Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: The Squadfather on December 30, 2006, 07:13:29 PM

Title: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 30, 2006, 07:13:29 PM
good to have you back on, how ya feeling?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on December 30, 2006, 07:15:17 PM
Happy birthday you big samoan white bear!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: bmacsys on December 30, 2006, 07:18:08 PM
See ya at the gym big guy!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on December 30, 2006, 07:18:57 PM
Thanks guys.  I put a response on the other thread.  It is too long.  Thansk for everything.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: dodger on December 30, 2006, 10:46:08 PM
 hey great Keith is back.great to see you have that fantastic positive attitude bro.You're the best member on here man.You're an inspiration to many
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Richard2004 on December 30, 2006, 10:53:06 PM
Great to have you back Keith...hope the prognosis is were sorely missed!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on December 30, 2006, 10:56:35 PM
Thought I would post what I put on the other thread.

wow!  Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  This was a doozy.  It was probably the worse episode in 8 years just because of how long it lasted.  I trained on Monday the 11th and felt great.  Told myself on Tuesday I am just doing cardio.  That night I got a really high fever (102) and was shivering the whole night.  Didn't sleep a wink.  In the morning I felt better (not shivering) but still had a fever and was very sore.  My leg was already very red and was so hot I had to lay in bed with it hanging off the side.  It wasn't that different than most other episodes except it was the first this bad in about a year.

It usually goes away in about 4 or 5 days.  But when after a week it was worse (redder, bigger) I decided to go to the emergency (12-18).  I had my daughter take me.  I was there for about 4 hours.  They dopplered my leg, and did a couple x-rays and gave me Erythromycin(?) an antibiotic through an IV then sent me home.  Well the next morning I woke up and was covered head to toe with hives and was red everywhere.  I couldn't get ahold of my daughter, so I decided to drive myself back to the hospital.  I live in Kona and the hospital I went to was in Waimea which is about an hour drive.  The drive was hell and it hurt so bad that I was going to crash my car (easy) just so an ambulance could take me the rest of the way.  It was shitty.

Finally I got there and some of the people who were there when I was there the day before was still there.  SO they got me in immediately after showing them what happened.  I spent about 5 hours in ER until they finally checked me into the hospital.  There was a guy who came into the ER who wassurfing and got faceplanted onto the lava rock.  This guy you couldn't even see his face.  It was covered in blood and his whole front was just ripped open.  It was definitely the most blood I ever saw.

So then I got checked in and everything.  They put me on antibiotics for 9 hours a day.  I always have veins in my hands even at this weight but because of the hives and the bloating from the reaction they couldn't find any to put in the IV and take blood.  They poked my 9 times before giving up.  So they ended up cutting the inside of my upper arm and then putting a catheter(?) inside the hole up into my heart to give me my drugs and take blood.  Two little ports were hanging from my arm so they could do this easy.

The put me on a low calorie and low fluid diet.  I was restrcited to just 1200 cc of fluid per day and 1200 calories.  In addition, I went on Lasix through the IV.  I pissed so much everyday.  The only good part about all that was I lost 42 pounds in 11 days.  YES 42 pounds.  Mostly water but still it is gone.

So, it took about 7 days for the hives and redness to go away.  It really made it the worst.  My leg peeled away allot of skin.  Just like a really bad sunburn would do.   So I was scheduled to get released on Thursday, but that morning I got "gout" in my right ankle.  It hurt so bad I could not sleep at all or move my leg.  Because of the rapid water loss and other crap the doctor said that gout was something that could develop.  So it did.  If you know anyone who has had it then ask them how much it hurts.  Unreal!

SO now I had to go on gout medicine and spend an extra 3 days in the hospital.  I wanted to go home today.  I still have the gout a little but it should be gone by monday.  Myleg is still huge but no infection which is the most important.  My leg should be back to normal in about a week.

The biggest thing that happend to me is to find out exactly how shitty it is to be overwieght and out of shape.  I spent 40 years being in excellent to very good shape.  These last 5 or 6 years has been a fucking nightmare.  I am fucking committed to getting back into shape now.  It took this hospital stay to open my eyes.  I can't see myself being so immobile for the rest of my life.  I have never had medical problems like this until the bite and gaining the weight. 

I have pics of the leg in the hospital.  They are on my phone butI can't see from the website how to get them.  I have the new EnV phone with Verizon.  If you know how to get pics of this phone and service tell me and I will post them.  I saw the measurements Stunt put up.  Way off.

Bad Leg: calf 32" thigh 45"  Good Leg: calf 20.5"  thigh 31"

I want to thank everyone again for the nice stuff said.  Getbig is a fun place for me to come and I missed it.  I know allot of you kind of look up to me because of my past, but in reality I ain't shit no more.  I still have some strength but I am definitely not something to look at anymore.  But, I will tell you that 2007 is the year I make my comeback and I will get back to be something to look at.  I feel and look like shit now but it is only temporary.  It took this hospital trip to get it through my head but it really did do something.  I liked it when I looked good and was healthy. Thanks again everyone.  Even you Vince and Sean.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Vince B on December 30, 2006, 11:44:52 PM
Well, Keith, bad luck about all that illness. What exactly did they say caused that swelling, etc.? Was it cellulitis? I had a friend who had a swollen leg that was hot, etc. Lasted quite a while and not much they could do but give antibiotics. I doubt this was related to the spider bite. Obese people do have serious health problems and many can be aggravated by poor circulation. If you are lifting weights you should be okay. However, carrying around extra pounds does put pressure on our systems and you have found that out now. Hope you have a better year next year. I will give you a call in a few days to have a chat with you. Look at my photos at the beach.  Might cheer you up a bit!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: siouxcountry on December 30, 2006, 11:47:52 PM
But, I will tell you that 2007 is the year I make my comeback and I will get back to be something to look at.

Good luck Bro. I have no doubt you will succeed.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: danielson on December 30, 2006, 11:55:58 PM
Glad you are ok Keith. Welcome back!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Quickerblade on December 31, 2006, 12:04:25 AM
Wow, thats nice, great to see keith did give props to shawn and Vince...The most important thing is our health.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on December 31, 2006, 12:04:49 AM
Welcome back Keith!! Sounds like you might have had a reaction to the anitbiotic. Damn, you went thru a lot. Just glad to see you back. Time to get your ass in grear and get back in shape!! You will feel so much better when you do. If there is anything that I can do for you just PM me!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 31, 2006, 12:34:47 AM
that sucks big man. lifes too short, get well.......
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: 240 is Back on December 31, 2006, 12:36:58 AM
Bad Leg: calf 32" thigh 45"  Good Leg: calf 20.5"  thigh 31"

Hi jay Cutler!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on December 31, 2006, 12:38:06 AM
Well, Keith, bad luck about all that illness. What exactly did they say caused that swelling, etc.? Was it cellulitis? I had a friend who had a swollen leg that was hot, etc. Lasted quite a while and not much they could do but give antibiotics. I doubt this was related to the spider bite. Obese people do have serious health problems and many can be aggravated by poor circulation. If you are lifting weights you should be okay. However, carrying around extra pounds does put pressure on our systems and you have found that out now. Hope you have a better year next year. I will give you a call in a few days to have a chat with you. Look at my photos at the beach.  Might cheer you up a bit!

Well actually it is all from the spider bite.  I got an infection after the bite from the cellulitis.  That is why it is in just the leg I got bit.  I am hoping that the 11 days of antibiotics through IV got rid of everything.  I am on oral antibiotics for the next month or so.  They really tested me allot.  I am not diabetic, I have great lungs, and my heaert seemed to be fine.  One thing the weight has done it that it has affected the amount of oxygen I can inhale.  I use this little machine and I am no where near where I should be with how much oxygen I can take in.  That is a reason why I get so tired so easy.  Definitely being overweight sucks and affects your health.  I knew it but didn't think it affected me that much.  This hospital stay surely woke me up.

And those pics are nice Vince.  But remember I live in Hawaii and my backyard looks like that.  But I do love Australia.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gordiano on December 31, 2006, 12:41:06 AM
Good to hear you're doing better, brother!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: G o a t b o y on December 31, 2006, 12:42:37 AM
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: G o a t b o y on December 31, 2006, 12:47:01 AM
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: the shadow on December 31, 2006, 01:15:05 AM
welcome back big keith.i hope your feeling well
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Fury on December 31, 2006, 01:21:30 AM
Good to have you back Keith. Hope you get well soon and get back to the iron game.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: americanbulldog on December 31, 2006, 01:36:04 AM
Good to have you back.  Now get me some tickets to Renzo/Frank wouldja!  JK (But really I am not)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: badlad on December 31, 2006, 01:38:01 AM
Hi Keith,
just thought i'd chime in.
I had a spider bite on my ankle about 6 years ago - happened in Australia. It was a little inflamed and swollen.
Being a typical male (I found the bite in the morning) I went off to work my late evening/night shift (I was a bouncer at the time)) and about half way thru my shift my entire leg was aching really bad. I managed to finish my 12 hr shift on my feet went home and slept. Got up the next day (middayish) and got ready again for work. I made it to work but went via a drugstore on the way in for some advise (they said get to a hospital) - I declined (stoopidly). About two hours into that shift i could barely stand 9my entire leg now was stiff as a board) and my groin was massively swollen. I was starting to get into some serious pain. Felt like someone was whacking my ankle every minute with a sledgehammer.
My flatmates came and pickedm e up and after alot of convincing (i hate doctors) made me go to emergency.
Long story short - they put me onto some kind of IV straight away, gave me a heap of tablets and I spent the next two weeks in bad in agony. My lymph glands in my groin and underarms and neck were the size of golf balls and there was a definate blue line that ran up my leg to my groin.
Doctors said that basically my lymph glands could no longer handle the poison and that I may have been just a few hours away from death as the poison and its effects would then travel to much more impotant organs.
Well - it took about two weeks to get over it - along with plenty of hydrogen peroxide to eat out the infection site. I lost a good deal of lfesh (pretty deep too) at the bite site.
So i got better - then about two weeks after everything had cleared up I was at work at my foot started aching - and i recogniswed the pain immediately - like a sledgehammer blow every minute or so on my foot (not the ankle this time).
I worked my shift, went home and took my boots off.
When I took my sock off I got the shock of my life. The ends of all 5 toes were green and hugely swollen. A few days later all my toenails lifted off, and with the help of a rzorblade I opened up the skin on each toe and drained what appeared at the time to be an endless supply of puss from the wounds.
Two weeks later - I was ok. My toesnails all grew back and to this day I haven't had a relapse but almost every year the bite mark will mildy flare up and get inflammed and itchy and occassionaly the skin will break but that is all it has done - thankfully.
Moral of the story - if you get bit by a spider (particularly one in Aussie) get it checked out. nasty little fookers... ;D
Good luck.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: MikeThaMachine on December 31, 2006, 03:36:37 AM
Hi Keith,
just thought i'd chime in.
I had a spider bite on my ankle about 6 years ago - happened in Australia. It was a little inflamed and swollen.
Being a typical male (I found the bite in the morning) I went off to work my late evening/night shift (I was a bouncer at the time)) and about half way thru my shift my entire leg was aching really bad. I managed to finish my 12 hr shift on my feet went home and slept. Got up the next day (middayish) and got ready again for work. I made it to work but went via a drugstore on the way in for some advise (they said get to a hospital) - I declined (stoopidly). About two hours into that shift i could barely stand 9my entire leg now was stiff as a board) and my groin was massively swollen. I was starting to get into some serious pain. Felt like someone was whacking my ankle every minute with a sledgehammer.
My flatmates came and pickedm e up and after alot of convincing (i hate doctors) made me go to emergency.
Long story short - they put me onto some kind of IV straight away, gave me a heap of tablets and I spent the next two weeks in bad in agony. My lymph glands in my groin and underarms and neck were the size of golf balls and there was a definate blue line that ran up my leg to my groin.
Doctors said that basically my lymph glands could no longer handle the poison and that I may have been just a few hours away from death as the poison and its effects would then travel to much more impotant organs.
Well - it took about two weeks to get over it - along with plenty of hydrogen peroxide to eat out the infection site. I lost a good deal of lfesh (pretty deep too) at the bite site.
So i got better - then about two weeks after everything had cleared up I was at work at my foot started aching - and i recogniswed the pain immediately - like a sledgehammer blow every minute or so on my foot (not the ankle this time).
I worked my shift, went home and took my boots off.
When I took my sock off I got the shock of my life. The ends of all 5 toes were green and hugely swollen. A few days later all my toenails lifted off, and with the help of a rzorblade I opened up the skin on each toe and drained what appeared at the time to be an endless supply of puss from the wounds.
Two weeks later - I was ok. My toesnails all grew back and to this day I haven't had a relapse but almost every year the bite mark will mildy flare up and get inflammed and itchy and occassionaly the skin will break but that is all it has done - thankfully.
Moral of the story - if you get bit by a spider (particularly one in Aussie) get it checked out. nasty little fookers... ;D
Good luck.

I was bitten this past summer by a big spider on the back of my neck while on getbig, I freaked out cause of the stories Keith has told about his bite and I made a thread asking for help and what symptoms to look for. Thankfully I was fine and just had a swollen lump on the back of my neck for less then 24hrs, it felt like a bad bee sting and made me feel kinda hot.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on December 31, 2006, 06:22:17 AM
Hi Keith,
just thought i'd chime in.
I had a spider bite on my ankle about 6 years ago - happened in Australia. It was a little inflamed and swollen.
Being a typical male (I found the bite in the morning) I went off to work my late evening/night shift (I was a bouncer at the time)) and about half way thru my shift my entire leg was aching really bad. I managed to finish my 12 hr shift on my feet went home and slept. Got up the next day (middayish) and got ready again for work. I made it to work but went via a drugstore on the way in for some advise (they said get to a hospital) - I declined (stoopidly). About two hours into that shift i could barely stand 9my entire leg now was stiff as a board) and my groin was massively swollen. I was starting to get into some serious pain. Felt like someone was whacking my ankle every minute with a sledgehammer.
My flatmates came and pickedm e up and after alot of convincing (i hate doctors) made me go to emergency.
Long story short - they put me onto some kind of IV straight away, gave me a heap of tablets and I spent the next two weeks in bad in agony. My lymph glands in my groin and underarms and neck were the size of golf balls and there was a definate blue line that ran up my leg to my groin.
Doctors said that basically my lymph glands could no longer handle the poison and that I may have been just a few hours away from death as the poison and its effects would then travel to much more impotant organs.
Well - it took about two weeks to get over it - along with plenty of hydrogen peroxide to eat out the infection site. I lost a good deal of lfesh (pretty deep too) at the bite site.
So i got better - then about two weeks after everything had cleared up I was at work at my foot started aching - and i recogniswed the pain immediately - like a sledgehammer blow every minute or so on my foot (not the ankle this time).
I worked my shift, went home and took my boots off.
When I took my sock off I got the shock of my life. The ends of all 5 toes were green and hugely swollen. A few days later all my toenails lifted off, and with the help of a rzorblade I opened up the skin on each toe and drained what appeared at the time to be an endless supply of puss from the wounds.
Two weeks later - I was ok. My toesnails all grew back and to this day I haven't had a relapse but almost every year the bite mark will mildy flare up and get inflammed and itchy and occassionaly the skin will break but that is all it has done - thankfully.
Moral of the story - if you get bit by a spider (particularly one in Aussie) get it checked out. nasty little fookers... ;D
Good luck.

Yep, I actually felt it in the morning too.  Asked my friend if he had hit me with a bat.  He laughed and went ot work.  When he got home at around 4pm I was passed out half on the couch and half on the floor.  Went to the emergency they gave me an antibiotic sent me home and it was worse the next day. Went back and got checked into the hospital.  I kill every spider I ever see now.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: davidpaul on December 31, 2006, 06:56:24 AM
Welcome back big guy. :)

This place isnt the same without ya. 8)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: backday on December 31, 2006, 07:27:30 AM
Welkome back Keith.
Now you don`t have any excuses you have to get in shape man  :)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on December 31, 2006, 07:36:04 AM
If it makes you guys feel better I vacuumed about twenty spiders in total and just threw away the bag! 8)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: G o a t b o y on December 31, 2006, 07:49:14 AM
If it makes you guys feel better I vacuumed about twenty spiders in total and just threw away the bag! 8)

You should have fedex'ed it to Keith.  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 31, 2006, 07:54:16 AM
Thought I would post what I put on the other thread.

wow!  Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  This was a doozy.  It was probably the worse episode in 8 years just because of how long it lasted.  I trained on Monday the 11th and felt great.  Told myself on Tuesday I am just doing cardio.  That night I got a really high fever (102) and was shivering the whole night.  Didn't sleep a wink.  In the morning I felt better (not shivering) but still had a fever and was very sore.  My leg was already very red and was so hot I had to lay in bed with it hanging off the side.  It wasn't that different than most other episodes except it was the first this bad in about a year.

It usually goes away in about 4 or 5 days.  But when after a week it was worse (redder, bigger) I decided to go to the emergency (12-18).  I had my daughter take me.  I was there for about 4 hours.  They dopplered my leg, and did a couple x-rays and gave me Erythromycin(?) an antibiotic through an IV then sent me home.  Well the next morning I woke up and was covered head to toe with hives and was red everywhere.  I couldn't get ahold of my daughter, so I decided to drive myself back to the hospital.  I live in Kona and the hospital I went to was in Waimea which is about an hour drive.  The drive was hell and it hurt so bad that I was going to crash my car (easy) just so an ambulance could take me the rest of the way.  It was shitty.

Finally I got there and some of the people who were there when I was there the day before was still there.  SO they got me in immediately after showing them what happened.  I spent about 5 hours in ER until they finally checked me into the hospital.  There was a guy who came into the ER who wassurfing and got faceplanted onto the lava rock.  This guy you couldn't even see his face.  It was covered in blood and his whole front was just ripped open.  It was definitely the most blood I ever saw.

So then I got checked in and everything.  They put me on antibiotics for 9 hours a day.  I always have veins in my hands even at this weight but because of the hives and the bloating from the reaction they couldn't find any to put in the IV and take blood.  They poked my 9 times before giving up.  So they ended up cutting the inside of my upper arm and then putting a catheter(?) inside the hole up into my heart to give me my drugs and take blood.  Two little ports were hanging from my arm so they could do this easy.

The put me on a low calorie and low fluid diet.  I was restrcited to just 1200 cc of fluid per day and 1200 calories.  In addition, I went on Lasix through the IV.  I pissed so much everyday.  The only good part about all that was I lost 42 pounds in 11 days.  YES 42 pounds.  Mostly water but still it is gone.

So, it took about 7 days for the hives and redness to go away.  It really made it the worst.  My leg peeled away allot of skin.  Just like a really bad sunburn would do.   So I was scheduled to get released on Thursday, but that morning I got "gout" in my right ankle.  It hurt so bad I could not sleep at all or move my leg.  Because of the rapid water loss and other crap the doctor said that gout was something that could develop.  So it did.  If you know anyone who has had it then ask them how much it hurts.  Unreal!

SO now I had to go on gout medicine and spend an extra 3 days in the hospital.  I wanted to go home today.  I still have the gout a little but it should be gone by monday.  Myleg is still huge but no infection which is the most important.  My leg should be back to normal in about a week.

The biggest thing that happend to me is to find out exactly how shitty it is to be overwieght and out of shape.  I spent 40 years being in excellent to very good shape.  These last 5 or 6 years has been a fucking nightmare.  I am fucking committed to getting back into shape now.  It took this hospital stay to open my eyes.  I can't see myself being so immobile for the rest of my life.  I have never had medical problems like this until the bite and gaining the weight. 

I have pics of the leg in the hospital.  They are on my phone butI can't see from the website how to get them.  I have the new EnV phone with Verizon.  If you know how to get pics of this phone and service tell me and I will post them.  I saw the measurements Stunt put up.  Way off.

Bad Leg: calf 32" thigh 45"  Good Leg: calf 20.5"  thigh 31"

I want to thank everyone again for the nice stuff said.  Getbig is a fun place for me to come and I missed it.  I know allot of you kind of look up to me because of my past, but in reality I ain't shit no more.  I still have some strength but I am definitely not something to look at anymore.  But, I will tell you that 2007 is the year I make my comeback and I will get back to be something to look at.  I feel and look like shit now but it is only temporary.  It took this hospital trip to get it through my head but it really did do something.  I liked it when I looked good and was healthy. Thanks again everyone.  Even you Vince and Sean.
hang in there big man this shit can't last forever, soon you'll be the 280lb. muscular beast pressing 405 behind the neck again, shit most guys can't handle the weight you do when your sick to save their lives.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: alexxx on December 31, 2006, 07:55:45 AM
You should have fedex'ed it to Keith.  ;D

Who said I didn't? ;D
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 12, 2007, 08:44:37 AM
Welcome back dude.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 08:45:43 AM
Welcome back dude.
it was a problem "Keith"?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 08:46:38 AM
hahahaha! fucking mars ;D
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 12, 2007, 08:46:49 AM
keith was at survival camp in Canada.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 08:51:35 AM
Keith is so fat his belt size is "galaxy"
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on December 12, 2007, 08:52:18 AM
Keith is so fat his belt size is "galaxy"

priceless ;D
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 08:54:06 AM
priceless ;D
hahahhaa, his mom is so fat she doesn't wear a g string she wears an a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j string.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 12, 2007, 08:55:03 AM
keith is so gay he isnt gay anymore.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Option D on December 12, 2007, 08:55:46 AM
hahahhaa, his mom is so fat she doesn't wear a g string she wears an a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j string.
never heard that joke...Damn funny
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 08:56:24 AM
Kieth is so fat that I told him we won the Super Bowl, So he walked outside with a spoon.  :-\
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 08:56:52 AM
never heard that joke...Damn funny

hahahahhaa, her teeth are so fuccked up that her bite mark looks like the Batman logo.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 08:58:22 AM
Kieth is so fat that I told him we won the Super Bowl, So he walked outside with a spoon.  :-\
hahahahhaa, his tits were so big as a baby that he fed himself.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 12, 2007, 08:59:21 AM
keith is so poor when i pulled on his doorbell i heard the toilet flush.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 09:01:07 AM
hahaha, Keith is so fat that he walked into the Gap and he filled it.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 09:01:14 AM
hahahahhaa, his tits were so big as a baby that he fed himself.

Kieth's teeth are so crooked...... he was the head model for the original Jack 'O Lantern
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 09:02:37 AM

Kieth's teeth are so crooked...... he was the head model for the original Jack 'O Lantern
hahahahahhahaa, he's so fat that his high school photograph was taken from the air.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on December 12, 2007, 09:05:49 AM
never heard that joke...Damn funny

Squad usually just repeats things people have said to him. 
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 09:06:15 AM
hahahhaa, he's so fat he sweats mayonnaise.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 12, 2007, 09:06:22 AM
haha when keith sees this thread he thinks everyone is cool with him again hahaha.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 09:08:41 AM
hahahhaa, he's so fat he sweats mayonnaise.

   When I looked at Kieth's teeth in that pic............ I didn't know whether to smile or to kick a field goal.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 09:10:20 AM

   When I looked at Kieth's teeth in that pic............ I didn't know whether to smile or to kick a field goal.
hahahhaa, missing so many teeth it looks like his tongue is in jail.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 09:11:10 AM
hahahhaa, missing so many teeth it looks like his tongue is in jail.
hahahahahahah! his teeth are so gapped.... he can eat an apple through a picket fence.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 12, 2007, 09:12:22 AM
hahahahahahah! his teeth are so gapped.... he can eat an apple through a picket fence.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Kwon on December 12, 2007, 09:17:52 AM
Happy Birthday Keith!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 09:19:01 AM
Happy Birthday Keith!
Yes Happy B-day........ don't eat all the cake you fucking slob.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 12, 2007, 09:36:45 AM
welcome back big guy!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on December 12, 2007, 09:40:54 AM
Happy B Day Keith don't let certain assholes get in the way of you :)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Special Ed on December 12, 2007, 09:47:16 AM

it appears u guys were buds last year...what happened?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: TooPowerful4u on December 12, 2007, 09:48:48 AM

it appears u guys were buds last year...what happened?

they got in a serious bar room brawl over the last pork chop
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on December 12, 2007, 09:49:01 AM

it appears u guys were buds last year...what happened?

Awesome, I wanted to ask the very same question.... Reading the thread from the start I was amazed and thought they made up so to speak, until I realized that the thread must be old.

yeah Squat what happened man?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: TooPowerful4u on December 12, 2007, 09:53:15 AM

yeah Squat what happened man?

get his name right, its S Q U A D.  Only squatting he does is about 4-5x per day due to his extremely large hamburger and fries intake with some hag-n-das on top
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Stark on December 12, 2007, 09:56:19 AM
get his name right, its S Q U A D.  Only squatting he does is about 4-5x per day due to his extremely large hamburger and fries intake with some hag-n-das on top

thank you new jack ::)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Max_Rep on December 12, 2007, 10:01:10 AM
Welcome back Keith. Get well and get back in shape.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: incognegro on December 12, 2007, 10:11:17 AM
He works out!!!
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: YoungBlood on December 12, 2007, 04:27:39 PM
with some hag-n-das on top

The appropriate spelling is Haagan-Das, though one of the A's has the sideways colon>>> : <<<< thing over it.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: str8-T on December 12, 2007, 04:33:47 PM
Thought I would post what I put on the other thread.

wow!  Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  This was a doozy.  It was probably the worse episode in 8 years just because of how long it lasted.  I trained on Monday the 11th and felt great.  Told myself on Tuesday I am just doing cardio.  That night I got a really high fever (102) and was shivering the whole night.  Didn't sleep a wink.  In the morning I felt better (not shivering) but still had a fever and was very sore.  My leg was already very red and was so hot I had to lay in bed with it hanging off the side.  It wasn't that different than most other episodes except it was the first this bad in about a year.

It usually goes away in about 4 or 5 days.  But when after a week it was worse (redder, bigger) I decided to go to the emergency (12-18).  I had my daughter take me.  I was there for about 4 hours.  They dopplered my leg, and did a couple x-rays and gave me Erythromycin(?) an antibiotic through an IV then sent me home.  Well the next morning I woke up and was covered head to toe with hives and was red everywhere.  I couldn't get ahold of my daughter, so I decided to drive myself back to the hospital.  I live in Kona and the hospital I went to was in Waimea which is about an hour drive.  The drive was hell and it hurt so bad that I was going to crash my car (easy) just so an ambulance could take me the rest of the way.  It was shitty.

Finally I got there and some of the people who were there when I was there the day before was still there.  SO they got me in immediately after showing them what happened.  I spent about 5 hours in ER until they finally checked me into the hospital.  There was a guy who came into the ER who wassurfing and got faceplanted onto the lava rock.  This guy you couldn't even see his face.  It was covered in blood and his whole front was just ripped open.  It was definitely the most blood I ever saw.

So then I got checked in and everything.  They put me on antibiotics for 9 hours a day.  I always have veins in my hands even at this weight but because of the hives and the bloating from the reaction they couldn't find any to put in the IV and take blood.  They poked my 9 times before giving up.  So they ended up cutting the inside of my upper arm and then putting a catheter(?) inside the hole up into my heart to give me my drugs and take blood.  Two little ports were hanging from my arm so they could do this easy.

The put me on a low calorie and low fluid diet.  I was restrcited to just 1200 cc of fluid per day and 1200 calories.  In addition, I went on Lasix through the IV.  I pissed so much everyday.  The only good part about all that was I lost 42 pounds in 11 days.  YES 42 pounds.  Mostly water but still it is gone.

So, it took about 7 days for the hives and redness to go away.  It really made it the worst.  My leg peeled away allot of skin.  Just like a really bad sunburn would do.   So I was scheduled to get released on Thursday, but that morning I got "gout" in my right ankle.  It hurt so bad I could not sleep at all or move my leg.  Because of the rapid water loss and other crap the doctor said that gout was something that could develop.  So it did.  If you know anyone who has had it then ask them how much it hurts.  Unreal!

SO now I had to go on gout medicine and spend an extra 3 days in the hospital.  I wanted to go home today.  I still have the gout a little but it should be gone by monday.  Myleg is still huge but no infection which is the most important.  My leg should be back to normal in about a week.

The biggest thing that happend to me is to find out exactly how shitty it is to be overwieght and out of shape.  I spent 40 years being in excellent to very good shape.  These last 5 or 6 years has been a fucking nightmare.  I am fucking committed to getting back into shape now.  It took this hospital stay to open my eyes.  I can't see myself being so immobile for the rest of my life.  I have never had medical problems like this until the bite and gaining the weight. 

I have pics of the leg in the hospital.  They are on my phone butI can't see from the website how to get them.  I have the new EnV phone with Verizon.  If you know how to get pics of this phone and service tell me and I will post them.  I saw the measurements Stunt put up.  Way off.

Bad Leg: calf 32" thigh 45"  Good Leg: calf 20.5"  thigh 31"

I want to thank everyone again for the nice stuff said.  Getbig is a fun place for me to come and I missed it.  I know allot of you kind of look up to me because of my past, but in reality I ain't shit no more.  I still have some strength but I am definitely not something to look at anymore.  But, I will tell you that 2007 is the year I make my comeback and I will get back to be something to look at.  I feel and look like shit now but it is only temporary.  It took this hospital trip to get it through my head but it really did do something.  I liked it when I looked good and was healthy. Thanks again everyone.  Even you Vince and Sean.

that sucks what happened to you..I hope your feeling better...get well...get back in the gym..and reach your goal...good luck to you
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Master Blaster on December 12, 2007, 04:43:23 PM
get his name right, its S Q U A D.  Only squatting he does is about 4-5x per day due to his extremely large hamburger and fries intake with some hag-n-das on top

wow, that's brutal.  ::)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Master on December 12, 2007, 05:02:46 PM
Thought I would post what I put on the other thread.

wow!  Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  This was a doozy.  It was probably the worse episode in 8 years just because of how long it lasted.  I trained on Monday the 11th and felt great.  Told myself on Tuesday I am just doing cardio.  That night I got a really high fever (102) and was shivering the whole night.  Didn't sleep a wink.  In the morning I felt better (not shivering) but still had a fever and was very sore.  My leg was already very red and was so hot I had to lay in bed with it hanging off the side.  It wasn't that different than most other episodes except it was the first this bad in about a year.

It usually goes away in about 4 or 5 days.  But when after a week it was worse (redder, bigger) I decided to go to the emergency (12-18).  I had my daughter take me.  I was there for about 4 hours.  They dopplered my leg, and did a couple x-rays and gave me Erythromycin(?) an antibiotic through an IV then sent me home.  Well the next morning I woke up and was covered head to toe with hives and was red everywhere.  I couldn't get ahold of my daughter, so I decided to drive myself back to the hospital.  I live in Kona and the hospital I went to was in Waimea which is about an hour drive.  The drive was hell and it hurt so bad that I was going to crash my car (easy) just so an ambulance could take me the rest of the way.  It was shitty.

Finally I got there and some of the people who were there when I was there the day before was still there.  SO they got me in immediately after showing them what happened.  I spent about 5 hours in ER until they finally checked me into the hospital.  There was a guy who came into the ER who wassurfing and got faceplanted onto the lava rock.  This guy you couldn't even see his face.  It was covered in blood and his whole front was just ripped open.  It was definitely the most blood I ever saw.

So then I got checked in and everything.  They put me on antibiotics for 9 hours a day.  I always have veins in my hands even at this weight but because of the hives and the bloating from the reaction they couldn't find any to put in the IV and take blood.  They poked my 9 times before giving up.  So they ended up cutting the inside of my upper arm and then putting a catheter(?) inside the hole up into my heart to give me my drugs and take blood.  Two little ports were hanging from my arm so they could do this easy.

The put me on a low calorie and low fluid diet.  I was restrcited to just 1200 cc of fluid per day and 1200 calories.  In addition, I went on Lasix through the IV.  I pissed so much everyday.  The only good part about all that was I lost 42 pounds in 11 days.  YES 42 pounds.  Mostly water but still it is gone.

So, it took about 7 days for the hives and redness to go away.  It really made it the worst.  My leg peeled away allot of skin.  Just like a really bad sunburn would do.   So I was scheduled to get released on Thursday, but that morning I got "gout" in my right ankle.  It hurt so bad I could not sleep at all or move my leg.  Because of the rapid water loss and other crap the doctor said that gout was something that could develop.  So it did.  If you know anyone who has had it then ask them how much it hurts.  Unreal!

SO now I had to go on gout medicine and spend an extra 3 days in the hospital.  I wanted to go home today.  I still have the gout a little but it should be gone by monday.  Myleg is still huge but no infection which is the most important.  My leg should be back to normal in about a week.

The biggest thing that happend to me is to find out exactly how shitty it is to be overwieght and out of shape.  I spent 40 years being in excellent to very good shape.  These last 5 or 6 years has been a fucking nightmare.  I am fucking committed to getting back into shape now.  It took this hospital stay to open my eyes.  I can't see myself being so immobile for the rest of my life.  I have never had medical problems like this until the bite and gaining the weight. 

I have pics of the leg in the hospital.  They are on my phone butI can't see from the website how to get them.  I have the new EnV phone with Verizon.  If you know how to get pics of this phone and service tell me and I will post them.  I saw the measurements Stunt put up.  Way off.

Bad Leg: calf 32" thigh 45"  Good Leg: calf 20.5"  thigh 31"

I want to thank everyone again for the nice stuff said.  Getbig is a fun place for me to come and I missed it.  I know allot of you kind of look up to me because of my past, but in reality I ain't shit no more.  I still have some strength but I am definitely not something to look at anymore.  But, I will tell you that 2007 is the year I make my comeback and I will get back to be something to look at.  I feel and look like shit now but it is only temporary.  It took this hospital trip to get it through my head but it really did do something.  I liked it when I looked good and was healthy. Thanks again everyone.  Even you Vince and Sean.

Yes, we see how well your commitment worked out. YOu are fatter than ever. Great way of keeping your commitments.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: GigantorX on December 12, 2007, 05:20:32 PM
Yes, we see how well your commitment worked out. YOu are fatter than ever. Great way of keeping your commitments.

Jesus, that was brutally epic.  :o  Hey, at least you aren't mincing words like some of these other clowns. Keep it up and maybe onlyme will start cutting himself or something...
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SS on December 12, 2007, 07:12:55 PM
Yes, we see how well your commitment worked out. YOu are fatter than ever. Great way of keeping your commitments.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: LatsMcGee on December 13, 2007, 04:06:56 AM
Jesus, that was brutally epic.  :o  Hey, at least you aren't mincing words like some of these other clowns. Keep it up and maybe onlyme will start cutting himself or something...

They don't make white belts that big brother.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Tombo on December 13, 2007, 04:58:48 AM
good thread
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 13, 2007, 06:29:07 AM
Maybe Keef has broken into TV ?

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 13, 2007, 08:39:02 AM

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 13, 2007, 08:40:21 AM
Maybe Keef has broken into TV ?

impossible, that guy is at least 350 pounds lighter than Keith.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 13, 2007, 08:41:38 AM
that girl behind keith is his girlfriend.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 13, 2007, 08:43:27 AM
that girl behind keith is his girlfriend.
impossible, Keith is gay.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on December 13, 2007, 08:44:48 AM
i didnt knew that man.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: natural al on December 13, 2007, 08:49:30 AM
i didnt knew that man.
is there a problem "mars"
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 13, 2007, 09:45:44 AM
impossible, that guy is at least 350 pounds lighter than Keith.

haha, maybe Keef ate that guy for a snack?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: djohnsen on December 13, 2007, 02:21:32 PM
WOW, didn't know, Keith!
Hope you are doing fine now.

Now it's the time for you to
get in shape. It thought you
where moving to Vegas.
Still in Hawaii?

Good luck to ya!

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 13, 2007, 02:24:14 PM
WOW, didn't know, Keith!
Hope you are doing fine now.

Now it's the time for you to
get in shape. It thought you
where moving to Vegas.
Still in Hawaii?

Good luck to ya!


He wanted to, but there isn't a plane or ship that can move him from the islands to the mainland.  :-\
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: djohnsen on December 13, 2007, 03:08:26 PM
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Moosejay on December 13, 2007, 03:30:31 PM


Best to you, Keith.

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Pete Nice on December 13, 2007, 03:36:25 PM
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BFP on December 13, 2007, 04:41:49 PM

Gay buttlust for Shamu meltdown

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hedgehog on December 14, 2007, 12:17:37 AM
Yes, we see how well your commitment worked out. YOu are fatter than ever. Great way of keeping your commitments.

Is this true?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Spoony Luv on December 14, 2007, 12:39:58 AM
He is so fat that he needed to get his CDL class A just to get his weekly groceries to his house
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 14, 2007, 02:40:33 PM

Best to you, Keith.


Shut up noobie homo. Look how old this thread is. F'n moron.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gtbro1 on December 14, 2007, 02:43:28 PM
Shut up noobie ####. Look how old this thread is. F'n moron.

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 14, 2007, 02:44:45 PM

hahah, still enjoying my nuts on your chin, gtbro?  Like it or not, I'm not a coon.  8)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gtbro1 on December 14, 2007, 02:53:29 PM
hahah, still enjoying my nuts on your chin, gtbro?  Like it or not, I'm not a ####.  8)

   hahahaha  Ya know I just did a search on myspace to try and find the profile they  took that pic from and there is about a million "showstoppas" on there.  :)
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 14, 2007, 03:10:43 PM
   hahahaha  Ya know I just did a search on myspace to try and find the profile they  took that pic from and there is about a million "showstoppas" on there.  :)

Yes, but there is only one true SHOWSTOPPA !!!  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 14, 2007, 04:55:03 PM
He is so fat that he needed to get his CDL class A just to get his weekly groceries to his house
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: pumpster on December 14, 2007, 04:58:12 PM
U guys r brutal. Can we all jus get along?  :-[

Keith's living room.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Squadfather on December 14, 2007, 05:00:12 PM
U guys r brutal. Can we all jus get along?  :-[

Keith's living room.
;D Keith is so fat he was standing by himself on the street yesterday and a cop yelled over, "HEY, BREAK IT UP OVER THERE!!".
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BFP on December 14, 2007, 05:33:32 PM
;D Keith is so fat he was standing by himself on the street yesterday and a cop yelled over, "HEY, BREAK IT UP OVER THERE!!".

BAWAHAHAHAHA...are you suggesting that keith is so fat he doesnt have friends, only those unable to break his gravitational pull?

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 20, 2007, 08:31:06 AM
Keith is so fat that upon further research he IS one of the islands.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 20, 2007, 09:01:12 AM
Keith is it too early in Dec to ask you to pay me my $100 for our PDI bet?

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 20, 2007, 09:02:14 AM
Keith is it too early in Dec to ask you to pay me my $100 for our PDI bet?

The Beef

hahaha, there was a lot of shit being thrown around there for awhile, huh?
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 20, 2007, 09:17:04 AM
Yes a lot of shit, but I think Keith will pay up . . .

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 20, 2007, 09:39:42 AM
Yes a lot of shit, but I think Keith will pay up . . .

The Beef

Probably, as long as panhandling has been good this year.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 20, 2007, 08:33:33 PM
lol . . .

He's got a sweet pad in Hawaii and says he has some cash. The Beef thinks Th eBeef will get his C-note.

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 22, 2007, 01:29:10 AM
Keith, Keith, Keith . . . are you here?

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 23, 2007, 04:03:02 AM

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Deadpool on December 23, 2007, 06:37:53 AM
yeah I think the he's so fat he sweats mayonaise was the best.

keith thinks he looks more in shape than me.  I beg to differ.  Well, I will continue to train hard lest I get so big I am delusional like that.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BFP on December 23, 2007, 06:41:59 AM
yeah I think the he's so fat he sweats mayonaise was the best.

keith thinks he looks more in shape than me.  I beg to differ.  Well, I will continue to train hard lest I get so big I am delusional like that.

You must be absolutely disgusting if there is even a chance that Kieth thinks he is in better shape than you.

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Deadpool on December 23, 2007, 06:51:04 AM
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BFP on December 23, 2007, 06:57:44 AM

Wow.  Another example of heftyme's delusionality.  You are no where as close to being as sloppy as that sissy bitch.

Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 23, 2007, 04:33:54 PM
Keith, my hundred?

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 23, 2007, 06:14:32 PM

The Beef
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Spoony Luv on December 23, 2007, 07:53:48 PM
Yes a lot of shit, but I think Keith will pay up . . .

The Beef

Yes I wouldn't lose any Tom Tognetti stage 4 GHB induced sleep over it...OnlyMe is good for it..
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on December 23, 2007, 10:29:40 PM
Keith, my hundred?

The Beef

No problem, did I lose the bet yet and what was it.  To tell you the truth I forgot all about it.  But, if it was anything about the PDI not happening anymore you I think I should wait.  The powers to be has told me that if medically he can do something this year then he will.  If there is no NOC this year then I would say it was done.  but there are still the European shows taking place.  And if I owe you from a bet I don't have a problem Paypal you anytime.  but, tell me what the bet was for first.
Title: Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on December 25, 2007, 05:01:00 AM
Thanks Keith, it was PDI having 6 more shows by years end. To date ( since the bet ) they had two shows on top of the number thay had had when we bet . . . so  you do have until Jan 1st if you want.

You are a stand up guy.

The Beef