on December 21, 2006, 03:43:29 PM
so let me get this straight

im subhuman

because im imagining that white black chinese indian people all look like they are different colors

because im stupid

because im fucking stupid

because other cultures dont matter

because not agreeing with something means it should automatically be ignored

because the animals cannot defend themselves on here



im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you are a stupid fucking guy[/color] ... and trust me, thats much worse pr for black people than me quoting someones elses assertation that blackes are "subhuman"

I wish you would actually make sense when you post shit, however since you don't I guess I have to give you that one.. I was just reitterating what you had already said in previous postings.
Anyway, back to business. Even if I was a "stupid fu**ing black" (or what ever your sexually abusive daddy had you call him when he was fu**ing you in the a**) atleast I have two IQ points to rub together.

I would also like to thank you for giving me something to argue about. I have nothing better to do with my time here than tease little bi**h boys like you. I would love to meet you in person however and beat the shit out of you like I know others have. I believe this is the reason you can talk shit and feel like a big man on your computer.

Anyways, I know you need to run to the gym and work out with your life coach/training partner Alexxx so I will let you go.

And remember boys 135 is a big maxx bench press for some people so don't get discouraged.

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 21, 2006, 03:49:59 PM
post your name and home address and maybe ill stop by

but im leaving my goddamned hubcaps at home
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: KingCol on December 21, 2006, 03:59:39 PM
post your name and home address and maybe ill stop by

but im leaving my goddamned hubcaps at home
Your hub caps are probably the cheap ass spinner clip ons you would get at walmart right?
Leave 'em at home, I don't need 'em.
Post your phone number and a picture of you with your a** cheaks spread, maybe I will give you my address after we have anal phone s*x tonight.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 21, 2006, 08:16:03 PM
when was the last time you saw an outraged getbigger posting pictures swatted mosquitoes...

i guess you have fun scratching mosquito bites :P

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 27, 2006, 10:01:40 AM
where does one draw the line between animal abuse and pest controll?

much like the abortion issue, the line sees to be based on wether or not the animal(baby) is loved(wanted) as opposed to the intrinsic "rightness" or "wrongness" involved with killing/harming animals

or as a famous getbig visionary once said, sentiments toward animal cruelty are arbitrary and capricious :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on December 27, 2006, 12:12:37 PM
where does one draw the line between animal abuse and pest controll?

much like the abortion issue, the line sees to be based on wether or not the animal(baby) is loved(wanted) as opposed to the intrinsic "rightness" or "wrongness" involved with killing/harming animals

or as a famous getbig visionary once said, sentiments toward animal cruelty are arbitrary and capricious :)

Your picture explains everything, you were obviously born with brain damage.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 27, 2006, 12:38:24 PM
whatever mutant
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 27, 2006, 02:42:52 PM
those toads have poisonous skin

would make a lousy pet would'nt you think?  and not just because of the poisonous skin

now go find another link to try and convince yourself that the life of an ant crawling across my garage floor is just as valuable as a dog's life ::)


Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 27, 2006, 04:19:58 PM
Your Grandad shooting one is not classed as "help".

How am I responsible for his actions? The important thing now is that we're responsible, but not about worthless shit like dogs.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Earl1972 on December 27, 2006, 09:41:27 PM
How am I responsible for his actions? The important thing now is that we're responsible, but not about worthless shit like dogs.

what middle eastern shithole are you from?

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: headhuntersix on December 27, 2006, 10:10:11 PM
There's not one rag thats worth near as much as the life of my dogs...People suck dogs rule. People who are mean to animals are the lowest pieces of shit ever.  >:( And I would hardly classify myself as a hippie.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 06:58:39 AM
id classify you as a fag actually

(ps and your little dog too)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 28, 2006, 07:48:53 AM
what middle eastern shithole are you from?


Not from there, but NYC rather. I jest a little and you start insulting me based on my supposed nationality, which is pretty pathetic.

head, I'm not saying dog abuse is cool. But what I'm saying is that animals shouldn't be treated as though they're humans. Some people here act as though a person should get the death sentence for killing a stray, or for killing something that posed a threat.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 07:54:12 AM
not only that, but animal abuse is only a problem when the animal is loved by sed society

ie in india they would shit bricks if they saw what we did to cows, whereas we shit bricks when we see what the chinese do to dogs and cats

its kinda sad that most of the people on this board cannot see beyond their circumstances :(
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Debussey on December 28, 2006, 08:07:05 AM
not only that, but animal abuse is only a problem when the animal is loved by sed society

ie in india they would shit bricks if they saw what we did to cows, whereas we shit bricks when we see what the chinese do to dogs and cats

its kinda sad that most of the people on this board cannot see beyond their circumstances :(

Please repost the video where they ignite a cat.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 28, 2006, 08:07:49 AM
I think you're just projecting... perhaps because you don't care for dogs particularly.  The point is that someone posted pics of an abused dog that had been left to die in the streets.  Other people posted to the effect that the dog should have been left to die in the street because there are starving children elsewhere. More than likely, if hypothetically speaking, a tortured cow, horse, pig, raccoon or other creature were found dying on the street, people would do something regardless of the deplorable conditions other humans endure around the world.  That doesn't make them "stupid."
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 08:10:11 AM
Please repost the video where they ignite a cat.

if youre good
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Camel Jockey on December 28, 2006, 08:11:01 AM

its kinda sad that most of the people on this board cannot see beyond their circumstances :(

I wish these stupid assholes would show the same compassion for commercial overfishing and destruction of natural habitat for all organisms.
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 28, 2006, 08:14:58 AM
I wish these stupid assholes would show the same compassion for commercial overfishing and destruction of natural habitat for all organisms.

They do.  ::)  Chances are if you live in an urban environment the types of animals you'll have the most interraction with are cats, dogs, raccoons, squirrels, maybe falcons. Not everyone has the wherewithal to leave everything to go protest in Nova Scotia.  But there are plenty of people who do. 
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 08:18:51 AM
I wish these stupid assholes would show the same compassion for commercial overfishing and destruction of natural habitat for all organisms.

give them a name, a collar and some fur, then watch the tears flow...
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 09:01:58 AM
I think you're just projecting... perhaps because you don't care for dogs particularly.  The point is that someone posted pics of an abused dog that had been left to die in the streets.  Other people posted to the effect that the dog should have been left to die in the street because there are starving children elsewhere. More than likely, if hypothetically speaking, a tortured cow, horse, pig, raccoon or other creature were found dying on the street, people would do something regardless of the deplorable conditions other humans endure around the world.  That doesn't make them "stupid."

im not so sure about the projecting, because i personally wouldnt help anyone or any pet ... but if i am its in the same way a grade 2 teacher projects mathematics when he teaches kids to add ;)

the point being made is not that helping an animal is wrong; its that the effort and particularly the $$ spent doing so could be put to better use.... if they spent 365$ fixing that dog they could have kept an african family that would otherwise die alive for a year ... wouldnt you agree keeping a few humans alive for a year is better than saving one dogs life? ... you could easily walk past the dog and donate the money that would otherwise go to a vet to one of those christian infomercials that helps dying kids, the time you spent with that dying dog could have been spent helping the poor/sick/etc domestically as well ... basically its a matter of efficiency

to me 99% of the population is stupid, aside from that i think "small minded" is a more accurate description of bleeding heart animal lovers :)

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 28, 2006, 09:34:16 AM
You say you wouldn't personally help anyone or any pet... so I guess you aren't responding to any Christian infomercial any time soon yourself.  On the other hand, I would pick up a dying dog on the street, and I have given many dollars... to the Toronto Sick Kids, Montreal Children's Hospital, and others over the years.  My tax return this year will reflect that.  I've also given of my time to various causes, even spending time with those who have no hope. So once again, I think my point is valid... that someone who is willing to help a dog, is probably more willing to help a human.

As far as Christian infomercials go... you know I used to be involved in the "charity biz" so no, never would give my hard earned cash to organizations that require such huge overhead and advertising dollars. Added to that, the plight of many of these underpivileged people in third world countries is man-made, i.e. political in nature. I expect my government to deal with that... and they do, giving millions every year in aid. (Technically, some minute portion of that are both mine and your tax dollars at work, so I guess you are doing something after all.)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 09:36:41 AM
you would have more money and time to help humans if you didnt waste it on animals :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Deedee on December 28, 2006, 09:45:58 AM
And if I didn't have a bleeding heart mindset to begin with, I wouldn't be helping anyone or anything at all.  :)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: sandycoosworth on December 28, 2006, 09:51:04 AM
that would be efficient ;)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: UPINTHEMGUTS on December 28, 2006, 12:00:59 PM
I love my dogs.

Fuck everybody..... 8)
Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: Playboy on December 29, 2006, 06:57:47 AM


This pitbull/mix puppy was brought into the SPCA, where my woman works, right before closing today.  A couple guys said they saw some ghetto kids (its oakland, need i say more) beating this puppy and throwing rocks and sticks at it.  Its 5 weeks old.  It was covered in blood, fleas and motor oil.  We picked off over 70 fleas as we were bathing it and there are still more that we couldn't get to because the dog is in so much pain.  its dew claw is almost ripped off on one leg, one leg might be broken and it seems that its ribs are extremely sensitive and maybe broken.  Yes the dog will live, but what the f**k is wrong with poor, ghetto kids.  Do their parents instill them with no sense of morality???  Anyway, the dog woulda stayed overnight in a cold kennel, so my girlfriend volunteered to take it home and tend to it.  Our extremely dog aggressive APBT is upset about staying in his room, but its not a real inconvenience.  People make me sick. 
That is very sad and just wrong. Then people wonder why animals snap and not just pitbulls, i'm talking every kind of dog. Brutal. You're right, people are sick.

Title: Re: What does animal/dog abuse look like?
Post by: buffbodz on December 29, 2006, 07:26:52 AM


This pitbull/mix puppy was brought into the SPCA, where my woman works, right before closing today.  A couple guys said they saw some ghetto kids (its oakland, need i say more) beating this puppy and throwing rocks and sticks at it.  Its 5 weeks old.  It was covered in blood, fleas and motor oil.  We picked off over 70 fleas as we were bathing it and there are still more that we couldn't get to because the dog is in so much pain.  its dew claw is almost ripped off on one leg, one leg might be broken and it seems that its ribs are extremely sensitive and maybe broken.  Yes the dog will live, but what the f**k is wrong with poor, ghetto kids.  Do their parents instill them with no sense of morality???  Anyway, the dog woulda stayed overnight in a cold kennel, so my girlfriend volunteered to take it home and tend to it.  Our extremely dog aggressive APBT is upset about staying in his room, but its not a real inconvenience.  People make me sick. 

Anyone who could hurt that defenseless puppy deserves a serious ghetto beat down.