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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 02:34:59 AM

Title: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 02:34:59 AM
Watching bodybuilding sucks. I mean, let's face it, it's absolutely stupid.

Working out, or as you can say building your body, is a great sport.
there are several reasons for this.
First, you can do it nearly anywhere without very much special equipment. Some dumbells, barbells and you're set.
Second, you don't need friends or other people who annoy you. Ever tried to have a spontanious football or soccer match? Impossible!
But Boybuilding, you can do that with the greates person on the earth, the one you love the most: Yourself.
Third, in bodybuilding, you can never lose. You pound more weight all the time, grow bigger and bigger, and if you have a shitty day, there are no others who recognize it, so it was just a shitty day. A lost soccer match is a defeat, but in bodybuilding, you can always up the dosage!
Fourth, you can smartass all day with nutrition and you know every medical drug on the market.

So, bodybuilding is far suprior to every other sport ever invented by man.

But watching it?
If you watch a workout-DVD at home, the neighbors think you're into gay sadomasochistic porn because of all the grunting.
Your family wonders why you like watching other men sweating and cuffing. You yourself are sitting on the couch and down that weightgainer that has lots of sugar in it and dream "Yes, i want to be this big one day. Think i have to up the dosage a bit."

Going to conventions and seeing the shows is even worse. While watching other peole train hard may have a certain motivational aspect, watching oiled up men in thongs and women that have more testosterone than a British Dragon storehouse has no sense at all.
Plus, there are many other men that run around with gleamy eyes staring at backs and asses and chests and arms, having their very disturbed girlfriend at their sides (or not), constantly poking them whispering: "Look at this guys triceps!!" "Sick legs".  ::) ::)

Now the so called contests have actually nothing to do with sports. It's simply a beauty contest, and beauty lies in the eye of the viewer/judges.

Then buying and watching the magazines...
This is some fetish porn magazine or what?

I mean come one, where is the connection to bodybuilding in this??
Guys dressing up in all the costumes of gay phantasies, the cop, the fireman, the woodcutter, the construction worker.
All the titles read "HARDCORE!" "Manly as hell".

So, after having carefully revised these aspects, i come to the conclusion that building your body is a great thing, but following bodybuilding in shows and magazines is abslolutely pointlees if you're not gay.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 02:37:00 AM

Can I get an Amen?!
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 02:40:28 AM
Now get ready for the half dozen muscle worshippers who will meltdown before your eyes.........

Among the fan boys, who find NOTHING gay about it:



The shadow

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 02:46:32 AM
A lot of my friends who don't follow bodybuilding think I am gay because I have 100+ bodybuilding DVDs.  :-\  To be honest, I don't blame them, but I am as straight as a person can be on scales of sexual orientation, and I'm a very open person and liberal in the sense that I wouldn't hide private affairs of that nature.  But I can totally understand why some of my friends think I'm gay.  :-X

I guess being a connoisseur of cunnilingus doesn't redeem myself either. ;D

Well, I guess I can see why they would think you're gay.

At the same time, I know why you have's your way of earning. You're friends should have realized that fact by now.

I can honestly, I only own one bbing video, which is Pumping Iron. I may make it two, as I've been thinking about getting Milos' DVD.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 02:51:34 AM
By the way DK, we're not even getting into the boring aspect of bbing comp. I mean really, nothing exciting. Most of the time, the MC has to tell people to fucking applaud, cause they're so fucking bored.

There's no score board, no play by play. No TD's, no HR's, no dunks, et I supposed to get excited about some big assed 280lb dude hiking up his trunks?  :-\ Maybe if I was Bluto..............
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: TheAnimal on January 11, 2007, 02:53:31 AM
By the way DK, we're not even getting into the boring aspect of bbing comp. I mean really, nothing exciting. Most of the time, the MC has to tell people to fucking applaud, cause they're so fucking bored.

There's no score board, no play by play. No TD's, no HR's, no dunks, et I supposed to get excited about some big assed 280lb dude hiking up his trunks?  :-\ Maybe if I was Bluto..............
haha Bluto defends jews, gays(people who choose to be perverted), derek anthony, pussy trainers and himself lol!
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 02:54:56 AM
By the way DK, we're not even getting into the boring aspect of bbing comp. I mean really, nothing exciting. Most of the time, the MC has to tell people to fucking applaud, cause they're so fucking bored.

There's no score board, no play by play. No TD's, no HR's, no dunks, et I supposed to get excited about some big assed 280lb dude hiking up his trunks?  :-\ Maybe if I was Bluto..............

Yes, that's another aspect why it can't be considered a sport.

In beauty contests, the girls have to say a few words to show they are not dumb.  ::) And to make the contest funnier and a little smarter.
In bodybuilding, this would be impossible. Can you imagine Jay Cutler doing a short speech about politics or telling a joke? Impossible.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 02:57:52 AM
The other thing is, I recognize male beauty and am not shy to point it out, e.g., to say that Milos was an attractive man during his prime.  In truth, and ironically, it is actually my love and lust for women that does that though - for example to be keenly aware of the type of things women are attracted to in men, physique wise and otherwise.  I admire Milos' and his physicality insofar as I wish it was mine (so I could get as many babes as he could  ;D).  People who are both intelligent and open minded will realize that as gay as all that sounds, that I'm being sincere when I say I'm straight and my explanation above.  Those who would think I'm gay either don't know me very well or either immature of unintelligent (or a combination).


I hear ya.

I wouldn't looking like, the pussy I'd land......... ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 03:03:06 AM

In bodybuilding, this would be impossible. Can you imagine Jay Cutler doing a short speech about politics or telling a joke? Impossible.

No shit. I've known corpses with more charm and personality.......

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 11, 2007, 03:05:55 AM
No shit. I've known corpses with more charm and personality.......

At least Ronnie is half retarded so he's amusing to listen to.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 03:06:20 AM
The other thing is, I recognize male beauty and am not shy to point it out, e.g., to say that Milos was an attractive man during his prime.  In truth, and ironically, it is actually my love and lust for women that does that though - for example to be keenly aware of the type of things women are attracted to in men, physique wise and otherwise.  I admire Milos' and his physicality insofar as I wish it was mine (so I could get as many babes as he could  ;D).  People who are both intelligent and open minded will realize that as gay as all that sounds, that I'm being sincere when I say I'm straight and my explanation above.  Those who would think I'm gay either don't know me very well or either immature of unintelligent (or a combination).


Okay, admiring male beauty has nothing to do with being gay. If you see ancient greek statues, you have to admit they look great.
In building your body and working out, you are already admiring male beauty and trying to achieve this yourself.

But worshipping bodybuilders, going to contests, and all this is pointless in my opinion. Also all that bragging who looks better.

"Hulkster, i'm calling for a thruth..." is a perfect example of 820 pages of gayness. Two guys fighting whose wanking model looks greater.  ;D
This has nothing to do with sports, like who is faster or stronger like it would be with Track&Field or powerlifting, this is only about looks.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 03:07:44 AM
At least Ronnie is half retarded so he's amusing to listen to.

Yes, i agree. Watching bodybuilding to make fun of those retards is okay i guess.

This IS an entertaining factor we have in professional bodybuilding. Hell, i almost peed my pants when Kamali melted down on getbig.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 03:12:41 AM
Could you guys imagine if bbing was a legitimate sport and covered by ESPN and such.........what would the analysts discuss?

Trunk colors....... :-\

Just who will have the gayest routine, Rodney St. Cloud, or "cowboy" Frank Roberson...... :-\

Jim: Just how high do you think the 8-time Mr. Olympia will hyke up his trunks tonite, Scott?

Scott: Well Jim, I think he could go-all-the-wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Jim: Let's talk Kamali.......

Scott: Sure. I don't know why, as he's not even gonna place top ten, but sure.

Jim: Do you think he will hit "the pose of cancer"?

Scott: Absolutely! I also heard a rumor that he (kamali) will be looking to shut up all the internet geeks, with their pens and pencils....

Jim: WTF?

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 03:14:53 AM
At least Ronnie is half retarded so he's amusing to listen to.


He really is fun to listen to.

You could have 5 people listen to a Ronnie sound clip, and ask the same five folks to tell you what Ronnie said, and you'd get 5 different answers......

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 03:16:40 AM

"Hulkster, i'm calling for a thruth..." is a perfect example of 820 pages of gayness. Two guys fighting whose wanking model looks greater.  ;D
This has nothing to do with sports, like who is faster or stronger like it would be with Track&Field or powerlifting, this is only about looks.

Are you saying that Hulkster loves he-self sum black meat, while ND prefers it pale?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: TheAnimal on January 11, 2007, 03:18:14 AM
hahaha all this negativity/gay shit on here is starting to make me lose interest in bodybuilding   :'(
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 11, 2007, 03:22:27 AM
hahaha all this negativity/gay shit on here is starting to make me lose interest in bodybuilding   :'(

It makes you question your sexual orientation and why you have been arguing about which guys looked better almost nude in the last Olympia on this site. ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: chainsaw on January 11, 2007, 03:22:46 AM
Watching bodybuilding sucks. I mean, let's face it, it's absolutely stupid.

Working out, or as you can say building your body, is a great sport.
there are several reasons for this.
First, you can do it nearly anywhere without very much special equipment. Some dumbells, barbells and you're set.
Second, you don't need friends or other people who annoy you. Ever tried to have a spontanious football or soccer match? Impossible!
But Boybuilding, you can do that with the greates person on the earth, the one you love the most: Yourself.
Third, in bodybuilding, you can never lose. You pound more weight all the time, grow bigger and bigger, and if you have a shitty day, there are no others who recognize it, so it was just a shitty day. A lost soccer match is a defeat, but in bodybuilding, you can always up the dosage!
Fourth, you can smartass all day with nutrition and you know every medical drug on the market.

So, bodybuilding is far suprior to every other sport ever invented by man.

This part brought tears to my eyes.. Iam actually a huge weeping bodybuilder inside now that really knows why I'm in that gym 2x a day.  For me.  This Poem should be indoctrinated on the get big Hall of Fame.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 11, 2007, 03:23:37 AM

Are you saying that Hulkster loves he-self sum black meat, while ND prefers it pale?

Let's not make it a racial thing it's purely a homosexual thing between Hulkster and ND ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 11, 2007, 03:24:38 AM
It makes you question your sexual orientation and why you have been arguing about which guys looked better almost nude in the last Olympia on this site. ;D



But seriously, I love bbing.......the training, the eating, the lifestyle itself.

I just find it amusing when delusional, aging, 5th tier, wig wearing pros call themselves "athletes"......... ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: chainsaw on January 11, 2007, 03:25:02 AM
Watching bodybuilding sucks. I mean, let's face it, it's absolutely stupid.

Working out, or as you can say building your body, is a great sport.
there are several reasons for this.
First, you can do it nearly anywhere without very much special equipment. Some dumbells, barbells and you're set.
Second, you don't need friends or other people who annoy you. Ever tried to have a spontanious football or soccer match? Impossible!
But Boybuilding, you can do that with the greates person on the earth, the one you love the most: Yourself.
Third, in bodybuilding, you can never lose. You pound more weight all the time, grow bigger and bigger, and if you have a shitty day, there are no others who recognize it, so it was just a shitty day. A lost soccer match is a defeat, but in bodybuilding, you can always up the dosage!
Fourth, you can smartass all day with nutrition and you know every medical drug on the market.

So, bodybuilding is far suprior to every other sport ever invented by man.

This part brought tears to my eyes it is so true.  I have meaning now in the gym.  I can now tell people why I'm so hardcore.  Thanks donkey.  This should be in the getbig hall of fame.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: TheAnimal on January 11, 2007, 03:25:15 AM
It makes you question your sexual orientation and why you have been arguing about which guys looked better almost nude in the last Olympia on this site. ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 11, 2007, 03:27:14 AM


But seriously, I love bbing.......the training, the eating, the lifestyle itself.

I just find it amusing when delusional, aging, 5th tier, wig wearing pros call themselves "athletes"......... ;D

Well what draws all straight males to BBing is the fact we have share the common interest of using our bodies as art and trying to sculpt something admirable out of it by choosing a lifestyle and not a hobbie.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 03:35:49 AM

This part brought tears to my eyes.. Iam actually a huge weeping bodybuilder inside now that really knows why I'm in that gym 2x a day.  For me.  This Poem should be indoctrinated on the get big Hall of Fame.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.  ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: rccs on January 11, 2007, 04:20:02 AM
Donkey, I read your post and I agree in general. But why are people so fascinated about bbing, those who love it and those who hate it? Not one can turn down the eyes to a bber, everyone wants to see the guy. Todays athlets from other sports, are actually trying to look as muscular as they can. We can find some exampls in  PL, where a few years ago almost all athletes were fat as hell, but today you can already see lots of good Plers looking fairly fit. See also the example of WSM, some athletes are now getting more muscular, they actually have some bbing inside, continuing to other sports, Rugby or American Footbal, lots of athlets look like fairly good bbers and yet mantaining their functionality. I think that inside each person is a bber, everyone wants to have a great physique, although some may not agree with this, I would tell that it is a lie. If you consider doing "serious" bbing, it is a very hard style of life, harder than most sports, and I do consider bbing training as a sport, as far as bbing competitions is concerned, I agree with you when you say they are boring (at leat most of them). Probably they should implement another feature in bbing competitions: Why not create a strength movement to prove the funcionality of those good looking muscles, of course this would be a very complex measure to implement, but it would definetly be worthfull of trying. Create categories, muscles is all about strength, movement etc. Bbing could be a very complete sport and much more interesting and more competitive. But this an idea that needs much discussion and reasonable thoughts. Waht do you think?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 04:29:55 AM
Donkey, I read your post and I agree in general. But why are people so fascinated about bbing, those who love it and those who hate it? Not one can turn down the eyes to a bber, everyone wants to see the guy. Todays athlets from other sports, are actually trying to look as muscular as they can. We can find some exampls in  PL, where a few years ago almost all athletes were fat as hell, but today you can already see lots of good Plers looking fairly fit. See also the example of WSM, some athletes are now getting more muscular, they actually have some bbing inside, continuing to other sports, Rugby or American Footbal, lots of athlets look like fairly good bbers and yet mantaining their functionality. I think that inside each person is a bber, everyone wants to have a great physique, although some may not agree with this, I would tell that it is a lie. If you consider doing "serious" bbing, it is a very hard style of life, harder than most sports, and I do consider bbing training as a sport, as far as bbing competitions is concerned, I agree with you when you say they are boring (at leat most of them). Probably they should implement another feature in bbing competitions: Why not create a strength movement to prove the funcionality of those good looking muscles, of course this would be a very complex measure to implement, but it would definetly be worthfull of trying. Create categories, muscles is all about strength, movement etc. Bbing could be a very complete sport and much more interesting and more competitive. But this an idea that needs much discussion and reasonable thoughts. Waht do you think?

You are talking about building your body, which i said is a great thing. Athlete physiques are nice to look at, greek statues prove the point.

Now as you come to the competitions and the functionality of muscles, there we have another point why watching bodybuilding sucks.
These guys are not athletes. Have you ever seen Jay Cutler huffing and puffing because he has to walk a few meters? Ronnie cannot run, he cannot play ball, he can only lie on his couch or do simple movements like benchpressing and squatting. There is NO sport in this.  Not a tiny bit.

What you are talking about is the old idea of the olympic games. Having beautiful people show off their skills. everyone was an allround talent.
Markus Ruehl would lose a decathlon to a 13 year old girl, that's how athletic he is.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: GoneAway on January 11, 2007, 04:32:13 AM
I personally can't agree or disagree as to whether an entire competition sucks, since I've never seen one myself, but I can say the posing routines are a great part. I rarely get bored watching someone like Darrem, Markus, Ronnie or Melvin pose. I think the idea of having the scorecards on a big screen as they finish each round would be a good idea.

Why not create a strength movement to prove the funcionality of those good looking muscles, of course this would be a very complex measure to implement, but it would definetly be worthfull of trying. Create categories, muscles is all about strength, movement etc. Bbing could be a very complete sport and much more interesting and more competitive. But this an idea that needs much discussion and reasonable thoughts. Waht do you think?

This was done about 90 years ago. Read up on Eugene Sandow and the first BBing shows ever and you'll see some of it.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: rccs on January 11, 2007, 04:47:44 AM
You are talking about building your body, which i said is a great thing. Athlete physiques are nice to look at, greek statues prove the point.

Now as you come to the competitions and the functionality of muscles, there we have another point why watching bodybuilding sucks.
These guys are not athletes. Have you ever seen Jay Cutler huffing and puffing because he has to walk a few meters? Ronnie cannot run, he cannot play ball, he can only lie on his couch or do simple movements like benchpressing and squatting. There is NO sport in this.  Not a tiny bit.

What you are talking about is the old idea of the olympic games. Having beautiful people show off their skills. everyone was an allround talent.
Markus Ruehl would lose a decathlon to a 13 year old girl, that's how athletic he is.
Yes, you are right about that. I told several times here on get big that Mariusz should be analyzed more carefully, he is a good example of very good condition and also tremendous functionality. He can run, swim, lift enormous weights and still look like a bber. I saw him training kick boxing in a vid and he is also agile. Well, what I want to say is that if an entire new federation were created, concerning aesthetics and functionality, that would be the supreme sport. I think that WSM, MMA are the most complete sports ever, but they do not regard aesthetics as a competitive issue. The world is made of innovations, why not creat a Fed that could produce the supreme sport? Like I said before, I am no genious but if somehow bbing and some WSM features could be combined, we would definetly reach the "core" of this concept that is "muscles and funcionality", big muscles "means" more strength and movement capability. We have other competitions for small guys, decathlon etc, etc. Why not creat the ultimate competition, the way Grimmeck used to do "here are my big muscles and here is what I can lift and so"...
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 11, 2007, 05:03:32 AM
they should have a talent round in these you know, like the circus does ;D. it would make it more entertaining
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: columbusdude82 on January 11, 2007, 05:08:25 AM
A lot of my friends who don't follow bodybuilding think I am gay because I have 100+ bodybuilding DVDs.  :-\  To be honest, I don't blame them, but I am as straight as a person can be on scales of sexual orientation, and I'm a very open person and liberal in the sense that I wouldn't hide private affairs of that nature.  But I can totally understand why some of my friends think I'm gay.  :-X

I guess being a connoisseur of cunnilingus doesn't redeem myself either. ;D

Maybe they think you're gay because they went through some of your bodybuilding mags and found that all pages with Animalpak ads were stuck together ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Palpatine Q on January 11, 2007, 05:21:57 AM
No matter how you slice it BBing is highly gay.

As I said in another thread,  Besides a BBing show, there is only one other place on earth you will find men staring at oiled up, muscular men in thongs and that's a gay bar.

When I was younger I was so into it, I really didn't realize how homoish it was. As I got older and wiser It became more apparent.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 11, 2007, 06:02:55 AM
Watching bodybuilding sucks. I mean, let's face it, it's absolutely stupid.

Working out, or as you can say building your body, is a great sport.
there are several reasons for this.
First, you can do it nearly anywhere without very much special equipment. Some dumbells, barbells and you're set.
Second, you don't need friends or other people who annoy you. Ever tried to have a spontanious football or soccer match? Impossible!
But Boybuilding, you can do that with the greates person on the earth, the one you love the most: Yourself.
Third, in bodybuilding, you can never lose. You pound more weight all the time, grow bigger and bigger, and if you have a shitty day, there are no others who recognize it, so it was just a shitty day. A lost soccer match is a defeat, but in bodybuilding, you can always up the dosage!
Fourth, you can smartass all day with nutrition and you know every medical drug on the market.

So, bodybuilding is far suprior to every other sport ever invented by man.

But watching it?
If you watch a workout-DVD at home, the neighbors think you're into gay sadomasochistic porn because of all the grunting.
Your family wonders why you like watching other men sweating and cuffing. You yourself are sitting on the couch and down that weightgainer that has lots of sugar in it and dream "Yes, i want to be this big one day. Think i have to up the dosage a bit."

Going to conventions and seeing the shows is even worse. While watching other peole train hard may have a certain motivational aspect, watching oiled up men in thongs and women that have more testosterone than a British Dragon storehouse has no sense at all.
Plus, there are many other men that run around with gleamy eyes staring at backs and asses and chests and arms, having their very disturbed girlfriend at their sides (or not), constantly poking them whispering: "Look at this guys triceps!!" "Sick legs".  ::) ::)

Now the so called contests have actually nothing to do with sports. It's simply a beauty contest, and beauty lies in the eye of the viewer/judges.

Then buying and watching the magazines...
This is some fetish porn magazine or what?

I mean come one, where is the connection to bodybuilding in this??
Guys dressing up in all the costumes of gay phantasies, the cop, the fireman, the woodcutter, the construction worker.
All the titles read "HARDCORE!" "Manly as hell".

So, after having carefully revised these aspects, i come to the conclusion that building your body is a great thing, but following bodybuilding in shows and magazines is abslolutely pointlees if you're not gay.

i agree training is fun...shows are boring

shows are gay but training is a very heterosexual thing to do..(get pussy)
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 11, 2007, 06:14:07 AM
No matter how you slice it BBing is highly gay.

As I said in another thread,  Besides a BBing show, there is only one other place on earth you will find men staring at oiled up, muscular men in thongs and that's a gay bar.

When I was younger I was so into it, I really didn't realize how homoish it was. As I got older and wiser It became more apparent.
if bodybuilding is gay then why the hell are you posting on a bodybuilding  forum... ::)
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 11, 2007, 06:15:22 AM
if bodybuilding is gay then why the hell are you posting on a bodybuilding  forum... ::)

shadow would you fuck a dog?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 11, 2007, 06:18:30 AM

shadow would you f**k a dog?
shut up homo ::)
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Pollux on January 11, 2007, 06:19:28 AM
Watching bodybuilding sucks. I mean, let's face it, it's absolutely stupid.

Working out, or as you can say building your body, is a great sport.
there are several reasons for this.
First, you can do it nearly anywhere without very much special equipment. Some dumbells, barbells and you're set.
Second, you don't need friends or other people who annoy you. Ever tried to have a spontanious football or soccer match? Impossible!
But Boybuilding, you can do that with the greates person on the earth, the one you love the most: Yourself.
Third, in bodybuilding, you can never lose. You pound more weight all the time, grow bigger and bigger, and if you have a shitty day, there are no others who recognize it, so it was just a shitty day. A lost soccer match is a defeat, but in bodybuilding, you can always up the dosage!
Fourth, you can smartass all day with nutrition and you know every medical drug on the market.

So, bodybuilding is far suprior to every other sport ever invented by man.

But watching it?
If you watch a workout-DVD at home, the neighbors think you're into gay sadomasochistic porn because of all the grunting.
Your family wonders why you like watching other men sweating and cuffing. You yourself are sitting on the couch and down that weightgainer that has lots of sugar in it and dream "Yes, i want to be this big one day. Think i have to up the dosage a bit."

Going to conventions and seeing the shows is even worse. While watching other peole train hard may have a certain motivational aspect, watching oiled up men in thongs and women that have more testosterone than a British Dragon storehouse has no sense at all.
Plus, there are many other men that run around with gleamy eyes staring at backs and asses and chests and arms, having their very disturbed girlfriend at their sides (or not), constantly poking them whispering: "Look at this guys triceps!!" "Sick legs".  ::) ::)

Now the so called contests have actually nothing to do with sports. It's simply a beauty contest, and beauty lies in the eye of the viewer/judges.

Then buying and watching the magazines...
This is some fetish porn magazine or what?

I mean come one, where is the connection to bodybuilding in this??
Guys dressing up in all the costumes of gay phantasies, the cop, the fireman, the woodcutter, the construction worker.
All the titles read "HARDCORE!" "Manly as hell".

So, after having carefully revised these aspects, i come to the conclusion that building your body is a great thing, but following bodybuilding in shows and magazines is abslolutely pointlees if you're not gay.

You put a lot of thought into this, homie.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: The True Adonis on January 11, 2007, 06:19:51 AM
Watching 22 men chase a football around in tight and ill fitting spandex is gay too.

So is watching a baseball game full of men.

I hate manly men sports.  They are all beer, swilling morons who want to rub their bellies together and hug each other and high-five at nonsense as they get a boner when their favorite player makes a play.

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 11, 2007, 06:21:06 AM
heterosexual  bisexual  BUYsexual animalsexual gay lesbeeeeean  transsexual asexual

is that all the shit there is

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 11, 2007, 06:21:54 AM
Watching bodybuilding sucks. I mean, let's face it, it's absolutely stupid.

Working out, or as you can say building your body, is a great sport.
there are several reasons for this.
First, you can do it nearly anywhere without very much special equipment. Some dumbells, barbells and you're set.
Second, you don't need friends or other people who annoy you. Ever tried to have a spontanious football or soccer match? Impossible!
But Boybuilding, you can do that with the greates person on the earth, the one you love the most: Yourself.
Third, in bodybuilding, you can never lose. You pound more weight all the time, grow bigger and bigger, and if you have a shitty day, there are no others who recognize it, so it was just a shitty day. A lost soccer match is a defeat, but in bodybuilding, you can always up the dosage!
Fourth, you can smartass all day with nutrition and you know every medical drug on the market.

So, bodybuilding is far suprior to every other sport ever invented by man.

But watching it?
If you watch a workout-DVD at home, the neighbors think you're into gay sadomasochistic porn because of all the grunting.
Your family wonders why you like watching other men sweating and cuffing. You yourself are sitting on the couch and down that weightgainer that has lots of sugar in it and dream "Yes, i want to be this big one day. Think i have to up the dosage a bit."

Going to conventions and seeing the shows is even worse. While watching other peole train hard may have a certain motivational aspect, watching oiled up men in thongs and women that have more testosterone than a British Dragon storehouse has no sense at all.
Plus, there are many other men that run around with gleamy eyes staring at backs and asses and chests and arms, having their very disturbed girlfriend at their sides (or not), constantly poking them whispering: "Look at this guys triceps!!" "Sick legs".  ::) ::)

Now the so called contests have actually nothing to do with sports. It's simply a beauty contest, and beauty lies in the eye of the viewer/judges.

Then buying and watching the magazines...
This is some fetish porn magazine or what?

I mean come one, where is the connection to bodybuilding in this??
Guys dressing up in all the costumes of gay phantasies, the cop, the fireman, the woodcutter, the construction worker.
All the titles read "HARDCORE!" "Manly as hell".

So, after having carefully revised these aspects, i come to the conclusion that building your body is a great thing, but following bodybuilding in shows and magazines is abslolutely pointlees if you're not gay.
this is just one 'retarded white mans' opinion..
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 11, 2007, 06:22:19 AM
Watching 22 men chase a football around in tight and ill fitting spandex is gay too.

So is watching a baseball game full of men.

I hate manly men sports.  They are all beer, swilling morons who want to rub their bellies together and hug each other and high-five at nonsense as they get a boner when their favorite player makes a play.


true that
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: GoneAway on January 11, 2007, 06:24:09 AM
heterosexual  bisexual  BUYsexual animalsexual gay lesbeeeeean  transsexual asexual

is that all the shit there is

You missed one - Trysexual.

What is BUYsexual?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 11, 2007, 06:26:15 AM
You missed one - Trysexual.

What is BUYsexual?

buysexual is when you sell yourself for sex  ;D

wtf is it like when you cant get your cock up? or when vagina is full of concrete?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 11, 2007, 06:28:01 AM
ahahah if you all think bodybuilding is gay then why the hell everyday you all come here and talk about every bodybuilders body and bodybuilding competitions in general..damn the height of hypocrisy has reached a new level..
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 11, 2007, 06:33:18 AM
ahahah if you all think bodybuilding is gay then why the hell everyday you all come here and talk about every bodybuilders body and bodybuilding competitions in general..damn the height of hypocrisy has reached a new level..

go back to sniffing jays boxers
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: nycbull on January 11, 2007, 06:53:35 AM
The other thing is, I recognize male beauty and am not shy to point it out, e.g., to say that Milos was an attractive man during his prime.  In truth, and ironically, it is actually my love and lust for women that does that though - for example to be keenly aware of the type of things women are attracted to in men, physique wise and otherwise.  I admire Milos' and his physicality insofar as I wish it was mine (so I could get as many babes as he could  ;D).  People who are both intelligent and open minded will realize that as gay as all that sounds, that I'm being sincere when I say I'm straight and my explanation above.  Those who would think I'm gay either don't know me very well or either immature of unintelligent (or a combination).


true I am sure Milos has a lot of women. I dont see why he cant come on here and tell us some of his wild sex stories, threesomes, foursomes, drugged up sex orgy parties and so on. He cant deny that they go on. ANd I am sure he has frequented a few. So what do you say Milos how about a few stories for the poor guys on this board that can't get any, like shadow.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 11, 2007, 06:57:48 AM
donkey kong you must delete your account..your the biggest hypocrite on this come here on a bodybuilding message board, you talk about bodybuildng and in the end you say bodybuilding is 'gay' :-\.its douche fags like you who give bodybuilding a bad name..its ain't gay whatsoever. it does'nt mean that if one guy think its gay so its gay.hmm so your saying jay,ronnie,sergio,markus,ronnie,franco,albert beckles,brian tbuchanan,gustavo badell etc etc are gay???..damn your biggest retard of the highest order
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Tapeworm on January 11, 2007, 07:25:01 AM
Watching 22 men chase a football around in tight and ill fitting spandex is gay too.

So is watching a baseball game full of men.

I hate manly men sports.  They are all beer, swilling morons who want to rub their bellies together and hug each other and high-five at nonsense as they get a boner when their favorite player makes a play.

TA's still got a little steam built up from being bullied in school, I think.

Who made the great post a few days ago about the bb philosophy? - looking great on the outside while rotting on the inside.  That was right on.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 11:05:52 AM
yet some of you watched live bodybuilding show webcasts ON A SATURDAY NIGHT

monster denial?

or is it

monster lack of a social life?

either way you're fucked ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 11:43:28 AM
donkey kong you must delete your account..your the biggest hypocrite on this come here on a bodybuilding message board, you talk about bodybuildng and in the end you say bodybuilding is 'gay' :-\.its douche fags like you who give bodybuilding a bad name..its ain't gay whatsoever. it does'nt mean that if one guy think its gay so its gay.hmm so your saying jay,ronnie,sergio,markus,ronnie,franco,albert beckles,brian tbuchanan,gustavo badell etc etc are gay???..damn your biggest retard of the highest order

You didn't get it right?

If you observe my posts, i never post about bodybuilders, and if i do only to critisize or insult them or the ones who are posting about it.

I think you got offended by my post because you are the one staring at oily butts all day and who is as gay as a milos sarcev leg training day.

Professional bodybuilders aren't gay by my definiton because they are the ones who DO the sport, not watch it. Professional bodybuilders build their bodies because they love the sport, yet they pose and dress up for all those gay muscle worshipping guys like you are one, shadow.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Drij on January 11, 2007, 11:49:09 AM
This whole thread I agree with, this is exactly the reason why I quit buying bbing mags a few years ago.   
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 11, 2007, 11:52:13 AM
I'm sure all f aggots get turn on when they see their favorite football, basketball,hockey,baseball, soccer and whatever the fcuk you wanna call it. I'm sure some fags are turn on a lot by watching college wrestling. Whatever turn these fcuking f.ags on, every sport has something for them.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: OneBigMan on January 11, 2007, 12:17:38 PM
This whole thread I agree with, this is exactly the reason why I quit buying bbing mags a few years ago.   

I really like this topic to the point that I had to make my own comment. I don't see what was wrong with watching bodybuilding contests besides the absurd catering to "the sideways crowd" when the posing trunks  SHOULD nearly be the size of grannies panties.

A reason why I also quit buying the magazines is because I had too many and what's the point of subscribing to a few of them when the big names such as Lenda and Kim as well as the few who feuded with Shawn are not featured in them anymore. I'll admit that the PRE-FUTURE fitness firm swimsuit centerfolds in one or two or three specific magazines pushed the envelope with some seriously strong sexual content that made me mad that I could not gain much more private access to who I wanted to in my JUDGEment since that could have caused too much controversy and gossip :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: The.Giant on January 11, 2007, 12:25:09 PM
One of the truest threads ever.

I used to watch training videos and read the magazines and they'd get my psyched up and off to the gym i'd go. I love to lift, i'm a skinny guy, but whatever; i'm a hell of a lot bigger than i was a few years ago and untill i'm pysically unable to work out i'm going to continue to lift weights and play sports.

But these days i don't get psyched up reading these magazines. I was reading the book "Arnold and Me" by Barbara Outland last night and it was going over how Arnold used bodybuilding as a tool to get what he wanted out of life and that actually made me want to hit the gym more than any of these stupid magazines did. I don't want big muscles and low bodyfat so i can prance around on a stage so gay men cause stare at me, i want big muscles and low bodyfat so i can look great, get more pussy, and possibly make a few dollars. The last part is very minor since education will be contributing to my financial life a hell of a lot more than looking swole will.

The other downside to bodybuilding is the juvenile bickering. How many other sports do you hear the "athletes" telling the fans to go fuck themselves, posting death threats and fight challenges, and generally just being a complete tool. For every Freeman, Ruhl, or even Milos (he'll make fun of people, but he posts solid information and only burns people when they deserve it), you've got a Valentino, Kamali, or Titus. The bad cancels out the good.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: tommywishbone on January 11, 2007, 12:29:46 PM
Anybody who knows anything, knows there are 6-7 reasons to attend a BB show:

* Watch a friend compete
* Help a friend compete
* Look at the chicks & freaks in the lobby
* Be a vendor and sell your stuff
* Meet a new drug hook-up
* Find a guy who owes you money
* Get free stuff

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 12:30:18 PM
I'm sure all f aggots get turn on when they see their favorite football, basketball,hockey,baseball, soccer and whatever the fcuk you wanna call it. I'm sure some fags are turn on a lot by watching college wrestling. Whatever turn these fcuking f.ags on, every sport has something for them.

sure there are, but BB is mostly gay.

all the other things you mentioned actually have something sportive, competitive about them.

BB is a gay beauty contest.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 12:33:34 PM
Anybody who knows anything, knows there are 6-7 reasons to attend a BB show:

* Watch a friend compete
* Help a friend compete
* Look at the chicks & freaks in the lobby
* Be a vendor and sell your stuff
* Meet a new drug hook-up
* Find a guy who owes you money
* Get free stuff


Good stuff, but the last three are used as an excuse to go and watch nearly naked oiled up men by many i guess. 1, 2 and 4 are accepted!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 11, 2007, 12:48:19 PM
sure there are, but BB is mostly gay.

all the other things you mentioned actually have something sportive, competitive about them.

BB is a gay beauty contest.

I heard back in the days, Bodybuilding was considered to be an h. omosexuality obsession. I'm not saying every audience member who are assisting a BB show is gay, but we do know that the gay community do show up in those shows. Hard to tell who they are sometime ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 12:54:58 PM

 but we do know that the gay community do show up in those shows. Hard to tell who they are sometime ;D ;D

kind of like getbig

some of them you would never think are fags because they constantly say how gay bodybuilding is but it's actually just a way for them to convince themselves that they don't like penis

whatever helps you sleep better at night :-\

it's only gay if you want it to be gay

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 11, 2007, 12:59:18 PM
gay bashing or not, I bet those homos support half of bodybuilding
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 01:02:13 PM
kind of like getbig

some of them you would never think are fags because they constantly say how gay bodybuilding is but it's actually just a way for them to convince themselves that they don't like penis

whatever helps you sleep better at night :-\

it's only gay if you want it to be gay


monster wishful thinking

gay bashing or not, I bet those homos support half of bodybuilding

yes, like Earl, Bluto, the shadow or TA.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 01:03:58 PM
Do i need to say more...??  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 01:05:41 PM
monster wishful thinking

like I said whatever helps you sleep better at night ;)

if bodybuilding is gay than so is posting on a bodybuilding message board and actually knowing who the bodybuilders are

and its also gay if you watch a live bodybuilding show webcast on SATURDAY NIGHT

you know who you are ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 01:07:12 PM
Do i need to say more...??  ;D ;D

a real man doesn't need some overly macho dog with a bad reputation like a pitbull to look "manly"

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 01:12:23 PM
like I said whatever helps you sleep better at night ;)

if bodybuilding is gay than so is posting on a bodybuilding message board and actually knowing who the bodybuilders are

and its also gay if you watch a live bodybuilding show webcast on SATURDAY NIGHT

you know who you are ;)


haha, come on, you need to relax on this.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 01:15:40 PM
haha, come on, you need to relax on this.

which one of us typed out a novel like post on why bodybuilding is gay? ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 01:19:31 PM
which one of us typed out a novel like post on why bodybuilding is gay? ;)


The funny thing is, i was never bashing gays nor bodybuilding.

I was just stating that i feel that watching BB and doing BB are two different things and that i don't see the meaning in watching BB.
The additional thing was that the magazines and shows have a gay touch.

many others agreed on this in this thread. Then you came along flaming.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 01:28:59 PM
they all agreed by saying bodybuilding is gay ::)

yet they know the names, post thousands of times on a bodybuilding message board, and watch live webcasts on SATURDAY NIGHTS

it would make sense for a person that doesn't do any of that to say bodybuilding is gay

but when you have all of those qualitites and still say bodybuilding is gay, THAT MAKES YOU GAY

tell yourself otherwise if you really think it will help you sleep better at night ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Old_Rooster on January 11, 2007, 01:29:30 PM
hahaha all this negativity/gay shit on here is starting to make me lose interest in bodybuilding   :'(

I hear ya!  I quit lifting 2 days after joining here!!   well also because i have pneumonia currently but my HETERO side is trying to talk me into never lifting again because of the freaks here!  I never knew 95% of bodybuilders were complete assholes til i joined here.  strange that 95% of the guys that belong to my gym are decent dudes but here about 95% are pieces of shit.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: midknight on January 11, 2007, 01:30:35 PM
watching BB does suck, but talking shit about it is lots of fun.

 ::) :P
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 01:34:23 PM
 strange that 95% of the guys that belong to my gym are decent dudes but here about 95% are pieces of shit.

i bet most here are actually nice guys in person, it's easy to talk shit when you're hiding behind a computer ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Croatch on January 11, 2007, 01:50:00 PM
I hate manly men sports.  They are all beer, swilling morons who want to rub their bellies together and hug each other and high-five at nonsense as they get a boner when their favorite player makes a play.
Let's go JETS!!!!
Yeah, I could honestly care less as to who wins the next 50 Super Bowls or World Series or the Stanley Cup.  At the end of the day, you'll have the same life.  If Steve Young throws 5 TD passes over the weekend (who is retired now), you will still make the same amount of money and be fucking the same hand.  And the thought of wearing some guys jersey around like you're his "Biggest Fan" is completely gay.  If you couldn't drink while watching football or bet on the game, the ratings would be cut by 80%.  On top of that, these sports never evolve.  It's the same thing over and over.  And I won't even speak of the mandatory celebrations after a routine tackle.  You'd think they won the Super Bowl every play.  G A Y, gay.  ahah
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 11, 2007, 02:01:43 PM
watching BB does suck, but talking shit about it is lots of fun.

 ::) :P

Yes, that is a valid interpretation of my essay.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Patrik15 on January 11, 2007, 02:15:45 PM
Donkey you pice of shit your a moron I my self have a girlfriend and im pretty sure most builders have girlfriends or wifes and they still bodybuild. Fuck you donkey once again people like you are complete morons who they themselves are GAY and cant realize that shit... Admit it you pice of shit your gay... leave us alone and take your gayness some where else....
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Croatch on January 11, 2007, 03:12:30 PM
Donkey you pice of shit your a moron I my self have a girlfriend and im pretty sure most builders have girlfriends or wifes and they still bodybuild. f**k you donkey once again people like you are complete morons who they themselves are GAY and cant realize that shit... Admit it you pice of shit your gay... leave us alone and take your gayness some where else....
My self - Myself
pice - piece
your - you're (for you are) I've done this myself sometimes, just trying to piece together my sentence
I can understand some spelling errors, but "pice"?
At first I let it go and thought it was a typing error, until it was made the 2nd time.
Frightening! ahah ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Patrik15 on January 11, 2007, 03:27:20 PM
My self - Myself
pice - piece
your - you're (for you are) I've done this myself sometimes, just trying to piece together my sentence
I can understand some spelling errors, but "pice"?
At first I let it go and thought it was a typing error, until it was made the 2nd time.
Frightening! ahah

hahaha im happy you care about me and want me to learn...
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Croatch on January 11, 2007, 03:57:47 PM
hahaha im happy you care about me and want me to learn...
I'm here to help.  Just think, on the next essay you write for a job interview, you'll get a few more words correct.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 11, 2007, 04:02:58 PM
Bodybuilding is a "sport" based on drug use.  Please don't rationalize your drug use with comments on how every sport uses steroids.  Pro bodybuilding is 100% drug use. It's not only 100% steroids but a chemical experiment gone insane.  The public knows this and they are not interested in cosmetic athletes posing in their underwear.  That's why you can find billiards on ESPN but not bodybuilding.  A lot of the juicers on this site probably think the public is in awe of their temporary drug muscles but they are laughing at them.  They know how you got that synthetic cosmetic physique.

Strict testing and maybe adding an athletic component to a contest would be a step in the right direction.  In the old AAU Mr. America days you had to Olympic lift for athletic points.  You would get points deducted for not being able to lift as much as your competitor.  I like the previously stated idea of maybe a strong man type comp prior to the posing round. Maybe it could be done the day before the contest on film and edited for viewing before the posing round.  Imagine some of the current champs doing a farmers walk with a heavy weight.  It would be comical to see their super hero physiques show their true lack of function.  The current champs would have to radically change their training because I doubt any of them could slow jog a mile.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: columbusdude82 on January 11, 2007, 04:18:33 PM
Bodybuilding is a "sport" based on drug use.  Please don't rationalize your drug use with comments on how every sport uses steroids.  Pro bodybuilding is 100% drug use. It's not only 100% steroids but a chemical experiment gone insane.  The public knows this and they are not interested in cosmetic athletes posing in their underwear.  That's why you can find billiards on ESPN but not bodybuilding.  A lot of the juicers on this site probably think the public is in awe of their temporary drug muscles but they are laughing at them.  They know how you got that synthetic cosmetic physique.

Strict testing and maybe adding an athletic component to a contest would be a step in the right direction.  In the old AAU Mr. America days you had to Olympic lift for athletic points.  You would get points deducted for not being able to lift as much as your competitor.  I like the previously stated idea of maybe a strong man type comp prior to the posing round. Maybe it could be done the day before the contest on film and edited for viewing before the posing round.  Imagine some of the current champs doing a farmers walk with a heavy weight.  It would be comical to see their super hero physiques show their true lack of function.  The current champs would have to radically change their training because I doubt any of them could slow jog a mile.

Isn't it a bit hard to do in contest shape, all dehydrated and dieted down, etc?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: oldtimer1 on January 11, 2007, 04:35:58 PM
Isn't it a bit hard to do in contest shape, all dehydrated and dieted down, etc?

That's exactly my point.  It isn't healthy to be dehydrated and dieted down to where the body can't function.  Function first and cosmetics last.  Let function dictate form. 
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: GoneAway on January 11, 2007, 05:02:21 PM
buysexual is when you sell yourself for sex  ;D

wtf is it like when you cant get your cock up? or when vagina is full of concrete?

Trysexual is you'll try anything once! ;)
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: columbusdude82 on January 11, 2007, 05:17:34 PM
That's exactly my point.  It isn't healthy to be dehydrated and dieted down to where the body can't function.  Function first and cosmetics last.  Let function dictate form. 

Then bodybuilding as we know it would cease to exist... It would be a combination of bbing and strongman... Forget the pros for a sec, let's look at the npc... Of all the tons of guys who compete in the npc, how many do you think are capable of feats of strength that would merit making a show about, all those bantamweights and lightweights who look like they train with dumbbells no heavier than 30 lbs...
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: spotter on January 11, 2007, 06:18:21 PM
My self - Myself
pice - piece
your - you're (for you are) I've done this myself sometimes, just trying to piece together my sentence
I can understand some spelling errors, but "pice"?
At first I let it go and thought it was a typing error, until it was made the 2nd time.
Frightening! ahah ;D

"PICE" which is a subunit of currency used in southern asia.....So he called you a half/cent....!!! ;)
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: columbusdude82 on January 11, 2007, 06:29:04 PM

"PICE" which is a subunit of currency used in southern asia.....So he called you a half/cent....!!! ;)

OMG Spotter posted!!!!

How's the DA phone-in campaign going?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Bruffy on January 11, 2007, 08:14:07 PM
If bodybuilding shows, mags, dvds, expos, etc. are so gay then quit wasting your time, money, and effort on watching, reading, viewing and attending those things.  You don't have to buy into everything the industry has to offer.  What's gay is the fact that this post was even started.  Quit bitching.......and enjoy one of the few individual hobbies life has to offer.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: alexxx on January 11, 2007, 08:17:52 PM
I agree with you Donkey good speach!
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 11, 2007, 10:34:55 PM
I agree with you Donkey good speach!

haha how often do you post pics of you in your underwear with pouty lips, not to mention that embarrassing video on youtube of you "posing" :-X

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MCWAY on January 11, 2007, 10:50:29 PM
A lot of my friends who don't follow bodybuilding think I am gay because I have 100+ bodybuilding DVDs.  :-\  To be honest, I don't blame them, but I am as straight as a person can be on scales of sexual orientation, and I'm a very open person and liberal in the sense that I wouldn't hide private affairs of that nature.  But I can totally understand why some of my friends think I'm gay.  :-X

I guess being a connoisseur of cunnilingus doesn't redeem myself either. ;D

I've been through a scenario similar to the one you mentioned. A guy saw posters of Bill Pearl and Sergio Oliva (which I got from IronMan magazine) on the wall of my dorm room in college. While half-asleep, I heard him tell my roommate that having those posters was "gay". I guess he didn't see the picture of Tonia (the girl I was dating at the time) in plain site, next to my TV.

I don't have a lot of DVDs. Most of my bodybuilding media is free sample VHS tapes I got, when purchasing supplements such as:

- "Up Close with the Mega Mass Champions" and "Muscle & Fitness Workout Preview", both of which I got inside those 12-lb. bags of Mega Mass 2000

- "Mass Building and Training Program", which came with the Lee Haney's Mass Fuel Kit by Twinlab.

Others are bodybuilding shows, recorded off TV, like:

- Episodes of American Muscle from 1991, 1994, and one from 1995 that I can't seem to find (may still be at my mother's house).

- Episodes of WBF BodyStars from 1992.

- Footage from the 1991 WBF Championship, shown on WWF Superstars one week after the show took place.

- The 1992 WBF Championship (bought it on PPV and recorded it)

- The 1993 Mr. Olympia (or at least, the chopped-up version from ESPN).

The DVDs I do have are of "Pumping Iron: 25th Anniversary Edition" that my wife got for me. And the ones that from MuscleTech that came with the jug of CELL-TECH I got almost two years ago.

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 12, 2007, 12:16:14 AM
haha how often do you post pics of you in your underwear with pouty lips, not to mention that embarrassing video on youtube of you "posing" :-X

haha correct..alexxx makes tons of threads about bodybuilders and then he agrees with the fact that bodybuilding is gay.he is is the only guy on this board who is actually a fag.he posts stupid posts of his claiming that he is the next 'arnold','future mr olympia' etc.posts pic of himself that looks he gets raped everyday by big black 'muscle bears,he talks about arnold more than anyone on this board..alexx your gayer than baygbm
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: joejoe on January 12, 2007, 12:38:46 AM

I've been through a scenario similar to the one you mentioned. A guy saw posters of Bill Pearl and Sergio Oliva (which I got from IronMan magazine) on the wall of my dorm room in college. While half-asleep, I heard him tell my roommate that having those posters was "gay". I guess he didn't see the picture of Tonia (the girl I was dating at the time) in plain site, next to my TV.

I don't have a lot of DVDs. Most of my bodybuilding media is free sample VHS tapes I got, when purchasing supplements such as:

- "Up Close with the Mega Mass Champions" and "Muscle & Fitness Workout Preview", both of which I got inside those 12-lb. bags of Mega Mass 2000

- "Mass Building and Training Program", which came with the Lee Haney's Mass Fuel Kit by Twinlab.

Others are bodybuilding shows, recorded off TV, like:

- Episodes of American Muscle from 1991, 1994, and one from 1995 that I can't seem to find (may still be at my mother's house).

- Episodes of WBF BodyStars from 1992.

- Footage from the 1991 WBF Championship, shown on WWF Superstars one week after the show took place.

- The 1992 WBF Championship (bought it on PPV and recorded it)

- The 1993 Mr. Olympia (or at least, the chopped-up version from ESPN).

The DVDs I do have are of "Pumping Iron: 25th Anniversary Edition" that my wife got for me. And the ones that from MuscleTech that came with the jug of CELL-TECH I got almost two years ago.

Epic post of contrition.   
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: rccs on January 12, 2007, 02:20:35 AM
Bodybuilding is a "sport" based on drug use.  Please don't rationalize your drug use with comments on how every sport uses steroids.  Pro bodybuilding is 100% drug use. It's not only 100% steroids but a chemical experiment gone insane.  The public knows this and they are not interested in cosmetic athletes posing in their underwear.  That's why you can find billiards on ESPN but not bodybuilding.  A lot of the juicers on this site probably think the public is in awe of their temporary drug muscles but they are laughing at them.  They know how you got that synthetic cosmetic physique.

Strict testing and maybe adding an athletic component to a contest would be a step in the right direction.  In the old AAU Mr. America days you had to Olympic lift for athletic points.  You would get points deducted for not being able to lift as much as your competitor.  I like the previously stated idea of maybe a strong man type comp prior to the posing round. Maybe it could be done the day before the contest on film and edited for viewing before the posing round.  Imagine some of the current champs doing a farmers walk with a heavy weight.  It would be comical to see their super hero physiques show their true lack of function.  The current champs would have to radically change their training because I doubt any of them could slow jog a mile.
You think like me. Please read my posts on this thread, I basically gave the same example, using Grimmek. But people here don't discuss REAL issues, instead they diss on each others. BBing must develop, it can really become a super sport, probably "Power-bodybuilding". A mix of BBing and WSM.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 12, 2007, 05:15:37 AM
Again, some people did not understand what i was writing.

Building your body IS NOT gay. If, for example, Matt Duvall poses with a pet doggy for a picture, i wouldn't say he is gay, but the guys sitting there getting a hard on staring at his arms and chest are gay.

Like i said, doing the sport of bodybuilding is tgreat, also lurking around internet boards, discussing IFBB politics, drug use, nutrition and the likes doesn't miracuously make you gay, even watching one or the other contest, workout DVD or magazine doesn't make you gay, yet it has some gay tendencies.

But muscle worshipping, travelling miles and miles to touch Ronnies biceps or shit like that is extremly gay.
The constant meltdowns of some persons here show me that i am right, because it's just their own insecurity issues regarding their own sexual orientation and the fact that they themselves think that WATCHING bodybuilding is gay causes these meltdowns.

IFBB = biggest homoerotics production company in the world.  ;)
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 12, 2007, 05:21:39 AM
Matt Duvall taking a picture with a Dumbell in one hand, and the other hand holding a fcuking poodle. ;D ;D
What's next? a naked bodybuilder sitting on top of a Horse without saddle? hahaha..I bet that pic is somewhere already ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 12, 2007, 05:31:47 AM
Matt Duvall taking a picture with a Dumbell in one hand, and the other hand holding a fcuking poodle. ;D ;D
What's next? a naked bodybuilder sitting on top of a Horse without saddle? hahaha..I bet that pic is somewhere already ;D

Yes, but him posing this way means there is a market for this shit!

Who the hell PAYS for a magazine to see Matt Duvall holding a fucking poodle? Or Jay dressing in hot pants with boots and a ripped shirt while lifting weights?
Watching this stuff is as gay as a pink shirt with grey suits and brown shoes.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 12, 2007, 05:42:33 AM
Yes, but him posing this way means there is a market for this shit!

Who the hell PAYS for a magazine to see Matt Duvall holding a fucking poodle? Or Jay dressing in hot pants with boots and a ripped shirt while lifting weights?
Watching this stuff is as gay as a pink shirt with grey suits and brown shoes.

you do have a good point here. there is a market (queer population) outthere that digs those pictures, calendars.etc, and it's in high demand ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 12, 2007, 06:15:58 AM
Let's go JETS!!!!
Yeah, I could honestly care less as to who wins the next 50 Super Bowls or World Series or the Stanley Cup.  At the end of the day, you'll have the same life.  If Steve Young throws 5 TD passes over the weekend (who is retired now), you will still make the same amount of money and be fucking the same hand.  And the thought of wearing some guys jersey around like you're his "Biggest Fan" is completely gay.  If you couldn't drink while watching football or bet on the game, the ratings would be cut by 80%.  On top of that, these sports never evolve.  It's the same thing over and over.  And I won't even speak of the mandatory celebrations after a routine tackle.  You'd think they won the Super Bowl every play.  G A Y, gay.  ahah

yes used to be a sports fan as a kid...but i couldnt care less nowdays...only thing i watch is K1 and some martial arts. I prefer reading a book instead.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 12, 2007, 06:17:17 AM
yes used to be a sports fan as a kid...but i couldnt care less nowdays...only thing i watch is K1 and some martial arts. I prefer reading a book instead.

Now you can never stop emphasizing how much fun reading is.  ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 12, 2007, 06:17:38 AM
Trysexual is you'll try anything once! ;)

thats a slut  ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 12, 2007, 06:20:01 AM
Now you can never stop emphasizing how much fun reading is.  ;D

reading is mucho fun specially as you get a blowjob at the same time

knowledge and pleasure
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 12, 2007, 06:24:50 AM
reading is mucho fun specially as you get a blowjob at the same time

knowledge and pleasure

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 12, 2007, 09:25:39 AM
Donkey you pice of shit your a moron I my self have a girlfriend and im pretty sure most builders have girlfriends or wifes and they still bodybuild. f**k you donkey once again people like you are complete morons who they themselves are GAY and cant realize that shit... Admit it you pice of shit your gay... leave us alone and take your gayness some where else....

Whow, haha.

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 12, 2007, 10:39:07 AM

The constant meltdowns of some persons here show me that i am right, because it's just their own insecurity issues regarding their own sexual orientation and the fact that they themselves think that WATCHING bodybuilding is gay causes these meltdowns.

you want to know what I think is gay?  male ballet dancing

how many male ballet dancers can I name?  zero

how many posts do I have on a male ballet discussion forum?  zero

how many male ballet shows have I watched on my computer on a Saturday night?   zero

you get it yet "donkey kong"?

if you think it's gay you would want absolutely nothing to do with it

but keep telling yourself that you're not gay, that should help you sleep better at night my confused friend ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 12, 2007, 11:56:32 AM
you want to know what I think is gay?  male ballet dancing

how many male ballet dancers can I name?  zero

how many posts do I have on a male ballet discussion forum?  zero

how many male ballet shows have I watched on my computer on a Saturday night?   zero

you get it yet "donkey kong"?

if you think it's gay you would want absolutely nothing to do with it

but keep telling yourself that you're not gay, that should help you sleep better at night my confused friend ;D ;D ;D


oh earl, oh earl. You are constantly melting down to say you aren't gay.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: arigato on January 12, 2007, 03:09:04 PM
i've never been to a show but i had a chance to goto on recently, because BlockHead invited me to go! and he had invited me to go couple of weeks before the show, we were texting back and forth, thought this dude was cool, and i asked him to goto a strip club(Heavenly Bodies) with me one night and this dude never called me back.. lol is that gay? i know blockhead is married and all... but why only go see dudes in thong??? me personally rather pay money to see naked chix over guys in thongs posing.... i got nothing against gay and bodybuilding for the record! and i never went to the show... lol
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 12, 2007, 10:30:10 PM
oh earl, oh earl. You are constantly melting down to say you aren't gay.

which one of us wrote the novel like post saying they aren't gay to start this thread? :P

what you really mean is "earl you are owning me and making me feel like the fag that I really am and I'm sorry I ever started this thread" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Fury on January 12, 2007, 10:36:24 PM
which one of us wrote the novel like post saying they aren't gay to start this thread? :P

what you really mean is "earl you are owning me and making me feel like the fag that I really am and I'm sorry I ever started this thread" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Overuse of faces generally constitutes a meltdown.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 13, 2007, 02:06:21 AM
which one of us wrote the novel like post saying they aren't gay to start this thread? :P

what you really mean is "earl you are owning me and making me feel like the fag that I really am and I'm sorry I ever started this thread" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



Read the post again. I said i work out, but i'm not interested in watching BB.

Sure i have read FLEX and i have even been to an EXPO, i have watched a contest online but it occurred to me what i was doing is totally gay and that i liked working out but not watching naked men on stage.
There's nothing wrong with that, but i think the dosage does the poison. A guy that looks at Bodybuilders all day is totally gay, like you.
I haven't even watched last years Olympia, haven't watched the pics online, nothing. I just read the list who won and i think it's funny to post on getbig, nevermind the topic.

Look at my posts, i'm posting Off Topic or Training and Nutrition only.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 13, 2007, 11:35:59 AM
Overuse of faces generally constitutes a meltdown.

says who?

stalking me for 6 months is more of a meltdown :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 13, 2007, 11:39:59 AM

Read the post again. I said i work out, but i'm not interested in watching BB.

Sure i have read FLEX and i have even been to an EXPO, i have watched a contest online but it occurred to me what i was doing is totally gay and that i liked working out but not watching naked men on stage.
There's nothing wrong with that, but i think the dosage does the poison. A guy that looks at Bodybuilders all day is totally gay, like you.
I haven't even watched last years Olympia, haven't watched the pics online, nothing. I just read the list who won and i think it's funny to post on getbig, nevermind the topic.

Look at my posts, i'm posting Off Topic or Training and Nutrition only.

now this is a meltdown, "I don't do this I don't do that please you gotta believe me" ;D

I actually didn't watch last years olympia either but many of the guys around here that say bodybuilding is gay did cancel their "big saturday night plans" to watch it ::)


Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 14, 2007, 06:45:15 AM
now this is a meltdown, "I don't do this I don't do that please you gotta believe me" ;D

I actually didn't watch last years olympia either but many of the guys around here that say bodybuilding is gay did cancel their "big saturday night plans" to watch it ::)


earlpearl: what sparked your love for mr levrone? was it his splitting up with lolita that opened a door in your mind saying you had a chance?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 14, 2007, 02:00:02 PM
now this is a meltdown, "I don't do this I don't do that please you gotta believe me" ;D

I actually didn't watch last years olympia either but many of the guys around here that say bodybuilding is gay did cancel their "big saturday night plans" to watch it ::)


I was just trying to explain something to you, dumbass.

Now it just seems you don't want to listen, nor understand.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 14, 2007, 10:30:40 PM
I was just trying to explain something to you, dumbass.

Now it just seems you don't want to listen, nor understand.


how do you sleep at night being so confused ;D

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 15, 2007, 03:14:25 AM
Earl is more or less the biggest closet homo on this site. Seriously Earl if you weren't gay you wouldn't be meltingdown and digging yourself such a huge ditch in which you won't make it out of. If you understand any English then you would not be trying to argue with anything DK is saying, I still plan to see a show one day or purchase a training DVD but I am not gonna have an entire collection or spend thousands to travel all over to see shows. There is a thin line between being a muscle worshipper and being a fan of this "sport" (hahahaha what a joke) but my money is on you being the muscle worshipper.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 15, 2007, 03:22:27 AM
Earl is more or less the biggest closet homo on this site. Seriously Earl if you weren't gay you wouldn't be meltingdown and digging yourself such a huge ditch in which you won't make it out of. If you understand any English then you would not be trying to argue with anything DK is saying, I still plan to see a show one day or purchase a training DVD but I am not gonna have an entire collection or spend thousands to travel all over to see shows. There is a thin line between being a muscle worshipper and being a fan of this "sport" (hahahaha what a joke) but my money is on you being the muscle worshipper.

haha, thank you. It was getting really annoying trying to reach Earl.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 15, 2007, 01:02:32 PM
Earl is more or less the biggest closet homo on this site. Seriously Earl if you weren't gay you wouldn't be meltingdown and digging yourself such a huge ditch in which you won't make it out of. If you understand any English then you would not be trying to argue with anything DK is saying, I still plan to see a show one day or purchase a training DVD but I am not gonna have an entire collection or spend thousands to travel all over to see shows. There is a thin line between being a muscle worshipper and being a fan of this "sport" (hahahaha what a joke) but my money is on you being the muscle worshipper.

since when do i travel to shows?

I went to the NPC nationals here in Pittsburgh back in the early 90's and that was it

nice of you to come here and defend your "boy" donkey kong

i'm sure your post will help him sleep better at night, god knows he needs all the help he can get hahahahahahaha :D :D

if you post on a message board where you think the main topic (in this case bodybuilding) is gay, THEN THAT MEANS YOU ARE GAY

sleep tight, homos ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 15, 2007, 01:18:34 PM
since when do i travel to shows?

I went to the NPC nationals here in Pittsburgh back in the early 90's and that was it

nice of you to come here and defend your "boy" donkey kong

i'm sure your post will help him sleep better at night, god knows he needs all the help he can get hahahahahahaha :D :D

if you post on a message board where you think the main topic (in this case bodybuilding) is gay, THEN THAT MEANS YOU ARE GAY

sleep tight, homos ;)


So your saying "The Annual Kevin Leverone Piture Bonanza" wasn't gay, it's cool if your gay I don't mind your just being you, just don't try to get with me and please keep sexual comments about males to yourself.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 15, 2007, 01:27:29 PM
Funny thing is, everyone here knows Earl is gay.

He's the only one still in denial about it.........

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 15, 2007, 04:53:31 PM
Funny thing is, everyone here knows Earl is gay.

He's the only one still in denial about it.........

he could be bi also
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 15, 2007, 11:40:44 PM
he could be bi also

I doubt that.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: gordiano on January 16, 2007, 12:07:19 AM
I doubt that.

Well, think about this:

How come when porn passes/pics/vids of hot chicks are posted, you never hear from Earl in those threads.

Yet, when a "levrone" thread comes up, he drops everything to post in them and praises the guy (Levrone)...............

It's like his "gaydar" goes off, and next thing you know he's here at GB defending his muscle hero's honor...................
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: the shadow on January 16, 2007, 12:45:52 AM
Well, think about this:

How come when porn passes/pics/vids of hot chicks are posted, you never hear from Earl in those threads.

Yet, when a "levrone" thread comes up, he drops everything to post in them and praises the guy (Levrone)...............

It's like his "gaydar" goes off, and next thing you know he's here at GB defending his muscle hero's honor...................
hahahahhhahhaha true that
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 16, 2007, 02:20:23 AM
he could be bi also

That's the same as being gay when it comes to guys.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Tapeworm on January 16, 2007, 02:49:15 AM
"Bisexual?  What the fvck is that?  Either you suck dick, or you do not suck dick." - The Dice Man
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 16, 2007, 08:41:51 PM
Well, think about this:

How come when porn passes/pics/vids of hot chicks are posted, you never hear from Earl in those threads.

actually i remember posting in one recently and then you responded with something like "hey this isn't gay porn"

most of the time those passwords don't work

and maybe I don't need to masturbate to porn, maybe I have real women 8)

you obviously aren't that successful with the ladies seeing as how you stay home on a saturday night to watch a "gay" bodybuilding show webcast ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 16, 2007, 08:44:40 PM
So your saying "The Annual Kevin Leverone Piture Bonanza" wasn't gay, it's cool if your gay I don't mind your just being you, just don't try to get with me and please keep sexual comments about males to yourself.

it was gay if you wanted it to be gay, sweetheart :-*

this is a bodybuilding board and I was paying tribute to the greatest bodybuilder ever

MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8)

about "getting with you", if women don't like you what makes you think the fags will? ;)

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 18, 2007, 04:18:43 AM
it was gay if you wanted it to be gay, sweetheart :-*

this is a bodybuilding board and I was paying tribute to the greatest bodybuilder ever

MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8)

about "getting with you", if women don't like you what makes you think the fags will? ;)



super explanation meltdown.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: slaveboy1980 on January 18, 2007, 04:49:18 AM
it was gay if you wanted it to be gay, sweetheart :-*

this is a bodybuilding board and I was paying tribute to the greatest bodybuilder ever

MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8)

about "getting with you", if women don't like you what makes you think the fags will? ;)


earl, do you hate lolita?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 18, 2007, 05:02:56 AM

earl, do you hate lolita?

He hates all women and loves only Kevin Levrone, K-Lo is his reason for living or at least that's what I've heard.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: kyomu on January 18, 2007, 06:29:35 AM
Maybe i am gonna make huge meltdown but just i want to know there is a opinion like this.

I  used to paint Oil-Painting and singing in the rock band.And I was a swimming competitor.
When i found out Bodybuilding. I was shocked,not only at the muscularity but BBing has all of this 3 things in one!.

For example.

Oil painting-art expression =Posing and artistic figure.
Singing and composing-Music= Posing routine
Swimming-Hard trainning=weight training.

And Look how they pose! They look like fighters in Dragon Ball Z.
Look at those mangas and american comic caracter,they are all posing!
If you look at those Bodybuilding with your "Child eye", you will understand how cool the BBing championship is.
But honestly, i am really bored of the BBing of now a day.
Until 1988,Championship was phenomenal. Because they all did posing very well

So if you look at those BBer posing on stage and immediately think about gayness ,it is like you go to the museum and see those greek sculpture and inmediately think about gayness,isnt it?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: jaejonna on January 18, 2007, 06:40:45 AM
Maybe i am gonna make huge meltdown but just i want to know there is a opinion like this.

I  used to paint Oil-Painting and singing in the rock band.And I was a swimming competitor.
When i found out Bodybuilding. I was shocked,not only at the muscularity but BBing has all of this 3 things in one!.

For example.

Oil painting-art expression =Posing and artistic figure.
Singing and composing-Music= Posing routine
Swimming-Hard trainning=weight training.

And Look how they pose! They look like fighters in Dragon Ball Z.
Look at those mangas and american comic caracter,they are all posing!
If you look at those Bodybuilding with your "Child eye", you will understand how cool the BBing championship is.
But honestly, i am really bored of the BBing of now a day.
Until 1988,Championship was phenomenal. Because they all did posing very well

So if you look at those BBer posing on stage and immediately think about gayness ,it is like you go to the museum and see those greek sculpture and inmediately think about gayness,isnt it?
Fourth Teir Am Meltdown
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: kyomu on January 18, 2007, 06:44:21 AM
Fourth Teir Am Meltdown
What is Am, kid?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on January 18, 2007, 12:13:04 PM
Maybe i am gonna make huge meltdown but just i want to know there is a opinion like this.

I  used to paint Oil-Painting and singing in the rock band.And I was a swimming competitor.
When i found out Bodybuilding. I was shocked,not only at the muscularity but BBing has all of this 3 things in one!.

For example.

Oil painting-art expression =Posing and artistic figure.
Singing and composing-Music= Posing routine
Swimming-Hard trainning=weight training.

And Look how they pose! They look like fighters in Dragon Ball Z.
Look at those mangas and american comic caracter,they are all posing!
If you look at those Bodybuilding with your "Child eye", you will understand how cool the BBing championship is.
But honestly, i am really bored of the BBing of now a day.
Until 1988,Championship was phenomenal. Because they all did posing very well

So if you look at those BBer posing on stage and immediately think about gayness ,it is like you go to the museum and see those greek sculpture and inmediately think about gayness,isnt it?

Mmm, like i said, the dosage makes the drug.

Dragonball? Man, Son Goku would kick ROnnie's ass!!
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 18, 2007, 09:18:04 PM

super explanation meltdown.

I said that two days ago and it's still hurting you and your gay buddies ahahahaahahahahahaha ;D

Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on January 18, 2007, 09:23:35 PM

So if you look at those BBer posing on stage and immediately think about gayness ,it is like you go to the museum and see those greek sculpture and inmediately think about gayness,isnt it?

everything is gay to gay people


Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: MikeThaMachine on January 19, 2007, 02:31:10 AM
everything is gay to gay people


You wouldn't happen to know this first hand would you?
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: kyomu on January 19, 2007, 02:55:58 AM

Dragonball? Man, Son Goku would kick ROnnie's ass!!

Yeah Even Yamcha and Kuririn do too! ;D

P.S. Nice gifs
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: DK II on February 02, 2007, 11:07:48 AM
ahahahaaa, got this from Dante's forum

Quote from: Doggcrapp;336423
I keep getting asked to do the various bodybuilding radio shows (MD's No Bull, Muscle Radio and others) and I keep turning them down....I just dont really see the point....but maybe im missing something here. The only people I ever see talking about the radio shows are the guys on and those guys seem more interested in the gossip/putdowns of the people in the sport (think about it...LOL....gossiping about male bodybuilders like they are celebrity Britney Spears/Jessica Simpson...kind of seems creepy doesnt it?) .....kind of like the 35-55 year old woman at the checkstand who cant wait to read the next People or In Touch magazine to find out who 20 year old Lindsey Lohan is dating now! Oh Gee Willopers!

    Allright I went off on a you guys listen to these shows? I never have. Am I missing something here? Im so darn busy and on the go the only time I listen to the radio though is on the way to work in my car (and even then I usually play my CD's) I kind of dont get it...but maybe im out of the loop on this one.

Watch out, getbiggers!!

You have been realized as being gay!!

This goes especially for earl, bluto, jumpstart and shadow.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: GoneAway on February 02, 2007, 07:09:27 PM
The point of a radio show is to let people know what's going on in the BBers life so the fans can be up to date with their favorite athletes and find out more about the sport. What's gay in that? I guess it is like the gossip magazines, but why not? It helps people to stay attracted to the sport and that's all good.
Title: Re: Why watching Bodybuilding sucks. A short essay.
Post by: Earl1972 on February 02, 2007, 08:53:59 PM
ahahahaaa, got this from Dante's forum

Watch out, getbiggers!!

You have been realized as being gay!!

This goes especially for earl, bluto, jumpstart and shadow.  ;D ;D

hahaha way to bump up your thread that totally blew up in your face and outed you as the fag you are :D