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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 03:31:12 AM

Title: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 03:31:12 AM
When they called us "the Great Satan" - the kind of rhetoric historically used to justify extermination - we shrugged it off. We felt secure in our ability to defend ourselves. And of course the world needs what we have.

But when they invaded and occupied Canada, jailing and torturing any innocent they could be convinced to feel paranoid about, it was harder to remain sanguine. This belligerent adversary with their troops and missiles building miltary bases in the country right next door? Still, we chose to watch and wait.

But then they invaded and occupied Mexico, sending in just about every soldier they had left. Now the savages were on either side of us! They set up a puppet government and began building themselves a palatial embassy. Sat back and let the natives butcher each other over old grievances while focusing on making their obscenely rich ruling class even richer by siphoning off the country's resources. And even as they carried on with this despicable agenda, they touted their righteousness - boasting how they had saved the Mexican people from their corrupt leaders, smugly confident that Allah had uniquely blessed their great nation.

And the provocations only got worse. They arrested US government representatives in the conquered countries, based on unproven charges that they were helping the locals resist the occupying Iranian forces. They stationed the most powerful ships in their Navy in the Caribbean, issuing credible threats to bomb our nuclear plants if we didn't shut them down - in spite of our having every legal right to have them, not to mention the devastating civilian casualties such a barbaric campaign would inflict.

And all this after they had overthrown Eisenhower in the 50s when he wouldn't let them exploit America's agricultural wealth, so they could install the cooperative Joe McCarthy in the White House - who then used the FBI to jail and torture political dissenters! And after they had sold chemical weapons to the Soviets to be used against us in the decade-long war that claimed millions of American lives!

And after all this, we're supposed to accept the world's condemnation for detaining 15 Syrian spies we captured  in Chesapeake Bay conducting reconnaissance for their Iranian buddies?


In case you haven't gotten it yet...

Iran = America
America = Iran
Canada = Afghanistan
Mexico = Iraq in the 2000s
"The Great Satan" = "Axis of Evil"
Allah = Jesus
Caribbean = Persian Gulf
Eisenhower = Mohammed Mosadegh
Joe McCarthy = The Shah
Agriculture = Oil
The Soviet Union = Iraq in the 1980s
Syrians = Britons

analogy courtesy of Dr. Noam Chomsky
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: sandycoosworth on April 07, 2007, 06:04:22 AM
Gnome's stock has fallen:

Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 06:45:10 AM
RIBO...just move and all ur problems would be solved..they will welcome u with open arms in any of those countries u defend.....oh wait..nope u'd end up in a ditch.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 07:31:24 AM
RIBO...just move and all ur problems would be solved..they will welcome u with open arms in any of those countries u defend.

Please eat a dick.  :)
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Nordic Superman on April 07, 2007, 07:54:25 AM
Please eat a dick.  :)

Why don't you substantiate your claims and make an example to us all by actually moving to Saudi Arabia/Iran?

You should do a home video type thing, I for one would be convinced then.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 07:58:45 AM
I'm waitinf for someone to say "No, you're wrong Ribo, things didn't happen that way and we didn't do anything of the like".

Instead, 2 of you so far have simply said "Yeah, so what, if you don't like it, leave".

Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 07:59:19 AM
Why don't you substantiate your claims and make an example to us all by actually moving to Saudi Arabia/Iran?

Please refer to my last post in this thread.  :)
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 08:30:49 AM
Ok for my good friend 240 ribo we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..further...Keepi ng an off balance and non-nuclear Iran is also in the best interest of the region specifically Iran's oil producing neighbors and our ally Israel. I honestly don't care what lengths we have to go to to make sure that we area viable economic and military power..thus ensuring peace and the continued great standard of living for folks like 240 and his family.........everybody happy.  ;D
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 08:39:06 AM
Ok for my good friend 240 ribo we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..further...Keepi ng an off balance and non-nuclear Iran is also in the best interest of the region specifically Iran's oil producing neighbors and our ally Israel. I honestly don't care what lengths we have to go to to make sure that we area viable economic and military power..thus ensuring peace and the continued great standard of living for folks like 240 and his family.........everybody happy.  ;D

We have honesty on this thread.

Ribo doesn't like the idea that his country does some shady shit and is hypocritical in our criticism of others.

HH6 doesn't care what his nation does, no matter how shady, as long as its in the good of the nation, keeps us stronger, etc.  F**k the world.

Totally different ideologies.  Ethically, I agree with Ribo.  In the real world, I agree with HH6, minus the corruption (haliburton fraud, etc).
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 09:59:10 AM
Nobody is happy with haliburton but much like our foreign policy.....its nothing new. Its been happining for hundreds of years..British East India company ...all the way to Haliburton/KBR. You guys all cry its not fait and its not right but nobody will ever stop doing business like this..nobody. War fuels business and vice versa....
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 10:02:38 AM
Nobody is happy with haliburton but much like our foreign policy.....its nothing new. Its been happining for hundreds of years..British East India company ...all the way to Haliburton/KBR. You guys all cry its not fait and its not right but nobody will ever stop doing business like this..nobody. War fuels business and vice versa....

Actually, it CAN change.

if every single American listened to Eisenhower's warning about the mil. ind. complex, it could cease to be.

JFK listened, and tried to disassemble it.  Vowed to disband the CIA.  Shortly thereafter, his security detail stood down and his driver froze up while a flurry of bullets ended that thought.

But you don't have to accept inherent corruption, hh6.  Yes, there is a huge corp. system in place.  But its influence CAN be minimized.  If you got an Alex Jones in office (hear me out! lol) and he sat in a bulletproof safe room and just made changes across the board to systematically end corruption and fraud, and make the system more efficient and fair, there COULD be change.

I doubt it'll ever happen.  but it could. 
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:03:06 AM
We have honesty on this thread.

Ribo doesn't like the idea that his country does some shady shit and is hypocritical in our criticism of others.

HH6 doesn't care what his nation does, no matter how shady, as long as its in the good of the nation, keeps us stronger, etc.  F**k the world.

Totally different ideologies.  Ethically, I agree with Ribo.  In the real world, I agree with HH6, minus the corruption (haliburton fraud, etc).

I understand ethics but nobody cares..except the libs...lipservice only.  ::)
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:04:47 AM
Within 5-10 years private companies will be conducting offensive military operations in Africa to secure oil and natural resources for other private corporations......the influence of private massive corporations will grow not lessen. 
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 10:09:05 AM
I understand ethics but nobody cares..except the libs...lipservice only.  ::)

You don't care about ethics but you plan to go to heaven?  I guess I missed that one in catholic school...
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 10:13:31 AM
Within 5-10 years private companies will be conducting offensive military operations in Africa to secure oil and natural resources for other private corporations......the influence of private massive corporations will grow not lessen. 

At the same time, the influence of information sharing on the interenet will grow.

If the web had been around in 1963, i have a feeling it wouldn't have taken Congress 15 years to admit there was a conspiracy (as they did in 1978). 

We're not even 6 years since 9/11, and the majority of the world, and nearly the majority of Americans, know that something stinks about the story we were given.  And those *possibly* involved in this smelly story are still in power.  You watch what happens in the coming 3-4 years once the Bush blinders are retired.

My point, of course, is that the ability to conduct outright corp mgmt of states will be kept in check by watchdog folks with windows movie maker and too much time on their hands.  (If you don't think the tens of millions of people who watched loose change influenced the 2006 midterm elections in any way, you're crazy).
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:13:52 AM
Look its the reality of the real world....nobody that countries or corporations look only at their bottome whatever..I'm not saying anything u don;'t know..its the reality on the world stage. I have my own code of ethics which I'm sure is not much different then your but I also except that in the big boy world..nobody gives a shit.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 10:14:59 AM
we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America

And the street thug who carjacked you at gun point considered that to be in his best interest.

Will that persuade you to shrug off your loss?

Or are you going to see if some of your friends are willing to join you in going into his neighborhood to kick the shit out of him?
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 10:17:25 AM
And the street thug who carjacked you at gun point considered that to be in his best interest.
Will that persuade you to shrug off your loss?
Or are you going to see if some of your friends are willing to join you in going into his neighborhood to kick the shit out of him?

The world will eventually gang up and kick the shit out of us, I have no doubt about that.

We will use the "might is right" thing for the next few decades, as they consolidate power, educate their populations on our actions, and position themselves.  I just hope that I'm long gone before they decide to pull the plug on our bullying.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:20:31 AM
At the same time, the influence of information sharing on the interenet will grow.

If the web had been around in 1963, i have a feeling it wouldn't have taken Congress 15 years to admit there was a conspiracy (as they did in 1978). 

We're not even 6 years since 9/11, and the majority of the world, and nearly the majority of Americans, know that something stinks about the story we were given.  And those *possibly* involved in this smelly story are still in power.  You watch what happens in the coming 3-4 years once the Bush blinders are retired.

My point, of course, is that the ability to conduct outright corp mgmt of states will be kept in check by watchdog folks with windows movie maker and too much time on their hands.  (If you don't think the tens of millions of people who watched loose change influenced the 2006 midterm elections in any way, you're crazy).

You...(normal folks) live in a world that is full of safe and right and wrong. The folks who control things don't live in that world. They see a threat and work to stop it. They look at bottom lines. Money runs things....Our average lives mean nothing to these people. They believe themselves Patriots non the less.  240 unlike Iraq which i liken to Vietnam..Afghanistan is like Cambodia..the wild west anything goes...we operate there like we did in central and south America from the 1950's on. Shady shit on a regular basis..these idiots on the net can't begin to imagine the things we do and have done ion the last 6 years. Our intel service as well as everybody elses are running wild.....everybody pays lip service to pulling out or staying away from Bush's war but eveybody has SOF teams there..everybody..foilks who aren't on any coalition of the willing list.

Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:22:20 AM
And the street thug who carjacked you at gun point considered that to be in his best interest.

Will that persuade you to shrug off your loss?

Or are you going to see if some of your friends are willing to join you in going into his neighborhood to kick the shit out of him?

I don't have to worry..I concealed carry a Kimber Arms .45....he'd be looking through a hole in his head. 
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:24:35 AM
The world will eventually gang up and kick the shit out of us, I have no doubt about that.

We will use the "might is right" thing for the next few decades, as they consolidate power, educate their populations on our actions, and position themselves.  I just hope that I'm long gone before they decide to pull the plug on our bullying.

Take this for waht its worth........the rest of the world lives in fear of the US. They are like children militarily..further... we are an economic/military power unlike anything the world has ever seen..China has decided that its in their economic best interest to trade as have all the other counties that matter. We are too entretwined to have a global war such as u mention.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 10:25:46 AM
I don't have to worry..I concealed carry a Kimber Arms .45....he'd be looking through a hole in his head. 


And the sad things is: he still won't get it.  :(
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:31:40 AM
I got it dude...shitbag terorists attacked our country..they must die....therefore we invaded who we needed to to ensure economic freedom..the secure production of natural resources we need to ensure said economic freedom and the heads of those we deem will presenta threat to this country...I don;t live in a fucking global village. I have lost count of the third world shitholes I have flown through...landed and walked over...I don't wanna live there and I'm not there to help..I'm there to help my countrymen live a better life..period.....sometim es that means helping folks who i don't like..sometimes that means shooting them..whatever..your world view is naive.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Thin Lizzy on April 07, 2007, 10:35:09 AM
I'm waitinf for someone to say "No, you're wrong Ribo, things didn't happen that way and we didn't do anything of the like".

Instead, 2 of you so far have simply said "Yeah, so what, if you don't like it, leave".


What the "great" Chomsky is attempting is argument by analogy. For a supposed genius, it's a very weak style because the analogies are almost always inappropriate.

To compare Canada, a country friendly to us, to Afghanistan, a country that had a government that was in cahoots with Al Qaeda is absurd and doesn't merit discussion.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 10:38:59 AM
I didn't respond to the Chomsky bit because the guy hates the US.....the titles of his books alone explain it all.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: CQ on April 07, 2007, 10:44:42 AM
we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..


So by that mentality everyone can do exactly what they like if it is in their best interest. People can rob banks to get money. :)
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 11:08:44 AM
Take this for waht its worth........the rest of the world lives in fear of the US. They are like children militarily..further... we are an economic/military power unlike anything the world has ever seen..China has decided that its in their economic best interest to trade as have all the other counties that matter. We are too entretwined to have a global war such as u mention.

I just spent two years studying global economies while earning my MBA and I am absolutely, without a doubt, convinced that the other nations of the world are working to undermine US influence and eventually, shut us out completely and collect on the debts they hold over us.

In 2007 they fear us.
In 2012 they have abandoned the collapsed dollar and are doing business with us when need be.

In 2007 they let their people learn more about us - opening up the web and playing Loose Change on their mainstream television stations (as they are).
In 2012 their population will support any policy which undermines US power no matter the cost to themselves.

In 2007 Iran, China, and Russia made an alliance we should fear.
In 2012, this group of 2 billion with nuke redundancy, a third of the world's remaining oil, tight rule without question domestically, armed with every tech, mnfg, mgmt, and labor advantage.... they are going to be a f'cking beast to deal with.

just because they fear us today (arguably - they see us getting mopped in Iraq for whatever reason) doesn't mean we'll be in any position to flex this military c0ck in 5 years, my friend.  They're preparing while we're exerting and overextending.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 11:12:30 AM
So by that mentality everyone can do exactly what they like if it is in their best interest. People can rob banks to get money. :)

It's akin to the police chief robbing the bank.

Who can you call?

however, eventually the banker/pharmacist/gas station (people who have already been robbed by the police chief) and the teachers, lawyers, jewelers, and salesman will all get together and lynch the police chief one night because they've had enough.

unless of course, the Chief has a good enough fence in his yard (space missile defense).
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Nordic Superman on April 07, 2007, 11:28:59 AM
unless of course, the Chief has a good enough fence in his yard (space missile defense).

What's the word begging with "M" followed by "ental"? ???
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 11:30:51 AM
What's the word begging with "M" followed by "ental"? ???

You're a low grade subject incapable of understanding global issues.

Mentally yours,
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Nordic Superman on April 07, 2007, 11:35:08 AM
You're a low grade subject incapable of understanding global issues.

Mentally yours,

Funny, I destroy you in the Mr. Ahmadinejad discussion, then I ask you to refute further topics and you either don't respond or resort to ad hominem attacks.

People can't even discuss things with you or Jag anymore because your viewpoints are so clouded with your bias. Same with a few other members here, especially ribonucleic.

There's just nothing to debate with someone who labels anyone with differing viewpoints as "idiots".

Truly yours, your mental superior,
- Nordic Superman
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 11:38:57 AM

You're a low grade subject incapable of understanding global issues.

Now, it's been 5 minutes since you've called for the extermination of a billion people, you'd better get back to work.  Without your hatred, this place gets too happy too fast.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 07, 2007, 11:48:12 AM
Truly yours, your mental superior,
- Nordic Superman

Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Camel Jockey on April 07, 2007, 12:08:28 PM
Ok for my good friend 240 ribo we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..further...Keepi ng an off balance and non-nuclear Iran is also in the best interest of the region specifically Iran's oil producing neighbors and our ally Israel. I honestly don't care what lengths we have to go to to make sure that we area viable economic and military power..thus ensuring peace and the continued great standard of living for folks like 240 and his family.........everybody happy.  ;D

Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2007, 12:21:00 PM
RIBO...just move and all ur problems would be solved..they will welcome u with open arms in any of those countries u defend.....oh wait..nope u'd end up in a ditch.

lol.  True.  Thank God we have people like Headhunter who aren't afraid to pick up an M16 (or in his case a 45  :)) and serve this great country.  It's a shame that we have so many of our brave men and women serving all around the world, while a bunch of idiots sit on their butts at home throwing darts and comparing us to countries like Iran.  When I read stuff like this it makes me wish they would reinstitute the draft.   :-\   
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Camel Jockey on April 07, 2007, 12:25:35 PM
lol.  True.  Thank God we have people like Headhunter who aren't afraid to pick up an M16 (or in his case a 45  :)) and serve this great country.  It's a shame that we have so many of our brave men and women serving all around the world, while a bunch of idiots sit on their butts at home throwing darts and comparing us to countries like Iran.  When I read stuff like this it makes me wish they would reinstitute the draft.   :-\   

Headhunter just admiteed the following:

Ok for my good friend 240 ribo we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..further...Keepi ng an off balance and non-nuclear Iran is also in the best interest of the region specifically Iran's oil producing neighbors and our ally Israel. I honestly don't care what lengths we have to go to to make sure that we area viable economic and military power..thus ensuring peace and the continued great standard of living for folks like 240 and his family.........everybody happy. 

You and Bruce claimed the Iraq invasion wasn't about global supremacy or oil, but now you have an actual solider's testimony.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 12:31:57 PM
lol.  True.  Thank God we have people like Headhunter who aren't afraid to pick up an M16 (or in his case a 45  :)) and serve this great country.  It's a shame that we have so many of our brave men and women serving all around the world, while a bunch of idiots sit on their butts at home throwing darts and comparing us to countries like Iran.  When I read stuff like this it makes me wish they would reinstitute the draft.   :-\   

Is that why you trust Alex Jones to protect you and your family's lives, over your own president?

Kinda unpatriotic of you, but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2007, 12:32:11 PM
Headhunter just admiteed the following:

Ok for my good friend 240 ribo we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..further...Keepi ng an off balance and non-nuclear Iran is also in the best interest of the region specifically Iran's oil producing neighbors and our ally Israel. I honestly don't care what lengths we have to go to to make sure that we area viable economic and military power..thus ensuring peace and the continued great standard of living for folks like 240 and his family.........everybody happy. 

You and Bruce claimed the Iraq invasion wasn't about global supremacy or oil, but now you have an actual solider's testimony.

And your point is?  
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Camel Jockey on April 07, 2007, 12:36:04 PM
And your point is?  

Atleast be honest about the US' intentions and not play the same old "Iraqi democracy" and "global security" bs.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 12:42:14 PM
Atleast be honest about the US' intentions and not play the same old "Iraqi democracy" and "global security" bs.

He cannot.

He has made it clear from day 1 that the US invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with oil.

His life, military service personal relationships, career, his debate here - everything he does on a daily basis has its foundation in this lie he keeps telling himself.  Even as we see new pentagon reports each week that the intel was fudged, he cannot look at it. 

His life is based upon this fallacy.  It is unraveling but he can never look at it.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2007, 12:44:15 PM
Atleast be honest about the US' intentions and not play the same old "Iraqi democracy" and "global security" bs.

I don't care if Headhunter and I have the same opinion about why we went into Afghanistan or Iraq.  I am comforted by the fact our country has people like him who will put their life on the line serving their country.  That was my point.  I understand you're trying to make a different point, but that's a different subject/debate altogether.

He just came back from Afghanistan.  Like my friends who are in Iraq right now, he had to worry about getting shot at when he went to work every day.  I worry about getting on the road early enough to beat rush hour traffic.  He had to worry about his vehicle blowing up every time he went for ride.  I worry about whether someone is going to steal my parking space in my office garage. . . .

One of my good friends just went back to Iraq yesterday after R & R, leaving behind his family, which I help look after while he's gone.  I probably have little patience for the America hating crap today.  I should probably sign off soon . . . .    :-\  
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2007, 12:45:34 PM
He cannot.

He has made it clear from day 1 that the US invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with oil.

His life, military service personal relationships, career, his debate here - everything he does on a daily basis has its foundation in this lie he keeps telling himself.  Even as we see new pentagon reports each week that the intel was fudged, he cannot look at it. 

His life is based upon this fallacy.  It is unraveling but he can never look at it.

LOL.  This from the man who believes we faked the moon landing.  Aren't you also the one who joked about murder his wife and child? 
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Camel Jockey on April 07, 2007, 12:46:42 PM

One of my good friends just went back to Iraq yesterday after R & R, leaving behind his family, which I help look after while he's gone.  I probably have little patience for the America hating crap today.  I should probably sign off soon . . . .    :-\  

I hope your friend stays safe.

You should change your opinion on the matter(Iraq).
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 12:50:32 PM
Beach Bum,

What is it about Alex Jones that you trust more than George W. Bush?

You've been a Republican for about 6 years now, since Clinton left office.

I would expect someone with the short-term track record you possess to have confidence in whoever is in office this week.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2007, 12:53:51 PM
Beach Bum,

What is it about Alex Jones that you trust more than George W. Bush?

You've been a Republican for about 6 years now, since Clinton left office.

I would expect someone with the short-term track record you possess to have confidence in whoever is in office this week.

lol.  Quit following me around the board, you stalker.  I know you have a crush on me and all, but I'm not interested.  Go to the sex board if you need a boyfriend. 

Hey have you joked about killing your wife lately, Scott Peterson? 

240: on January 14, 2007, 08:52:49 AM » Quote 

"my woman already knows. if i ever make a fortune, i'll always make sure she and the babies are covered if we split.

but if we ever split and she tries to screw me in court, well, hello scott peterson. "
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 01:04:30 PM
lol.  Quit following me around the board, you stalker.  I know you have a crush on me and all, but
I'm not interested.  Go to the sex board
if you need a boyfriend


But no thanks.

Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 03:14:52 PM
Beach and I differ mainly on this point but its not much of a big deal..and its hardly an admittance.....its in our best interest to secure the oil.....nuff said.....democracy foisted on people who still stone women and live in dirt shacks isa lost cause. We cannot repliocate rebuilding Germany and Japan. Those folks were rational people with a rich history who temporarily lost their collective minds.....unlike the dune coons who have had and hopefully will return to ..nothing.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Camel Jockey on April 07, 2007, 04:20:17 PM
Beach and I differ mainly on this point but its not much of a big deal..and its hardly an admittance.....its in our best interest to secure the oil.....nuff said.....democracy foisted on people who still stone women and live in dirt shacks isa lost cause. We cannot repliocate rebuilding Germany and Japan. Those folks were rational people with a rich history who temporarily lost their collective minds.....unlike the dune coons who have had and hopefully will return to ..nothing.

Dune coons have a rich history too, but Islam will hault any advancement on their part.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2007, 04:50:03 PM
Beach and I differ mainly on this point but its not much of a big deal..and its hardly an admittance.....its in our best interest to secure the oil.....nuff said.....democracy foisted on people who still stone women and live in dirt shacks isa lost cause. We cannot repliocate rebuilding Germany and Japan. Those folks were rational people with a rich history who temporarily lost their collective minds.....unlike the dune coons who have had and hopefully will return to ..nothing.

well, the decision makers in the US are going to take whichever nations their think tanks determine has the best resources for least cost (human and $) with the best "sellability" to the rest of the world.

NK = a bust.  No $ in it.
Darfur = a bust.  No $ in it.

Now, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, iran... that's a fcking jackpot.  if Bush can declare war on 3 of the 4 during his stint in office, and convince the world to just step back and let us "keep the world safe", then he's gonna do it.

And we benefit from it, tremendously.  Which is fine.  I just hate when pussies cannot admit it, and get all high and mighty about the good we're doing, how we aren't in it for the oil, etc.  Those people are in complete denial because their political parties are doing things their religion doesn't allow them to condone.  So, they accept that WMD bullshit reasoning because it makes them sleep better and spend their years believing they're going to a better place, cause they supported the RIGHT party.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 07, 2007, 05:44:16 PM
To clarify for camel Jockey..who i bother..anybody of arab decent that might take a shot at me is a classified as "fill in the derogetory term"....not all arabs.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Camel Jockey on April 07, 2007, 06:23:54 PM
To clarify for camel Jockey..who i bother..anybody of arab decent that might take a shot at me is a classified as "fill in the derogetory term"....not all arabs.

i'm not arab, I don't care.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2007, 07:53:02 PM


But no thanks.

240 you kill me.  I mean, you just slay me sometimes.  Although I must admit that sometimes your posts are muderous.  Some of your dumb comments are so absurd I want to just die after reading them.  Okay, I'm done, killa. 

240: on January 14, 2007, 08:52:49 AM » Quote 

"my woman already knows. if i ever make a fortune, i'll always make sure she and the babies are covered if we split.

but if we ever split and she tries to screw me in court, well, hello scott peterson. "

Scott Lee Peterson (born 24 October 1972) is a former pesticides salesman convicted of the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, and unborn son Conner Peterson. Laci was eight months pregnant at the time of the murder.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 08, 2007, 03:00:20 AM
You...(normal folks) live in a world that is full of safe and right and wrong. The folks who control things don't live in that world. They see a threat and work to stop it. They look at bottom lines. Money runs things....Our average lives mean nothing to these people. They believe themselves Patriots non the less.  240 unlike Iraq which i liken to Vietnam..Afghanistan is like Cambodia..the wild west anything goes...we operate there like we did in central and south America from the 1950's on. Shady shit on a regular basis..these idiots on the net can't begin to imagine the things we do and have done ion the last 6 years. Our intel service as well as everybody elses are running wild.....everybody pays lip service to pulling out or staying away from Bush's war but eveybody has SOF teams there..everybody..foilks who aren't on any coalition of the willing list.

You'd be surprised how many people are aware of things you do. It's most Americans who are not
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 08, 2007, 03:09:34 AM
I got it dude...shitbag terorists attacked our country..they must die....therefore we invaded who we needed to to ensure economic freedom..the secure production of natural resources we need to ensure said economic freedom and the heads of those we deem will presenta threat to this country...I don;t live in a fucking global village. I have lost count of the third world shitholes I have flown through...landed and walked over...I don't wanna live there and I'm not there to help..I'm there to help my countrymen live a better life..period.....

I'm beginning to think you've been in too long to ever find your way back to civilization.

There's nothing wrong with devoting your life to ensure your countrymen live a better life.
That's the goal of many people the world over, ...possibly including many of those whom you fight / have fought.
Doing so through military might however, might not necessarily be the most effective or permanent way to ensure this lofty goal.

sometimes that means helping folks who i don't like..

Worked so well with Mossadegh and the Shah didn't it... until the birth of Islamic Fundamentalism and cries of Death to America... seemed to work equally well with bin Laden in Afghanistan... and Saddam too. Tremendous track record there.

sometimes that means shooting them..whatever..your world view is naive.

Your world view is myopic and appears void of a moral compass.  :'(
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 08, 2007, 03:32:26 AM
I don't care if Headhunter and I have the same opinion about why we went into Afghanistan or Iraq.  I am comforted by the fact our country has people like him who will put their life on the line serving their country.  That was my point.  I understand you're trying to make a different point, but that's a different subject/debate altogether.

He just came back from Afghanistan.  Like my friends who are in Iraq right now, he had to worry about getting shot at when he went to work every day.  I worry about getting on the road early enough to beat rush hour traffic.  He had to worry about his vehicle blowing up every time he went for ride.  I worry about whether someone is going to steal my parking space in my office garage. . . .

One of my good friends just went back to Iraq yesterday after R & R, leaving behind his family, which I help look after while he's gone.  I probably have little patience for the America hating crap today.  I should probably sign off soon . . . .    :-\  

That's the problem BeachBum. You construe anyone who disagrees with the war, or disapproves of the lies and crimes committed as being haters of America. People who disapprove are also upset that some have to worry about being shot at, or their vehicles blowing up everyday they go to work. They are upset that people have to leave behind their families in the care of others... so elites can line their pockets and never have to deal with the collosal mess they create both at home & abroad, ...afterall, safely esconced away in a non-extradition country like Paraguay, or living in a palace in Dubae, ...they will never have to deal with it.

You may admire the courage, the bravery etc., but you better step back and observe their critical thinking ability, because it get's compromised real fast. Put enough volts through the wrong fuses, and things snap, wires burn out and fuses blow. A brain operating on that frequency long enough does the same thing.

My ex was a cop who could spot an ex-con from a mile away before the man opened his mouth. He also had the ability to spot a military man too by the same criteria. He also taught me how to do it. If you think being in that kind of an environment for an extended period of time is a good thing... think again.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Dos Equis on April 08, 2007, 10:01:45 AM
That's the problem BeachBum. You construe anyone who disagrees with the war, or disapproves of the lies and crimes committed as being haters of America.

Hey genius, my friend who just got on the plane to go back to Iraq "disagrees with the war" and hates Bush.  He's a captain in the Army.  Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?   ::)  (I think the answer is "no.") 

What I believe is people like you are haters, because you and your ilk do nothing but throw darts at our country and in particular our military.  You never spent a day wearing the uniform and continually show you really don't know a thing about our military. 

You are a hater. 
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: headhuntersix on April 08, 2007, 07:53:52 PM
I'm beginning to think you've been in too long to ever find your way back to civilization.

There's nothing wrong with devoting your life to ensure your countrymen live a better life.
That's the goal of many people the world over, ...possibly including many of those whom you fight / have fought.
Doing so through military might however, might not necessarily be the most effective or permanent way to ensure this lofty goal.

Worked so well with Mossadegh and the Shah didn't it... until the birth of Islamic Fundamentalism and cries of Death to America... seemed to work equally well with bin Laden in Afghanistan... and Saddam too. Tremendous track record there.

Your world view is myopic and appears void of a moral compass.  :'(

My world view is based on several things..A - I don't give a shit about the rest of the world
B- I live in the real world not the liberal make believe land of American badguys and happy fuzzy commies and islamo terrorists.
c- I understand full well that the rest of the world is jealous of America
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Thin Lizzy on April 08, 2007, 08:32:32 PM

Worked so well with Mossadegh and the Shah didn't it... until the birth of Islamic Fundamentalism and cries of Death to America... seemed to work equally well with bin Laden in Afghanistan... and Saddam too. Tremendous track record there.

At least we tried.

What's your answer? To let Sadaam be and  pass the torch to his even more cruel homicidal RAPIST sons?

You're good at second guessing every foriegn policy decision that doesn't work out, but you offer nothing in the way of solutions.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 08, 2007, 09:22:46 PM
I got it dude...shitbag terorists attacked our country..they must die....therefore we invaded who we needed to to ensure economic freedom..the secure production of natural resources we need to ensure said economic freedom and the heads of those we deem will presenta threat to this country...I don;t live in a fucking global village. I have lost count of the third world shitholes I have flown through...landed and walked over...I don't wanna live there and I'm not there to help..I'm there to help my countrymen live a better life..period.....sometim es that means helping folks who i don't like..sometimes that means shooting them..whatever..your world view is naive.

sorry I haven't been here to help you defend these lib fools
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2007, 09:26:27 PM
sorry I haven't been here to help you defend these lib fools

You lack dignity and honor.

Everytime you belittle those you defend, they respect you less. 

It's hard to expect respect for yourself, when you obviously don't respect yourself.  Anyone who will debase a group with a differing opinion doesn't respect themselves.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 09, 2007, 09:11:31 PM
You lack dignity and honor.

Everytime you belittle those you defend, they respect you less. 

It's hard to expect respect for yourself, when you obviously don't respect yourself.  Anyone who will debase a group with a differing opinion doesn't respect themselves.

you're fucking kidding right? Do I need to refresh your memory on the shit you have said to those that PROTECT you for simply having a differing opinion? I think since I defend the simple right for you to have an opinion, I can criticize it. If it wasn't for me and HH6 you wouldn't be allowed to have an opinion
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2007, 10:24:35 PM
If it wasn't for me and HH6 you wouldn't be allowed to have an opinion

Bullshit.  If it wasnt for you, I would pay more for gasoline.  Yours is a war of aggression for resources, as well as to play referee for an Iraqi civil war.  When the bad guys come here to fight, and you kill them then, I will happily thank you.  but you're playing offense, buddy. 

PS... the only time the enemy came here was 9/11... and anyone with a brain knows the fingerprints of white guys in ties are all over that.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 10, 2007, 05:31:21 AM
Bullshit.  If it wasnt for you, I would pay more for gasoline.  Yours is a war of aggression for resources, as well as to play referee for an Iraqi civil war.  When the bad guys come here to fight, and you kill them then, I will happily thank you.  but you're playing offense, buddy. 

PS... the only time the enemy came here was 9/11... and anyone with a brain knows the fingerprints of white guys in ties are all over that.

as I have asked before...if the american military had never left our soil to fight in the past would we still be a free country. I doubt it. The best defense is a great offense.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 06:15:41 AM
Bullshit.  If it wasnt for you, I would pay more less for gasoline.  Yours is a war of aggression for resources, as well as to play referee for an Iraqi civil war.  When the bad guys come here to fight, and you kill them then, I will happily thank you.  but you're playing offense, buddy. 

PS... the only time the enemy came here was 9/11... and anyone with a brain knows the fingerprints of white guys in ties are all over that.

...and wouldn't be stuck with a horrendous debt, uncertain of the world your newborn son will have to live in. etc.

Let's be accurate here. Gas wouldn't be so high if it weren't for the invasion. Who knows, perhaps in a few years it might have become a problem, however, if you had true leadership that prioritizes the best interests of the US public at large, over the profits of oil companies, alternative fuels would have been developed long before this crisis came about, ...and they certainly would not have killed the electric car. That will go down as one of the stupidest decisions ever made. I say "one of" because we all know there have been MANY stupid decisions made by world leaders in the past few years.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 06:32:17 AM
At least we tried.

What's your answer? To let Sadaam be and  pass the torch to his even more cruel homicidal RAPIST sons?

You're good at second guessing every foriegn policy decision that doesn't work out, but you offer nothing in the way of solutions.

Surely you are not looking for a democrat to have an answer or idea?  Remember, their job is to just bitch , whine, moan and try to make this country look defeated and let terrorists rule the world.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 06:34:38 AM
...and wouldn't be stuck with a horrendous debt, uncertain of the world your newborn son will have to live in. etc.

Let's be accurate here. Gas wouldn't be so high if it weren't for the invasion. Who knows, perhaps in a few years it might have become a problem, however, if you had true leadership that prioritizes the best interests of the US public at large, over the profits of oil companies, alternative fuels would have been developed long before this crisis came about, ...and they certainly would not have killed the electric car. That will go down as one of the stupidest decisions ever made. I say "one of" because we all know there have been MANY stupid decisions made by world leaders in the past few years.

Women hate war, we understand that.  Look, let men rule the nation, women would have this a pussified nation and most likely Bin Laden would be president.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Decker on April 10, 2007, 06:44:41 AM
Ok for my good friend 240 ribo we didn't do anything wrong..the invasion and occupation was in the stategic best interest of America..further...Keepi ng an off balance and non-nuclear Iran is also in the best interest of the region specifically Iran's oil producing neighbors and our ally Israel. I honestly don't care what lengths we have to go to to make sure that we area viable economic and military power..thus ensuring peace and the continued great standard of living for folks like 240 and his family.........everybody happy.  ;D
The US broke the law by invading Iraq.  Are we a country of laws or are we not?  The invasion and occupation of Iraq likely followed this paradigm:

'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

The people that wrote this strategy for conquering the middle east are the same people, by and large, that have handicapped any inroads to alternative fuel research and development.  They are the same people that argue for deregulation and tax cuts based on fidelity to the free market yet they have no problem robbing a foreign country of its own assets.  In other words, these people have enabled our dependence on a singular power resource (oil), from which they profit mightily, and they will endorse any mafia-style ham-handed endeavor to keep that resource flowing.

These are the same people connected to the war profiteers raking in billions and billions of dollars from an illegal attack and occupation of a country that did not attack the US or a US ally.

Either you fight for the ideals of peace, lawfulness and integrity or you do not.  There is no honor among the NEOCONS.

The problem with your solution is that there may come a day where the US is on the shit end of the stick and we will reap what we sow.

In our mad dash to liberate the Iraqis and commandeer their resources the US has become a country endorsing torture, trampling our constitution and damaging our constitutional form of government.  The president and Congress are sworn to uphold the constitution.

I suppose we might as well just get rid of that tired old document.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 06:48:10 AM
Women hate war, we understand that.  Look, let men rule the nation, women would have this a pussified nation and most likely Bin Laden would be president.

The more people like you speak, ...the more disillusioned America becomes.

You are her representatives, ...and Americans do not like what you have been made to stand for. It shames them.
And it shames your great nation, that you have become what you have.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 06:54:07 AM
The more people like you speak, ...the more disillusioned America becomes.

You are her representatives, ...and Americans do not like what you have been made to stand for. It shames them.
And it shames your great nation, that you have become what you have.

Gosh, sounds like you want to snuff out my opinion and live in a communist society.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 07:07:48 AM
Gosh, sounds like you want to snuff out my opinion and live in a communist society.

I'm not surprised you'd interpret it as that.  ::)
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:10:19 AM
I'm not surprised you'd interpret it as that.  ::)

WOuld you rather live in Iran than the USA?  just curious.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 07:12:51 AM
WOuld you rather live in Iran than the USA?  just curious.

Completely irrelevant question. It's not a matter of where I or anyone would prefer to live.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 10, 2007, 07:16:22 AM
Completely irrelevant question. It's not a matter of where I or anyone would prefer to live.

Irrelevant, sure. But cut Ye Olde Rooster some slack...

"America: Love It or Leave It" is as much civics as his hate-clogged mind can retain.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:16:28 AM
Completely irrelevant question. It's not a matter of where I or anyone would prefer to live.

OK, then i'm sure since you hate the loss of innocent lifes, you can point me back to some threads you made in utter disgust at Saddam gassing his own people.  I mean since you absolutely hate the loss of innocent lifes.  Please show me those threads.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:17:58 AM
Irrelevant, sure. But cut Ye Olde Rooster some slack...

"America: Love It or Leave It" is as much civics as his hate-clogged mind can retain.
Hate clogged?   hmmmm, i hate terrorist and insurgents.   That will never change.  And sorry bub, if we have to kill 100 innocents to kill one terrorist, i'm ok/fine with that.  War is hell, never knew that?
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:20:08 AM
Have you forgotten?  when those towers fell?  we had neighbors still inside going through a living hell.  And you say we sholuldn't worry bout bin laden, have you forgotten?
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 10, 2007, 07:22:16 AM
And you say we sholuldn't worry bout bin laden

"So I don't know where he is.  You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you." - George W. Bush
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:23:39 AM
"So I don't know where he is.  You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you." - George W. Bush

and in reality, hes really not that important.   Terror wouldn't end when that old goat dies, actually i think hes dead already.  but really, in the big scheme of things, the old boy ain't that important.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 10, 2007, 07:25:32 AM
and in reality, hes really not that important.

Reversing your previous position in just 3 minutes and 31 seconds... Impressive.

With skills like that, you should be angling to become White House Press Secretary.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 07:32:41 AM
Reversing your previous position in just 3 minutes and 31 seconds... Impressive.

With skills like that, you should be angling to become White House Press Secretary.
I was singing a song fool.
Osama however is not very important.  Hes hiding in a cave like the rest of the pussys of al quaeda.  getting picked off one at a time.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: ribonucleic on April 10, 2007, 07:34:28 AM
Hes hiding in a cave like the rest of the pussys of al quaeda.  getting picked off one at a time.

I have to agree with you there.

Those "#2"-s are dropping like flies.  ::)
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 07:59:56 AM
Hate clogged?   hmmmm, i hate terrorist and insurgents.   That will never change.  And sorry bub, if we have to kill 100 innocents to kill one terrorist, i'm ok/fine with that.  War is hell, never knew that?

Then you wouldn't object if you, MM69, your family, and 90 other school children in Kansas died, if it meant catching one terrorist in Iraq?

If that's the case, ...please shoot yourself now.

oh, I forgot,'re not all that innocent.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 08:01:54 AM
Then you wouldn't object if you, MM69, your family, and 90 other school children in Kansas died, if it meant catching one terrorist in Iraq?

If that's the case, ...please shoot yourself now.

oh, I forgot,'re not all that innocent.
If I am standing next to a terrorist and the only shot you have is to take us both out, yes blow me to bits.   I love my country and don't put myself above it.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 08:05:24 AM
If I am standing next to a terrorist and the only shot you have is to take us both out, yes blow me to bits.   I love my country and don't put myself above it.

That is exactly what you do when you advocate the dismantling of the constitution because it impedes your desire to trample the rights of others. That's exactly what you do when you break the laws of your country to achieve unlawful goals, and facilitate an unlawful agenda. That's exactly what you do when you say I don't care what congress says I'm doing my own thing.

ps - your argument is fallatious because a sniper bullet doesn't take out 2 at a time.
Were I in that situation, I'd make sure I used a bomb to ensure I took yous BOTH out!  :P

pps - strike that. I forgot about the magic bullet Oswald used on Kennedy.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: Old_Rooster on April 10, 2007, 08:12:21 AM
That is exactly what you do when you advocate the dismantling of the constitution because it impedes your desire to trample the rights of others. That's exactly what you do when you break the laws of your country to achieve unlawful goals, and facilitate an unlawful agenda. That's exactly what you do when you say I don't care what congress says I'm doing my own thing.

ps - your argument is fallatious because a sniper bullet doesn't take out 2 at a time.
Were I in that situation, I'd make sure I used a bomb to ensure I took yous BOTH out!  :P

pps - strike that. I forgot about the magic bullet Oswald used on Kennedy.
Wow, you sound like you have a lot of love in your heart.
I don't HATE you but see you turn this to hating each other.
I suspect  in reality you are sweet to the core, perhaps its only here you spew hatred.
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 10, 2007, 11:31:43 AM
...and wouldn't be stuck with a horrendous debt, uncertain of the world your newborn son will have to live in. etc.

Let's be accurate here. Gas wouldn't be so high if it weren't for the invasion. Who knows, perhaps in a few years it might have become a problem, however, if you had true leadership that prioritizes the best interests of the US public at large, over the profits of oil companies, alternative fuels would have been developed long before this crisis came about, ...and they certainly would not have killed the electric car. That will go down as one of the stupidest decisions ever made. I say "one of" because we all know there have been MANY stupid decisions made by world leaders in the past few years.

You fucking idiots, Gas didn't rise until Katrina, and then once they raised it, they had us by the isn't the war that has made it go up
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 240 is Back on April 10, 2007, 11:32:53 AM
You fucking idiots, Gas didn't rise until Katrina,

Can someone please verify or nullify this claim?
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: militarymuscle69 on April 10, 2007, 12:00:16 PM
Can someone please verify or nullify this claim?

I don't know about where you live but the day before Katrina gas was $1.57 at Ft. Leonard Wood. within days it was over $3 and hasn't come below $2 since
Title: Re: Iran has finally gone too far
Post by: 24KT on April 10, 2007, 12:12:53 PM
Can someone please verify or nullify this claim?

The price of oil started raising with the invasion of Iraq. it spiked after Katrina, and continues to go up after every assinine decision Bush makes.