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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Purge_WTF on January 03, 2007, 05:20:56 PM

Title: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Purge_WTF on January 03, 2007, 05:20:56 PM (

  This quack makes Tim McVeigh look like Michael Moore.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 07, 2007, 01:59:06 AM
Sorry 240 this is what I was telling you about I couldnt find it earlier, this is some crazy shit. :'( ???
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 07, 2007, 02:31:30 PM
Am I the only one that finds this disturbing?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 07, 2007, 03:18:57 PM
Unfortunately there is a very good chance Pat is right with this one... Not because he's in tune with god ::) But I'm thinking based on shit I'll get mocked for, he's right.  It's all part of the plan and it seems like they're ready for this step.  Pat's tuned into these psycho plans like a lot of people and he's going for some attention grabbing when shit hits the fan, idiots will just go, oh Pat was right, this is Gods will.... ::)

This is coming...

Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 08, 2007, 04:00:35 AM
I dont understand, Berserker so we all just wait to die because America still wants to believe everything that comes out of the box in their living room?!  I think I will only comment on this post everyday to keep it up towards the top.  Everyone will have to keep looking at it everyday. :'( :-\ :( >:(  I believe that God speaks to people,but I think that I read where Alex Jones was talking about this in October.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: rockyfortune on January 08, 2007, 07:23:55 AM
he's got bitter beer face!
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: sandycoosworth on January 08, 2007, 07:49:30 PM
Unfortunately there is a very good chance Pat is right with this one... Not because he's in tune with god ::) But I'm thinking based on shit I'll get mocked for, he's right.  It's all part of the plan and it seems like they're ready for this step.  Pat's tuned into these psycho plans like a lot of people and he's going for some attention grabbing when shit hits the fan, idiots will just go, oh Pat was right, this is Gods will.... ::)

This is coming...


there was something very suspicious about that prediction and i got the same inkling you did ... especially considering how close the ties between washington and the evangelicals are.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 09, 2007, 06:58:50 AM
This sucks!!!!!
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 08:08:39 AM
there was something very suspicious about that prediction and i got the same inkling you did ... especially considering how close the ties between washington and the evangelicals are.
Yup :'(
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 09:25:02 AM
 ::)  I can see it now:  "evangelicals" are currently meeting with Bush to plan a large scale attack on American soil.  It will dwarf 911.  I'm shaking in my boots.   ::) 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: sandycoosworth on January 09, 2007, 10:31:32 AM
no, but if the oval office knows an attack is coming and they leak info so patty boy can predict it that creates alot of juice for the evangelicals
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 10:46:15 AM
no, but if the oval office knows an attack is coming and they leak info so patty boy can predict it that creates alot of juice for the evangelicals

Are you suggesting that Bush knows about an impending large scale attack on American soil and he leaked that information to Robertson? 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: sandycoosworth on January 09, 2007, 10:51:43 AM
that was the first thought that had gone through my mind when i saw him on TV

im not saying it will happen, just that i woudlnt be surprised if it did

after all the bible belt is a huge swing vote and the repubs have been losing ground with them

Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 10:52:14 AM
::)  I can see it now:  "evangelicals" are currently meeting with Bush to plan a large scale attack on American soil.  It will dwarf 911.  I'm shaking in my boots.   ::) 
That's not what I'm thinking... Yes the Evangelicals are being used, in more ways that one ( ) but your meltdown is not exactly what I envisioned.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 10:56:03 AM
that was the first thought that had gone through my mind when i saw him on TV

im not saying it will happen, just that i woudlnt be surprised if it did

after all the bible belt is a huge swing vote and the repubs have been losing ground with them

Pretty wild. 

Robertson and company don't have THAT much influence over Christian conservative voters.  Plus I don't see how this information could be secretly provided to "evangelicals" AND then influence them to vote for McCain or whomever comes out of the primary. 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: sandycoosworth on January 09, 2007, 11:03:35 AM
Pretty wild. 

Robertson and company don't have THAT much influence over Christian conservative voters.  Plus I don't see how this information could be secretly provided to "evangelicals" AND then influence them to vote for McCain or whomever comes out of the primary. 

er... have you researched the ties between the repub's and the xtians?

the entire campaign agaisnt bill clinton/sex scandal was designed to drive more of the xtian vote towards the repubs and it worked

recently the r's have lost alot of ground and they need to make it back if they have any prayer of a 2008 victory
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 11:06:14 AM
Beach, in 1898 someone high in a revolutionary political movement, a movement that had plans to bring about a world war in order to meet their goals couldn't keep his mouth shut and wrote a book about the coming events and intended outcomes. The book is a very rare very interesting telling of the future.  Here's a case where someone had the right connections and couldn't keep this mouth shut, he had to capitalize and showboat as a person able to glimpse the future... Pat isn't probably much different.  I don't know how he got this info, only that it wasn't through God and he's not the only person to be awaiting and tracking the people responsible for this.  It is coming, I know it is... It's in their storybook ;)  Believe what you want, I don't care, it'll be proven true or false soon enough and it won't matter either way then....
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 11:30:42 AM
er... have you researched the ties between the repub's and the xtians?

the entire campaign agaisnt bill clinton/sex scandal was designed to drive more of the xtian vote towards the repubs and it worked

recently the r's have lost alot of ground and they need to make it back if they have any prayer of a 2008 victory

I know that Christian conservatives by and large support the Republican party.  Not a secret. 

The entire campaign against Clinton was a complete waste of my tax dollars.  I was vehemently opposed to that entire fiasco.  That said, I think it was more of an extension of the Republican vendetta against Clinton from the day he took office, starting with Whitewater, rather than an attempt to appease Christian conservatives (although I'm sure it made many of them happy). 

It is true that the Republican party has lost ground with Christian conservatives, but I don't think they're in danger of losing those votes to Democrats, particularly if Hillary comes out of the primary.  Few things energize the base like a polarizing opposing candidate.  I'm sure there are plans in the works to shore up the base of both parties, but a large scale attack that will kill hundreds of thousands?  I don't see that happening.   
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 11:35:26 AM
Beach, in 1898 someone high in a revolutionary political movement, a movement that had plans to bring about a world war in order to meet their goals couldn't keep his mouth shut and wrote a book about the coming events and intended outcomes. The book is a very rare very interesting telling of the future.  Here's a case where someone had the right connections and couldn't keep this mouth shut, he had to capitalize and showboat as a person able to glimpse the future... Pat isn't probably much different.  I don't know how he got this info, only that it wasn't through God and he's not the only person to be awaiting and tracking the people responsible for this.  It is coming, I know it is... It's in their storybook ;)  Believe what you want, I don't care, it'll be proven true or false soon enough and it won't matter either way then....

I don't think an attack or disaster will prove Robertson had some kind of vision or that he had advance warning.  I don't doubt that some, including select Christian conservatives, may get advance notice of some policy initiatives.  What I DO doubt is that Bush would trust Robertson, who has already made some pretty bizarre comments over the past 15 years or so.  This is the same guy who said God told him to run for president.   :-\ 

I won't be surprised if we are attacked or if there is some large disaster, but there is nothing linking what could happen with Robertson's recent comments. 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 12:43:41 PM
I don't think an attack or disaster will prove Robertson had some kind of vision or that he had advance warning.  I don't doubt that some, including select Christian conservatives, may get advance notice of some policy initiatives.  What I DO doubt is that Bush would trust Robertson, who has already made some pretty bizarre comments over the past 15 years or so.  This is the same guy who said God told him to run for president.   :-\ 

I won't be surprised if we are attacked or if there is some large disaster, but there is nothing linking what could happen with Robertson's recent comments. 

That's not what I'm getting at either.  This just doesn't frame what I'm thinking quite correctly.  Look, Pat is Johnny come lately with this thinking anyway... I've been trying to pinpoint this exact thing for years now. He's trying to capitalize on this coming tragedy.  I don't know how he got this info, I can imagine a lot of ways but I can't imagine guys at the top/illuminati or whoever calling up pat and saying this is what we're going to do.  maybe he has some connections feeding him some info, he's got a lot of money to pay for it.  Or maybe he's done what many of us have and has a team of people researching this stuff so he can make his prophecies...   No I don't see what you're saying at all, I don't see him sitting down with Bush on this stuff.  The guy is a turd but he's right on this and you just go right on sticking your head in the sand when several major cities are hit hard soon.  This is coming and some men in our own government and other governments will have a hand in this.  They've literally put the writing on the wall...  It's a fact again, believe whatever you want, I don't care.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 12:48:18 PM
That's not what I'm getting at either.  This just doesn't frame what I'm thinking quite correctly.  Look, Pat is Johnny come lately with this thinking anyway... I've been trying to pinpoint this exact thing for years now. He's trying to capitalize on this coming tragedy.  I don't know how he got this info, I can imagine a lot of ways but I can't imagine guys at the top/illuminati or whoever calling up pat and saying this is what we're going to do.  maybe he has some connections feeding him some info, he's got a lot of money to pay for it.  Or maybe he's done what many of us have and has a team of people researching this stuff so he can make his prophecies...   No I don't see what you're saying at all, I don't see him sitting down with Bush on this stuff.  The guy is a turd but he's right on this and you just go right on sticking your head in the sand when several major cities are hit hard soon.  This is coming and some men in our own government and other governments will have a hand in this.  They've literally put the writing on the wall...  It's a fact again, believe whatever you want, I don't care.

Our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans? 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 01:21:14 PM
Our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans? 
No, evil men who have obtained positions in our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans...  There is a big difference. No I don't expect you to believe me, yes I expect you to mock me and on this stuff, I guess that's cool, I've come to expect it 100%.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 01:39:41 PM
No, evil men who have obtained positions in our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans...  There is a big difference. No I don't expect you to believe me, yes I expect you to mock me and on this stuff, I guess that's cool, I've come to expect it 100%.

I think I have the mocking out of my system, for the most part.   :)  I'm not opposed to all conspiracy theories (like this one), but I don't see how you connect the dots.  There are massive holes in how something like this could work.  For example, what's the motivation for an attack like this?  Second, if you believe "evil men who have obtained positions in our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans," then you almost have to be talking about career government workers (i.e., not political appointees).  Political appointees serve for several years at most.  I don't see how these revolving door workers could plan an attack that would likely be years in the making and involve members of different political parties.  What's the incentive?  There are also too many agencies involved.  People do not keep secrets.  That's for starters.   :)  I don't think you can put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.   
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 01:58:31 PM
I think I have the mocking out of my system, for the most part.   :)  I'm not opposed to all conspiracy theories (like this one), but I don't see how you connect the dots.  There are massive holes in how something like this could work.  For example, what's the motivation for an attack like this?  Second, if you believe "evil men who have obtained positions in our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans," then you almost have to be talking about career government workers (i.e., not political appointees).  Political appointees serve for several years at most.  I don't see how these revolving door workers could plan an attack that would likely be years in the making and involve members of different political parties.  What's the incentive?  There are also too many agencies involved.  People do not keep secrets.  That's for starters.   :)  I don't think you can put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.   
Exactly, I don't expect you to just take my word for it, on the same hand try to see the difficulty in filling in the holes for you to see what others see through years of research.  There's a thounsand things I could post to help make this case, that this is going to happen, that this is being planned, that this has been planned for a long long time.  Is it practical to sit here and post through all that?  No, not really.  The reality of this will completely destroy your vision of the world.  It really is a bit like taking the red pill and leaving the matrix.

The incentive is: From the many, One... That is the goal and it will happen. These pics I'm showing you are important ;)

This is not new, this is a very old goal.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: sandycoosworth on January 09, 2007, 03:43:12 PM
No, evil men who have obtained positions in our government will have a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans...  There is a big difference. No I don't expect you to believe me,

this is a big problem:

there is no difference between those evil men and government

those evil men are the government

they have always been the government

and they always will

because they are just men and believe it or not any of us would make the exact same decisions if we knew the bigger picture and were in the same situation.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 09, 2007, 04:13:44 PM
Beach not to be rude or ignorant but if this does happen and hundreds or millions of Americans dont make it to next year do you think your views or how you percieve what is going on will change?  I just dont understand after countless debates with Berserker,240 and anyone else who has chimed in that you could possibly still feel so strong about what you believe.  I think that I read a post of yours where you discredit the websites or info that these guys post.  Everyday more people are coming foward, more documentaries come out and all in all more people are realizing the truth.  I mean there has to be something that has caught your attention after countless posts, news stories etc.  The truth from me is this caught my eye because I read or listened to or watched supposed cters talk about this months ago.  I dont understand why you dont see that Berserker and 240 love this country and are trying to inform not create controversy or attention.  Somedays I wish that I never stumbled into this mess because the truth is fing stressful.   I have family and friends just like anyone else and I am concerned for their well being!!!!  Maybe Hawaii will be one of the lucky ones.?!  People the time to awaken is upon us.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 04:17:57 PM
this is a big problem:

there is no difference between those evil men and government

those evil men are the government

they have always been the government

and they always will

because they are just men and believe it or not any of us would make the exact same decisions if we knew the bigger picture and were in the same situation.
yea, but to hold out hope, to believe in the concept that is America, I can't blame "the government" I have to blame the men who corrupt the government to do evil things.  Not every member of the government is in on this stuff.  Many are stupidly manipulated and there are a few good guys although rare.  But even though the bulk of our gov is bad, I can't leave the fact that it's "bad people"  One problem I've noticed through the years is that good men have better things to do with their lives than enter politics and government which leaves the door wide open for evil bastards.  Plus the good men just usually lose out to evil bastards.  They don't go to the extremes to win positions or office that a bad guy with no morals will go to.  Government is easily infiltrated by evil.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 04:35:46 PM
Beach not to be rude or ignorant but if this does happen and hundreds or millions of Americans dont make it to next year do you think your views or how you percieve what is going on will change?  I just dont understand after countless debates with Berserker,240 and anyone else who has chimed in that you could possibly still feel so strong about what you believe.  I think that I read a post of yours where you discredit the websites or info that these guys post.  Everyday more people are coming foward, more documentaries come out and all in all more people are realizing the truth.  I mean there has to be something that has caught your attention after countless posts, news stories etc.  The truth from me is this caught my eye because I read or listened to or watched supposed cters talk about this months ago.  I dont understand why you dont see that Berserker and 240 love this country and are trying to inform not create controversy or attention.  Somedays I wish that I never stumbled into this mess because the truth is fing stressful.   I have family and friends just like anyone else and I am concerned for their well being!!!!  Maybe Hawaii will be one of the lucky ones.?!  People the time to awaken is upon us.

Well yes my world view will change if millions of Americans die at the hands of the American government.  In the meantime, am I going to worry about some ongoing conspiracy that is so secret I could never uncover it anyway?  No.  I have too many dates with my hammock left to worry about whether some secret government conspiracy will blow me to smithereens.   :) 

And yes I am one of those who don't believe that 911 nonsense.  I will discuss that issue when they find the missing planes and missing bodies.   :)  I absolutely cannot take that stuff seriously.  Most people I know do not.  It makes no sense whatsoever.  I don't debate it anymore.   
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 04:51:19 PM
Well yes my world view will change if millions of Americans die at the hands of the American government.  In the meantime, am I going to worry about some ongoing conspiracy that is so secret I could never uncover it anyway?  No.  I have too many dates with my hammock left to worry about whether some secret government conspiracy will blow me to smithereens.   :) 

And yes I am one of those who don't believe that 911 nonsense.  I will discuss that issue when they find the missing planes and missing bodies.   :)  I absolutely cannot take that stuff seriously.  Most people I know do not.  It makes no sense whatsoever.  I don't debate it anymore.   

They're not going to tell you who did it.  It will be attributed to Iran or something...  And again, I actually take offense to blaming the American Government.  I don't blame America for all the republican pedophiles in government, do you :-\ 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 09, 2007, 04:55:43 PM
I also said nothing about American gov. just dont want to see Millions of Americans die from anyone.  No one has claimed to no all the answers just trying to figure what in the hell is going on.!!!!  Thank you for the polite response.! :)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Dos Equis on January 09, 2007, 05:21:09 PM
They're not going to tell you who did it.  It will be attributed to Iran or something...  And again, I actually take offense to blaming the American Government.  I don't blame America for all the republican pedophiles in government, do you :-\ 

So whatever attack or disaster will happen you will blame certain members of the American Government, but you won't ever be able to prove it.  Sounds like a never-ending secret conspiracy.

Now that I think about it, it cannot be all that secret if we're talking about it on a public message board.  Someone already let the cat out of the bag.   :) 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 09, 2007, 05:23:53 PM
So whatever attack or disaster will happen you will blame certain members of the American Government, but you won't ever be able to prove it.  Sounds like a never-ending secret conspiracy.

Now that I think about it, it cannot be all that secret if we're talking about it on a public message board.  Someone already let the cat out of the bag.   :) 

LOL... Be able to prove it ??? That's probably not going to be on a lot of people's minds.  I'll be dead.  and no, it's not all that secret...  There are bit and pieces of it all over the net although I don't think I've read whole thing as I believe it in one place.  You know I guess it's not nearly as important that I believe this Beach, it's that there are people of power that believe this.

Title: Re: Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions.
Post by: luike101 on January 10, 2007, 09:30:16 AM
Anyone else care to comment?  Keep the thread alive,keep the thread alive,keep the thread alive