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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: bigjohn_bluesfan on February 27, 2007, 06:13:28 PM

Title: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on February 27, 2007, 06:13:28 PM
anybody ever feel like their sleep is not as good after the test starts to kick in--I had couple nights this week when sleep wasnt great
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: trab on February 27, 2007, 06:26:25 PM
Hey John- I cant sleep on Dbol after about 4pm.

Also,Big heart thumpin Test loads can be same prob.
Primo tabs overnight are the bomb. Sleep yes- and wake up pumped.

Watch the benzos. They work (too good) Benzo WDs are nothin to F with. THey can kill.
But a valium now and then after severe physical shit can put you down for some top notch recovery sleep.
Ill prob get reamed here for sayin that, but dont play w/ it if you cant use it intermittently. Therein lies the problem.
They aint on par with vics for addictave potential, but theyre not candy either.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 27, 2007, 06:46:06 PM
anybody ever feel like their sleep is not as good after the test starts to kick in--I had couple nights this week when sleep wasnt great

Yeah that sometimes happens, caffine too late will keep you up too.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Arnold jr on February 27, 2007, 07:54:07 PM
I always struggle with my sleep when on's simply the nature of the beast in my world.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: trab on February 27, 2007, 08:09:59 PM
Mellatonin now and then, trippy.
Calcium Magnesium & Zinc I think helps out w/ REM sleep. Thats the real "sleep" to me.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on February 28, 2007, 05:52:33 AM
I always struggle with my sleep when on's simply the nature of the beast in my world.

Same here.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: bassmaster on February 28, 2007, 06:01:39 AM
i can't sleep wither I'm on cycle or not, but if i get some cardio done before bed I'm good to go... then again i work nights and the sunlight does no good. Somebody ought to put that thing out.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on February 28, 2007, 06:34:09 AM
i can't sleep wither I'm on cycle or not, but if i get some cardio done before bed I'm good to go... then again i work nights and the sunlight does no good. Somebody ought to put that thing out.

Midnights or afternoons can be a bitch.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: bassmaster on February 28, 2007, 07:08:25 AM
Midnights or afternoons can be a bitch.

i work graveyard.. clock in at 7pm leave whenever were done, on a heavy night its a guaranteed 7 in the morning.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on February 28, 2007, 07:15:58 AM
i work graveyard.. clock in at 7pm leave whenever were done, on a heavy night its a guaranteed 7 in the morning.

I worked 11:30PM-7:30AM all last summer. It sucked.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Birdman on February 28, 2007, 10:23:28 AM
I feel you bassmaster...I havent slept through an entrie night without waking up since the summer of 03.  SUCKS SO BAD!!!  And ususally Ill get up and eat...dont ask me why.  There are some nights (like last night) when I wake up and get out of bed 5 times in 6 hours.  It pisses me off but there isnt much that I've found that works.  I take melatonin.  I used to take Zoloft.  That shit is crazy.  I still couldnt sleep through the night, I would wake up and start doing all sorts of weird shit in the middle of the night because that drug isnt something to fuck with.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: hendog on February 28, 2007, 10:50:14 AM
I have heard of guys having a hard time sleeping while on clen, winny and Tren but never test. Interesting.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: blondmusclhunk on February 28, 2007, 12:32:37 PM
Yes I notice myself waking up more when Im on a cycle at least once a night or sometimes twice.  I also notice it takes me a little longer to fall asleep than when im off.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: emn1964 on February 28, 2007, 02:18:41 PM
Lunesta, Rozeram, traz, all help sometimes with little risk of addiction.  But when I am on, almost nothing helps.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on February 28, 2007, 03:02:17 PM
Yes I notice myself waking up more when Im on a cycle at least once a night or sometimes twice.  I also notice it takes me a little longer to fall asleep than when im off.

it sucks a big one because I went to work the past few days so tired I felt like I got beat with a baseball bat and my face feels all fucked up
then i have to go and try to train feeling that way

I have a prescription for ambien that will damn well be filled as sure as tomorrow comes
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: coolioni on February 28, 2007, 04:53:50 PM
I have gotten scripts for lunesta, ambien cr, restoril, and clonopin, and xanax.
Xanax witha 30mg restoril gives me the best sleep.
Also, try not to work out so late.
I heard gear stimulates your CNS, which causes sleeping problems.
I fee like I am always ready to jumo out of bed, but then I seem to be tired al day.
This is especialy true when on tren.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 28, 2007, 05:35:30 PM
"I can still hear my old hound dog barking, chasing down a who do they.......Born on a bayou". 

Alright I just smoked a bowl a little something to keep my head screwd on straight during these low carb days, takes mucho disipline to beat the munchies and people say EQ makes you hungry  ;D

Oh yeah the Creedence is a tribute to our own ragging Cajun, BigJohn blues fu*king fan!  My chocolate lab is digging it, hes howling like a wolf, figures he's from Mississipi.  :D
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: bassmaster on March 01, 2007, 04:39:49 AM
one thing I'm noticing while being on cycle is that i wake up with an increadable thirst. i can't keep the damm Brita filled with enough cold water.

I really do not want to get some sort of sleeping pill scirpt. thats something that i wouldn't want to get hooked on.   

it doesn't matter how many hours i sleep if i don't dream than it was bad sleep. 

ZMAs  seem to give me the weirdist dreams. thanks for the sympathy

i agree with ya'll working nights suck
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Overload on March 01, 2007, 06:34:28 AM
ZMA, Ambien or Zanax.

As much as i hate to add Zanax in there it works wonders if you have high stress and anxiety. I've battled with anxiety my entire life and i only take zanax if i have a very important meeting or lifting meet the next day and i can't sleep. I've found that it isn't addicting at all but I've never taken it during the day because it makes me very tired. I've had a script for about 3 years and still have the original fill.

it's the opiates like vicoden and such that can really get you hooked. I'd never never take those even after surgery.

Just use these things with moderation because anything can be habit forming...ZMA also gives me vivid dreams.

Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: rccs on March 01, 2007, 08:33:45 AM
ZMA, Ambien or Zanax.

As much as i hate to add Zanax in there it works wonders if you have high stress and anxiety. I've battled with anxiety my entire life and i only take zanax if i have a very important meeting or lifting meet the next day and i can't sleep. I've found that it isn't addicting at all but I've never taken it during the day because it makes me very tired. I've had a script for about 3 years and still have the original fill.

it's the opiates like vicoden and such that can really get you hooked. I'd never never take those even after surgery.

Just use these things with moderation because anything can be habit forming...ZMA also gives me vivid dreams.


I was prescribed Victan to calm down. I don't sleep an entire night for more than 2 years, wether I'm juicing or not. In January I had a problem, I thougth I was having an heart attack, I went to the hospital and then went to 2 more doctors, and they all precribed me Victan and told that "probably" wasn't a heart problem (one of those doctors was a cardiologist). So when I start having those sympthoms I put one under the tongue, but I think that it isn't a strong medication. I need stronger medication, but I don't want to get addicted... What is the time of effect of Zanax!
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Overload on March 01, 2007, 09:07:43 AM
I was prescribed Victan to calm down. I don't sleep an entire night for more than 2 years, wether I'm juicing or not. In January I had a problem, I thougth I was having an heart attack, I went to the hospital and then went to 2 more doctors, and they all precribed me Victan and told that "probably" wasn't a heart problem (one of those doctors was a cardiologist). So when I start having those sympthoms I put one under the tongue, but I think that it isn't a strong medication. I need stronger medication, but I don't want to get addicted... What is the time of effect of Zanax!

I don't know anything about Victan.

Zanax is Tranquilizer that suppresses anxiety...i used to get anxiety attacks in college due to working too much(stress) and the amount of school work i was doing.

From the sounds of your symptoms, "and I'm not a doctor", it sounds like you have a similar condition. many of my anxiety attacks came late at night. all of this was before i started juicing and it has gotten better recently but i have more control in my life now. it takes alot to get me fired up most of the time. i few years ago i would freak out about the smallest problems.

Zanax can be very addicting if you take it too often. i take it maybe once or twice a month. mainly the night before a powerlifting meet so i can get 8-10 hours of sound sleep. sometimes i take it if i had a stressful day but it will literally put you to sleep even when taken during the day.

Time of effect? I'm not sure what you mean but it takes about 1 hour to start working on an empty stomach and will last up to 6 hours. my pills are 2.5mg i believe.

Ask your doctor about it.

Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on March 01, 2007, 09:14:30 AM
I don't know anything about Victan.

Zanax is Tranquilizer that suppresses anxiety...i used to get anxiety attacks in college due to working too much(stress) and the amount of school work i was doing.

From the sounds of your symptoms, "and I'm not a doctor", it sounds like you have a similar condition. many of my anxiety attacks came late at night. all of this was before i started juicing and it has gotten better recently but i have more control in my life now. it takes alot to get me fired up most of the time. i few years ago i would freak out about the smallest problems.

Zanax can be very addicting if you take it too often. i take it maybe once or twice a month. mainly the night before a powerlifting meet so i can get 8-10 hours of sound sleep. sometimes i take it if i had a stressful day but it will literally put you to sleep even when taken during the day.

Time of effect? I'm not sure what you mean but it takes about 1 hour to start working on an empty stomach and will last up to 6 hours. my pills are 2.5mg i believe.

Ask your doctor about it.


I need two or three Xanax just to get my ass on a plane & then I still usually can't sleep.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Overload on March 01, 2007, 09:32:20 AM
I need two or three Xanax just to get my ass on a plane & then I still usually can't sleep.

I hate planes!

when i do sleep and i get awakened by turbulence i can feel my heart about to beat out of my chest. that is why i just try to relax and read a book or I'll drink a 6 pack waiting for the flight!

I'll skydive but i hate flying...sort of odd.

Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: rccs on March 01, 2007, 09:34:24 AM
I don't know anything about Victan.

Zanax is Tranquilizer that suppresses anxiety...i used to get anxiety attacks in college due to working too much(stress) and the amount of school work i was doing.

From the sounds of your symptoms, "and I'm not a doctor", it sounds like you have a similar condition. many of my anxiety attacks came late at night. all of this was before i started juicing and it has gotten better recently but i have more control in my life now. it takes alot to get me fired up most of the time. i few years ago i would freak out about the smallest problems.

Zanax can be very addicting if you take it too often. i take it maybe once or twice a month. mainly the night before a powerlifting meet so i can get 8-10 hours of sound sleep. sometimes i take it if i had a stressful day but it will literally put you to sleep even when taken during the day.

Time of effect? I'm not sure what you mean but it takes about 1 hour to start working on an empty stomach and will last up to 6 hours. my pills are 2.5mg i believe.

Ask your doctor about it.

Thanx. i am also into powelifting, started to compete last year, and one thing is for sure, this victan pills let me weaker and slower. I will inform with my doctor about zanax.  ;)
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Overload on March 01, 2007, 09:42:48 AM
Thanx. i am also into powelifting, started to compete last year, and one thing is for sure, this victan pills let me weaker and slower. I will inform with my doctor about zanax.  ;)

Zanax doesn't effect my strength but keep in mind I'm lifting about 14-16 hours after the pill has been ingested. say i take it at 8pm on Friday night. i don't start lifting in the meet until 10am on Saturday. i also take caffine pills before the competition to keep me on the edge!

Good luck with your powerlifting.

Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on March 01, 2007, 10:39:37 AM
I hate planes!

when i do sleep and i get awakened by turbulence i can feel my heart about to beat out of my chest. that is why i just try to relax and read a book or I'll drink a 6 pack waiting for the flight!

I'll skydive but i hate flying...sort of odd.


When we went on our honeymoon I took four Xanax & drank two mini bottles of scotch. Needless to say I woke up at the next stop (five hours later).
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: 4thAD on March 01, 2007, 11:07:52 AM
Im telling you guys dont evem mess with the scripts go to wally world(WalMart) and get a bottle of generic benadryl. Its equate brand allergy meds. The shit works so friggin good. Two will knock your ass out for a good eight hours. The hangovers are nothing a strong cup of coffee cant cure. In other countries they sell the shit as sleep aids!
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Rimbaud on March 01, 2007, 11:15:02 AM
Im telling you guys dont evem mess with the scripts go to wally world(WalMart) and get a bottle of generic benadryl. Its equate brand allergy meds. The shit works so friggin good. Two will knock your ass out for a good eight hours. The hangovers are nothing a strong cup of coffee cant cure. In other countries they sell the shit as sleep aids!

True, benadryl's good stuff & will put you to sleep. However, you need to watch out because I've found that too much will lead to just the opposite effect. I broke out in hives really bad & they gave me 300mg in my IV & it put me out for about 30 minutes & then I couldn't go back to sleep for about twelve hours.
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Vet on March 01, 2007, 11:17:29 AM
Im telling you guys dont evem mess with the scripts go to wally world(WalMart) and get a bottle of generic benadryl. Its equate brand allergy meds. The shit works so friggin good. Two will knock your ass out for a good eight hours. The hangovers are nothing a strong cup of coffee cant cure. In other countries they sell the shit as sleep aids!

That depends on the person.  Benadryl (and the generic brands of diphenhydramine) make me mean as hell.   I'm worse than chronic PMS bitchy after taking that stuff.   And it does nothing to help me sleep, I just want to cut peoples throats.  
Title: Re: >>> sleep while on cycle
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 01, 2007, 06:06:14 PM
I find I get the most amazing sleep on prop , surprisingly ONLY on prop... no other test makes me feel as refreshed and alert in the morning. Usually I'm drowsy as hell, but if Im shooting prop, I pop up in the morning like the undertaker when he gets knocked down in wrestling, LOL.