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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: 240 is Back on March 21, 2007, 02:37:20 PM

Title: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: 240 is Back on March 21, 2007, 02:37:20 PM
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Stavios on March 21, 2007, 02:38:49 PM
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Arnold jr on March 21, 2007, 02:43:07 PM
I keep track of all my measurements and weight....typically weigh once per wk and measure once every 4-6wks. For nutrition, I only track it when dieting, but I keep a close eye on it year round.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Hedgehog on March 21, 2007, 02:43:44 PM

What about you?

Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Deadpool on March 21, 2007, 02:45:00 PM
used to, haven't recently
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: saucetradomous on March 21, 2007, 02:45:17 PM
I keep track of all my measurements and weight....typically weigh once per wk and measure once every 4-6wks. For nutrition, I only track it when dieting, but I keep a close eye on it year round.

What's the point of keeping track of your weight if your not dieting?
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Deadpool on March 21, 2007, 02:46:20 PM
What's the point of keeping track of your weight if your not dieting?

to see if you are improving in poundages in your workouts  ::)
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Arnold jr on March 21, 2007, 02:47:46 PM
What's the point of keeping track of your weight if your not dieting?
It's not completely necessary it's just something I do. As long as the measurements are going up, that's all that matters, but typically, not always but most of the time weight goes up with this at some rate.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Undisputed on March 21, 2007, 03:03:42 PM
Tried a diet journal once...It lasted one day.  Couldn't keep track of all the candy and shit.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: chainsaw on March 21, 2007, 03:06:40 PM
No, I go as all out as possible everytime I train, Just like with my business.

I keep goals though, 2 different things.

I have sometimes seen logs as limitations, and when things are going well, not as expected,

The subconsious can really do damage to you're current state.

240, I believe you are with me on this on yeah?
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Sexual Mustard on March 21, 2007, 03:10:37 PM
have religiously kept a training journal for 9 years.

When I competed, I kept a diet journal as well.  But nowadays when I want to shave off a few vanity pounds, I don't need to.

Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Saxon on March 21, 2007, 03:13:57 PM
I keep a training journal but just for weight training, don't keep a track of any cardio I do.  I note my weight in that book as well.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: AVBG on March 21, 2007, 03:29:21 PM
I have over the years kept journals, but when it came down to it I rarely referred back to them, my memory is pretty good so I remember weights and reps used.. so no real need to write it down..
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: gh15 on March 21, 2007, 03:47:45 PM
if you dont go on the scale atleast 10 times a day,,,you aint no bodybuilder buddy :D

i remember one time i woke up 265lb i went and drank the orange juice jug i had in fridge,,think i drank half of it,,went on the scale 10 min later and was 273lb,,weight means shit when youre single digit bf%,,it changes if you walk diff :D

weight should be mesured only once a day and it is in the am after 8 hour sleep,,upon waking up,, after drinking 1 glass of water. that will be your true weight
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: leonp1981 on March 21, 2007, 03:49:08 PM
I have a training log, with all my workouts over the last 3 1/2 years.  I also weigh myself once a week, and try to reach new PB lifts each month.  I find having things written in black and white motivates me more, it gives me a target to beat all the time.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: triple_pickle on March 21, 2007, 03:51:23 PM
i kept a training and nutrition journal for a year way back in high school.  waste of time, imo.  first, as you age and hopefully progress, any marginal gains become smaller and smaller no matter what exercises you do and how you eat so you cannot expect that something that brought you decent gains in the past will work today.  second, as you age, after some point you are not able to train with the same intensity as when you were 18 so the reference frame changes too.  perhaps you used to do 24 sets for legs and these days 16 is all you can take.  third, do you really go back to your old logs and read them?
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: leonp1981 on March 21, 2007, 03:53:40 PM
third, do you really go back to your old logs and read them?

I work out at home most of the time, and I keep mine on a shelf next to my weights.  Then, if I'm having a shit workout, I get them down and see where I was compared to where I am.  It just reminds me that I'm achieving something.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: 240 is Back on March 21, 2007, 04:00:15 PM
I'm keeping one for protein grams, and weights/reps.  building a fine garage home gym and it's a tad less chaotic than the 'real' gym.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: saucetradomous on March 21, 2007, 04:40:27 PM
to see if you are improving in poundages in your workouts  ::)

When He say's measurements and weight together I'm assuming he meant "Bodyweight"
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: mesmorph78 on March 21, 2007, 04:40:43 PM
i find it weird sometimes u see.. guys.. walking around the gym with a book... writing down everything.. i can remember everyworkout i ever did... my max pondages.. i cant see why someone would need to write down everything they do but to each their own..
i personally tink a lot of guys do it to look hardcore.. along with the boots.. the bandana.. jug of water.. chalk to do bicep curls..
they have everything except the thing that is truly important.. the physique..
so journals. no i dont personally see the need for them
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: EL Mariachi on March 21, 2007, 04:42:13 PM
a bunch of roman-writers
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: AVBG on March 21, 2007, 04:42:55 PM
i find it weird sometimes u see.. guys.. walking around the gym with a book... writing down everything.. i can remember everyworkout i ever did... my max pondages.. i cant see why someone would need to write down everything they do but to each their own..
i personally tink a lot of guys do it to look hardcore.. along with the boots.. the bandana.. jug of water.. chalk to do bicep curls..
they have everything except the thing that is truly important.. the physique..
so journals. no i dont personally see the need for them

exactly... How hard is it to keep track of something that you are genuinely interested in?
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 21, 2007, 04:44:56 PM
I keep a training journal but just for weight training, don't keep a track of any cardio I do.  I note my weight in that book as well.

Same here except I keep track of cardio as well.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: saucetradomous on March 21, 2007, 04:47:30 PM
exactly... How hard is it to keep track of something that you are genuinely interested in?

mesmorph and AVBG got it right... The only time you might need to keep track is with your diet or if your a beginner just starting out.  Otherwise it's should be just as common to you as Day and Night.
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: saucetradomous on March 21, 2007, 04:51:24 PM
I mean who sits down for half an hour filling out Charts and Graphs when they could be there working out?  Get the fuck up off that bench and let me use it! haha. 

Imagine seeing Ronnie Coleman using a program like Quicken at home to fill out his max lifts wearing a green Visor ???
Title: Re: Do you keep a journal for training/ nutrition/ supps or sleep?
Post by: NeverTrustABlonde on March 21, 2007, 07:02:29 PM
have religiously kept a training journal for 9 years.

religiously.... yea that's def me...  :-\bad habit