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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Hugo Chavez on February 09, 2007, 12:15:51 PM

Title: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 09, 2007, 12:15:51 PM
Berserker I agree that Bruce opened the door for this with his 240 post (even though all he did was quote 240, which caused 240 to start whining again), but he does have a point about you doing this as mod.  Not trying to stir the pot.  Just making an observation.
Ask yourself this question, guys, is this really behaviour you would deem appropriate from a Moderator of this board?  Is posting inaccurate personal attacks part of his role here?
Wow, just spitting bile, aren't you?  Not much 'moderate' in this Moderator, unfortunately.
...Yes, you lauded Reagan - congratulations.  You accuse conservatives of showing anger, directly after you spit bile in a post.  Again, moderate your views, 'Moderator'.
Beach, Bruce, others, you all don't think as mod I can call someone out on what looks like a political contradiction?  This is pretty contrary to some of the reasons we pushed so hard for this political forum. I'd rather participate in political.  Ever since I got mod, you guys have been holding it over my head saying what I can and can't do.  I thought that I had been doing a good job of modding and not letting my modding abilities interfere with how I would participate in the forum I most love... You really think this is inappropriate?  I'm sick of everything I do being held over my head here which is why I haven't been posting much lately... Just about every other post I was making seemed inapropriate to Bruce or someone else.  So let's find out, am I hindering this forum that I worked so hard, along with a few others, to get going?

Ok guys, let's have a vote on Berserker's Behaviour...

Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: sandycoosworth on February 09, 2007, 12:18:09 PM
this is a pointless thread

as long as you dont delete or modify peoples posts for political reasons everyone else here can kiss your hairy bean bag

(ps at my request = not a political reason ;D)

Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: a_joker10 on February 09, 2007, 12:26:19 PM
Your doing a fine job.

Your ass can't take the heat sometimes and a nice little meltdown ensues, but enraged melting is part of the fun.

Now I should smoke a Montecristo in your honor now that you will be the heir to Venezuela. (
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Dos Equis on February 09, 2007, 12:27:03 PM
I agree this is a pointless thread, but just to clarify, here is what I said in the same thread:

Re: Bruce has an identity crisis
«Quote from:  Beach Bum on Today at 11:39:06 AM »
Yes, although I question whether any mod (Ozmo, Berserker, etc.) should start threads like this.  I think the answer is probably "no," but different strokes.  And BTW, I don't have any major problems with the way any of the mods on this board (including Berserker) have run things.  I think starting the political board was a fabulous idea and it's probably the most entertaining board on this site IMO.  Besides, I always know that no matter how difficult my day, I can always come here and slap 240 around a little.  

Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: ieffinhatecardio on February 09, 2007, 12:28:26 PM
The only reason anyone objected to you starting that thread was to deflect attention away from the main point of the thread.

If they attack the messenger then the message gets lost.

As someone else says, if you start deleting valid posts and threads then people can question your actions.

This is just a smoke screen.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 09, 2007, 12:33:50 PM
I agree this is a pointless thread, but just to clarify, here is what I said in the same thread:

Yes but understand this isn't pointless to me... I've backed off of this forum some because of this.  So I need to know, can I post as myself and mod... you may have said that but you also determined what was appropriate and inapropriate with the post I noted.  as others have done... I'm much more interested in participating in a forum that isn't bound to hold my persona over my head.  Dude, it really sucks to want to have a little political fight with someone, call them out, and have them pull the, "not fair, you're a mod" card... :-\  I hope you can see where I'm coming from on this.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 09, 2007, 12:37:39 PM
The only reason anyone objected to you starting that thread was to deflect attention away from the main point of the thread.

If they attack the messenger then the message gets lost.

As someone else says, if you start deleting valid posts and threads then people can question your actions.

This is just a smoke screen.  
That is what I had a hunch it was.  So I ask myself, how can I determine to deal with something that happens frequently enough to hinder my participation in the forum... the only I thing could think of was to get everyone to chime in...  Then when it happens again, there is a reference point to how everyone feels about it which will either nullify or jusity the issue.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Dos Equis on February 09, 2007, 12:43:09 PM
Yes but understand this isn't pointless to me... I've backed off of this forum some because of this.  So I need to know, can I post as myself and mod... you may have said that but you also determined what was appropriate and inapropriate with the post I noted.  as others have done... I'm much more interested in participating in a forum that isn't bound to hold my persona over my head.  Dude, it really sucks to want to have a little political fight with someone, call them out, and have them pull the, "not fair, you're a mod" card... :-\  I hope you can see where I'm coming from on this.

I see where you're coming from, but I think this is overkill.  I think you should be able to say whatever the heck you want.  Nobody is paying to post here.  If someone doesn't like it, they can leave.  BUT . . . all I've done (along with Bruce) is express my opinion too.  You can either agree or disagree.  If you don't have a problem with creating threads like the "Bruce" thread, then continue to do so.  I think that's a step too far, but so what?  You don't have to agree with me.  That's what this forum is all about:  debate, discussion, the occasional insult. . . .  Am I going to change my opinion because a majority of people think what you did was appropriate?  No.  But big deal.

Like I said, all the mods, including you, have done a good job.  This is my favorite spot on site.  I like it even more now that you and I have smoked the peace pipe.   :)    
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 24KT on February 09, 2007, 02:44:46 PM
No: Berserker is doing a good job at being fair and being who he is posting in political.

I think you're doing a fabulous job. I think your posts, as well as your debate syle have infact improved since you became mod. I've seen fewer meltdowns from you, and from my perspective you've served up far more diplomacy than some of your detractors deserve. I give you two thumbs up.  (  (   :)

edit: <mini-meltdown> You Bastard! You deleted my off-topic unrelated post!  >:( </mini-meltdown>  :D
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hedgehog on February 12, 2007, 04:55:04 AM
You start a few personal attacking threads every now and then (bit of a hothead eh? 8)), but that has nothing to do with you moderating.

The moderating biz seems to be going alright.

You don't mix the two, and haven't seen any abuse of powers.

Keep it up.

Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 12, 2007, 07:43:57 AM
You start a few personal attacking threads every now and then (bit of a hothead eh? 8)), but that has nothing to do with you moderating.

The moderating biz seems to be going alright.

You don't mix the two, and haven't seen any abuse of powers.

Keep it up.

Thanks 8)
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Fury on February 12, 2007, 07:46:49 AM
Yes, I have this board on lockdown from behind my Berserker account.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: sandycoosworth on February 12, 2007, 07:49:34 AM
you should unlock the stickied rules thread ... the rules should be discussed democratically and not dictated
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Deedee on February 12, 2007, 07:52:28 AM
What Jimmy said is absolutely true, but there's nothing wrong with having a Berserker appreciation thread.  

You're doing just fine, you're a fab mod, and you certainly have no reason to censor yourself from posting as "private citizen Berzerker" in addtion to acting as mod.  If you can't post as you wish, what's the point of being a mod in the first place? Plus, as one of the only true minority representatives on this board, I totally approve of your choice of nekkid women you occasionally illustrate your threads with.  :)
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Fury on February 12, 2007, 07:54:17 AM
Berserker almost killed himself trying to get moderator here. He might go through with it if he were to lose it.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 24KT on February 12, 2007, 08:05:42 AM
you should unlock the stickied rules thread ... the rules should be discussed democratically and not dictated

What makes you think the rules have not been discussed democratically amongs the moderators?
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Cap on February 12, 2007, 08:09:18 AM
Berserker is a good mod.  He is human though so getting mad is acceptable, just like any other mod or poster on Getbig.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: youandme on February 12, 2007, 08:41:29 AM
No: Berserker is doing a good job at being fair and being who he is posting in political.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: sandycoosworth on February 12, 2007, 08:45:59 AM
What makes you think the rules have not been discussed democratically amongs the moderators?

that would be an oligarchy not a democracy... dipshit
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 12, 2007, 09:01:34 AM
you should unlock the stickied rules thread ... the rules should be discussed democratically and not dictated
no, then there would be to many rules.  The desire is to keep the forum free from overmodding and everyone seems to think it works great. I will continue to insist on a minimalist approach to modding for the purpose of promoting free thinking in this forum.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 240 is Back on February 12, 2007, 09:06:22 AM
1) berserker is a great mod.

2) change nothing about this place.

Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: OzmO on February 12, 2007, 09:07:11 AM
You are doing great Berserker.

BTW, one thing that hasn't been mentioned about modding.  Racial comments will need to be kept at a minimum and attacking someone with racial slurs will not be tolerated.  Other than that, let's roll.....

Who's ready to lob the first bomb at iran?  j/k
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 24KT on February 12, 2007, 09:10:14 AM
that would be an oligarchy not a democracy... dipshit

{blush}  :-[  ...well, I have been called worse.  :D
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 24KT on February 12, 2007, 09:11:25 AM
You are doing great Berserker.

BTW, one thing that hasn't been mentioned about modding.  Racial comments will need to be kept at a minimum and attacking someone with racial slurs will not be tolerated.  Other than that, let's roll.....

Who's ready to lob the first bomb at iran?  j/k

Can you include sexism and misogyny as well?
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: youandme on February 12, 2007, 09:12:12 AM


"It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."—April 28, 2005

Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 24KT on February 12, 2007, 09:23:06 AM

"It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."—April 28, 2005

I guess that explains Toro Bora and OBL's escape.  :P
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: sandycoosworth on February 12, 2007, 09:27:55 AM
no, then there would be to many rules.  The desire is to keep the forum free from overmodding and everyone seems to think it works great. I will continue to insist on a minimalist approach to modding for the purpose of promoting free thinking in this forum.

locking the thread took more more mod work than not locking it ... given what you wrote about not wanting to overmod you must now unlock it or you are full of shit :)

the only rules that count are the ones in your first post, which can be bolded and changed just like you are doing now, only difference is there will be a long thead with an "audit trail" of the democratic opinions of the rules and not you deciding them arbitrarily + threads all over the board
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 12, 2007, 09:47:50 AM
locking the thread took more more mod work than not locking it ... given what you wrote about not wanting to overmod you must now unlock it or you are full of shit :)

the only rules that count are the ones in your first post, which can be bolded and changed just like you are doing now, only difference is there will be a long thead with an "audit trail" of the democratic opinions of the rules and not you deciding them arbitrarily + threads all over the board
Don't be a bruce ;D  I didn't say no modding, I said minimal modding.  That's exactly what we have so you're bitching for what I don't know...  I mod less than Bigger B did, who is your hero, so you're barking for unknown reasons... No offense to bb intended. Most of that sticky is clarification of misunderstandings like listing what is a political issue and what is not.  Listing what Ron laid out for the forum when it was created. Even the lastes rule change on calling people out is a clarification of the freedom to do so. But people complained so it is a fair compromise. Have a political point when calling someone out.  The rules sticky stays period.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: sandycoosworth on February 12, 2007, 10:02:31 AM
you clearly said you dont want to overmod, i quoted and bolded it .... locking a thread that doesnt need to be locked is overmodding

doesnt really matter but now everyone can see you are full of shit :)
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 12, 2007, 11:07:36 AM
you clearly said you dont want to overmod, i quoted and bolded it .... locking a thread that doesnt need to be locked is overmodding

doesnt really matter but now everyone can see you are full of shit :)
Oh brother... Well, I guess you will have to just live with this full of shit mod, you're stuck with me and the fucking sticky stays biotch ;D
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: 24KT on February 12, 2007, 11:14:15 AM
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Cavalier22 on February 12, 2007, 11:24:08 AM
i didnt know he was a mod until i guess hes doing fine
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: BRUCE on February 12, 2007, 02:34:06 PM
this is a pointless thread

as long as you dont delete or modify peoples posts for political reasons everyone else here can kiss your hairy bean bag

(ps at my request = not a political reason ;D)

He's done this to me.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: BRUCE on February 12, 2007, 02:39:28 PM
This is quite an interesting thread for a few reasons:

- Beserker has told me I am not allowed to discuss Mods here in the Board Complaints area (a thread he started, not me).
- Beserker now starts a thread polling his performance here.
- Beserker deletes my posts defending myself against his .
- The thrust of the Mod debate was Delusional Liberal's activities here, not Beserkers.
- I still haven't recommended any Mod be removed and replaced.
- I have posted that I believe Beserker should remain as Mod.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 12, 2007, 04:05:00 PM
This is quite an interesting thread for a few reasons:

- Beserker has told me I am not allowed to discuss Mods here in the Board Complaints area (a thread he started, not me).
- Beserker now starts a thread polling his performance here.
- Beserker deletes my posts defending myself against his .
- The thrust of the Mod debate was Delusional Liberal's activities here, not Beserkers.
- I still haven't recommended any Mod be removed and replaced.
- I have posted that I believe Beserker should remain as Mod.

A. The thread was started before the fact.  B. The thread was created to deal with your accusations.  C. The information collected from this thread, along with pm complaints about you determined my decision. D. Berserker has never deleted one of your posts, moved yes.  Keep your facts straight.
Title: Re: On Berserker's behavior... Please Vote
Post by: BRUCE on February 12, 2007, 04:09:27 PM
A. The thread was started before the fact.  B. The thread was created to deal with your accusations.  C. The information collected from this thread, along with pm complaints about you determined my decision. D. Berserker has never deleted one of your posts, moved yes.  Keep your facts straight.

You'll no doubt reveal the identity of these complainants?

I'm sure you have deleted at least one of my posts, but I can't prove that - can I?