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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: ieffinhatecardio on February 02, 2007, 02:11:18 PM

Title: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on February 02, 2007, 02:11:18 PM
After reading some incredibly narrow minded posts the question struck me, who's less honest?

Mr. I is the extreme so perhaps he's not a good barometer and 240 is extreme as well considering his penchant for all things conspiracy but of the other posters I think there's a fair mix.

Perhaps it's just because the current administration is Conservative and the Conservatives on this board feel like they're always defending their party but it seems like they're least likely to be honest.

There are exceptions of course, Bruce from what I've read recently seems relatively honest in his thinking especially when a good point is made opposing his party.

Ozmo also seems very fair and honest in his thinking although I'm not sure if he's a Liberal or Conservative or Independent.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Cavalier22 on February 02, 2007, 04:19:51 PM
you far right fundamentalist christian, shut the fuck up!
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Camel Jockey on February 02, 2007, 04:27:11 PM
Mr. I isn't a true conservative.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on February 02, 2007, 05:15:30 PM
Mr. I isn't a true conservative.

Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on February 02, 2007, 05:42:45 PM
Yeah, it's obvious you seem to ascribe honesty to anyone who appears to be middle of the road.  Without saying, many of us believe one side is far more honest in all respects than the other.  It IS possible for a side to be right and a side to be utterly and completely wrong.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on February 02, 2007, 06:36:37 PM
Mr. I isn't a true conservative.

Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on February 02, 2007, 07:06:53 PM
Yeah, it's obvious you seem to ascribe honesty to anyone who appears to be middle of the road.  Without saying, many of us believe one side is far more honest in all respects than the other.  It IS possible for a side to be right and a side to be utterly and completely wrong.

If you really believe that's what I think then I've done a poor job in explaining my position. In no way shape or form do I believe being middle of the road is more honest than any other position.

What I believe is admitting your parties mistakes, or your candidates mistakes. Aren't we all working for the same goal?

For instance, I'm a fan of McCain's yet I was disappointed to learn that he voted to give illegal aliens social security benefits. In my opinion it's a mistake and I'm not happy he voted for it. Since I'm not tied to Republcan dogma I can openly question him without feeling like I'm betraying my party.

Why can't Liberals admit when the Democrats make mistakes and why can't Conservatives admit when the Republicans make mistakes. As a nation we are so divided by party that in my opinion it obscures us from seeing the whole point of all this.

At least in my opinion having two parties that have such an ingrained dislike for one another has hurt the greater good. There are great minds and great thinkers in both parties. In my opinion they should be working together rather than battling against the opposing party.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on February 02, 2007, 07:14:59 PM
If you really believe that's what I think then I've done a poor job in explaining my position. In no way shape or form do I believe being middle of the road is more honest than any other position.

What I believe is admitting your parties mistakes, or your candidates mistakes. Aren't we all working for the same goal?

For instance, I'm a fan of McCain's yet I was disappointed to learn that he voted to give illegal aliens social security benefits. In my opinion it's a mistake and I'm not happy he voted for it. Since I'm not tied to Republcan dogma I can openly question him without feeling like I'm betraying my party.

Why can't Liberals admit when the Democrats make mistakes and why can't Conservatives admit when the Republicans make mistakes. As a nation we are so divided by party that in my opinion it obscures us from seeing the whole point of all this.

At least in my opinion having two parties that have such an ingrained dislike for one another has hurt the greater good. There are great minds and great thinkers in both parties. In my opinion they should be working together rather than battling against the opposing party.

I don't know any conservatives personally that cannot admit our party's own mistakes.  On the other hand, it's been my experience that when a democrat makes a mistake their party not only knows it but puts a great deal of effort to cover it up and often tries to place the blame on the other side.

..and the american people are so dumb they buy into it every time.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: sandycoosworth on February 02, 2007, 08:00:58 PM
a better question would be who has the best grasp on reality regardless of political affiliation as im sure joe and rob both believe they know truth ...
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: headhuntersix on February 02, 2007, 08:04:31 PM
I think that the board suffers when we talk about 911 related issues. The conservatives generally don't seem to believe in that particular conspiracy.Its hard to debate the issue if u don't believe in the argumnet itself. The war on th other hand is easily debated on a number of points..oil, hegemony, helping the Iraqi people or that Bush is a prick.  I think anything else we talk about seems to be pretty balanced. Mr I is occcasionally pushed into a corner as well as 240, but he is a not a bleeding heart. Over all this board has been pretty good and we have avoided th stupidity and harsh (i guess) name calling that goes on elsewhere on the site. The mods do a good job. Ok enough lovefest..Berserk ur still going to the Gulag.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 02, 2007, 08:41:25 PM
I think that the board suffers when we talk about 911 related issues. The conservatives generally don't seem to believe in that particular conspiracy.Its hard to debate the issue if u don't believe in the argumnet itself. The war on th other hand is easily debated on a number of points..oil, hegemony, helping the Iraqi people or that Bush is a prick.  I think anything else we talk about seems to be pretty balanced. Mr I is occcasionally pushed into a corner as well as 240, but he is a not a bleeding heart. Over all this board has been pretty good and we have avoided th stupidity and harsh (i guess) name calling that goes on elsewhere on the site. The mods do a good job. Ok enough lovefest..Berserk ur still going to the Gulag.
Head, I know you're happy as fuck about your daily gulag owning, but I must confess... I forgot the reference?  What the fuck is up with the gulag bullshit at the end of every post you make?  Are you saying all liberals are headed for gulags?
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: GroinkTropin on February 02, 2007, 08:48:46 PM
All I know is liberals are deceitful by nature, take for example their political messages masked as funny movies for children, happy feet=over fishing, ice age=global warming, over the hedge=deforestation. All movies made by liberals intended to seem innocent but plant seeds of contention in the minds of children, like cigarrette companies. Libs also notoriously avoid directly answering questions when they are in the wrong and they know it, I've asked for a response on the move to distribute the little black book by liberal pro gay groups for years now and have never gotten a straight response, ever. Link to it here When outraged parents voiced their anger, their liberal mayor in mass told them to fuck off. Nice state, if we conservatives do not fight liberals with every days breath, this kind of shit will actually get worse and life in this country will degrade so fast you'll pray for death to come just a few years sooner.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: headhuntersix on February 02, 2007, 08:49:19 PM
I forgot who started it..I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. I think somebody mentioned that all Neocons (I'm nota neocon) wanted to put all libs(u hardly qualify) in camps. Again I'll stop if it bothers u.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: GroinkTropin on February 02, 2007, 08:55:24 PM
I forgot who started it..I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. I think somebody mentioned that all Neocons (I'm nota neocon) wanted to put all libs(u hardly qualify) in camps. Again I'll stop if it bothers u.

Camps no because there are good liberals out there, deportation is an exciting word IMO..
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on February 02, 2007, 08:59:31 PM
I forgot who started it..I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. I think somebody mentioned that all Neocons (I'm nota neocon) wanted to put all libs(u hardly qualify) in camps. Again I'll stop if it bothers u.

It was a pun that began because the "neocon" label was started to describe american jews that had been liberal and democratic for generations and suddenly realized that the dems have been fucking over the jewish people here and in Israel for a long time.  The only side that was looking out for these "new conservatives" were the republicans and their steadfast support of the jewish state. and western influences in the region as a whole.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 02, 2007, 10:45:54 PM
Libs also notoriously avoid directly answering questions when they are in the wrong and they know it, I've asked for a response on the move to distribute the little black book by liberal pro gay groups for years now and have never gotten a straight response, ever. Link to it here When outraged parents voiced their anger, their liberal mayor in mass told them to f**k off.

You gotta be kidding me.  Was this really distributed in public schools??
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: BRUCE on February 02, 2007, 10:46:48 PM
After reading some incredibly narrow minded posts the question struck me, who's less honest?

Mr. I is the extreme so perhaps he's not a good barometer and 240 is extreme as well considering his penchant for all things conspiracy but of the other posters I think there's a fair mix.

Perhaps it's just because the current administration is Conservative and the Conservatives on this board feel like they're always defending their party but it seems like they're least likely to be honest.

There are exceptions of course, Bruce from what I've read recently seems relatively honest in his thinking especially when a good point is made opposing his party.

Ozmo also seems very fair and honest in his thinking although I'm not sure if he's a Liberal or Conservative or Independent.

I would attribute that to my not being associated to any party, either here or abroad.  This is the beauty of conservative humanism, if one party inhibits it more than another, then they will have my vote.  I care not for the success, or lack thereof, of say Republicans in the US, the Labour party in the UK or even the Liberal party in Australia if these groups do not meet the moral requirements of what I would define conservatism.  My moral loyalties trump that of any particular affection for one political party, and I have no desire for any facts to be skewed one way or another. This allows me freedom to look objectively at issues, and then make up my mind accordingly, without the invasion of any political or religious dogma.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: headhuntersix on February 02, 2007, 11:04:21 PM
You gotta be kidding me.  Was this really distributed in public schools??

I read this crap..I really can't believe. I would not know whether to shit or go blind if my son brought this home. As a parent i'd go beserk. What the hell where the teachers think when they say these idiots roll this out. Who in their right mind thought this was appropriate on any level.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Dos Equis on February 02, 2007, 11:10:04 PM
I read this crap..I really can't believe. I would not know whether to shit or go blind if my son brought this home. As a parent i'd go beserk. What the hell where the teachers think when they say these idiots roll this out. Who in their right mind thought this was appropriate on any level.

Tell me about it.  Scary.  I would have went nuts too.  Heads would roll.  This is one of the reasons my kids will never spend a day in public school. 
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: headhuntersix on February 02, 2007, 11:24:16 PM
I never spent a single day in public school. My son does but its not my call. DOD schools don't do this crap, so he's been ok for the most part. Plus I'm in the Heartland, they don't do this crap.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 02, 2007, 11:52:48 PM
All I know is liberals are deceitful by nature, take for example their political messages masked as funny movies for children, happy feet=over fishing, ice age=global warming, over the hedge=deforestation.

Do you feel Bush or the RNC has been deceitful in any way in the last 6 years?
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on February 03, 2007, 01:39:02 AM
Do you feel Bush or the RNC has been deceitful in any way in the last 6 years?

Careful, they will brand you as a liberal communist for asking that.  You're either with some of these guys 100% or you're Anti American.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: GroinkTropin on February 03, 2007, 03:01:33 AM
Do you feel Bush or the RNC has been deceitful in any way in the last 6 years?
Of course the republican party is a bunch of big business hacks who could give f**k all about us, trust me I am not naieve. I am a true conservative and as such I do not blindly follow one party or another, I could just as easily vote for a democrat as I could republican, it would depend on whos best for the country. Sadly these days we never get an option we truly like, just seem to go for the lesser of two evils.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: GroinkTropin on February 03, 2007, 03:07:29 AM
I read this crap..I really can't believe. I would not know whether to shit or go blind if my son brought this home. As a parent i'd go beserk. What the hell where the teachers think when they say these idiots roll this out. Who in their right mind thought this was appropriate on any level.

The teachers had nothing to do with it, if I remember correctly it was a concerted effort between the mayor of that city (liberal, proabably paid off) and some gay and lesbian groups. The teachers were told to stay out of it. Some parents took it to court, and naturally the case was shopped to a liberal judge and it was thrown out. There was news stories about it in the area, but you didnt't really hear about it across the country. Hell here in california about 1 year ago, a gay group went to a couple schools and passed out sex surveys to kids ages 8-11, within the surverys were phrases such as "when you touch your special place, what feelings do you have" and" have you ever experimented touching your special place with others?" and other shit. Some parents sued and it got shopped around and ended up in the 9th circuit of appeals and of course got thrown out. And didn't make the news, again. This shit is real, there are only TWO fucking reasons why gays are anywhere near kilds and they are #1 pedophiles #2 trying to expose kids to homosexual activity at a young age and implant the idea that gay is ok, thus propogating their kind. Prove me wrong?  Make no mistake, the left is far more dangerous to our well being than you might take them for, just because they supposedly renounce violence and have no guns makes them no less a threat than terrorists with nukes at our borders.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: GroinkTropin on February 03, 2007, 03:17:08 AM
Careful, they will brand you as a liberal communist for asking that.  You're either with some of these guys 100% or you're Anti American.

Funny, most liberals I know are ten times worse- you are either gay or supportive of it, or homophobic. If you dont vote democrat, youre a far right wing neocon. If you don't see capitalism as the evil scourge it is, youre a nazi. Bush is the greatest evil the world has ever known, if can't see that you must be an idiot. This type of shit is spouted off by the left every single day. Its not that all liberals are anti american, its that most anti-american people tend to be from the left, thats a proven fact. Same thing with terrorists being muslims. Not one liberal has said anything in defence or critisism of the little black book on here, I would love to see someone post something.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on February 03, 2007, 03:21:56 AM
Funny, most liberals I know are ten times worse- you are either gay or supportive of it, or homophobic. If you dont vote democrat, youre a far right wing neocon. If you don't see capitalism as the evil scourge it is, youre a nazi. Bush is the greatest evil the world has ever known, if can't see that you must be an idiot. This type of shit is spouted off by the left every single day. Its not that all liberals are anti american, its that most anti-american people tend to be from the left, thats a proven fact. Same thing with terrorists being muslims. Not one liberal has said anything in defence or critisism of the little black book on here, I would love to see someone post something.

You're absulotly right, I was just referring to some of the extreme right on this board.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 03, 2007, 05:13:15 AM
I forgot who started it..I'm just jumping on the bandwagon. I think somebody mentioned that all Neocons (I'm nota neocon) wanted to put all libs(u hardly qualify) in camps. Again I'll stop if it bothers u.
Nope, continue... you just seemed so happy about it I thought I ought to know what the hell the reference was... Not knowing what you were refering to was starting to frustate me.  I'm still not sure I get why you're saying it.  There wasn't a bandwagon, just you... All I could remember is that you started ending every post to me with gulag about a month ago.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 03, 2007, 05:26:50 AM
All I know is liberals are deceitful by nature, take for example their political messages masked as funny movies for children, happy feet=over fishing, ice age=global warming, over the hedge=deforestation. All movies made by liberals intended to seem innocent but plant seeds of contention in the minds of children, like cigarrette companies. Libs also notoriously avoid directly answering questions when they are in the wrong and they know it, I've asked for a response on the move to distribute the little black book by liberal pro gay groups for years now and have never gotten a straight response, ever. Link to it here When outraged parents voiced their anger, their liberal mayor in mass told them to f**k off. Nice state, if we conservatives do not fight liberals with every days breath, this kind of shit will actually get worse and life in this country will degrade so fast you'll pray for death to come just a few years sooner.
::) Are you seriously this delusional... Don't go blaming all liberal leaning people for what some twit group did.  For all I know some conservative assholes set up the shit to make the left look more dangerous.  It's amazing how the incidents of these things occur in more frequency as an election nears. That ain't by accident... But that stuff could be legit and some delusion selfish group of homos could have done that.  Is that my fault?  f**k NO... You want me to blame you for Foley and the long long list of homo/pedo republicans?  ahahaha... conservative republicans are pedos by nature... No???... oh... ok....  "We're deceitful by nature..." Ah BULLSHIT  ::) Like we are all born with the deceit gene and cons are clear...  I do not come to this board with deceit in mind nor do I approach anyone with deceit in mind... ahahahaha... I could sit around with psycho examples of cons gone wrong all day long... I'm not about to say something as stupid as you and allude to it being in all conservative,s nature.  I'd be condemning to much family who haven't done anything wrong.  You're an idiot mike.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: 240 is Back on February 03, 2007, 08:20:52 AM

i think we agree that the neo-cons are bad, and the neo-liberals are bad.

the other 90% of people sit in the middle and are reasonable.

the outlying 5% and 5% are splattered all over the news because the media gets better ratings from extremem positions.  You are gonna love or hate an ann coulter - but you're not gonna turn off the tv because you have an emotional attachment (whether it's agreement or disagreement).  You just wouldn't passionately watch a reasonable person on the news.
Title: Re: As a whole who is less honest on this board, Liberals or Conservatives?
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on February 03, 2007, 10:59:11 AM
All I know is liberals are deceitful by nature, take for example their political messages masked as funny movies for children, happy feet=over fishing, ice age=global warming, over the hedge=deforestation. All movies made by liberals intended to seem innocent but plant seeds of contention in the minds of children, like cigarrette companies. Libs also notoriously avoid directly answering questions when they are in the wrong and they know it, I've asked for a response on the move to distribute the little black book by liberal pro gay groups for years now and have never gotten a straight response, ever. Link to it here When outraged parents voiced their anger, their liberal mayor in mass told them to f**k off. Nice state, if we conservatives do not fight liberals with every days breath, this kind of shit will actually get worse and life in this country will degrade so fast you'll pray for death to come just a few years sooner.

This post illustrates PERFECTLY my point. Unless you're being sarcastic then I apologize.

This guy says "liberals are deceitful by nature" and that "if we conservatives do not fight liberals with every days breath, this kind of shit will actually get worse and life in this country will degrade so fast you'll pray for death".  ::)

He just painted a giant swath over all liberals by essentially calling them liars. Ah, hello McFly have you met the current Republican administration, you know the one that's been in office for nearly 8 years now?  ::)

I mean WTF, if he's serious then how is it even remotely possible for a human being with even below average intelligence to think in this manner? There isn't a rationale thought in the entire post. How do you compare Liberals to cigarette companies and have not one negative thing to say about Conservatives? It's mind numbingly dishonest.

As I said in the original post, I don't see the Liberals on this board making insane assertions like this, 240 notwithstanding. Until I do then in my opinion the Conservatives here take the crown of least honest.