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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: NoCalBbEr on May 06, 2007, 12:19:06 PM

Title: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: NoCalBbEr on May 06, 2007, 12:19:06 PM
hey guys
I need some advice on a good  2 day split. I'm going on vocation on wednsday. I'm going to take a week off but its from wed to wed. I know its kinda weird.  I'm trying to think if I should just take off monday and tuesday as will. but I haven't taken any training days off. 

I was thinking of just doing upper body and let my lower body rest up


what do you guys think?? is there a better  2 day split or should i sat out monday and tuesday??/

Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: pumpster on May 06, 2007, 12:40:57 PM
No reason to miss those days, a week off's good. Do upper bod if lower can use the rest.
Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: lilwoday09smb on May 06, 2007, 05:58:02 PM
or maybe try somethign new to end it off with. like all heavy compounds to really tax your muscles and then give them a week to recover. maybe like squats, bench, cling and press, deads, chins, dips, and some curls and calfs. a nice intense full body workout will up your metabolism like crazy before your week off.
Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: NoCalBbEr on May 06, 2007, 06:53:16 PM
or maybe try somethign new to end it off with. like all heavy compounds to really tax your muscles and then give them a week to recover. maybe like squats, bench, cling and press, deads, chins, dips, and some curls and calfs. a nice intense full body workout will up your metabolism like crazy before your week off.

yea i was thinking about the same lines b/c i want to limit the time in the gym but hit all the bodyparts. I was thinking of doing this type of routine:

bench press
bent over rows
overhead shoulder press
barbell curls
close grip bench press

the sets are  3 sets each. what do you guys think?? anything i should change up??

Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: lilwoday09smb on May 06, 2007, 07:42:13 PM
ya something like that is real good. might wanna do squats first to get test going as some say in induces the release of testosterone
Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: jpm101 on May 07, 2007, 09:22:26 AM
Why not take two full weeks off and surprise your body. It may surprise you back with being renewed and fresh, ready for a new growth surge, when you begin to restart your workout program. If you think your going to lose a lot of muscle size, you really should not. If you do lose noticeable muscle size than you have been training wrong all these years. If your muscles have just been trained to encourage the pump (usually using light to moderate weight in workouts, with too many sets and/or workout days), than you will find that it is not true permanent muscle tissue anyway. Good Luck.
Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: Overload on May 07, 2007, 11:15:57 AM
Why not take two full weeks off and surprise your body. It may surprise you back with being renewed and fresh, ready for a new growth surge, when you begin to restart your workout program. If you think your going to lose a lot of muscle size, you really should not. If you do lose noticeable muscle size than you have been training wrong all these years. If your muscles have just been trained to encourage the pump (usually using light to moderate weight in workouts, with too many sets and/or workout days), than you will find that it is not true permanent muscle tissue anyway. Good Luck.

When i take a week or two off i always come back stronger after a few workouts.

Just do the normal routine and enjoy the time off. one or two training sessions will not affect your body very much at all. gains are made over years of consistant training.

Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: Mike on May 09, 2007, 02:29:31 PM
Why not take two full weeks off and surprise your body. It may surprise you back with being renewed and fresh, ready for a new growth surge, when you begin to restart your workout program. If you think your going to lose a lot of muscle size, you really should not. If you do lose noticeable muscle size than you have been training wrong all these years. If your muscles have just been trained to encourage the pump (usually using light to moderate weight in workouts, with too many sets and/or workout days), than you will find that it is not true permanent muscle tissue anyway. Good Luck.

Those extra two workouts won't do anything but help you out mentally.  Take the time off like JPM said come back refreshed and healed. 

That reminds me, I need a vacation.
Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: Big N on May 09, 2007, 02:32:22 PM
Take the vacation and recover, if you feel the need of really workingout again do pull-ups, push-ups or sit-ups.
Title: Re: 2 days left, should i train
Post by: 240 is Back on May 13, 2007, 11:05:03 AM
I'd do half my body mon, and half my body tues, provided you're not sore and didn't train sunday.

Or, just make monday bench/dead day, and tuesday squats plus some arms and shoulders for fun.