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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Mr. Intenseone on April 05, 2007, 11:18:23 AM

Title: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on April 05, 2007, 11:18:23 AM

What an idiot!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 05, 2007, 11:21:26 AM

What an idiot!

here is a bitch that a few months ago is talking about how she represents how far women have come and then she goes to a nation where they repress women and what does she do? Cover her legs and head when in public!! Way to stand for women's rights!! LMAO
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 05, 2007, 11:23:14 AM
I wish someone would blow her head off in syria.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 05, 2007, 11:25:04 AM
I wish someone would blow her head off in syria.

she is doing them such a favor...any dems answer me this....if we let the leaders of Iran, Syria and Al Queda vote in America would they vote GOP or Dem?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 05, 2007, 12:00:49 PM
she is doing them such a favor...any dems answer me this....if we let the leaders of Iran, Syria and Al Queda vote in America would they vote GOP or Dem?
100% democratic.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 12:10:12 PM
here is a bitch... she goes to a nation where they repress women and what does she do? Cover her legs and head when in public!! Way to stand for women's rights!! LMAO

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 05, 2007, 12:12:07 PM

Is that Laura Bush? I can't tell, if it is then you haven't proven a point. When did Laura Bush give a speach about representing how far women have come?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 05, 2007, 12:17:50 PM

She will probably go to Iraq and meet with insurgents next and tell em, WAIT TIL MARCH 2008 and the country is yours , all I can til then is stop money for our troops which will be great for you guys, they might be withou ammo and you can really kill lots of them!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 12:24:14 PM
Is that Laura Bush? I can't tell, if it is then you haven't proven a point. When did Laura Bush give a speach about representing how far women have come?

"Good morning. I'm Laura Bush... The severe repression and brutality against women in Afghanistan is not a matter of legitimate religious practice."
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 05, 2007, 12:27:57 PM
"Good morning. I'm Laura Bush... The severe repression and brutality against women in Afghanistan is not a matter of legitimate religious practice."

it is a little different there Ribo...Pelosi said "we broke the marble ceiling in washington" and I think I heard "I am woman hear me roar" playing in the background....she implies that she suceeded in the face of male chauvanism...why didn't she make a stand in Syria and really thumb her nose at the men?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 05, 2007, 12:28:49 PM
"Good morning. I'm Laura Bush... The severe repression and brutality against women in Afghanistan is not a matter of legitimate religious practice."

and where did that picture come from, she was wearing all black in SE asia? Looks like a funeral picture
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 12:37:47 PM
and where did that picture come from, she was wearing all black in SE asia? Looks like a funeral picture

U.S. first lady Laura Bush (C) visits the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem's Old City May 22, 2005.

Or if you prefer....
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 02:02:04 PM
why didn't she make a stand in Syria and really thumb her nose at the men?

It's called "diplomacy".

That's OK... I know you right-wingers aren't up to speed on the concept yet.  :)
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Colossus_500 on April 05, 2007, 03:02:46 PM
It's called "diplomacy".

That's OK... I know you right-wingers aren't up to speed on the concept yet.  :)
You mean something like this?   :P

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Colossus_500 on April 05, 2007, 03:27:36 PM
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 05, 2007, 03:39:09 PM
I'll take Pelosi over this sack of crap.

In 1997, Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) led a delegation to Colombia at a time when U.S. officials were trying to attach human rights conditions to U.S. security assistance programs. Hastert specifically encouraged Colombian military officials to “bypass” President Clinton and “communicate directly with Congress.”
…a congressional delegation led by Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) which met with Colombian military officials, promising to “remove conditions on assistance” and complaining about “leftist-dominated” U.S. congresses of years past that “used human rights as an excuse to aid the left in other countries.” Hastert said he would to correct this situation and expedite aid to countries allied in the war on drugs and also encouraged Colombian military officials to “bypass the U.S. executive branch and communicate directly with Congress.”

Subsequently, U.S. Ambassador to Colombia Myles Frechette sent a cable complaining that Hastert’s actions had undermined his leverage with the Colombian military leadership.

In other instances, Hastert actually guided congressional staff to unilaterally reach deals with Colombian officials:

House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, at the direction of the Hastert group, would fly to Colombia, meet with the nation’s anti-narcotics police and negotiate the levels and terms of assistance, the scope of the program and the kinds of equipment that would be needed. Rarely were the U.S. diplomatic personnel in our embassy in Bogata consulted about the “U.S.” position in these negotiations, and in a number of instances they were excluded from or not even made aware of the meetings.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on April 05, 2007, 04:16:11 PM
It's called "diplomacy".

That's OK... I know you right-wingers aren't up to speed on the concept yet.  :)


That dimwit thinks she can just do things as she pleases.......she just slapped the President and the country (our country) right in the face, hey pal, you elected her and the rest of the liberal idiots now you can eat crow and deal with it!!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 05, 2007, 04:23:09 PM

That dimwit thinks she can just do things as she pleases.......she just slapped the President and the country (our country) right in the face, hey pal, you elected her and the rest of the liberal idiots now you can eat crow and deal with it!!

You mean like California Republican Darrel Issa?

U.S. Congressmen meets with Syria's President Assad
Thu, 05 Apr 2007 19:18:15 
 A U.S. delegation headed by Representative Darrell Issa, met with Syrian President Bashar Assad a day after U.S. Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi held meetings with the Syrian President.

The 3 person delegation headed by Mr. Issa, who is of Lebanese decent, covered a variety of issues important to the region, such as security and how Syria can be of assistance regarding the U.S-led war in Iraq.

These meetings have all been objected by the White House and President Bush.

When Mr. Issa was asked why the White House has criticized these meetings, he said: "President Bush is the head of state, but he hasn't encouraged dialogue. That's an important message to realize: we have tensions, but we have two functioning embassies."
Congressional Democrats and many Republicans have criticized Bush for closing the doors on dialogue between the two countries.

Since full details of the topics covered remain unclear, it has become evident that both Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Issa have taken their own initiative in improving U.S. foreign policy in areas where President Bush and the White House have failed.

Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Issa have both iterated that Congress will continue to have dialogue with Syria and its officials, stating that they are first on a fact-finding mission which they hope will lead to bilateral relations with Syria.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 04:37:23 PM

That dimwit thinks she can just do things as she pleases.......she just slapped the President and the country (our country) right in the face, hey pal, you elected her and the rest of the liberal idiots now you can eat crow and deal with it!!

Meltdown.  ;D

Yes, by her engagement and diplomacy quickly succeeding where Bush's bullying and isolation have failed for 6 years, she has indeed slapped the President in the face. Maybe even kneed him in the crotch.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  :)
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on April 05, 2007, 05:05:28 PM
Meltdown.  ;D

Yes, by her engagement and diplomacy quickly succeeding where Bush's bullying and isolation have failed for 6 years, she has indeed slapped the President in the face. Maybe even kneed him in the crotch.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  :)

How if the fuck did she succeed?? She conveyed the freaking message to Syria be saying Israel was ready for peace..........I see you got the part where I said she slapped the pres in the face but missed the part where I said she also slapped the COUNTRY as well!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 05, 2007, 05:13:14 PM

Pelosi insists that Israel’s message was communicated accurately, and has suggested a good way to prove it:
[Pelosi spokesman Brendan] Daly pointed out that Pelosi was briefed by State Department officials before her meetings with the foreign leaders and that State Department officials also attended her meetings.

So if Pelosi really committed foreign policy flubs of the first order, the State Department is in a position to confirm as much.

The White House certainly received a read-out of what exactly Pelosi and the foreign leaders said in their meetings. Significantly, the White House has not openly accused Pelosi of the foreign-policy missteps the Post had accused her of.

In an e-mail follow-up, Daly wrote: “WH has not said that because in fact the Speaker did not get the message wrong — she included the necessary caveats and did not say or imply that this was a change in Israel’s position.”
Indeed, despite President Bush’s claim that Pelosi’s trip sent “mixed signals,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said during his briefing today, “I don’t think [the trip] necessarily complicates anything that we’re doing.”
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 05:18:20 PM
missed the part where I said she also slapped the COUNTRY as well!

Yeah, well, that's the part I had trouble understanding.  :)

How exactly did America get slapped by this?

Or to be more precise: how did it slap us in a way that the visits by Republican lawmakers Frank Wolf of Virginia, Joseph Pitts of Pennsylvania, and Robert Aderholt of Alabama a few days earlier did not?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on April 05, 2007, 06:11:01 PM
RUSH: The big news today, I guess (there's so much of it) is Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House.  Let me take you back to what I said yesterday on this program.  This was tough to say, folks, as I mentioned leading into this comment.

RUSH ARCHIVE:  I don't think that she is blessed with a tremendous IQ.  I don't think this is the brightest bulb, incandescent or compact fluorescent, in the socket.  I don't think that the elevator goes all the way to the top.  She is an order of French fries short of a Happy Meal.  There are any number of ways that you can say this.  I really do think that she's... she's... she's... stupid.  There, are you happy?

RUSH:  For her years and for her experiences what she's pulled off here is over the top.  It turns out that she came out and she made a statement. She probably announced that she had told Bashar Assad that Ehud Olmert of Israel was ready to talk peace.  This is what she said yesterday afternoon after she had met with Assad.

PELOSI:  The meeting with the president enabled us to communicate a message from Prime Minister Olmert, uh, that Israel is ready to engage in talks as well.

RUSH:  There's a little problem with this, Olmert did not authorize her to say such a thing, and he doesn't believe such a thing.  They're not going to talk peace with Syria until Syria renounces its state sponsorship of terrorism.  Now, it was bad enough that Pelosi offered a photo-op credibility to Bashar Assad and the other leaders of Syria, the people who run state-sponsored terrorism.  They've been linked to the assassinations in, and attempted destabilization of, Lebanon. They coddle Hezbollah.  They've thrown in their lot with Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  It's bad enough when Pelosi pulled that Gucci scarf over her head to make a hijab, although that might be something that's excusable.  That was observing a religious custom as she went into a mosque. A lot of people would do that. But then she can't even get it right.  Now, here she is. She's not even empowered to conduct foreign policy.  She's the speaker of the House, and foreign policy does not come under the purview of members of Congress even if they are speaker of the House.

But she couldn't even get it right when she tried to convey a message from Israel to Syria, and she forces Olmert to put out a clarification that exposes her incompetence, and that's what this is.  You can't say she's trying to massage things. You can't say she's trying to mobilize and get started the peace talks.  This is just... You have to chalk this up to incompetence.  You might say duplicity.  It really doesn't matter whether she was deliberately deceitful or just hopelessly naïve and inadequate.  This is just an ugly scenario, and it's embarrassing, and I talked to some people in Great Britain today, and the news that their 15 sailors and marines are back is secondary to this news of Pelosi having to be corrected by the Israeli prime minister.  Even the Washington Post today weighs in with an editorial: "Pratfall in Damascus -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) offered an excellent demonstration yesterday of why members of Congress should not attempt to supplant the secretary of state when traveling abroad." 
They go on to detail what happened, and they say, "Only one problem: The Israeli prime minister entrusted Ms. Pelosi with no such message. 'What was communicated to the U.S. House Speaker does not contain any change in the policies of Israel,' said a statement quickly issued by the prime minister's office [in Israel]. In fact, Mr. Olmert told Ms. Pelosi that 'a number of Senate and House members who recently visited Damascus received the impression that despite the declarations of Bashar Assad, there is no change in the position of his country regarding a possible peace process with Israel.' In other words," as the Post writes here, "Ms. Pelosi not only misrepresented Israel's position but was virtually alone in failing to discern that Mr. Assad's words were mere propaganda."  Everybody else understands what this guy is all about.  She doesn't.  Folks, I'm just telling you again where this stems from.  They're trying to isolate President Bush and trying to make him look more and more irrelevant, and in the process, Pelosi is trying to infuse her own version of liberalism into foreign policy which is based on this premise:

The only enemy in the world today that the US has is George W. Bush.  There is no war on terror. They're even going to strike that language from the with defense appropriations bill for fiscal year 2008.  There is no "war on terror."  If it weren't for the fact that Bush went over to Iraq and Afghanistan and started kill Muslims, why, they wouldn't even dislike us!  So people like Pelosi honestly believe -- having grown up with conflict resolution class after conflict resolution class -- that all we have to do to go to bad people, evil people, the bad guys, the enemies, to convince them to like us is to go say, "Look, we love you, and we understand your problems, and we want to get along, and if you'll just be patient and wait for us to get full power in Washington, and get rid of President Bush, then we can do business."  Of course, Assad recognizes a sap when he sees one as does Ahmadinejad or any of these other Islamists.  They recognize a sap when they see it.  You think Assad would rather be dealing with somebody like Pelosi in the White House than somebody like Bush?  You think bin Laden would?  You think Ahmadinejad would? 

Of course! They have actively campaigned, publicly so, with statements to the worldwide media, hoping Democrats win the election in 2006 and they'll do so again in 2008, and Pelosi doesn't understand this.  There is an arrogance and a condescension about liberals like Nancy Pelosi who think that the power of her personality and the desire for goodness and kindness and love, can change these renegades into people we can do business with, and they just recognize her is the sap that she is, give her whatever she wants, allow her to go out and claim victory.  The Post concludes, "Never mind that Pelosi's statement is ludicrous..."  By the way, the statement they're referring to is this:  "We came in friendship, we came in hope, and we came determined that the road to Damascus is the road to peace," and that is sophistry.  That's the kind of thing you'd get from a Miss America contestant or a National Honor Society candidate.  "Never mind that that statement is ludicrous: As any diplomat with knowledge of the region could have told Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Assad is a corrupt thug whose overriding priority at the moment is not peace with Israel but heading off U.N. charges that he orchestrated the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri.

"The really striking development here is the attempt by a Democratic congressional leader to substitute her own foreign policy for that of a sitting Republican president."  The Post is exactly right about this.  "Two weeks ago Ms. Pelosi rammed legislation through the House of Representatives that would strip Mr. Bush of his authority as commander in chief to manage troop movements in Iraq. Now she is attempting to introduce a new Middle East policy that directly conflicts with that of the president. We have found much to criticize in Mr. Bush's military strategy and regional diplomacy. But Ms. Pelosi's attempt to establish a shadow presidency is not only counterproductive, it is foolish," and it has become a focal point.  Folks, this is the kind of thing with which the Democrats are sowing their seeds for an eventual landslide defeat, and in their condescension and their arrogance they don't see this.  Trust me on this.  You people have been upset all week about how it is that this kind of stuff goes uncommented upon, unnoticed, by what you think are a majority of the American people.  Believe me, this gets noticed, even the Drive-Bys are all over this one today.   

RUSH: Shane in College Station, Texas, I have about a minute and a half before we have to go.  I wanted to welcome you to the program.  Hi.

CALLER:  Thank you, Mr. Limbaugh, fighting Texas Aggies dittos to you and your staff.

RUSH:  Thank you, sir.

CALLER:  Yes, sir. My question is, Nancy Pelosi, the third highest member of our government, has gone to Syria and they basically used her as a pawn.  My question, though, is where is the outrage from the Jewish community and the Israeli descendants or any population therein, that a representative of our government has gone over there and according to Syrian newspapers, at least twice agreed to the fact that peace can only be achieved after Israel returns occupied Palestinian's territory?

RUSH:  I'm running short on time. I wouldn't call it outrage, but, look, this is something the Drive-By Media doesn't ignore.  It's all over the place that Pelosi's in trouble.  Pelosi has made a fool of herself. The Washington Post is leading the way, and some of the Drive-By cable networks, but you have to understand something.  You asked why hasn't there been any Jewish outrage over this.  You have to understand something about liberals, Shane.  They are liberals first.  Whatever else they are, be they feminists or Jewish, they're liberals first -- and liberalism, akin to being a religion, will always triumph when it comes down to it. So Pelosi's a lib. They're going to stand by her.  They're not going to throw her under the bus.
Read the Background Material...
WP: Pratfall in Damascus. Nancy Pelosi's foolish shuttle diplomacy
JP: PMO denies peace message to Assad
WT: Pelosi talks to Assad with no authorization by the U.S.
Please Bomb Me! - Victor Davis Hanson
*Note: Links to content outside usually become inactive over time.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 06:26:04 PM
You've been told about this before...  :)

If we wanted an unedited dose of that pill-popping gasbag, we'd listen to his crappy show.  :)

I didn't read a word of that.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2007, 06:30:57 PM
Mr I - can you give us a two sentence summary?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 05, 2007, 07:11:32 PM
Mr I - can you give us a two sentence summary?

how about this -

"Rush told me to be angry"

wait that's only one sentence
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 05, 2007, 07:52:19 PM
how about this -

"Rush told me to be angry"

wait that's only one sentence


Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on April 05, 2007, 10:31:11 PM


I'd be laughing right along with you if he was wrong................... ....but you know as well as I do he isn't, oh yeah, I almost forgot....BWAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHA!!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 05, 2007, 10:51:04 PM
I wish someone would blow her head off in syria.

Lovely, someone who claims to serve / have served in the US military is advocated that terrorists should kill Americans in the Middle East, ...and not just ANY American, ...but a United States elected official.

You do the military proud.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 05, 2007, 11:23:18 PM
I'd be laughing right along with you if he was wrong................... ....but you know as well as I do he isn't, oh yeah, I almost forgot....BWAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHA!!

Hizbullah: Captives treated humanely
The Jerusalem Post, Apr 6, 2007

Kidnapped IDF reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are receiving the same treatment as that given Elhanan Tannenbaum, a Hizbullah leader told the Nazareth-based newspaper A-Sinara in an interview to be published Friday.

"We are treating the prisoners as the prisoners whom we released in the past have described, and as our religion directs us to treat prisoners of war," said Muhammad Kamati, a leader of Hizbullah's political wing.

He said that enemy soldiers who were captured got humane treatment that allowed them to live in a normal manner. Asked if the two prisoners were being treated like Tannenbaum, Kamati said, "Yes, we are treating them humanely." He dismissed as "ridiculous" reports that they were being mistreated, or being fed inedible food, "as Israel does to our prisoners."  

A-Sinara Deputy Editor Hussein Sweiti, who conducted the interview, said he brought up Tannenbaum as an example because he was returned to Israel alive. Tannenbaum was held by Hizbullah from 2000 to 2004.

Sweiti said that this was the first sign given by a Hizbullah leader indicating that Goldwasser and Regev were alive. But Goldwasser's wife Karnit said that this constituted neither a sign of life nor a "turning point" in the efforts to win their release.

In a Channel 2 interview, Goldwasser said a number of people have already said that the two were alive. "We want to see them alive," she said. "A sign of life is if someone sees them, and a Red Cross representative needs to see them. Until now, no one has seen them, including the Red Cross."

According to an IDF report released in December, both men were believed to have been seriously wounded when they were kidnapped last July.

Ehud Goldwasser's father, Shlomo, said that Israel must learn from Britain and talk directly to Hizbullah, just like Britain talked to the Iranians. "I know that when people want to do a deal they talk directly to one another," Goldwasser told reporters in Tel Aviv, where he was joined by 150 participants in a cross-country solidarity march for the three kidnapped IDF soldiers.

"I don't care that legally Hizbullah is defined as a terror organization, " added Goldwasser. "It is (still) possible to talk to Hizbullah in order to secure our children's safe return home."

In a related development, diplomatic sources in Jerusalem dismissed as absurd a report Thursday in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that Syrian President Bashar Assad promised US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that he would help bring about an agreement between Israel, Hizbullah and Hamas regarding the release of the kidnapped IDF soldiers.

According to the report, Assad told Pelosi, who visited Syria on Wednesday, that Damascus "will invest all its efforts" to prompt Hizbullah and Hamas to finalize agreements with Israel to release Goldwasser, Regev and Gilad Schalit.

The diplomatic sources said this was "ridiculous," and also expressed frustration with Pelosi. According to the officials, Pelosi's claims of bringing messages and playing the role of mediator between Israel and Syria had to do with "internal American politics." Pelosi and US President George W. Bush are staunch political opponents.

Pelosi met with the families of the kidnapped soldiers during her visit to Israel earlier this week and said she would do everything she could to ensure their return.

On Wednesday, after meeting with Assad in Damascus, Pelosi said she brought a message from Prime Minister Ehud Olmert about a willingness to engage in peace talks with Damascus. This was quickly denied by the Prime Minister's Office.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 06, 2007, 04:53:10 AM
here is a bitch that a few months ago is talking about how she represents how far women have come and then she goes to a nation where they repress women and what does she do? Cover her legs and head when in public!! Way to stand for women's rights!! LMAO

Pelosi covered her head, NOT unlike Laura Bush did in her Middle East travels.

BTW......Pelosi arrived in Syria, just after 3 republican lawmakers were leaving Syria.

A double standard?  ::)
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 06, 2007, 05:16:10 AM

Pelosi covered her head, NOT unlike Laura Bush did in her Middle East travels.

BTW......Pelosi arrived in Syria, just after 3 republican lawmakers were leaving Syria.

A double standard?  ::)

Yeah, we don't want democrats over there promising syria not to worry, that we are pulling out troops in march 2008 and for them to wait til then to flood the country with Al-quaeda.   Pelosi is a piece of shit.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: ribonucleic on April 06, 2007, 07:30:22 AM
Lovely, someone who claims to serve / have served in the US military is advocated that terrorists should kill Americans in the Middle East, ...and not just ANY American, ...but a United States elected official.

You do the military proud.

Well, his having served wouldn't preclude his having been dishonorably discharged for sociopathic tendencies.

You know... like that one who will now be tried in civil court for raping that 14 year old girl and killing her family.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 06, 2007, 10:41:24 AM
how about this -

"Rush told me to be angry"

wait that's only one sentence

Are you referring to my hero, Mr Rush "Opium" Limbaugh?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 06, 2007, 11:01:47 AM
Are you referring to my hero, Mr Rush "Opium" Limbaugh?

Have you ever heard the song about Rush called "My Drugs are Red, White and Blue"? 
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 06, 2007, 11:02:51 AM
Have you ever heard the song about Rush called "My Drugs are Red, White and Blue"? 

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 06, 2007, 11:06:24 AM

It's pretty funny but I don't think there is a way to attach it to this message
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 06, 2007, 11:11:35 AM
It's pretty funny but I don't think there is a way to attach it to this message

Too bad.  >:(
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Straw Man on April 06, 2007, 11:31:08 AM
Too bad.  >:(

Here's the lyrics.  The guy who does this (Wayne Lammers) does a pretty good Rush impersonation.  Wish I could find a way to attach the actual song.  It's much better if you hear it:

I'm Rush the Magic Dragon
The right-wing drugstore cowboy
A hillbilly heroin addict
A dittohead dead-head now, boy

You know that my opinions
Were always kind of wack
Now you know the reason
I'm strung out on mountain smack!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
I also like the pink ones
The little green ones, too
When you're on drugs you see things
That no one else can see
Like right there, I saw Jesus, and he drives an SUV!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
Would you hand all the guns out
To someone sniffin' glue?
You gotta be on something
If you push the NRA
I need more pills to make that Michael Moore guy go away!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
This isn't paranoia
John Ashcroft's watching you
When you're on drugs, there's terrorists
Everywhere you go
Al Franken's in al-Qaeda
Bill O'Reilly told me so!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
When you hear junkies jivin'
Guess what they said is true
Kids, say no to morphine
'Cause it can lead to grass
It really blows your mind
When your head is up your ass!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
GOP party monsters party all night through
It's only pharmaceuticals
It's not a real crime
The crime is I can't figure out how to blame it on the Clintons this time!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 06, 2007, 03:08:00 PM
Here's the lyrics.  The guy who does this (Wayne Lammers) does a pretty good Rush impersonation.  Wish I could find a way to attach the actual song.  It's much better if you hear it:

I'm Rush the Magic Dragon
The right-wing drugstore cowboy
A hillbilly heroin addict
A dittohead dead-head now, boy

You know that my opinions
Were always kind of wack
Now you know the reason
I'm strung out on mountain smack!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
I also like the pink ones
The little green ones, too
When you're on drugs you see things
That no one else can see
Like right there, I saw Jesus, and he drives an SUV!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
Would you hand all the guns out
To someone sniffin' glue?
You gotta be on something
If you push the NRA
I need more pills to make that Michael Moore guy go away!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
This isn't paranoia
John Ashcroft's watching you
When you're on drugs, there's terrorists
Everywhere you go
Al Franken's in al-Qaeda
Bill O'Reilly told me so!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
When you hear junkies jivin'
Guess what they said is true
Kids, say no to morphine
'Cause it can lead to grass
It really blows your mind
When your head is up your ass!

My drugs are red, white, and blue
GOP party monsters party all night through
It's only pharmaceuticals
It's not a real crime
The crime is I can't figure out how to blame it on the Clintons this time!

Too damn funny!!!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 06, 2007, 09:02:32 PM
Lovely, someone who claims to serve / have served in the US military is advocated that terrorists should kill Americans in the Middle East, ...and not just ANY American, ...but a United States elected official.

You do the military proud.

She's a traitor.

I wouldn't shed a tear over the loss of anyone that gives aid and comfort to the enemy and screws over the military.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 08, 2007, 07:28:33 AM
She's a traitor.

I wouldn't shed a tear over the loss of anyone that gives aid and comfort to the enemy and screws over the military.

You made a glaring typo w8lftr. Last I heard, ...Bush was a "He" ...not a "She",
...or were you made a commentary on his relative masculinity or lack thereof?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 08, 2007, 07:32:13 PM
You made a glaring typo w8lftr. Last I heard, ...Bush was a "He" ...not a "She",
...or were you made a commentary on his relative masculinity or lack thereof?

No typo, Judi. Bush isn't a traitor - Pelosi is.

You're entitled to your opinion and you're Canadian and never served in the military so I really don't expect you to understand.

She's not the Commander in Chief nor is she in charge of United States foreign policy. Setting a time table to pull out before the mission is complete hands a victory to the enemy. Screwing the military out of the required funds to execute their mission is waaaaay over the line. Hell, the libs couldn't even get the votes they needed without bribing their fellow Democrats. Pathetic.

When are you libs going to figure this out? If we don't finish the job now we WILL be back later. Do you guys honestly think the terrorists can be reasoned with? As much as you libs try to appease them they still HATE the west and always will. Pelosi went over to Syria and got played for a fool. Do you want the United States to turn into the mess England and the rest of Europe is now?

You're a smart woman and I like you, Judi, but wake up or get fitted for your burka 'cause they're comin' unless the west does something about it.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: headhuntersix on April 08, 2007, 07:48:49 PM
I used to give her some respecty but her continued attacks on my country have made me change my mind..she's a dinbgbat lib..its to bad.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2007, 09:11:33 PM
but her continued attacks on my country

Please list them.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 08, 2007, 09:14:34 PM
Please list them.

240 don't be know what he is talking about. For guys like me and him we take talk of pulling out of Iraq as attacks on our country, we take actions like going to Syria when the Pres asked her not to as an attack, much like you interpret stuff Bush does as attacks and we don't
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2007, 09:20:48 PM
240 don't be know what he is talking about. For guys like me and him we take talk of pulling out of Iraq as attacks on our country, we take actions like going to Syria when the Pres asked her not to as an attack, much like you interpret stuff Bush does as attacks and we don't

Really?  Just yesterday I read that Bush okay'd the trip.  Is that not true?

And hh6 said "continued attacks" on his country.  I'd like to hear a list of them. ;)
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 09, 2007, 03:53:49 AM
Really?  Just yesterday I read that Bush okay'd the trip.  Is that not true?

And hh6 said "continued attacks" on his country.  I'd like to hear a list of them. ;)

Interesting......I'd love to hear this "list."
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 09, 2007, 10:42:24 AM
No typo, Judi. Bush isn't a traitor - Pelosi is.

You're entitled to your opinion and you're Canadian and never served in the military so I really don't expect you to understand.

She's not the Commander in Chief nor is she in charge of United States foreign policy. Setting a time table to pull out before the mission is complete hands a victory to the enemy. Screwing the military out of the required funds to execute their mission is waaaaay over the line. Hell, the libs couldn't even get the votes they needed without bribing their fellow Democrats. Pathetic.

When are you libs going to figure this out? If we don't finish the job now we WILL be back later. Do you guys honestly think the terrorists can be reasoned with? As much as you libs try to appease them they still HATE the west and always will. Pelosi went over to Syria and got played for a fool. Do you want the United States to turn into the mess England and the rest of Europe is now?

You're a smart woman and I like you, Judi, but wake up or get fitted for your burka 'cause they're comin' unless the west does something about it.

Totally brainwashed w/ "Bloodbath" Bush's Koolaid.

And yes..........I too served in Iraq.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: George Stinky Bush on April 09, 2007, 10:47:03 AM
hard core repubs are starting to remind me of communists with their one sided agenda
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 09, 2007, 10:55:56 AM
hard core repubs are starting to remind me of communists with their one sided agenda

As a republican (with a brain) it's BEYOND clear that Bloodbath Bush is the WORST president this country has EVER had.

It is..............what it is.

Most republicans can't handle the truth....plain and simple.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: George Stinky Bush on April 09, 2007, 11:55:51 AM
under Bush a surplus= deficit
the war costs are not even included
repubs cry that dems want to share the wealth (social programs) however they have no problems spending billions on a war instead of spending the money in our country, what a crock, wellfare for Iraq
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 12:15:01 PM
Totally brainwashed w/ "Bloodbath" Bush's Koolaid.

And yes..........I too served in Iraq.

Brainwashed? You don't know me, bub. Twelve years in the Navy and my wife just retired after 23 years.

Do you want to go back to Iraq? I bet you don't and I really don't want you or anymore of our men to go back to that craphole either.

We can deal with the Middle East now or later. I'd prefer we nip it in the bud now so that I don't have to send my son there because our government didn't finish the job.

This isn't a Republican or Democrat issue - it's a national security issue.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 12:16:42 PM
hard core repubs are starting to remind me of communists with their one sided agenda

The same can be said of "hard core liberals".  ::)

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: OzmO on April 09, 2007, 12:20:40 PM
Brainwashed? You don't know me, bub. Twelve years in the Navy and my wife just retired after 23 years.

Do you want to go back to Iraq? I bet you don't and I really don't want you or anymore of our men to go back to that craphole either.

We can deal with the Middle East now or later. I'd prefer we nip it in the bud now so that I don't have to send my son there because our government didn't finish the job.

This isn't a Republican or Democrat issue - it's a national security issue.

It's a National Security Issue, now, only because of invading Iraq and creating a mess.  And it's will cost the US taxpayers 1 trillion before it's all over.....That's IF we even succeed in stabilizing the place which is looking less likely everyday.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: George Stinky Bush on April 09, 2007, 02:08:34 PM
The same can be said of "hard core liberals".  ::)
military response to problems is not a liberal issue, liberals are weak
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 09, 2007, 02:13:23 PM
Brainwashed? You don't know me, bub. Twelve years in the Navy and my wife just retired after 23 years.

Do you want to go back to Iraq? I bet you don't and I really don't want you or anymore of our men to go back to that craphole either.

We can deal with the Middle East now or later. I'd prefer we nip it in the bud now so that I don't have to send my son there because our government didn't finish the job.

This isn't a Republican or Democrat issue - it's a national security issue.

Oh......the Navy, no wonder.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 09, 2007, 05:05:21 PM
No typo, Judi. Bush isn't a traitor - Pelosi is.

I guess it all depends on the criteria one uses to make that judgement call now doesn't it?  :P

You're entitled to your opinion and you're Canadian and never served in the military so I really don't expect you to understand.

You're right I wouldn't. I haven't gone through the indoctrination process, nor am I subjected to the amount of disinformation, blatant lies, and propaganda so many others are subject to, therefore my opinions and thought process may not be as compromised as others'

She's not the Commander in Chief nor is she in charge of United States foreign policy.

She didn't make the trip alone.

Setting a time table to pull out before the mission is complete hands a victory to the enemy.

You mean like Bush did?

Screwing the military out of the required funds to execute their mission is waaaaay over the line.

Ya mean like Bush has threatened to do? Check it again. Bush is the one threatening to veto and cut off the funds. I'm sure the repubs will spin it as Pelosi's doing, ....but if you check you'll see Congress is willing to break open the piggy bank. It is bush who is threatening to veto.

Hell, the libs couldn't even get the votes they needed without bribing their fellow Democrats. Pathetic.

When are you libs going to figure this out? If we don't finish the job now we WILL be back later. Do you guys honestly think the terrorists can be reasoned with? As much as you libs try to appease them they still HATE the west and always will.

Considering what the West is currently doing and attempting to do, I can understand a certain amount of animosity being engendered in the hearts and minds of the civilian populations there. As for the terrorists, ...well as long as there are foreign troops within target range, they certainly have something to do don't they?

Pelosi went over to Syria and got played for a fool. Do you want the United States to turn into the mess England and the rest of Europe is now?

Have you taken a good long look around the US lately? NEWSFLASH: It's already a mess. it's time to clean it up.

You're a smart woman and I like you, Judi, but wake up or get fitted for your burka 'cause they're comin' unless the west does something about it.

I take it you must have gotten the memo then huh?  ;D
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 07:10:06 PM
Oh......the Navy, no wonder.

Wow... a cheap shot at my military service? What are you twelve?

Grow up, boy.  ::)

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 09, 2007, 07:23:56 PM
Wow... a cheap shot at my military service? What are you twelve?

Grow up, boy.  ::)

oh puleaze w8tlftr... Relax! 
Enigma is just blowing off a little steam cause he wasn't the one chosen to be The Bachelor  :P
With the type of ad-hom abuse most military types in here love to dish out, his comment is really nothing.

...sides, ...who are YOU to be telling people to grow up? {LOL} That's like Beach Bum calling for maturity,
...or a straight answer to a direct question. {ROTFLMAO}

ps - Hows the commute going these days?  :)
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 07:24:10 PM
I guess it all depends on the criteria one uses to make that judgement call now doesn't it?  :P

Sure does. You have your opinion and I have mine. Always a pleasure to debate with you, Judi.  :)

You're right I wouldn't. I haven't gone through the indoctrination process, nor am I subjected to the amount of disinformation, blatant lies, and propaganda so many others are subject to, therefore my opinions and thought process may not be as compromised as others'

Hmmm... might have to take back what I said. Are you implying that those that serve in the military are weak minded and brainwashed? Really elitist and beneath you, Judi. I'm disappointed.

She didn't make the trip alone.

No she didn't. Foreign policy isn't in their job description either. They're all guilty.

You mean like Bush did?

Ya mean like Bush has threatened to do? Check it again. Bush is the one threatening to veto and cut off the funds. I'm sure the repubs will spin it as Pelosi's doing, ....but if you check you'll see Congress is willing to break open the piggy bank. It is bush who is threatening to veto.

Considering what the West is currently doing and attempting to do, I can understand a certain amount of animosity being engendered in the hearts and minds of the civilian populations there. As for the terrorists, ...well as long as there are foreign troops within target range, they certainly have something to do don't they?

Bush certainly has f*cked things up but it still doesn't mean we don't have to leave the place in a mess and not fix what has been done. Regardless of which party is in the White House we're still dealing with a bunch of durka durka mohammed jihad assholes that want us all dead and Israel off the map. I don't know about you but I have no plans to convert to Islam or see my wife or daughter in burkas and second class citizens.

As far as Bush's veto is concerned why shouldn't he veto it? The bill was so weak that the Democrats had to buy the votes to get it to pass AND it included a date for troop withdrawl -- stupid. It's like the libs WANT us to lose this war just so Bush can look bad. F*ck the country and American principals. They just want power and back in the White House.

Have you taken a good long look around the US lately? NEWSFLASH: It's already a mess. it's time to clean it up.

Never said the United States was perfect. Still, compared to the countries I've traveled to it's the best by far. Yeah, that includes Canada also.  ;D
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 07:28:22 PM
oh puleaze w8tlftr... Relax! 
Enigma is just blowing off a little steam cause he wasn't the one chosen to be The Bachelor  :P
With the type of ad-hom abuse most military types in here love to dish out, his comment is really nothing.

...sides, ...who are YOU to be telling people to grow up? {LOL} That's like Beach Bum calling for maturity,
...or a straight answer to a direct question. {ROTFLMAO}

ps - Hows the commute going these days?  :)

I draw the line at disrespecting one's military service - especially during wartime. Well, except for the Air Force. I mean, come on!  :P

The commute still sucks. Driving from Maryland to Northern Virginia is gonna be the death of me.   >:(
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 09, 2007, 07:39:50 PM
Sure does. You have your opinion and I have mine. Always a pleasure to debate with you, Judi.  :)

Only because I always remember to bring a little KY so you won't hurt as much.  ;)

Hmmm... might have to take back what I said.

Do that, ...and I'll stop bringing the KY.

Are you implying that those that server in the military are weak minded and brainwashed? Really elitist and beneath you, Judi. I'm disappointed.

Are you asking a question... and drawing unwarranted conclusions before the question is even answered?
Not surprising... there's much precedent for that.

No she didn't. Foreign policy isn't in their job description either. They're all guilty.

Bush certainly has f*cked things up but it still doesn't mean we don't have to leave the place in a mess and not fix what has been done. Regardless of which party is in the White House we're still dealing with a bunch of durka durka mohammed jihad assholes that want us all dead and Israel off the map.

I suppose the aggressive illegal invasion of a middle eastern country has nothing to do with that sentiment huh?
I think stability is possible in Iraq, but I doubt it'll ever come at the hands of those who brought the instability.
I was listening to a phone in talk show this afternoon, ...and a Persian Canadian called in. He said he left Iran because he was "Infidel". He opined that he felt Iran, or even possibly Syria, or Saudi Arabia stood a chance of bringing stability to Iraq, but he didn't think the US or Britain could, or that they would ever accept any solution brought about by "Infidels". I have a tendency to agree.

I don't know about you but I have no plans to convert to Islam or see my wife or daughter in burkas and second class citizens.

Me either.

As far as Bush's veto is concerned why shouldn't he veto it? The bill was so weak that the Democrats had to buy the votes to get it to pass AND it included a date for troop withdrawl -- stupid. It's like the libs WANT us to lose this war just so Bush can look bad. F*ck the country and American principals. They just want power and back in the White House.

They'll be back in the White House regardless.

You seriously need to take a much closer look at who's really fvcking the country & American principles

Never said the United States was perfect.  Still, compared to the countries I've traveled to it's the best by far. Yeah, that includes Canada also.  ;D

You must have been visiting Nfld.  ;D
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 09, 2007, 07:44:33 PM
I draw the line at disrespecting one's military service - especially during wartime.

What do you know about Enigma?

Well, except for the Air Force. I mean, come on!  :P

{giggle} That just made me crack up soo hard.

The commute still sucks. Driving from Maryland to Northern Virginia is gonna be the death of me.   >:(

Ahhhhh ... poor baby.  :'(  I suppose this isn't the best time to let you know my commute is 60 second max,
...and I get to do it in my big pink fluffy bunny slippers  :P
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 08:04:17 PM
Only because I always remember to bring a little KY so you won't hurt as much.  ;)

Do that, ...and I'll stop bringing the KY.

Hey, you told me that when I "deliver the pizza" that I can just spit on it so you don't get to sore.  ;D

Are you asking a question... and drawing unwarranted conclusions before the question is even answered?
Not surprising... there's much precedent for that.

Just interpreting what you stated. If I was wrong please clarify.

I suppose the aggressive illegal invasion of a middle eastern country has nothing to do with that sentiment huh?
I think stability is possible in Iraq, but I doubt it'll ever come at the hands of those who brought the instability.
I was listening to a phone in talk show this afternoon, ...and a Persian Canadian called in. He said he left Iran because he was "Infidel". He opined that he felt Iran, or even possibly Syria, or Saudi Arabia stood a chance of bringing stability to Iraq, but he didn't think the US or Britain could, or that they would ever accept any solution brought about by "Infidels". I have a tendency to agree.

Illegal invasion. Saddam flipped off the nutless UN for 12 years violating sanction after sanction. Bush gets approval to use military force from Congress and the UN Security councel and it's illegal. Tell me, if he's a war criminal why isn't he in custody and on trial for his alleged crimes? And for that matter why isn't Clinton in prison for attacking Serbia?

In regards to Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. What sort of "stability" do you think they'll bring to the region? The kind that is in the best interest of the west or in the best interest of durka durka mohammed jihad facists and those that will kiss their asses (insert France, Germany, and Russia)?

They'll be back in the White House regardless.

That remains to be seen but Obama and Hillary just don't measure up. Still, it will be fun to watch. I think the Democrats are in a state of disarray and what they're doing is gonna come back and bite them in the ass.

You seriously need to take a much closer look at who's really fvcking the country & American principles

I have and, IMO, it's the liberals trying to turn America into a socialist utopia. Gun restrictions, eminent domain, high taxes, universal health care, etc. I can go on and on.

You must have been visiting Nfld.  ;D

New Brunswick.  :P

Fvcking French-Canadians.  >:(
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 08:07:54 PM
What do you know about Enigma?

Nothing. Then again, I don't recall belittling his military service either.

{giggle} That just made me crack up soo hard.

Yeah, well... it's the Air Force.  ;)

Ahhhhh ... poor baby.  :'(  I suppose this isn't the best time to let you know my commute is 60 second max,
...and I get to do it in my big pink fluffy bunny slippers  :P

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Oh yeah? Well, I get to.... drive... and sit in traffic... damn it.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 08:10:48 PM
military response to problems is not a liberal issue, liberals are weak

I agree. Liberals are weak.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2007, 08:12:51 PM
but her continued attacks on my country

Please list them.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 09, 2007, 08:13:00 PM
It's a National Security Issue, now, only because of invading Iraq and creating a mess.  And it's will cost the US taxpayers 1 trillion before it's all over.....That's IF we even succeed in stabilizing the place which is looking less likely everyday.

It's been a national security issue for a while now, Oz.

It's the wests own damn fault for empowering those assholes by our addiction to fossil fuel.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 09, 2007, 08:51:19 PM
Please list them.

Didn't I answer you yesterday?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2007, 08:53:39 PM
Didn't I answer you yesterday?

your name isn't headhunter6.

headhunter6 said that pelosi has continually attacked his country.

i asked headhunter6 to list these attacks upon the United States.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 09, 2007, 09:08:33 PM
your name isn't headhunter6.

headhunter6 said that pelosi has continually attacked his country.

i asked headhunter6 to list these attacks upon the United States.

That is like him asking you to list the attacks you think Bush has made on the US. They are all a person't opinion
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2007, 10:26:31 PM
That is like him asking you to list the attacks you think Bush has made on the US. They are all a person't opinion

I asked him to list those things which he considers attacks, by Pelosi, on our country.

I don't know why you have to keep answering for him - when he logs on, I am sure he will list the attakcs Pelosi has made on his country.  It really has nothing to do with you.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 10, 2007, 04:22:24 AM
Wow... a cheap shot at my military service? What are you twelve?

Grow up, boy.  ::)

No cheap shot......the truth hurts.

While I'm on the ground  "in theater" dealing w/ amputated limbs and dead GI's.......your on the big "fishing boat" in the Gulf, thanking the Good Lord you decided to join the Navy.

Assuming you ever made it to the Gulf........which I seriously doubt.

Navy punks like yourself, have NO IDEA what's happening on the ground, so STFU.

Your opinion on this madeup BS meaningless.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 06:43:37 AM
Hey, you told me that when I "deliver the pizza" that I can just spit on it so you don't get to sore.  ;D

Just interpreting what you stated. If I was wrong please clarify.

You are wrong, but I can't be bothered to clarify.

In regards to Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria. What sort of "stability" do you think they'll bring to the region? The kind that is in the best interest of the west or in the best interest of durka durka mohammed jihad facists and those that will kiss their asses (insert France, Germany, and Russia)?

At this juncture, I'm guessing the kind that won't have their children being blown to tiny little pieces, the kind that doesn't have the blood of their citizens flowing in the streets. The way people describe America's best interests, one could get the impression that oil comes from blood that has seeped into the ground.  ::)

America's best interests are served by having a stable, safe prosperous society, not one riddled in debt, locked down on all sides, with enemies wanting to attack her. That interest is served with stability in all regions of the planet.

That remains to be seen but Obama and Hillary just don't measure up. Still, it will be fun to watch. I think the Democrats are in a state of disarray and what they're doing is gonna come back and bite them in the ass.

From my perspective, it's the Repubs who are divided... but hey, we'll see.

I have and, IMO, it's the liberals trying to turn America into a socialist utopia. Gun restrictions, eminent domain, high taxes, universal health care, etc. I can go on and on.

Ha! You think you can keep going like this? Wait til the bill comes in? It might all come in at once.
And is universal health care really so bad?

New Brunswick.  :P

Fvcking French-Canadians.  >:(

Close enough to Nfld to be Nfld, ...

ps the French Canadians are mainly in Quebec.
pps - What would ever possess you to go to New Brunswick?  :o
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 06:59:47 AM

No cheap shot......the truth hurts.

While I'm on the ground  "in theater" dealing w/ amputated limbs and dead GI's.......your on the big "fishing boat" in the Gulf, thanking the Good Lord you decided to join the Navy.

Assuming you ever made it to the Gulf........which I seriously doubt.

Navy punks like yourself, have NO IDEA what's happening on the ground, so STFU.

Your opinion on this madeup BS meaningless.

Whoa Enigma, I just lost a ton of respect for you attacking a member of another service.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 10, 2007, 07:24:54 AM

No cheap shot......the truth hurts.

While I'm on the ground  "in theater" dealing w/ amputated limbs and dead GI's.......your on the big "fishing boat" in the Gulf, thanking the Good Lord you decided to join the Navy.

Assuming you ever made it to the Gulf........which I seriously doubt.

Navy punks like yourself, have NO IDEA what's happening on the ground, so STFU.

Your opinion on this madeup BS meaningless.

Hey, while I commend you on being a ground pounder don't get pissed at me because you were not smart enough to do what I did in the Navy. So yeah, it IS a cheap shot and it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.

You don't like my opinion? Well, piss off because I really don't give a rat's ass what you think and you really are not in a position to do a damn thing about it are you, Internet Tuff Guy? And the funny thing is even if we could discuss this face-to-face you still wouldn't do a damn thing. You're just angry and come here to vent. How sad.

BTW, I did go to the gulf in 1993 with the Independence Battle Group. I was a cryptologist in the Navy. You can go look that word up now. Maybe then you'll realize the significance of what I did. Then again you probably won't.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:28:36 AM
Hey, while I commend you on being a ground pounder don't get pissed at me because you were not smart enough to do what I did in the Navy. So yeah, it IS a cheap shot and it speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.

You don't like my opinion? Well, piss off because I really don't give a rat's ass what you think and you really are not in a position to do a damn thing about it are you, Internet Tuff Guy? And the funny thing is even if we could discuss this face-to-face you still wouldn't do a damn thing. You're just angry and come here to vent. How sad.

BTW, I did go to the gulf in 1993 with the Independence Battle Group. I was a cryptologist in the Navy. You can go look that word up now. Maybe then you'll realize the significance of what I did. Then again you probably won't.

God bless you for your service!
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 10, 2007, 07:34:34 AM
You are wrong, but I can't be bothered to clarify.

If I'm wrong I apologize but your statements sure do read like a slam on those who serve in the military.

At this juncture, I'm guessing the kind that won't have their children being blown to tiny little pieces, the kind that doesn't have the blood of their citizens flowing in the streets. The way people describe America's best interests, one could get the impression that oil comes from blood that has seeped into the ground.  ::)

Yes. Islamic-facists will fix everything. What's your burka size?

America's best interests are served by having a stable, safe prosperous society, not one riddled in debt, locked down on all sides, with enemies wanting to attack her. That interest is served with stability in all regions of the planet.

We agree on something. Just not on the "how to get there" part.

From my perspective, it's the Repubs who are divided... but hey, we'll see.

They're divided too. The whole damn system is broke.

Ha! You think you can keep going like this? Wait til the bill comes in? It might all come in at once.
And is universal health care really so bad?

Yep. The bill is gonna suck. No argument there.

Not a fan of universal health care. Competition (when regulated) is a good thing. I don't trust the government to be the 'fix all solution' for health care.

Close enough to Nfld to be Nfld, ...

ps the French Canadians are mainly in Quebec.
pps - What would ever possess you to go to New Brunswick?  :o

There are a lot of them along the US-Canadian border in Maine. My father was stationed at Loring AFB back in the 80s. At the time (not sure if it still is) the drinking age in NB was 19.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 07:55:26 AM
If I'm wrong I apologize but your statements sure do read like a slam on those who serve in the military.

you ARE wrong, ...and apology accepted.  :-*

Yes. Islamic-facists will fix everything. What's your burka size?

brat! Hey a burka wouldn't be half-bad if it kept you from always eyeing my tush all the time.  :P

We agree on something. Just not on the "how to get there" part.

Can we agree the route is not to create & exascerbate the choas to begin with?

They're divided too. The whole damn system is broke.

It's looking that way  :'(

Not a fan of universal health care. Competition (when regulated) is a good thing. I don't trust the government to be the 'fix all solution' for health care.

{LOL} I wouldn't trust your current government to fix my VCR!  ;D

There are a lot of them along the US-Canadian border in Maine. My father was stationed at Loring AFB back in the 80s. At the time (not sure if it still is) the drinking age in NB was 19.

Quebec, New Brunswick and Manitoba have a larger French population. Drinking age is 19 here in Ontario as well.
I remember when the drinking age was 18. I had friends who were all excited about turning 18 so their could go to the beer store. Then they brought it up to 19.  I know one guy who was sooooo pissed. The law came into effect the day before his 18th birthday. {lol} The Ontario gov raised it a year in order to keep the alcohol out of the high schools. We used to have a grade 13 here, ...which was a University prep year.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: The Enigma on April 10, 2007, 08:48:52 AM
I was a cryptologist in the Navy. You can go look that word up now. Maybe then you'll realize the significance of what I did. Then again you probably won't.

Trauma physician here......I very impressed Mr. Crytologist.

I'm positive YOU did more than I.  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 10, 2007, 10:23:35 AM
Trauma physician here......I very impressed Mr. Crytologist.

I'm positive YOU did more than I.  ::) ::) ::)

Crytologist. Lame.  ::)

But expected.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 10, 2007, 10:26:59 AM
brat! Hey a burka wouldn't be half-bad if it kept you from always eyeing my tush all the time.  :P

But it's such a nice tush.

Can we agree the route is not to create & exascerbate the choas to begin with?

Please pass that thought along to the durka durka mohammed jihad assholes.

{LOL} I wouldn't trust your current government to fix my VCR!  ;D

So why would anyone want them to run a health care system?

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 01:43:36 PM
But it's such a nice tush.

Please pass that thought along to the durka durka mohammed jihad assholes.

Tell them yourself. You'll probably meet up with a few a lot sooner than I would.

So why would anyone want them to run a health care system?

Dude nobody wants this current government running your country or your health care.
People want them gone. Impeached, imprisoned, impotent and unable to fuck up the world further.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 01:57:18 PM
Tell them yourself. You'll probably meet up with a few a lot sooner than I would.

Dude nobody wants this current government running your country or your health care.
People want them gone. Impeached, imprisoned, impotent and unable to fuck up the world further.
Perhaps canada doesnt want them but a republican will be president again this election.

Do you understand yet Jag?  we really don't care what a canadian has to say.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 10, 2007, 04:05:45 PM
Dude nobody wants this current government running your country or your health care.
People want them gone. Impeached, imprisoned, impotent and unable to fuck up the world further.

Heh... good luck with that.

If they were guilty of crimes they'd be up on charges already. Don't expect the UN to do anything either -they're gutless. Useless bastards wouldn't even do anything to help the Brits out. That goes for the EU also.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 10, 2007, 06:19:50 PM
Heh... good luck with that.

If they were guilty of crimes they'd be up on charges already. Don't expect the UN to do anything either -they're gutless. Useless bastards wouldn't even do anything to help the Brits out. That goes for the EU also.

I second that shit, he were you bashing me somewhere?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 12, 2007, 09:00:19 AM
Heh... good luck with that.

If they were guilty of crimes they'd be up on charges already. Don't expect the UN to do anything either -they're gutless. Useless bastards wouldn't even do anything to help the Brits out. That goes for the EU also.

Thats a good boy {pats w8tlftr on the head}  Did your handlers give you your cookie yet?
Maybe if you say something equally stupid,'ll get a really fancy puppy treat.  ;D
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 12, 2007, 11:30:42 AM
Thats a good boy {pats w8tlftr on the head}  Did your handlers give you your cookie yet?
Maybe if you say something equally stupid,'ll get a really fancy puppy treat.  ;D

Lame response, Jaggy. No pizza for you!

Why isn't Bush up on charges? Who's going to do it? The UN, the EU, the wimpy libs in Congress? You?

Why didn't you peace loving libs go after Clinton when he bombed Serbia? Double standard?

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 12, 2007, 11:34:10 AM
I second that shit, he were you bashing me somewhere?

Did I bash you? Nope.

I've only recently been posting after taking a break for several months.

Just wanted to make sure you guys are keeping Judi under control. The woman needs to be reminded of her place at a man's table.  ;D

You know just like Pelosi covering her head when she enters a Mosque in Syria so that the men in charge there don't cut it off.  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 12, 2007, 08:23:07 PM
Did I bash you? Nope.

MM69 claims to be airforce, ...and we know what those guys are like huh?  :P

I've only recently been posting after taking a break for several months.

Just wanted to make sure you guys are keeping Judi under control. The woman needs to be reminded of her place at a man's table.  ;D

That's it... no more KY for you.

You know just like Pelosi covering her head when she enters a Mosque in Syria so that the men in charge there don't cut it off.  ;D  ;D  ;D

I can't believe you got a laugh out of me for that one.  :-X  Bad w8tlftr.
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 12, 2007, 08:28:13 PM
Lame response, Jaggy. No pizza for you!

 :o   :'(  you know how much I love my pizza

Why isn't Bush up on charges? Who's going to do it? The UN, the EU, the wimpy libs in Congress? You?

Why didn't you peace loving libs go after Clinton when he bombed Serbia? Double standard?

Because you no longer have an American Republic with checks & balances. Congratulations, ...America is dead.

You are now living in the fascist dictatorial state of AmeriKKKa
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 12, 2007, 09:25:28 PM
MM69 claims to be airforce, ...and we know what those guys are like huh?  :P

That's it... no more KY for you.

I can't believe you got a laugh out of me for that one.  :-X  Bad w8tlftr.

LMAO...what does your bitch ass know about the US Air Force?
Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 13, 2007, 04:56:08 AM
:o   :'(  you know how much I love my pizza

LOL... that made me smile.  :)  You know I love ya, Judi (Even though you're a libby).


Because you no longer have an American Republic with checks & balances. Congratulations, ...America is dead.

You are now living in the fascist dictatorial state of AmeriKKKa

You really don't believe that. I understand you're sometimes angry and disappointed in how things have been lately but you don't honestly believe that.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: w8tlftr on April 13, 2007, 04:58:42 AM
MM69 claims to be airforce, ...and we know what those guys are like huh?  :P

That's it... no more KY for you.

I can't believe you got a laugh out of me for that one.  :-X  Bad w8tlftr.

I just like teasing the Air Force. My dad is a 26 year Air Force vet.

Title: Re: Here's your democratic speaker..........
Post by: 24KT on April 13, 2007, 11:39:43 AM
LOL... that made me smile.  :)  You know I love ya, Judi (Even though you're a libby).

Please, don't call me a libby, used to stand for something great, Scooter went and ruined all that.
Are we still on for BWI?  ;)

You really don't believe that. I understand you're sometimes angry and disappointed in how things have been lately but you don't honestly believe that.

I've gone beyond angry and disappointed to absolutely horrified.
But I'm often reminded that quite frequently people deserve the governments they get.

Perhaps a more appropriate terminology would have been to say you are quickly transforming into the fascist dictatorial state of AmeriKKKa. That I do believe, ...and it's so sad to see a once great nation fall so low.