Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: HYDROLICS on May 11, 2007, 07:34:20 AM

Title: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: HYDROLICS on May 11, 2007, 07:34:20 AM
So you did the research, found a supplier,and placed your order. You wait patiently for order and soon it arrives. You open it up, take a glance at it and start injecting away. A few weeks later you see no results and you start to question yourself.

Well before you start posting questions on getbig boards about the authenticity of your gear there are a few easy things you can do to make the process run a whole lot smoother.

1. Do a google search on your supplier (even his email), the name of your product, and anything else related to your product(s). Something may turn up on a scammer list of another board, who knows...just do it.

2. Visit all the boards you are a member of and search the forums there as well. again, you just may have something useful turn up.

3. Take a real close look at your cycle. What are you using? what are the esters involved? Has it been long enough? Do you know how long it will take? Is your diet spot on? Again, a google search of the AAS you are taking will give you the answers your looking for when you ask the question "when does this stuff kick in?".

4. Take a close look at your training log, anything happening here?

5. Take some close up pics of your gear with a good digital camera. Also note any lot #'s or expiration dates. Have them ready to send to either mods or vets here who are WILLING to help.

6. Now its time to post your question. Be specific. Give all your history (1st cycle, 2nd cycle, 3rd...whatever). Tell the readers what turned up in your searches.

7. Wait patiently just like you did in the beginning  :)

Remember, just because you have no  "side effects" or the shot "was painful" or the shot "was NOT painful" really doesnt mean anything. There is real gear that has very little to no pain, and there is fake gear that does have pain involved (clever scammers tossing some BA in the fake gear). And side effects are user specific, and not a reliable method of determining the authenticity of your AAS.

with all this information you will be able to get the most out of your post. Instead of a thread 56 replies long, you will get everything you need to know within a few replies...and usually that same day. (assuming the vets are around that day).

Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: freakfestMD on May 11, 2007, 08:25:53 AM
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: youandme on May 11, 2007, 08:47:49 AM
frezzer test works with some gear??
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: HYDROLICS on May 12, 2007, 08:05:44 AM
freezer test? I haven't heard that term in 8 years.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 12, 2007, 06:04:45 PM
if your dumb enough not to research your gear and its fake its your fault.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 12, 2007, 07:07:47 PM
How do your peform the freezer test and what do you look for?
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 12, 2007, 07:17:24 PM

What if you live in a small town and find a local gym rat who been around for a while and says he will put on you a good first cycle.  YOu pay the money, receive the stuff, and take it for six (6) weeks with no results.  You consult the Board, give them all the information they ask/need to check their sources  and find  out accourding to replies that the stuff you purchased appears to be legit but you still are not making  any gains in strength and mass.  You are eating well, getting pleanty of rest and training properly.

What is the next step?  Tried calling the supplier but no return call?  Again, all the labels, lot numbers, writings, etc and past members experiece with same stuff is positive but yours is not?

Could the supplier have cut the gear and recapped it?  Could it  have been bad  in the first place, who knows?  All the purchaser knows is that he/she is not responding to the AAS.  Yes they have experienced all the known side effects, i.e., site inject pain, chills, night sweats, flu like symptoms, unusual sweating while performing routine, sex  drive peaks and dives, occasional strength peaks but no mass gains?

Is the gear bad?
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: udeluz on May 12, 2007, 07:26:51 PM

What if you live in a small town and find a local gym rat who been around for a while and says he will put on you a good first cycle.  YOu pay the money, receive the stuff, and take it for six (6) weeks with no results.  You consult the Board, give them all the information they ask/need to check their sources  and find  out accourding to replies that the stuff you purchased appears to be legit but you still are not making  any gains in strength and mass.  You are eating well, getting pleanty of rest and training properly.

What is the next step?  Tried calling the supplier but no return call?  Again, all the labels, lot numbers, writings, etc and past members experiece with same stuff is positive but yours is not?

Could the supplier have cut the gear and recapped it?  Could it  have been bad  in the first place, who knows?  All the purchaser knows is that he/she is not responding to the AAS.  Yes they have experienced all the known side effects, i.e., site inject pain, chills, night sweats, flu like symptoms, unusual sweating while performing routine, sex  drive peaks and dives, occasional strength peaks but no mass gains?

Is the gear bad?

Anyone else from this gym get gear from him?

Does he cycle?

He would either have to be homebrewing OR fucking buyers on a regular basis because he would need stoppers, crimp caps, crimpers, oil.

It just seems like to much to bother with, and you say you live in a small town, why would he fuck a guy that he has to see at the grocery or hardware store?

I say you go to his house and work something out with him.

If he refuses to make it right, then you grab him and knock his teeth down his throat

Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: bassmaster on May 12, 2007, 07:55:02 PM
Anyone else from this gym get gear from him?

Does he cycle?

He would either have to be homebrewing OR fucking buyers on a regular basis because he would need stoppers, crimp caps, crimpers, oil.

It just seems like to much to bother with, and you say you live in a small town, why would he fuck a guy that he has to see at the grocery or hardware store?

I say you go to his house and work something out with him.

If he refuses to make it right, then you grab him and knock his teeth down his throat

i would go down this route, i might add some brassknuckles to the mix
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: HYDROLICS on May 12, 2007, 09:31:08 PM

What if you live in a small town and find a local gym rat who been around for a while and says he will put on you a good first cycle.  YOu pay the money, receive the stuff, and take it for six (6) weeks with no results.  You consult the Board, give them all the information they ask/need to check their sources  and find  out accourding to replies that the stuff you purchased appears to be legit but you still are not making  any gains in strength and mass.  You are eating well, getting pleanty of rest and training properly.

What is the next step?  Tried calling the supplier but no return call?  Again, all the labels, lot numbers, writings, etc and past members experiece with same stuff is positive but yours is not?

Could the supplier have cut the gear and recapped it?  Could it  have been bad  in the first place, who knows?  All the purchaser knows is that he/she is not responding to the AAS.  Yes they have experienced all the known side effects, i.e., site inject pain, chills, night sweats, flu like symptoms, unusual sweating while performing routine, sex  drive peaks and dives, occasional strength peaks but no mass gains?

Is the gear bad?

it is possible he "took the good stuff out and gave you bogus oil"

It just confuses me because you say you are having all the "side effects". Short of getting it tested I think your in a hard spot. I do have a  friend who gains less than 5 pounds off any cycle he does....just bad genetics. Pray this isn't you  :)

get in touch with this guy....but if it is that hard to get in touch with him I would suspect he ripped you off and he knows it. Otherwise he would assume your calling to order more, and he would be more than happy to take your call.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Luolamies on May 12, 2007, 11:38:50 PM

What if you live in a small town and find a local gym rat who been around for a while and says he will put on you a good first cycle.  YOu pay the money, receive the stuff, and take it for six (6) weeks with no results.  You consult the Board, give them all the information they ask/need to check their sources  and find  out accourding to replies that the stuff you purchased appears to be legit but you still are not making  any gains in strength and mass.  You are eating well, getting pleanty of rest and training properly.

Sorry to brake it to you, but youīre gear might very well be legit and you just donīt have the genes for this game. It would seem like a retarded thing to do, to sell a fake aas in a small town. If this guy did it he REALLY dislikes you. Well donīt feel too bad not everyone is cut out to be BIG. Letīs take someone like Lance Armstrong, i donīt think he would be able to get really BIG, but heīs the greatest cyclist of all time. People have different genes for different purposes. You said in the past that you take 600 mg test and EQ/WEEK. I know guys that have used gear for 10+ years and they donīt take no where near that much!

With that much you should be a MONSTER!
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 13, 2007, 07:51:13 AM
What does and doesn't make sense is this.  This guy does go to my gym but after selling the gear to me has been going to several other gyms in the area.  He is on worker's comp  and told me that he was behind in house, car payments and  that his car was in the shop  and he could not afford to get  it  out.  However, after I gave him the money, I drove him to the local repair shop and he got  his car out.  He also said he had  to travel to the next state, which is only 15 minutes to hook up with his source to give him the money who was  traveling to NY to get the gear.  He said  that he  has been using this guy, who suppose to have his pro card, for a  long time.  He even guaranteed me that if I  was not satisfied he would make it right.  I even invited this guy to my home for drinks as we just built a new bar/rec room.  Then after about five-6 weeks I start calling him and leaving messages and he won't return my calls.  I believe that he  uncaped the bottles and emptied the good  shit or  at  least most  of it and re-filled it with  oil and/water and re-capped it.  I know he  has been in the business for about 20 years.  This guy is a off shore diver by trade and was waiting for his worker's comp settlement and then planned  on leaving the area. By ripping me off, he was able to re-supply one of his regulars with the real stuff and more than double the money because he also ripped me on the cost ($2,000.00).  This is all speculation, without testing of all my gear I have no idea.  I just know that I have gone through 2 bottles of sust 300 and bold 400 and no results.  I just stopped the sust and bold  on may 5 and started on the prop 100 and t-400 to see  if they would kick in after two weeks.  If that  is the case then all my shit is bad.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 13, 2007, 08:02:28 AM
This guy never  goes off the shit and never uses anti-e or PCT, he admitted that.  Maybe he thought  that  since this was my first time that i would not notice if he left a little in the  bottles.  As a side note, about 20 years ago, I live about 300 miles from where I do  now a friend of mine gave me a months  worth of d-bol and trust  me I noticed a difference.  It was like I had  two  little guy helping me push each arm up when benching, so I don't buy that I am a  non responder.  Additionally, I have been training hard naturally for 28 years and they say if you have worked hard the gear should work better for you, so I feel if the gear was legit I should be monster in  the gym.  There are so many variables it is hard  to speculate on what happened. 
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Luolamies on May 13, 2007, 08:22:01 AM
So basically you got scammed and for 2k, you really need to find a way to get at least some compensation. Iīm not talking about attacking him or anything like that, but you need to let him know that you know what heīs doing. So the gear is most likely bogus. What you need to do is #1 find a good aas source online and start using that right now, because if you just stop cold turkey in worst case scenario you might be shutted down (the gear could be very low dose, but enough to shut you down.)

#2 Since you have invested serious cash you have to get it tested so that you know is it just oil or does it have low dose of something. Next time make sure you get the real deal and if possible get pharma grade. You canīt let this guy of the hook, because next time this will happen to someone else or he scams you again...
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 13, 2007, 08:28:15 AM
I have a good source now  and already placed an order I am going  to stay on the prop and t-400 until the  good stuff arrives.  I found  out later this  guy is pretty low, he  has spent time in jail for scamming people  out of vacations, he owned a travel agency, he burnt a business down because a perosn owned  him some money.  He is only about 5'5" and 185 and I am bigger then him and not afraid of  kicking his ass; however, I have  4 kids and a wife  and a good job and  is this scum bag  worth it.  I don't think he fool's around on the net, I beleive he just does it locally.  Up until about a year ago he spent most of his time off shore under water where he belongs.  the only thing I have though about doing is fucking with his worker's comp because he was not suppose to be lifting in the gym especially squatting and dead lifting with a bad back.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Arnold jr on May 13, 2007, 10:00:46 AM
Clayton, PM me the guys name that sold you this stuff, and any names he gave you about who he buys it from first hand. I've got a decent idea of who you're dealing with...some of the stuff you said just now tipped me off. I could be wrong, but let me know.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: trab on May 13, 2007, 10:05:58 AM
Yes like Luolamies says, Test it if you can so U got a clue about coming off. I'd clean out a few weeks min if it turns out to be underdosed. Ive never had that great results not cleaning out, even by really upping the dose.

Dont get in a legal prob over the $2000 .  Atty fees will make that seem like nothing in a couple days.
Not to mention all the BS.

I'd have no qualms of video/ photo'n that piece of work at the squat rack (screw up his comp).. Get some cute chick to help; get him to hit some nice poses ;D. Make this poetic;Realy stick it in and twist it.

At your size, I bet you'd gain20lbs of nice puffy muscle in a couple weeks on a big load of testo & deca.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: youandme on May 13, 2007, 03:28:03 PM
freezer test? I haven't heard that term in 8 years.

haha old skool
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: youandme on May 13, 2007, 03:33:27 PM
How do your peform the freezer test and what do you look for?

just an old internet myth. you would put your sust in the freezer wait an hour or so and see if it had seperated, or it did not then it was bunk....if it froze over then it was bunk...everyone was freezer testing their stuff in the mid 90's
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 13, 2007, 04:29:36 PM
Does the freezer test work?  Also, this asshole entered a competition in March near Morgantown, WV I believe.  He allegedly took 5th place but I don't know how many was in his class, maybe six.  How stupid can you be to be in a bodybuilding contest and collecting worker's comp.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: youandme on May 13, 2007, 05:06:54 PM
No freezer test does not work.

If it's been six weeks and no results (and your diet has been good) then your gear is most likely fake, being a BBer he might have reclmaped it and mixed some different type of oil in it, or he himself was sold bunk gear.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: clayton green on May 13, 2007, 06:26:25 PM
He's been using this guy for years as I am told so I figure he re-clamped/capped the bottles after filling them with oil.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: smoothasf on May 14, 2007, 09:15:33 AM
last month i was using BD tren 75mg/ml, this month i bought this tren 50mg/ml i swear its not half as good anyone seen it before?
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Rimbaud on May 15, 2007, 06:25:09 PM
So you did the research, found a supplier,and placed your order. You wait patiently for order and soon it arrives. You open it up, take a glance at it and start injecting away. A few weeks later you see no results and you start to question yourself.

Well before you start posting questions on getbig boards about the authenticity of your gear there are a few easy things you can do to make the process run a whole lot smoother.

1. Do a google search on your supplier (even his email), the name of your product, and anything else related to your product(s). Something may turn up on a scammer list of another board, who knows...just do it.

2. Visit all the boards you are a member of and search the forums there as well. again, you just may have something useful turn up.

3. Take a real close look at your cycle. What are you using? what are the esters involved? Has it been long enough? Do you know how long it will take? Is your diet spot on? Again, a google search of the AAS you are taking will give you the answers your looking for when you ask the question "when does this stuff kick in?".

4. Take a close look at your training log, anything happening here?

5. Take some close up pics of your gear with a good digital camera. Also note any lot #'s or expiration dates. Have them ready to send to either mods or vets here who are WILLING to help.

6. Now its time to post your question. Be specific. Give all your history (1st cycle, 2nd cycle, 3rd...whatever). Tell the readers what turned up in your searches.

7. Wait patiently just like you did in the beginning  :)

Remember, just because you have no  "side effects" or the shot "was painful" or the shot "was NOT painful" really doesnt mean anything. There is real gear that has very little to no pain, and there is fake gear that does have pain involved (clever scammers tossing some BA in the fake gear). And side effects are user specific, and not a reliable method of determining the authenticity of your AAS.

with all this information you will be able to get the most out of your post. Instead of a thread 56 replies long, you will get everything you need to know within a few replies...and usually that same day. (assuming the vets are around that day).


Excellent post & excellent advice.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Knives on May 16, 2007, 07:07:23 PM
idk if you guys saw it...but gh15 said that if you don't get a feeling of euphoria or feel like you have to jack off twice a day, then you're probably injecting yourself with cottonseed oil.
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Overload on May 20, 2007, 11:46:53 AM
idk if you guys saw it...but gh15 said that if you don't get a feeling of euphoria or feel like you have to jack off twice a day, then you're probably injecting yourself with cottonseed oil.

Very true...

Uplift in confidence and raging boners by just thinking about pussy is a good sign your stuff is real!

Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: Birdman on May 22, 2007, 12:27:22 PM
last month i was using BD tren 75mg/ml, this month i bought this tren 50mg/ml i swear its not half as good anyone seen it before?

Ive never seen it before, but from personal experience I know that there aren't many brands that can compare to BD's Tren Ace.  I think their Tren Ace is second to none...even better then their Tren Enth
Title: Re: newbies...think you got fake gear?? here is what to do
Post by: SWOLETRAIN on May 22, 2007, 12:40:49 PM
Test- If you dont want to pound everythig in sight, your shit is fake. same with dbol
Tren- If you dont get pissed off driving in traffic , yup, your shit is bunk.
Dont switch sources!!! if you find a good one. Keep it. There all not the same