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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Ledd on April 11, 2007, 06:00:25 PM

Title: I gotta buddy...
Post by: Ledd on April 11, 2007, 06:00:25 PM
An HONEST "I gotta buddy" question.  This guy is 32, been lifting a couple(possible slight inflation) years and he is wanting to try aas.  We talked recently and I gave him the whole schpeal about giving it more time...natural potential..counting know what I'm talking about.  Well my only experience is with you guys so I couldnt give him my own personal experience, and I definitely dont have a proffesional view on this subject.  But he said his test production is low, I didnt ask how low as this number would fall on ignorant ears, but he is concerned that after the cycle this number may be even lower.  I didnt really know what to say except that from what I understand if you dont reach your natural potential first you may actually hinder long term gains.  I dont really know though if this is true.  What do you say to that?  If it matters weight lifting is a functional strength goal for him and has nothing to do with any competition.
Title: Re: I gotta buddy...
Post by: wes mantooth on April 11, 2007, 10:20:28 PM
at 32, his levels are dropping naturally anyway. find out what his total t count is...and have him talk to his doc about HRT if its that low. as far as potential goes...there are so many factors...its hard to tell, but if he is serious about lifting...his diet should be tight and training should be on point already. if not, tell him to make a decision on whether or not he wants to do this.

random aas use is pretty stupid in my opinion. too many people take too any drugs in order to shortcut to what they want. it might work, it might not. using juice to "cut up" and still eating cheeseburgers and cutting back on cardio is mindless.

tell your friend to see his doc and think about his goals.....if he still wants to use and is ready

500mgs test e or c for 12 weeks

proper pct
hcg use while cycling