Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Female Info Boards => Figure, Bikini and Fitness Info and Discussions => Topic started by: Fit Gourmet on February 02, 2007, 10:58:15 PM

Title: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 02, 2007, 10:58:15 PM
What has happened to Figure? It used to be so exciting!!! with so many great personalities, and even greater Bodies. I have decided to bring Figure back from the Dead!!! All by myself!!! Ha, Ha, Ha. Well, I guess I need a little help from all of you Forum members. I remember when Fitness first came out. I was amazed at the incredible Bodies on these athletic, muscular women, (WOW!). Now that Figure is trying to go mainstream, I noticed it's core audience isn't there anymore. Although there are some great Bods in the sport, something is missing. Well, 2007 is here & I hope to bring back that excitement!!! with some fresh blood & some new tricks. Also, I hope I have seen the permenant return of the great one, "Queen Dina". So, if any of you out there will be competing for the first time this year, post a Pix and make a comment. Lets get everyone excited about 2007.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 02, 2007, 11:02:44 PM
Kali Knapp is doing her first Competition this year. The "Orange County Classic" This April. I believe she is a perfect example of what the future of Figure is looking for. Look out for her in 2007, she is only 20yrs old & has great genetics. She is a Southern California girl
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Lift Studios on February 03, 2007, 06:43:09 AM
What has happened to Figure? It used to be so exciting!!! with so many great personalities, and even greater Bodies. I have decided to bring Figure back from the Dead!!! All by myself!!! Ha, Ha, Ha. Well, I guess I need a little help from all of you Forum members. I remember when Fitness first came out. I was amazed at the incredible Bodies on these athletic, muscular women, (WOW!). Now that Figure is trying to go mainstream, I noticed it's core audience isn't there anymore. Although there are some great Bods in the sport, something is missing. Well, 2007 is here & I hope to bring back that excitement!!! with some fresh blood & some new tricks. Also, I hope I have seen the permenant return of the great one, "Queen Dina". So, if any of you out there will be competing for the first time this year, post a Pix and make a comment. Lets get everyone excited about 2007.
What used to be exciting about it? LOL.

I'd hardly say Figure is dead given the numbers that compete in the NPC ranks. This year seems to be a transition year, where some of the newer faces are taking the reigns and some of the seasoned vets are exiting the stage.

What Trix do you have up your sleeve you silly rabbit?

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Nancypro on February 03, 2007, 11:47:21 AM
What used to be exciting about it? LOL.

Now that is funny!
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Nancypro on February 03, 2007, 11:50:54 AM
Hey Lift, how bout this...

Quarter turn to the left...
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Lift Studios on February 03, 2007, 12:04:01 PM
Hey Lift, how bout this...

Quarter turn to the left...
;D You been practicing your Ms. Nancy. Arnold Am. stage will arrive in 1 month!

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: bigmikecox on February 03, 2007, 12:12:35 PM
Not trying to be a party pooper, but when was figure exciting?  Watching quarter turns is not exactly breath taking.  Now, before I get ripped a new ass, i'm not taking away from the training and dieting that figure girls do, b/c its hard, I agree, but from a pure entertainment value, i'd spend my $$$ on Fitness.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 03, 2007, 04:03:41 PM
Well, The excitement came from the competitors. Which Girl would win!!! Like a boxing match. A lot of the competitors built a name for themselves. Nancy, has a name that many people recognize, much like Alexis, Dina, Michelle Troll. When they entered a show, it was a big deal. Now I'm talking about before anyone became a Pro. The amateurs need to develop personalities, because Figure isn't as exciting to watch as Fitness, thats a fact. However, if you add some excitement before the show!!!! that can create a little anticipation.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: bigmikecox on February 03, 2007, 04:54:11 PM
I agree, but how can you generate excitement unless you start some trash talking?  Come to think of it, it would be pretty funny to hear that.

Its pretty much a given that Jenny Lynn or Davana (is she competes) will win the O or Arnold. 

Why is it that in BBing and Figure you get the same competitors winning the O every year, but in Fitness, you have differnet champs each year?  Is Jenny Lynn that much better than everybody else? Is Christine Pate that much better than Latisha?  Why not give all girls a fair look? 
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 04, 2007, 02:29:57 AM
I would love to hear some trash talking!!!! Also, it would be great for the Sport of Figure, if different women won more often.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Dina on February 04, 2007, 06:31:46 PM
who what when where

I have too much fun off stage so I have no shows in sight... tho being fickle that may change.
It is boring.. and the same ppl winning over and over make it even more so.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: 240 is Back on February 04, 2007, 06:39:17 PM
the stories and drama around it are way more interesting than any shows.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Hedgehog on February 04, 2007, 07:27:19 PM
What has happened to Figure? It used to be so exciting!!! with so many great personalities, and even greater Bodies.

What has happened?

The girls are using steroids and GH. That's whats happening.

They turn into transexuals. They age prematurely. Get deeper voices.

All due to the use of hormones. And for what? These girls permanently destroy their bodies all because of some plastic trophy and the admiration from a bunch of unfit schmoes.

You want to save figure?

Get rid of the drugs.

Then you'll get a mainstream appeal, and sponsors will be interested again.

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 05, 2007, 12:20:21 AM
Well, we will see. I know you think that the use of drugs in the sport of Figure, Fitness, & bodybuilding is the problem. I must say I agree that drugs should be taken out of the sport. However, there are already plenty of Drug Free Organizations out there that are drug free, and they are doing much worse than the N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. It's like saying get rid of drugs in the N.F.L. It's a wonderful idea, but isn't an end all solution. The solution is to find great Ambassadors in the sport and heavy, heavy Marketing.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Dina on February 05, 2007, 08:38:29 AM
marketing to whom...?  No one wants the girls they way they look on stage..   they do not look healthy at all. If you remove the drugs that takes you to a healthier look and then you can try to market.

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 05, 2007, 04:02:28 PM
Dina!!!! If everything you say is true, Why aren't the existing Drug free organizations more popular and successful? Why do all the athletes from the much healthier organization keep coming over to the drug infested organizations? You doesn't your theory work in practice?
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: bigmikecox on February 05, 2007, 04:59:29 PM
Face it, BBing, Fitness and Figure will ALWAYS have drugs associated with them.  You can't make quater turns exciting.  Face it, most men watch figure b/c because the women are in heels and bikinis.  Honesty, my thinking is, wow, she has a nice ass or boobs, not, "look how great her shape is".  Let me ask some of the women that compete in figure this, is it hard to stay motivated when all you are going to do is a few quater turns? 
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Lift Studios on February 05, 2007, 05:26:29 PM
Dina!!!! If everything you say is true, Why aren't the existing Drug free organizations more popular and successful? Why do all the athletes from the much healthier organization keep coming over to the drug infested organizations? You doesn't your theory work in practice?
Why did Alexis compete in the NPC/IFBB vs those organizations?

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Dina on February 05, 2007, 09:07:17 PM
Dina!!!! If everything you say is true, Why aren't the existing Drug free organizations more popular and successful? Why do all the athletes from the much healthier organization keep coming over to the drug infested organizations? You doesn't your theory work in practice?

Not true
look at the girls who have done commercial work..
Jelena Abbou

to name a few

all came from other orgs. The only thing that is in our favor is the close association btw the Weider magazines and the NPC/IFBB as well as a few other mags. Oxygen is one of the few to feature other orgs.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 06, 2007, 12:45:48 AM
However, your only supporting my theory. Jelena Abbou is now with the N.P.C. So is Alicia, Venus, soon Dawn, the list goes on and on. The Gold standard in Figure is still the N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. Without any Drug Testing. Maybe someday they will Test, but for now They are still number 1.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Lift Studios on February 06, 2007, 05:10:31 AM
You've said Alexis is natural, you tell us as a husband of a competing wife. Why did Alexis compete in the NPC/IFBB over other organizations?

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Nancypro on February 06, 2007, 07:41:04 AM
Just my opinion but I think the focus is on the wrong outcome if the outcome is to make figure mainstream.  I do not think that anyone other than our parents, loved ones and physique appreciators, (whether looking at t and a or looking at shoulders, it is really all the same) will sit through watching hours of quarter turns.  It is an aquired taste that is for sure.  The goal is not about being mainstream. That is like saying let's take dog shows and make them mainstream, let's make sure everyone loves dogs. (yes we are like dogs! ;D funny stuff.) but the point being, not everyone likes dogs, some people even hate them. The point is the journey, the dance, the challenge. The change in diet, the workouts, sculpting a Micheale Angelo, or at least try with all of ones might.  Listening to feedback from the judges, going back to the drawing board, taking a completely new direction from one year to the next, how exciting, if it were the same thing every year, now that would be boring.  The standing on stage, is only the fruits of all the labor, cutting and stoning the suits, structuring workouts, changing cardio, trying to get certain body parts to look and respond differently.  It is the dance, and this is a hobby, to think of it any other way is barking up the wrong tree, if you do not like the sport get out.  Don't sit though an entire dog show, saying how stupid is this that they are strutting there dogs and turning up their noses and grooming them. To some people it is what gets them out of bed in the morning, jus thinking about that dance.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Dina on February 06, 2007, 07:44:46 AM
However, your only supporting my theory. Jelena Abbou is now with the N.P.C. So is Alicia, Venus, soon Dawn, the list goes on and on. The Gold standard in Figure is still the N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. Without any Drug Testing. Maybe someday they will Test, but for now They are still number 1.

they made it in other orgs and went mainstream from other orgs. Only reason to cross over was to get into the mags that cover ifbb/npc  athletes (because we still dominate in that field) and rack up tear-sheets. Competition wise the NPC/IFBB is the top here in the US. In Europe it is different orgs. I know that NABBA is big in other countries. We also have Arnold, so there is quite a bit of name recognition that helps..

The overly muscular look is not and will never be mainstream. The girls getting work outside the industry are not overly muscular..they are fit. Another one to look at is jaime eason who  has been very hot without having to compete extensively

and lets not insult everyones intelligence when claiming who is natural and who is not...  we are not retards.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Dina on February 06, 2007, 07:49:15 AM
Just my opinion but I think the focus is on the wrong outcome if the outcome is to make figure mainstream.  I do not think that anyone other than our parents, loved ones and physique appreciators, (whether looking at t and a or looking at shoulders, it is really all the same) will sit through watching hours of quarter turns.  It is an aquired taste that is for sure.  The goal is not about being mainstream. That is like saying let's take dog shows and make them mainstream, let's make sure everyone loves dogs. (yes we are like dogs! ;D funny stuff.) but the point being, not everyone likes dogs, some people even hate them. The point is the journey, the dance, the challenge. The change in diet, the workouts, sculpting a Micheale Angelo, or at least try with all of ones might.  Listening to feedback from the judges, going back to the drawing board, taking a completely new direction from one year to the next, how exciting, if it were the same thing every year, now that would be boring.  The standing on stage, is only the fruits of all the labor, cutting and stoning the suits, structuring workouts, changing cardio, trying to get certain body parts to look and respond differently.  It is the dance, and this is a hobby, to think of it any other way is barking up the wrong tree, if you do not like the sport get out.  Don't sit though an entire dog show, saying how stupid is this that they are strutting there dogs and turning up their noses and grooming them. To some people it is what gets them out of bed in the morning, jus thinking about that dance.

Yes.. yes.. hobby is the perfect word.. and I understand when you say that it is the journey that counts - Once you accept that, then everythng falls into place. I always tell everyone outside the industry that it is like a dog or horse show.
The only excitement is seeng how everyone comes in.. or what suits they are wearing.. and I think that mainly interests the women..
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 07, 2007, 04:48:31 PM
Well, I'm glad that I sparked some passionate opinions. Nancy, I agree with you whole heartedly. Dina, although I debate with you, I support a lot of your ideas, and I know you only want the best for the competitors. However, I am just trying to focus attention on some new ideas to bring figure out to the masses. I think everyone has a valid point. I would love to her more new ideas as well. Lets all look forward not backwards.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Lift Studios on February 07, 2007, 06:41:06 PM
Nothing personal as I like you and Alexis, but come on, you're dancing worse than an American Idol reject. You brought up the issue of women choosing to compete in "the drug infested organizations" instead of the "healthier" ones, yet choose not to comment on it when it hits home. No offense but sounds a bit hypocrytical on your part.

What are your "new ideas" to bring figure to the masses? The core fan may have an interest in new-comers but outside of family and friends, why should someone care?

I think the key to getting more exposure is to have the women give the human interest story. Provide something of substance beyond the stage. The common story is, I'm broke, I'm a personal trainer, the judges must hate me and whoa is me. Let's hear something positive and inspiring along the lines of what Nancy spoke about.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 07, 2007, 10:07:34 PM
I agree with you 100%
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Hedgehog on February 08, 2007, 12:54:18 AM

Basically, the problem is that Figure is a freak show already.

Change the judging criteria, since testing is a very expensive way to go about it, to get rid of the male hormones.

With changed criterias, the competitions will be more marketable and the competitors will have a bigger opportunity to place well while still being females (natural).

BTW Fit Gourmet, you once mentioned that Alexis was the strongest fitness woman in the world, mentioning a squat she had repped with, I think it was 405 lbs, how many reps did she get with that?

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Rick Lohre on February 08, 2007, 10:01:04 AM
While I guess I don't understand the SUBJECT: Coming To Save Figure, I think this is some good discussion and a lot of valid points that seem to sum up what Figure/Fitness/BB is about in the NPC/IFBB.

Dina - "No one wants the girls they way they look on stage..."
I second that - All my friends that know about what Julie does say, Man I need to find a gal to tan up and help get ready for a show!  Go for it, you all know how bad the tan smells, how nasty the oil is and not to mention the beautiful bikini bite marks that are left behind after a show!  Not to mention, a skinny-bony behind might be attractive to some...well I'm not gonna go there...

"... they made it in other orgs and went mainstream from other orgs. Only reason to cross over was to get into the mags that cover ifbb/npc  athletes (because we still dominate in that field) and rack up tear-sheets"
That is a Fact! Tear sheets, publicity etc. generated in mags by the IFBB/NPC athletes is where these women can make their money back from their hobby.  Money is not necessarily made by doing the shoots (often times the pay comes by the appearance) financial benefits only come by how well you can capitalize on that publicity. 

"... and lets not insult everyones intelligence when claiming who is natural and who is not...  we are not retards."

Fit - "Lets all look forward not backwards."

While I agree with you, "look forward", I think that's what people who are competing for themselves are doing... 

I don't think it ever as exciting as say a ND football game.  The sport was a totally NEW 5 years ago and it allowed a lot of women to participate in a sport that they otherwise didn't have the opportunity to.  That in an of itself was exciting, but as a spectator sport, it's just not there!

I don't think the trash talk is all that interesting, in fact, I have gravitated away from many of the boards just because I'm kinda sick of it.  I do like to keep up with who's doing what and think it's a neat place to "congregate" and talk to folks you only see 3-4 times a year.  I honestly think the trash talk and petty BS before a contest is a joke. 

Give me one of Lift's "Preview Articles" ( and that's noteworthy.  Interesting facts about competitors and where they are coming from before a show.  Not who thinks who's getting a break at a show because of who they are sponsored by etc....

Nancy - "It is an aquired taste ... The point is the journey, the dance, the challenge ... this is a hobby, to think of it any other way is barking up the wrong tree, if you do not like the sport get out. " 

Rick Lohre (
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 08, 2007, 10:08:58 AM
Yes, I did mention how strong Alexis is. She squatted 425lbs 2x. with a spot. I had Connor from Fitsights make a video of her doing it for proof. I regret posting that about her. I believe it hurt her placing in her first two Pro shows. The N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. do not want to hear how strong there Figure Competitors are. They made an example out of Alexis by placing her last. If you look at the pictures of her Body, she looked much better than last place. Her poor placing was definitely my fault. I will never make that mistake again. Alexis was very dissappointed. Anyway, you are correct about your comment.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 08, 2007, 10:10:44 AM
Perfectly Said, Rick!!!
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Lift Studios on February 08, 2007, 12:34:23 PM
Yes, I did mention how strong Alexis is. She squatted 425lbs 2x. with a spot. I had Connor from Fitsights make a video of her doing it for proof. I regret posting that about her. I believe it hurt her placing in her first two Pro shows. The N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. do not want to hear how strong there Figure Competitors are. They made an example out of Alexis by placing her last. If you look at the pictures of her Body, she looked much better than last place. Her poor placing was definitely my fault. I will never make that mistake again. Alexis was very dissappointed. Anyway, you are correct about your comment.

How can you say that Alexis was placed last because of you posting how strong she is/was? She tied for 16th, which I guess you could say is last but to say that she placed out of the top 15 because of her strength, I think is a bit off base. Did the judges say, "Alexis we really like your physique but damn it, that husband of yours posted how strong you are and all be damned if we let a strong woman place in anything but 16th"?

Come on Dave, we're not a gaggle of morons here.

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Conor on February 08, 2007, 12:52:22 PM
Yes, I did mention how strong Alexis is. She squatted 425lbs 2x. with a spot. I had Connor from Fitsights make a video of her doing it for proof. I regret posting that about her. I believe it hurt her placing in her first two Pro shows. The N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. do not want to hear how strong there Figure Competitors are. They made an example out of Alexis by placing her last. If you look at the pictures of her Body, she looked much better than last place. Her poor placing was definitely my fault. I will never make that mistake again. Alexis was very dissappointed. Anyway, you are correct about your comment.

Yeah, her strength is legit.. no doubt.

And to me, figure is what it is. It's always gonna be the quarter turn circuit. If you want drama and action and blood, sweat and tears, check out a competition like the Women's Tri-Fitness — which to me is a true fitness competition, not a gymnastics competition or a physique competition.

I remember back in the day there used to be wacky gimmicks involved in the IFBB (I'm pretty sure it was the IFBB..) like rowing machines and weird Dance Dance Revolution type agility tests. While it was cool to actually have quanitative scores to add to the judging, it still came down to the physiques, and thats where we are now.

The core of the event won't ever change now (if it ain't broke, don't fix it), so the only hope to make it more exciting is the way its presented, not only at the competition itself but also in the media (and for this sport, that means the web and print). I've got plenty of ideas, but thats not my job, so we'll see how the sport evolves over time.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Thin Lizzy on February 08, 2007, 02:04:51 PM
Yeah, her strength is legit.. no doubt.

And to me, figure is what it is. It's always gonna be the quarter turn circuit. If you want drama and action and blood, sweat and tears, check out a competition like the Women's Tri-Fitness — which to me is a true fitness competition, not a gymnastics competition or a physique competition.

You wanna save figure?

Add an oil-wrestling round.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Fit Gourmet on February 09, 2007, 01:16:58 AM
I don't think you are morons. I was just agreeing that a new softer look, is what they are going after. Not strength.
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Alicia M. on February 26, 2007, 04:54:44 AM
What has happened?

The girls are using steroids and GH. That's whats happening.

They turn into transexuals. They age prematurely. Get deeper voices.

All due to the use of hormones. And for what? These girls permanently destroy their bodies all because of some plastic trophy and the admiration from a bunch of unfit schmoes.

You want to save figure?

Get rid of the drugs.

Then you'll get a mainstream appeal, and sponsors will be interested again.


Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Dina on February 26, 2007, 11:20:47 AM
Thanks for chiming Alicia since you were one of my examples...

best of luck girlie
Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Hedgehog on February 27, 2007, 07:50:31 AM
Thanks for chiming Alicia since you were one of my examples...

best of luck girlie

I second that mate.

Title: Re: Coming To Save Figure
Post by: Mufasa on March 02, 2007, 03:58:09 PM
Question for the ladies:

How important are contest , with the resultant pics and photo ops, for promoting the competitors other buisnesses? (Eg. , I noticed that a LOT of competitors are also Personal Trainers).