Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: thewickedtruth on May 18, 2007, 09:54:35 PM

Title: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 18, 2007, 09:54:35 PM
IF I start to put on excess fat, would it be smart to cut the carbs out or slim them down in my diet to help eat up some of the fat? Or would it be better to cut out the fats instead? I've read numerous sources that state muscles are made with fats and protien, not carbs. I should still be able to gain and lose fat when on if I slowly cut out the carbs or cycle them when using. Reason I'm asking, I feel bloated and overall fuller with all these carbs in my system and it got me thinking.  Since my body will need x-amount of cals to grow and I'm already giving it 4k, 1500 of them from carbs, cutting them out would make my body draw the the extra cals from excessive fat on my body.

Suggestions? Ideas? I don't want to start ballooning up so I want to have a base to go off of if in fact I start to rise in body fat.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 19, 2007, 07:19:04 AM
i really dont know how to answer your question
i eat everthing from fast food to pizza and im still ripped and stacked.
i beleave if your gonna eat like shit like me then you just have to workout harder.
thats what works for me
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 19, 2007, 07:56:06 AM
Cals from chicken and meats per day. 1600-1700
cals from shakes-990 straight mix with water.
cals from rice 5-6 cups pending how sick of it I end up getting during the day-800 from the rice alone with 6 eggs throwin into them. so 100total with the rice and the eggs.
2 cups plain oatmeal with 4 tablespoons peanut butter in the morning-600cals
salad and a table spoon of italian dressing with a cup of salad shrimp..300cals

yanno I'm eating a shitload of food...

I should probably cut the oatmeal down to a single cup with 2 table spoons of peanut butter and bring the rice down to 3 cups or so a day. I WAS eating maple and brown sugar oatmlea making the oatmeal and peanut butter close to 1k cals for a single meal.  I switched to plain instead.

I think it's safe to say I can cut back a little. Even if there's not enough total cals in a day, the extra needed to building and keep up with myself will be pulled from my fat stores in my body.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: 4thAD on May 19, 2007, 08:04:28 AM
i really dont know how to answer your question
i eat everthing from fast food to pizza and im still ripped and stacked.
i beleave if your gonna eat like shit like me then you just have to workout harder.
thats what works for me

Not good advice It depends on age, body fat % he started the cycle on, and a # of other factors. Plus fast foods can actually hinder protein synthesis. Eat as clean as you can. Have a cheat day if you need it. If you notice your not putting on lots of fat eat some good food. Enjoy your cycle man just be smart about it and don't shovel tons of shit in your mouth. Remember you are what you eat, on cycle or not.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 19, 2007, 08:11:21 AM
Not good advice It depends on age, body fat % he started the cycle on, and a # of other factors. Plus fast foods can actually hinder protein synthesis. Eat as clean as you can. Have a cheat day if you need it. If you notice your not putting on lots of fat eat some good food. Enjoy your cycle man just be smart about it and don't shovel tons of shit in your mouth. Remember you are what you eat, on cycle or not.

All a cycle does is speed up recovery in not much more wording. So you've still got to hit it. I love eating clean foods because it makes me feel CLEAN! I started at 15% and am at 14% now but I wonder how long it will hold out on this diet I've got going. Since I've got lbs of fat on me, What I cut out in carbs, though not completely, will be pulled from the excess to help digest the food and continue building the muscles up.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: 4thAD on May 19, 2007, 08:29:04 AM
Well are you bulking or cutting? I don't believe you can do both and still get maximum gains. On cycle or not.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 19, 2007, 08:32:23 AM
Well are you bulking or cutting? I don't believe you can do both and still get maximum gains. On cycle or not.

LOL I'm trying to gain 20 solid pounds in 15 weeks
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: 4thAD on May 19, 2007, 09:47:04 AM
I wouldn't worry so much about losing fat. Concentrate on putting on some good quality muscle. Moderate cardio and eating a clean high calorie diet should do the trick. Don't confuse water weight with fat gain. You can always do some cutting in the future.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 19, 2007, 09:49:15 AM
I wouldn't worry so much about losing fat. Concentrate on putting on some good quality muscle. Moderate cardio and eating a clean high calorie diet should do the trick. Don't confuse water weight with fat gain. You can always do some cutting in the future.

Yeah I'm starting letro monday go clear out some of the water and see how I feel then. I LOVE the feeling from all this clean food I get but my gut is starting to show some distention and I hope it goes down once I start to curb the food intake when I come off from 4k+ to around 3k cals.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: delta9mda on May 19, 2007, 10:10:17 AM
cut the carbs and increase with protein if needed to make up for the cals if you think you need to.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: Overload on May 19, 2007, 10:14:30 AM
Everyone is different, some guys are like SPrink and can eat whatever they want. others like me can gain fat so quickly it's a constant battle to keep my diet in check even when bulking. just keep track of your progress and make adjustments, it takes years to figure out how "your" body will respond to different diets.

a good friend of mine was eating nothing but fast food during his last cycle and actually lost bodyfat. i can look at a pizza and gain 2 pounds...

Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 19, 2007, 10:15:23 AM
Everyone is different, some guys are like SPrink and can eat whatever they want. others like me can gain fat so quickly it's a constant battle to keep my diet in check even when bulking. just keep track of your progress and make adjustments, it takes years to figure out how "your" body will respond to different diets.

a good friend of mine was eating nothing but fast food during his last cycle and actually lost bodyfat. i can look at a pizza and gain 2 pounds...


sounds like we're swimming in the same pool bro.  :-\
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: Overload on May 19, 2007, 10:32:42 AM
sounds like we're swimming in the same pool bro.  :-\

i understand...that is why i eat as clean as possible and i do cardio even when bulking. Carbs make the biggest change in my body. once i drop the carbs down and up the cardio i start losing fat like crazy.

Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: trab on May 19, 2007, 03:39:24 PM
It very individual. But if a guy is the puffy & bloated naturally type, that gains weight easy, he may want to experiment w/ running on more Fat cals than Carbs 4 energy. NO WATER RETENTION from the fats. Carbs retain
3:1 water if I recall.  Also no insulin spikes from carbs.

Get real F'n starving working hard, and eat nothing but a Big high quality cheeseburger & coffee.
If your  fairly lean - Watch the veins come popping out.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 19, 2007, 04:54:59 PM
i really dont know how to answer your question
i eat everthing from fast food to pizza and im still ripped and stacked.
i beleave if your gonna eat like shit like me then you just have to workout harder.
thats what works for me

Sorry Zeek there is NO FUCKING WAY that you eating that shit and ripped... NO  WAY  Sorry to have to call you out but I have learned TOO much about Diet and Nutrition to believe you.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: 4thAD on May 19, 2007, 05:02:39 PM! udeluz gotcha!
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 19, 2007, 05:04:45 PM! udeluz gotcha!

Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 19, 2007, 05:44:51 PM
I beg to differ, my last cycle I was at 212. and`was eating everything. 11%bf

this cycle im 190 cutting down still eating what ever i want with 9%bf

the waqy I eat is what ever I want I dont eat breakfast,I might have lunch,but when I do eat if I eat a big mac and fries Im full
so I dont eat anything else. but then Im hungry a hour later,so i might have pop corn,or steak and rice,or chicken it all depends but I do eat my ho-ho's and twinkies.

you can call out all you want but im one of the lucky ones
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 19, 2007, 05:48:00 PM
I beg to differ, my last cycle I was at 212. and`was eating everything. 11%bf

this cycle im 190 cutting down still eating what ever i want with 9%bf

the waqy I eat is what ever I want I dont eat breakfast,I might have lunch,but when I do eat if I eat a big mac and fries Im full
so I dont eat anything else. but then Im hungry a hour later,so i might have pop corn,or steak and rice,or chicken it all depends but I do eat my ho-ho's and twinkies.

you can call out all you want but im one of the lucky ones

I smell bullshit, 212 @ 11%   and now 190 @ 9%     so you lost 22 lbs and only dropped 2%   HAHAHAHAHAHA   Your full of shit. Sorry Bro
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 19, 2007, 06:11:43 PM
lets remember something udeluz you have been doing this what almost a year?

I have been doing this for almost 17 years.I think I know what Im doing

yep lost 22lbs in 6 months didnt work out. All I had at that time was cardio. so when I got back on I was at 174 now im at 190
every simple.lets not forget I have serveral cycles under my belt not just 2 or 3?
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: trab on May 19, 2007, 06:40:18 PM
When I was in my 20s to mid 30s I could shovel down AS MUCH TRASH FOOD as possible and NEVER
loose abs, seratus, intercostals,.. the whole collecion. Paper thin skin.
 BUT- it was also basicaly impossible to gain size!
THis was 100%natural.

Whole Pizzas, doughnuts, Pies, burgers... you name it. Impossible to lose abs.
Really piss the Fatties off. ;D
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 19, 2007, 07:30:48 PM
lets remember something udeluz you have been doing this what almost a year?

I have been doing this for almost 17 years.I think I know what Im doing

yep lost 22lbs in 6 months didnt work out. All I had at that time was cardio. so when I got back on I was at 174 now im at 190
every simple.lets not forget I have serveral cycles under my belt not just 2 or 3?

Whatever bro, nothing you are saying is making sense.  You say you finished cycle at 212 but then you dropped down to 174 and are now back up to 190. That means you lost 38 lbs in 6 months. . .  That would mean your whole 11 and 9% BF statement is Bullshit. But wahtever bro, this is the internet, you can be whoever you want.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 19, 2007, 07:43:49 PM
It makes perfect sence,I dont know were your lost at bro?

I like how it takes one person that has done what maybe 2 cycles to tell me how someones elses body works? ::)

Im gonna try to explain this to you.In 6 months or more I lost pretty much everything.SEE THATS WHAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU USE ROIDS AND DONT MAINTAIN are you on board yet?

So it brought me down alot of weight,now with out having time to go to the gym all I had was cardio,and push ups sit ups shit like that.YOU STILL FOLLOWING?

now lets back up when I was 212 I wasnt a fat ass I was still ripped,lets just clarify ripped cause you may think like a swimmers ripped im talking ripped like my abs were tight and showing.
now before i was even 212 I was at 175 to 180. so you see thats how it was possable.

YOU really need to do more research on steroids. NO DISRESPECT but you dont know my body and im pretty sure I do. So stick with what you know and not with what you think you might understand.

Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 19, 2007, 07:59:27 PM
HA HA Zeek, Looks like your getting all worked up!! Its not your body that I am refering to its THE HUMAN BODY and how the HUMAN  BODY reacts to fats, carbs, protein. . .  Its not MUCH different from person to person. . .

And you sit and try to push the fact that I have only done 5 cycle in my life, big deal. There is a right way and a wrong way, and I am sorry to say, that if you have been juicing for 17 years and are only at 174-190 YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG

I am done.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: SPRINKFSU on May 19, 2007, 10:00:57 PM
see thats whats good about being human you can transform your body. I can be big with mass
or i can be cut with mass,or i can just not have mass and only have strength
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: 4thAD on May 19, 2007, 10:41:26 PM

Was aimed at ZEEK! You got him haha hehe I guess you had to be there! Not funny OK Ill go home!
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 20, 2007, 05:19:33 AM
Was aimed at ZEEK! You got him haha hehe I guess you had to be there! Not funny OK Ill go home!

Ah, I got ya..  Its all good baby!
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: geminiproduct on May 20, 2007, 09:37:24 AM
sounds like you should learn more about your diet and how your body responds to it before you start jamming needles in yourself.  Thats the wicked truth.  That way you could maximize your results and really put on the 20 lbs without looking pregnant.   8)
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: Overload on May 20, 2007, 10:58:19 AM
Ude, you are arguing with an internet scammer who killed a guy with one punch to the head and the cops didn't even question him.

let him have his play time on here...just ignore him.

i do believe there are guys who can eat whatever they want but based on zeeks past posts he claims to never have been above 190 pounds and he presses the 140's for

Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: udeluz on May 20, 2007, 02:47:50 PM
Ude, you are arguing with an internet scammer who killed a guy with one punch to the head and the cops didn't even question him.

let him have his play time on here...just ignore him.

i do believe there are guys who can eat whatever they want but based on zeeks past posts he claims to never have been above 190 pounds and he presses the 140's for


Your right he killed a guy. . . Nothing happened to him
Customs came to his house. . . Nothing happen to him

He can lose 38 lbs and only drop 2% BF

And he buries his gear outside.

As far as maybe having a very high metabolism, I am sure there are guys that can eat whatever they want. But there would not be 30+ lbs in weight fluctuation.

I guess I lied. . . . . . NOW  I  AM  DONE


Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 20, 2007, 06:01:56 PM
sounds like you should learn more about your diet and how your body responds to it before you start jamming needles in yourself.  Thats the wicked truth.  That way you could maximize your results and really put on the 20 lbs without looking pregnant.   8)
HAHA right. We've seen your pics mr. I've trained for 10 years and use. Best advice you can give anyone on this board is NONE. The only thing you ever post is abunch of worthless condescending bullshit just like you have in this thread, and every other thread you've posted in.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: geminiproduct on May 20, 2007, 08:43:32 PM
HAHA right. We've seen your pics mr. I've trained for 10 years and use. Best advice you can give anyone on this board is NONE. The only thing you ever post is abunch of worthless condescending bullshit just like you have in this thread, and every other thread you've posted in.
if you've seen my pics, then you know the deal....SHOW US YOUR PREGO PICS....Mr. I know everything...but I cannot figure out  a diet that doesn't make me look I said research your diet before you go jamming needles in yourself and wasting good money that you definitely cannot afford to lose.  You were the one being condescending in my  thread like you knew everything.......and then I read this idiotic shit.  You cannot figure out your own damn diet, and you plan on putting on 20lbs during a a clue...get a us a favor...stay off of your moms computer and go play in traffic.  I look pregnant...HELP ME WITH MY DIET.....LMAO..Sounds like feminine issues....TRY RESEARCH RETARD!!
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 20, 2007, 09:25:57 PM
You said it yourself. The man who thinks he knows everything knows nothing. Which is why I post the questions I do. If there's a better way of doing things or someone that has been in my position that I can learn from, they it's worth taking the time to hear them out. Unlike your worthless post that has nothing to offer what so ever to this thread beyond proving my point once again that your posts are a waste of bandwidth. Get my diet right? My last cycle of test and dbol for only 10 weeks sent me from 203 to 242lbs but also raised my BF percentage up 6% which isn't what I wanted. I know how to gain size on my cycle with a BIG diet but THIS time I want to build as cleanly as I can without giving me that so called "pregnant" look you speak of. This time I'm starting at 238 and trying to climb to 255-260 in 15 weeks, which as of the other day, made me over 240 and went down a 1% on my bodyfat. As you so bluntly put before, research and read before looking like a dumbass.
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: geminiproduct on May 21, 2007, 11:12:37 AM
You know what I'll be the bigger pun intended flamed me...I flamed goes on.......From what you are saying you should cut down on your carbs.....(and the carbs you keep HAVE TO BE CLEAN).....up your protein if needed....up your cardio...yup even when bulking cardio is mando......and Do ab/core exercises like every other day in addition to your regular training....... and if your  at 4k on your daily intake from what your saying you should take a little closer to 3k....a clean 3k.....are you using dbol again this cycle??....thats known for causing bloating the other guy said you can always cut later anyways...........Good luck bro
Title: Re: eating when on question...
Post by: thewickedtruth on May 21, 2007, 11:20:25 AM
You know what I'll be the bigger pun intended flamed me...I flamed goes on.......From what you are saying you should cut down on your carbs.....(and the carbs you keep HAVE TO BE CLEAN).....up your protein if needed....up your cardio...yup even when bulking cardio is mando......and Do ab/core exercises like every other day in addition to your regular training....... and if your  at 4k on your daily intake from what your saying you should take a little closer to 3k....a clean 3k.....are you using dbol again this cycle??....thats known for causing bloating the other guy said you can always cut later anyways...........Good luck bro

I appreciate this post and you're right. It's very hard to reach 4k cals a day without having this many carbs. By the time I get to about 400 or so grams of protien, I'm only a little over 2k cals and I HATE the way rice, pasta, and potatoes make me feel but I eat them anyway. You probably are bigger than me. I'm at 244 and 14% so I'll give you that portion of it. Again I appreciate the HELPFUL comment and will take it in with the rest. No to the DBOL... I held more water than seaworld.